scripting engine: handletypes, and casts between float and int

This commit is contained in:
nakst 2022-03-07 14:50:03 +00:00
parent c7f9131552
commit d64d3ce44e
1 changed files with 118 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -167,6 +167,8 @@
#define T_OP_SUCCESS (160)
#define T_OP_ERROR (161)
#define T_OP_DEFAULT (162)
#define T_OP_INT_TO_FLOAT (163)
#define T_OP_FLOAT_TRUNCATE (164)
#define T_IF (170)
#define T_WHILE (171)
@ -197,6 +199,7 @@
#define T_SUCCESS (196)
#define T_RETERR (197)
#define T_INTTYPE (198)
#define T_HANDLETYPE (199)
#define STACK_READ_STRING(textVariable, bytesVariable, stackIndex) \
if (context->c->stackPointer < stackIndex) return -1; \
@ -254,7 +257,7 @@ typedef struct Scope {
typedef struct Node {
uint8_t type;
bool referencesRootScope, isExternalCall, isPersistentVariable, isOptionVariable;
bool referencesRootScope, isExternalCall, isPersistentVariable, isOptionVariable, cycleCheck;
uint8_t operationType;
int32_t inlineImportVariableIndex;
Token token;
@ -976,6 +979,7 @@ Token TokenNext(Tokenizer *tokenizer) {
else if KEYWORD("float") token.type = T_FLOAT;
else if KEYWORD("for") token.type = T_FOR;
else if KEYWORD("functype") token.type = T_FUNCTYPE;
else if KEYWORD("handletype") token.type = T_HANDLETYPE;
else if KEYWORD("if") token.type = T_IF;
else if KEYWORD("in") token.type = T_IN;
else if KEYWORD("int") token.type = T_INT;
@ -1422,7 +1426,7 @@ Node *ParseExpression(Tokenizer *tokenizer, bool allowAssignment, uint8_t preced
Token operationName = TokenNext(tokenizer);
if (operationName.type != T_IDENTIFIER && operationName.type != T_ASSERT) {
if (operationName.type != T_IDENTIFIER && operationName.type != T_ASSERT && operationName.type != T_FLOAT) {
PrintError2(tokenizer, node, "Expected an identifier for the operation name after ':'.\n");
return NULL;
@ -2095,6 +2099,31 @@ Node *ParseRoot(Tokenizer *tokenizer) {
PrintError2(tokenizer, node->firstChild->sibling, "Expected a semicolon after the argument list.\n");
return NULL;
} else if (token.type == T_HANDLETYPE) {
Node *node = (Node *) AllocateFixed(sizeof(Node));
node->type = T_HANDLETYPE;
node->token = TokenNext(tokenizer);
*link = node;
link = &node->sibling;
if (node->token.type != T_IDENTIFIER) {
PrintError2(tokenizer, node, "Expected the name of the handletype.\n");
return NULL;
Token semicolon = TokenNext(tokenizer);
if (semicolon.type == T_COLON) {
node->firstChild = ParseType(tokenizer, false, false, false);
if (!node->firstChild) return NULL;
semicolon = TokenNext(tokenizer);
if (semicolon.type != T_SEMICOLON) {
PrintError2(tokenizer, node, "Expected a semicolon after the handletype identifier.\n");
return NULL;
} else if (token.type == T_INTTYPE) {
Node *node = (Node *) AllocateFixed(sizeof(Node));
@ -2423,7 +2452,7 @@ bool ASTSetScopes(Tokenizer *tokenizer, ExecutionContext *context, Node *node, S
if ((node->type == T_DECLARE || node->type == T_FUNCTION || node->type == T_FUNCTYPE || node->type == T_INTTYPE || node->type == T_INTTYPE_CONSTANT
|| node->type == T_STRUCT || node->type == T_IMPORT) && node->parent->type != T_STRUCT) {
|| node->type == T_STRUCT || node->type == T_IMPORT || node->type == T_HANDLETYPE) && node->parent->type != T_STRUCT) {
if (!ScopeAddEntry(tokenizer, scope, node)) {
return false;
@ -2551,8 +2580,8 @@ bool ASTMatching(Node *left, Node *right) {
return true;
} else if (left->type != right->type) {
return false;
} else if ((left->type == T_IDENTIFIER || left->type == T_STRUCT)
&& (left->token.textBytes != right->token.textBytes
} else if ((left->type == T_IDENTIFIER || left->type == T_STRUCT || left->type == T_HANDLETYPE || left->type == T_INTTYPE)
&& (left->token.module != right->token.module || left->token.textBytes != right->token.textBytes
|| MemoryCompare(left->token.text, right->token.text, right->token.textBytes))) {
return false;
} else {
@ -2615,17 +2644,22 @@ bool ASTLookupTypeIdentifiers(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *node) {
if (node->type == T_DECLARE || node->type == T_ARGUMENT || node->type == T_NEW || node->type == T_LIST) {
if (node->type == T_DECLARE || node->type == T_ARGUMENT || node->type == T_NEW || node->type == T_LIST || node->type == T_HANDLETYPE) {
Node *type = node->firstChild;
if (type->type == T_IDENTIFIER) {
if (type && type->type == T_IDENTIFIER) {
Node *lookup = ScopeLookup(tokenizer, type, false);
if (!lookup) {
return false;
if (!node->expressionType) {
if (node->type == T_HANDLETYPE) {
if (lookup->type != T_HANDLETYPE) {
PrintError2(tokenizer, lookup, "handletypes can only inherit from other handletypes.\n");
return false;
} else if (!node->expressionType) {
node->expressionType = node->firstChild;
@ -2635,12 +2669,24 @@ bool ASTLookupTypeIdentifiers(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *node) {
return false;
} else if (lookup->type == T_FUNCTYPE) {
MemoryCopy(node->expressionType, lookup->firstChild, sizeof(Node));
} else if (lookup->type == T_STRUCT) {
MemoryCopy(node->expressionType, lookup, sizeof(Node));
} else if (lookup->type == T_INTTYPE) {
MemoryCopy(node->expressionType, lookup, sizeof(Node));
} else if (lookup->type == T_STRUCT || lookup->type == T_INTTYPE || lookup->type == T_HANDLETYPE) {
if (node->type == T_HANDLETYPE) {
if (lookup->cycleCheck) {
PrintError2(tokenizer, lookup, "Cyclic handletype inheritance.\n");
return false;
Node *copy = (Node *) AllocateFixed(sizeof(Node));
*copy = *lookup;
copy->sibling = NULL;
node->firstChild = copy;
node->cycleCheck = true;
if (!ASTLookupTypeIdentifiers(tokenizer, copy)) return false;
} else {
MemoryCopy(node->expressionType, lookup, sizeof(Node));
} else {
PrintError2(tokenizer, node, "The identifier did not resolve to a type.\n");
PrintError2(tokenizer, lookup, "The identifier did not resolve to a type.\n");
return false;
@ -2651,18 +2697,38 @@ bool ASTLookupTypeIdentifiers(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *node) {
return true;
Node *ASTImplicitCastToErr(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *parent, Node *expression) {
if (!expression->expressionType || ASTMatching(expression->expressionType, &globalExpressionTypeVoid)) {
PrintError2(tokenizer, parent, "You cannot assign a value of 'void' to 'err[void]'.\nInstead, use the constant '#success'.\n");
bool ASTImplicitCastIsPossible(Node *targetType, Node *expressionType) {
if (!expressionType || !targetType) {
return false;
} else if (targetType->type == T_ERR && ASTMatching(targetType->firstChild, expressionType)) {
return true;
} else if (targetType->type == T_HANDLETYPE && expressionType->type == T_HANDLETYPE) {
Node *inherit = expressionType->firstChild;
return inherit && (ASTMatching(targetType, inherit) || ASTImplicitCastIsPossible(targetType, inherit));
} else {
return false;
Node *ASTImplicitCastApply(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *parent, Node *target, Node *expression) {
if (target->type == T_ERR && ASTMatching(target->firstChild, expression->expressionType)) {
if (!expression->expressionType || ASTMatching(expression->expressionType, &globalExpressionTypeVoid)) {
PrintError2(tokenizer, parent, "You cannot assign a value of 'void' to 'err[void]'.\nInstead, use the constant '#success'.\n");
return NULL;
Node *cast = (Node *) AllocateFixed(sizeof(Node));
cast->type = T_ERR_CAST;
cast->scope = parent->scope;
cast->parent = parent;
cast->firstChild = expression;
return cast;
} else if (target->type == T_HANDLETYPE && expression->expressionType->type == T_HANDLETYPE) {
return expression; // Nothing needs to be done to cast between handletypes.
} else {
return NULL;
Node *cast = (Node *) AllocateFixed(sizeof(Node));
cast->type = T_ERR_CAST;
cast->scope = parent->scope;
cast->parent = parent;
cast->firstChild = expression;
return cast;
Value ASTNumericLiteralToValue(Node *node) {
@ -2787,6 +2853,7 @@ bool ASTSetTypes(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *node) {
Node *child = node->firstChild;
while (child) {
if (child == node) Assert(false);
if (!ASTSetTypes(tokenizer, child)) return false;
child->parent = node;
child = child->sibling;
@ -2797,7 +2864,8 @@ bool ASTSetTypes(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *node) {
|| node->type == T_LIST || node->type == T_TUPLE || node->type == T_ERR
|| node->type == T_BOOL || node->type == T_VOID || node->type == T_IDENTIFIER
|| node->type == T_ARGUMENTS || node->type == T_ARGUMENT
|| node->type == T_STRUCT || node->type == T_FUNCTYPE || node->type == T_IMPORT || node->type == T_IMPORT_PATH || node->type == T_INTTYPE
|| node->type == T_STRUCT || node->type == T_FUNCTYPE || node->type == T_IMPORT
|| node->type == T_IMPORT_PATH || node->type == T_INTTYPE || node->type == T_HANDLETYPE
|| node->type == T_FUNCPTR || node->type == T_FUNCBODY || node->type == T_FUNCTION
|| node->type == T_REPL_RESULT || node->type == T_DECLARE_GROUP) {
} else if (node->type == T_NUMERIC_LITERAL) {
@ -2899,10 +2967,8 @@ bool ASTSetTypes(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *node) {
node->expressionType = node->firstChild->expressionType;
} else if (node->type == T_DECLARE) {
if (node->firstChild->sibling && node->firstChild && node->firstChild->type == T_ERR
&& ASTMatching(node->firstChild->firstChild, node->firstChild->sibling->expressionType)) {
// Allow the implicit cast to an error type.
Node *cast = ASTImplicitCastToErr(tokenizer, node, node->firstChild->sibling);
if (node->firstChild->sibling && ASTImplicitCastIsPossible(node->firstChild, node->firstChild->sibling->expressionType)) {
Node *cast = ASTImplicitCastApply(tokenizer, node, node->firstChild, node->firstChild->sibling);
if (!cast) return false;
node->firstChild->sibling = cast;
} else if (node->firstChild->sibling && !ASTMatching(node->firstChild, node->firstChild->sibling->expressionType)) {
@ -2967,10 +3033,8 @@ bool ASTSetTypes(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *node) {
return false;
} else if (node->type == T_EQUALS) {
if (node->firstChild->expressionType && node->firstChild->expressionType->type == T_ERR
&& ASTMatching(node->firstChild->expressionType->firstChild, node->firstChild->sibling->expressionType)) {
// Allow the implicit cast to an error type.
Node *cast = ASTImplicitCastToErr(tokenizer, node, node->firstChild->sibling);
if (ASTImplicitCastIsPossible(node->firstChild->expressionType, node->firstChild->sibling->expressionType)) {
Node *cast = ASTImplicitCastApply(tokenizer, node, node->firstChild->expressionType, node->firstChild->sibling);
if (!cast) return false;
node->firstChild->sibling = cast;
} else if (!ASTMatching(node->firstChild->expressionType, node->firstChild->sibling->expressionType)) {
@ -3032,10 +3096,8 @@ bool ASTSetTypes(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *node) {
if (node->type == T_RETURN) {
if (!ASTMatching(expressionType, returnType)) {
if (returnType && returnType->type == T_ERR
&& ASTMatching(returnType->firstChild, node->firstChild->expressionType)) {
// Allow the implicit cast to an error type.
Node *cast = ASTImplicitCastToErr(tokenizer, node, node->firstChild);
if (ASTImplicitCastIsPossible(returnType, node->firstChild->expressionType)) {
Node *cast = ASTImplicitCastApply(tokenizer, node, returnType, node->firstChild);
if (!cast) return false;
node->firstChild = cast;
} else {
@ -3205,19 +3267,26 @@ bool ASTSetTypes(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *node) {
} else if (node->type == T_COLON) {
Node *expressionType = node->firstChild->expressionType;
if (!expressionType) {
PrintError2(tokenizer, node, "This is not an expression.\n");
return false;
bool isList = expressionType->type == T_LIST;
bool isStr = expressionType->type == T_STR;
bool isFuncPtr = expressionType->type == T_FUNCPTR;
bool isErr = expressionType->type == T_ERR;
bool isInt = expressionType->type == T_INT;
bool isFloat = expressionType->type == T_FLOAT;
if (!isList && !isStr & !isFuncPtr && !isErr) {
if (!isList && !isStr & !isFuncPtr && !isErr && !isInt && !isFloat) {
PrintError2(tokenizer, node, "This type does not have any ':' operations.\n");
return false;
Token token = node->token;
Node *arguments[2] = { 0 };
bool returnsItem = false, returnsInt = false, returnsBool = false, returnsStr = false, simple = true;
bool returnsItem = false, returnsInt = false, returnsBool = false, returnsStr = false, returnsFloat = false, simple = true;
uint8_t op;
if (isList && KEYWORD("resize")) arguments[0] = &globalExpressionTypeInt, op = T_OP_RESIZE;
@ -3233,6 +3302,8 @@ bool ASTSetTypes(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *node) {
else if (isList && KEYWORD("first")) returnsItem = true, op = T_OP_FIRST;
else if (isList && KEYWORD("last")) returnsItem = true, op = T_OP_LAST;
else if ((isList || isStr) && KEYWORD("len")) returnsInt = true, op = T_OP_LEN;
else if (isInt && KEYWORD("float")) returnsFloat = true, op = T_OP_INT_TO_FLOAT;
else if (isFloat && KEYWORD("truncate")) returnsInt = true, op = T_OP_FLOAT_TRUNCATE;
else if (isErr && KEYWORD("success")) returnsBool = true, op = T_OP_SUCCESS;
else if (isErr && KEYWORD("assert")) returnsItem = true, op = T_OP_ASSERT_ERR;
else if (isErr && KEYWORD("error")) returnsStr = true, op = T_OP_ERROR;
@ -3357,6 +3428,7 @@ bool ASTSetTypes(Tokenizer *tokenizer, Node *node) {
node->expressionType = returnsItem ? expressionType->firstChild
: returnsInt ? &globalExpressionTypeInt
: returnsStr ? &globalExpressionTypeStr
: returnsFloat ? &globalExpressionTypeFloat
: returnsBool ? &globalExpressionTypeBool : NULL;
@ -5289,6 +5361,14 @@ int ScriptExecuteFunction(uintptr_t instructionPointer, ExecutionContext *contex
context->c->stack[context->c->stackPointer - 2] = context->c->stack[context->c->stackPointer - 1];
context->c->stackIsManaged[context->c->stackPointer - 2] = context->c->stackIsManaged[context->c->stackPointer - 1];
} else if (command == T_OP_INT_TO_FLOAT) {
if (context->c->stackPointer < 1) return -1;
if (context->c->stackIsManaged[context->c->stackPointer - 1]) return -1;
context->c->stack[context->c->stackPointer - 1].f = context->c->stack[context->c->stackPointer - 1].i;
} else if (command == T_OP_FLOAT_TRUNCATE) {
if (context->c->stackPointer < 1) return -1;
if (context->c->stackIsManaged[context->c->stackPointer - 1]) return -1;
context->c->stack[context->c->stackPointer - 1].i = context->c->stack[context->c->stackPointer - 1].f;
} else if (command == T_PERSIST) {
if (!ExternalPersistWrite(context, NULL)) {
return 0;