6.5 KiB
Contributing Guidelines
This project is constantly evolving, and as such, this file may be out of date.
See help/Source Map.md
for a description of the project structure and what each source file is for.
Submitting patches
Please send a merge request on Gitlab here: https://gitlab.com/nakst/essence/-/merge_requests.
Code Style
Functions and structures names use PascalCase
Variables use camelCase
, while constants and macros use SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
Tabs are \t
, and are 8 characters in size.
Braces are placed at the end of the line:
if (a > b) {
Blocks are always surrounded by newlines, and always have braces.
int x = 5;
if (x < 6) {
x++; // Postfix operators are preferred.
Exception: If there are lot of short, linked blocks, then they may be written like this-
if (width == DIMENSION_PUSH) { bool a = grid->widths[i] == DIMENSION_PUSH; grid->widths[i] = DIMENSION_PUSH; if (!a) pushH++; }
else if (grid->widths[i] < width && grid->widths[i] != DIMENSION_PUSH) grid->widths[i] = width;
if (height == DIMENSION_PUSH) { bool a = grid->heights[j] == DIMENSION_PUSH; grid->heights[j] = DIMENSION_PUSH; if (!a) pushV++; }
else if (grid->heights[j] < height && grid->heights[j] != DIMENSION_PUSH) grid->heights[j] = height;
Function names are always descriptive, and use prepositions and conjuctions if neccesary.
EsFileReadAll // Symbols provided by the API are prefixed with Es-.
Variable names are usually descriptive, but sometimes shortened names are used for short-lived variables.
EsMessage m = {};
Operators are padded with spaces on either side.
bounds.left = (grid->bounds.left + grid->bounds.right) / 2 - 4;
A space should be placed between a cast and its expression.
int x = (float) y;
Although the operating system is written in C++, most C++ features are avoided. However, the kernel uses a lot of member functions; this is being phased out.
Default arguments often provided as functions grow over time.
There is no limit on function size. However, you should avoid regularly exceeding 120 columns.
Pointers are declared like this: Type *name;
Identifiers may be prefixed with i
, e
or c
to indicate inclusive, exclusive or C-style-zero-terminated-string respectively.
Kernel and Driver Development
See module.h
for definitions available to driver developers. See drivers/fat.cpp
and drivers/ata.cpp
for simple examples of the driver API.
The following subroutines may be of interest:
void KWaitMicroseconds(uint64_t mcs); // Spin until a given number of microseconds have elapsed.
void EsPrint(const char *format, ...); // Print a message to serial output. (Ctrl+Alt+3 in Qemu)
void KernelPanic(const char *format, ...); // Print a message and halt the OS.
Defer(<statement>); // Defer a statement. Deferred statements will be executed in reverse order when they go out of scope.
size_t EsCStringLength(const char *string); // Get the length of a zero-terminated string.
void EsMemoryCopy(void *destination, const void *source, size_t bytes); // Copy memory forwards.
void EsMemoryZero(void *destination, size_t bytes); // Zero a buffer.
void EsMemoryMove(void *start, void *end, intptr_t amount, bool zeroEmptySpace); // Move a memory region left (amount < 0) or right (amount > 0).
int EsMemoryCopy(const void *a, const void *b, size_t bytes); // Compare two memory regions. Returns 0 if equal.
uint8_t EsSumBytes(uint8_t *source, size_t bytes); // Calculate the 8-bit sum of the bytes in a buffer.
size_t EsStringFormat(char *buffer, size_t bufferLength, const char *format, ...); // Format a string. Returns the length.
uint8_t EsGetRandomByte(); // Get a non-secure random byte.
void EsSort(void *base, size_t count, size_t size, int (*compare)(const void *, const void *, void *), void *callbackArgument); // Sort an array of count items of size size.
uint32_t CalculateCRC32(void *buffer, size_t length); // Calculate the CRC32 checksum of a buffer.
void ProcessorEnableInterrupts(); // Enable interrupts.
void ProcessorDisableInterrupts(); // Disable interrupts. Critical interrupts, such as TLB shootdown IPIs, will remain enabled.
void ProcessorOut<x>(uint16_t port, uint<x>_t value); // Write to an IO port.
uint<x>_t ProcessorIn<x>(uint16_t port); // Read from an IO port.
uint64_t ProcessorReadTimeStamp(); // Read the time stamp in ticks. acpi.timestampTicksPerMs gives the number of ticks per millisecond.
bool KRegisterIRQ(uintptr_t interruptIndex, IRQHandler handler, void *context, const char *cOwner); // Register an IRQ handler. Returns false if the IRQ could not be registered. The handler should return false if its devices was not responsible for the IRQ.
void *MMMapPhysical(MMSpace *space /* = kernelMMSpace */, uintptr_t offset, size_t bytes); // Memory mapped IO.
void *EsHeapAllocate(size_t size, bool zero); // Allocate memory from the heap.
void EsHeapFree(void *pointer); // Free memory from the heap.
bool KThreadCreate(const char *cName, void (*startAddress)(uintptr_t), uintptr_t argument = 0); // Create a thread.
void KMutexAcquire();
void KMutexRelease();
void KMutexAssertLocked();
void KSpinlockAcquire(); // Disables interrupts.
void KSpinlockRelease();
void KSpinlockAssertLocked();
bool KEventSet();
void KEventReset();
bool KEventPool();
bool KEventWait(uintptr_t timeoutMs); // Return false on timeout.
// event.autoReset determines whether the event will automatically reset after Poll() or Wait() return.
Linked lists:
LinkedList<T>::InsertStart(LinkedItem<T> *item); // Insert an item at the start of a linked list.
LinkedList<T>::InsertEnd(LinkedItem<T> *item); // Insert an item at the end of a linked list.
LinkedList<T>::Remove(LinkedItem<T> *item); // Remove an item from a linked list.
struct LinkedList<T> {
LinkedItem<T> *firstItem; // The start of the linked list.
LinkedItem<T> *lastItem; // The end of the linked list.
size_t count; // The number of items in the linked list.
struct LinkedItem<T> {
LinkedItem<T> *previousItem; // The previous item in the linked list.
LinkedItem<T> *nextItem; // The next item in the linked list.
LinkedList<T> *list; // The list the item is in.
T *thisItem; // A pointer to the item itself.