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Connecting RPi3 UART
Using cp2104 usb-to-ttl converter
Download drivers from SiLabs driver page.
Install minicom
: brew install minicom
Configure minicom to use /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
port. On macOS Big Sur it might be /dev/tty.usbserial-019586E3
or similar depending on the serial number of the adapter.
Connect RPi wires to cp2014:
NB: Swap the TXD and RXD wires. I.e. RXD pin of CP2104 should go to TXD pin on RPi and vice versa.
RPi Func | RPi GPIO | PIN # | MODE | CP2104 Pin | Wire color
RXD0 | GPIO15 | 10 | Alt0 | TXD | Red
TXD0 | GPIO14 | 8 | Alt0 | RXD | Brown
MiniUart (UART1)
RPi Func | RPi GPIO | PIN # | MODE | CP2104 Pin | Wire color
RXD1 | GPIO15 | 10 | Alt5 | TXD | Red
TXD1 | GPIO14 | 8 | Alt5 | RXD | Brown
GND | GND | 6 | | GND | Green