luigi.h: update to latest version

This commit is contained in:
nakst 2022-03-07 14:49:21 +00:00
parent af0ba6e352
commit c7f9131552
1 changed files with 426 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -69,9 +69,6 @@
// Callback to allow the application to process messages.
void _UIMessageProcess(EsMessage *message);
// Callback for instances.
int _UIInstanceCallback(ES_INSTANCE_TYPE *instance, EsMessage *message);
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
@ -319,6 +316,7 @@ extern const int UI_KEYCODE_RIGHT;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_SPACE;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_TAB;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_UP;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_INSERT;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_0;
#define UI_KEYCODE_LETTER(x) (UI_KEYCODE_A + (x) - 'A')
@ -339,6 +337,7 @@ typedef struct UIElement {
uint32_t flags; // First 16 bits are element specific.
uint32_t id;
struct UIElement *parent;
struct UIElement *next;
@ -352,10 +351,7 @@ typedef struct UIElement {
int (*messageClass)(struct UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di /* data integer */, void *dp /* data pointer */);
int (*messageUser)(struct UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp);
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
const char *cClassName;
int id;
} UIElement;
#define UI_SHORTCUT(code, ctrl, shift, alt, invoke, cp) ((UIShortcut) { (code), (ctrl), (shift), (alt), (invoke), (cp) })
@ -592,6 +588,10 @@ typedef struct UIImageDisplay {
int previousPanPointX, previousPanPointY;
} UIImageDisplay;
typedef struct UIWrapPanel {
UIElement e;
} UIWrapPanel;
void UIInitialise();
int UIMessageLoop();
@ -611,6 +611,7 @@ UISlider *UISliderCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
UISpacer *UISpacerCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, int width, int height);
UISplitPane *UISplitPaneCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, float weight);
UITabPane *UITabPaneCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *tabs /* separate with \t, terminate with \0 */);
UIWrapPanel *UIWrapPanelCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
UILabel *UILabelCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes);
void UILabelSetContent(UILabel *code, const char *content, ptrdiff_t byteCount);
@ -623,6 +624,7 @@ void UIWindowRegisterShortcut(UIWindow *window, UIShortcut shortcut);
void UIWindowPostMessage(UIWindow *window, UIMessage message, void *dp); // Thread-safe.
void UIWindowPack(UIWindow *window, int width); // Change the size of the window to best match its contents.
typedef void (*UIDialogUserCallback)(UIElement *);
const char *UIDialogShow(UIWindow *window, uint32_t flags, const char *format, ...);
UIMenu *UIMenuCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
@ -648,6 +650,8 @@ void UICodeInsertContent(UICode *code, const char *content, ptrdiff_t byteCount,
void UIDrawBlock(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle rectangle, uint32_t color);
void UIDrawInvert(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle rectangle);
bool UIDrawLine(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, uint32_t color); // Returns false if the line was not visible.
void UIDrawTriangle(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint32_t color);
void UIDrawTriangleOutline(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint32_t color);
void UIDrawGlyph(UIPainter *painter, int x, int y, int c, uint32_t color);
void UIDrawRectangle(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle r, uint32_t mainColor, uint32_t borderColor, UIRectangle borderSize);
void UIDrawBorder(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle r, uint32_t borderColor, UIRectangle borderSize);
@ -722,7 +726,10 @@ struct {
XIM xim;
Atom windowClosedID, primaryID, uriListID, plainTextID;
Atom dndEnterID, dndPositionID, dndStatusID, dndActionCopyID, dndDropID, dndSelectionID, dndFinishedID, dndAwareID;
Atom clipboardID, xSelectionDataID, textID, targetID, incrID;
Cursor cursors[UI_CURSOR_COUNT];
char *pasteText;
XEvent copyEvent;
@ -732,7 +739,7 @@ struct {
EsInstance *instance;
void *menuData[256]; // HACK This limits the number of menu items to 128.
uintptr_t menuIndex;
@ -841,6 +848,9 @@ void _UIWindowEndPaint(UIWindow *window, UIPainter *painter);
void _UIWindowSetCursor(UIWindow *window, int cursor);
void _UIWindowGetScreenPosition(UIWindow *window, int *x, int *y);
void _UIWindowSetPressed(UIWindow *window, UIElement *element, int button);
void _UIClipboardWriteText(UIWindow *window, char *text);
char *_UIClipboardReadTextStart(UIWindow *window, size_t *bytes);
void _UIClipboardReadTextEnd(UIWindow *window, char *text);
bool _UIMessageLoopSingle(int *result);
void _UIInspectorRefresh();
void _UIUpdate();
@ -1200,6 +1210,56 @@ bool UIDrawLine(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, uint32_t col
return true;
void UIDrawTriangle(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint32_t color) {
// Step 1: Sort the points by their y-coordinate.
if (y1 < y0) { int xt = x0; x0 = x1, x1 = xt; int yt = y0; y0 = y1, y1 = yt; }
if (y2 < y1) { int xt = x1; x1 = x2, x2 = xt; int yt = y1; y1 = y2, y2 = yt; }
if (y1 < y0) { int xt = x0; x0 = x1, x1 = xt; int yt = y0; y0 = y1, y1 = yt; }
if (y2 == y0) return;
// Step 2: Clip the triangle.
if (x0 < painter->clip.l && x1 < painter->clip.l && x2 < painter->clip.l) return;
if (x0 >= painter->clip.r && x1 >= painter->clip.r && x2 >= painter->clip.r) return;
if (y2 < painter->clip.t || y0 >= painter->clip.b) return;
bool needsXClip = x0 < painter->clip.l + 1 || x0 >= painter->clip.r - 1
|| x1 < painter->clip.l + 1 || x1 >= painter->clip.r - 1
|| x2 < painter->clip.l + 1 || x2 >= painter->clip.r - 1;
bool needsYClip = y0 < painter->clip.t + 1 || y2 >= painter->clip.b - 1;
#define _UI_DRAW_TRIANGLE_APPLY_CLIP(xo, yo) \
if (needsYClip && (yi + yo < painter->clip.t || yi + yo >= painter->clip.b)) continue; \
if (needsXClip && xf + xo < painter->clip.l) xf = painter->clip.l - xo; \
if (needsXClip && xt + xo > painter->clip.r) xt = painter->clip.r - xo;
// Step 3: Split into 2 triangles with bases aligned with the x-axis.
float xm0 = (x2 - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (y2 - y0), xm1 = x1 - x0;
if (xm1 < xm0) { float xmt = xm0; xm0 = xm1, xm1 = xmt; }
float xe0 = xm0 + x0 - x2, xe1 = xm1 + x0 - x2;
int ym = y1 - y0, ye = y2 - y1;
float ymr = 1.0f / ym, yer = 1.0f / ye;
// Step 4: Draw the top part.
for (float y = 0; y < ym; y++) {
int xf = xm0 * y * ymr, xt = xm1 * y * ymr, yi = (int) y;
uint32_t *b = &painter->bits[(yi + y0) * painter->width + x0];
for (int x = xf; x < xt; x++) b[x] = color;
// Step 5: Draw the bottom part.
for (float y = 0; y < ye; y++) {
int xf = xe0 * (ye - y) * yer, xt = xe1 * (ye - y) * yer, yi = (int) y;
uint32_t *b = &painter->bits[(yi + y1) * painter->width + x2];
for (int x = xf; x < xt; x++) b[x] = color;
void UIDrawTriangleOutline(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint32_t color) {
UIDrawLine(painter, x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
UIDrawLine(painter, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
UIDrawLine(painter, x2, y2, x0, y0, color);
void UIDrawInvert(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle rectangle) {
rectangle = UIRectangleIntersection(painter->clip, rectangle);
@ -1509,10 +1569,11 @@ UIElement *UIElementCreate(size_t bytes, UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, int
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
element->cClassName = cClassName;
static int id = 0;
static uint32_t id = 0;
element->id = ++id;
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
@ -1709,6 +1770,67 @@ UIPanel *UIPanelCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
return panel;
void _UIWrapPanelLayoutRow(UIWrapPanel *panel, UIElement *child, UIElement *rowEnd, int rowY, int rowHeight) {
int rowPosition = 0;
while (child != rowEnd) {
int height = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
int width = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
UIRectangle relative = UI_RECT_4(rowPosition, rowPosition + width, rowY + rowHeight / 2 - height / 2, rowY + rowHeight / 2 + height / 2);
UIElementMove(child, UIRectangleTranslate(relative, panel->e.bounds), false);
child = child->next;
rowPosition += width;
int _UIWrapPanelMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIWrapPanel *panel = (UIWrapPanel *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT || message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
int totalHeight = 0;
int rowPosition = 0;
int rowHeight = 0;
int rowLimit = message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT ? UI_RECT_WIDTH(element->bounds) : di;
UIElement *child = panel->e.children;
UIElement *rowStart = child;
while (child) {
if (~child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_HIDE) {
int height = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
int width = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
if (rowLimit && rowPosition + width > rowLimit) {
_UIWrapPanelLayoutRow(panel, rowStart, child, totalHeight, rowHeight);
totalHeight += rowHeight;
rowPosition = rowHeight = 0;
rowStart = child;
if (height > rowHeight) {
rowHeight = height;
rowPosition += width;
child = child->next;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
return totalHeight + rowHeight;
} else {
_UIWrapPanelLayoutRow(panel, rowStart, child, totalHeight, rowHeight);
return 0;
UIWrapPanel *UIWrapPanelCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
return (UIWrapPanel *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIWrapPanel), parent, flags, _UIWrapPanelMessage, "Wrap Panel");
void _UIButtonCalculateColors(UIElement *element, uint32_t *color, uint32_t *textColor) {
bool disabled = element->flags & UI_ELEMENT_DISABLED;
bool focused = element == element->window->focused;
@ -1722,6 +1844,7 @@ void _UIButtonCalculateColors(UIElement *element, uint32_t *color, uint32_t *tex
: *color == ui.theme.selected ? ui.theme.textSelected : ui.theme.text;
int _UIButtonMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIButton *button = (UIButton *) element;
bool isMenuItem = element->flags & UI_BUTTON_MENU_ITEM;
@ -2280,6 +2403,7 @@ int UICodeHitTest(UICode *code, int x, int y) {
UIFont *previousFont = UIFontActivate(code->font);
int lineHeight = UIMeasureStringHeight();
bool inMargin = x < UI_SIZE_CODE_MARGIN + UI_SIZE_CODE_MARGIN_GAP / 2 && (~code->e.flags & UI_CODE_NO_MARGIN);
if (y < 0 || y >= lineHeight * code->lineCount) {
@ -2287,12 +2411,7 @@ int UICodeHitTest(UICode *code, int x, int y) {
int line = y / lineHeight + 1;
if (x < UI_SIZE_CODE_MARGIN && (~code->e.flags & UI_CODE_NO_MARGIN)) {
return -line;
} else {
return line;
return inMargin ? -line : line;
int UIDrawStringHighlighted(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle lineBounds, const char *string, ptrdiff_t bytes, int tabSize) {
@ -2480,6 +2599,8 @@ void UICodeFocusLine(UICode *code, int index) {
void UICodeInsertContent(UICode *code, const char *content, ptrdiff_t byteCount, bool replace) {
UIFont *previousFont = UIFontActivate(code->font);
if (byteCount == -1) {
byteCount = _UIStringLength(content);
@ -2503,8 +2624,6 @@ void UICodeInsertContent(UICode *code, const char *content, ptrdiff_t byteCount,
UIFont *previousFont = UIFontActivate(code->font);
int lineCount = content[byteCount - 1] != '\n';
for (int i = 0; i < byteCount; i++) {
@ -2980,6 +3099,26 @@ int _UITextboxMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
textbox->carets[0] = textbox->bytes;
} else if (m->textBytes && !element->window->alt && !element->window->ctrl && m->text[0] >= 0x20) {
UITextboxReplace(textbox, m->text, m->textBytes, true);
} else if ((m->code == UI_KEYCODE_LETTER('C') || m->code == UI_KEYCODE_LETTER('X') || m->code == UI_KEYCODE_INSERT)
&& element->window->ctrl && !element->window->alt && !element->window->shift) {
int to = textbox->carets[0] > textbox->carets[1] ? textbox->carets[0] : textbox->carets[1];
int from = textbox->carets[0] < textbox->carets[1] ? textbox->carets[0] : textbox->carets[1];
if (from != to) {
char *pasteText = (char *) UI_CALLOC(to - from + 1);
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) pasteText[i - from] = textbox->string[i];
_UIClipboardWriteText(element->window, pasteText);
if (m->code == UI_KEYCODE_LETTER('X')) {
UITextboxReplace(textbox, NULL, 0, true);
} else if ((m->code == UI_KEYCODE_LETTER('V') && element->window->ctrl && !element->window->alt && !element->window->shift)
|| (m->code == UI_KEYCODE_INSERT && !element->window->ctrl && !element->window->alt && element->window->shift)) {
size_t bytes;
char *text = _UIClipboardReadTextStart(element->window, &bytes);
if (text) UITextboxReplace(textbox, text, bytes, true);
_UIClipboardReadTextEnd(element->window, text);
} else {
handled = false;
@ -3677,7 +3816,7 @@ const char *UIDialogShow(UIWindow *window, uint32_t flags, const char *format, .
} else if (format[i] == 'l' /* horizontal line */) {
UISpacerCreate(&row->e, UI_SPACER_LINE | UI_ELEMENT_H_FILL, 0, 1);
} else if (format[i] == 'u' /* user */) {
void (*callback)(UIElement *) = va_arg(arguments, void (*)(UIElement *));
UIDialogUserCallback callback = va_arg(arguments, UIDialogUserCallback);
} else {
@ -4448,12 +4587,93 @@ void _UIInspectorRefresh() {}
int UIAutomationRunTests();
void UIAutomationProcessMessage() {
int result;
void UIAutomationKeyboardTypeSingle(intptr_t code, bool ctrl, bool shift, bool alt) {
UIWindow *window =; // TODO Get the focused window.
UIKeyTyped m = { 0 };
m.code = code;
window->ctrl = ctrl;
window->alt = alt;
window->shift = shift;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED, 0, &m);
window->ctrl = false;
window->alt = false;
window->shift = false;
void UIAutomationKeyboardType(const char *string) {
UIWindow *window =; // TODO Get the focused window.
UIKeyTyped m = { 0 };
char c[2];
m.text = c;
m.textBytes = 1;
c[1] = 0;
for (int i = 0; string[i]; i++) {
window->ctrl = false;
window->alt = false;
window->shift = (c[0] >= 'A' && c[0] <= 'Z');
c[0] = string[i];
m.code = (c[0] >= 'A' && c[0] <= 'Z') ? UI_KEYCODE_LETTER(c[0])
: c[0] == '\n' ? UI_KEYCODE_ENTER
: c[0] == '\t' ? UI_KEYCODE_TAB
: c[0] == ' ' ? UI_KEYCODE_SPACE
: (c[0] >= '0' && c[0] <= '9') ? UI_KEYCODE_DIGIT(c[0]) : 0;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED, 0, &m);
window->ctrl = false;
window->alt = false;
window->shift = false;
bool UIAutomationCheckCodeLineMatches(UICode *code, int lineIndex, const char *input) {
if (lineIndex < 1 || lineIndex > code->lineCount) return false;
int bytes = 0;
for (int i = 0; input[i]; i++) bytes++;
if (bytes != code->lines[lineIndex - 1].bytes) return false;
for (int i = 0; input[i]; i++) if (code->content[code->lines[lineIndex - 1].offset + i] != input[i]) return false;
return true;
bool UIAutomationCheckTableItemMatches(UITable *table, int row, int column, const char *input) {
int bytes = 0;
for (int i = 0; input[i]; i++) bytes++;
if (row < 0 || row >= table->itemCount) return false;
if (column < 0 || column >= table->columnCount) return false;
char *buffer = (char *) UI_MALLOC(bytes + 1);
UITableGetItem m = { 0 };
m.buffer = buffer;
m.bufferBytes = bytes + 1;
m.column = column;
m.index = row;
int length = UIElementMessage(&table->e, UI_MSG_TABLE_GET_ITEM, 0, &m);
if (length != bytes) return false;
for (int i = 0; input[i]; i++) if (buffer[i] != input[i]) return false;
return true;
int UIMessageLoop() {
return UIAutomationRunTests();
int result = 0;
while (!ui.quit && _UIMessageLoopSingle(&result)) ui.dialogResult = NULL;
return result;
#ifdef UI_LINUX
@ -4472,6 +4692,7 @@ const int UI_KEYCODE_RIGHT = XK_Right;
const int UI_KEYCODE_SPACE = XK_space;
const int UI_KEYCODE_TAB = XK_Tab;
const int UI_KEYCODE_UP = XK_Up;
const int UI_KEYCODE_INSERT = XK_Insert;
const int UI_KEYCODE_0 = XK_0;
int _UIWindowMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
@ -4505,7 +4726,7 @@ UIWindow *UIWindowCreate(UIWindow *owner, uint32_t flags, const char *cTitle, in
if (cTitle) XStoreName(ui.display, window->window, cTitle);
XSelectInput(ui.display, window->window, SubstructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask | PointerMotionMask
| ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | StructureNotifyMask
| EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | ButtonMotionMask | KeymapStateMask | FocusChangeMask);
| EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | ButtonMotionMask | KeymapStateMask | FocusChangeMask | PropertyChangeMask);
if (flags & UI_WINDOW_MAXIMIZE) {
Atom atoms[2] = { XInternAtom(ui.display, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ", 0), XInternAtom(ui.display, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT", 0) };
@ -4537,6 +4758,117 @@ Display *_UIX11GetDisplay() {
return ui.display;
UIWindow *_UIFindWindow(Window window) {
UIWindow *w =;
while (w) {
if (w->window == window) {
return w;
w = w->next;
return NULL;
void _UIClipboardWriteText(UIWindow *window, char *text) {
ui.pasteText = text;
XSetSelectionOwner(ui.display, ui.clipboardID, window->window, 0);
char *_UIClipboardReadTextStart(UIWindow *window, size_t *bytes) {
Window clipboardOwner = XGetSelectionOwner(ui.display, ui.clipboardID);
if (clipboardOwner == None) {
return NULL;
if (_UIFindWindow(clipboardOwner)) {
*bytes = strlen(ui.pasteText);
char *copy = (char *) UI_MALLOC(*bytes);
memcpy(copy, ui.pasteText, *bytes);
return copy;
XConvertSelection(ui.display, ui.clipboardID, XA_STRING, ui.xSelectionDataID, window->window, CurrentTime);
XSync(ui.display, 0);
XNextEvent(ui.display, &ui.copyEvent);
// Hack to get around the fact that PropertyNotify arrives before SelectionNotify.
// We need PropertyNotify for incremental transfers.
while (ui.copyEvent.type == PropertyNotify) {
XNextEvent(ui.display, &ui.copyEvent);
if (ui.copyEvent.type == SelectionNotify && ui.copyEvent.xselection.selection == ui.clipboardID && {
Atom target;
// This `itemAmount` is actually `bytes_after_return`
unsigned long size, itemAmount;
char *data;
int format;
XGetWindowProperty(ui.copyEvent.xselection.display, ui.copyEvent.xselection.requestor,, 0L, ~0L, 0,
AnyPropertyType, &target, &format, &size, &itemAmount, (unsigned char **) &data);
// We have to allocate for incremental transfers but we don't have to allocate for non-incremental transfers.
// I'm allocating for both here to make _UIClipboardReadTextEnd work the same for both
if (target != ui.incrID) {
*bytes = size;
char *copy = (char *) UI_MALLOC(*bytes);
memcpy(copy, data, *bytes);
XDeleteProperty(ui.copyEvent.xselection.display, ui.copyEvent.xselection.requestor,;
return copy;
XDeleteProperty(ui.display, ui.copyEvent.xselection.requestor,;
XSync(ui.display, 0);
*bytes = 0;
char *fullData = NULL;
while (true) {
// TODO Timeout.
XNextEvent(ui.display, &ui.copyEvent);
if (ui.copyEvent.type == PropertyNotify) {
// The other case - PropertyDelete would be caused by us and can be ignored
if (ui.copyEvent.xproperty.state == PropertyNewValue) {
unsigned long chunkSize;
// Note that this call deletes the property.
XGetWindowProperty(ui.display, ui.copyEvent.xproperty.window, ui.copyEvent.xproperty.atom, 0L, ~0L,
True, AnyPropertyType, &target, &format, &chunkSize, &itemAmount, (unsigned char **) &data);
if (chunkSize == 0) {
return fullData;
} else {
ptrdiff_t currentOffset = *bytes;
*bytes += chunkSize;
fullData = (char *) UI_REALLOC(fullData, *bytes);
memcpy(fullData + currentOffset, data, chunkSize);
} else {
// TODO What should happen in this case? Is the next event always going to be the selection event?
return NULL;
void _UIClipboardReadTextEnd(UIWindow *window, char *text) {
if (text) {
//XDeleteProperty(ui.copyEvent.xselection.display, ui.copyEvent.xselection.requestor,;
void UIInitialise() {
@ -4557,6 +4889,11 @@ void UIInitialise() {
ui.dndAwareID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndAware", 0);
ui.uriListID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "text/uri-list", 0);
ui.plainTextID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "text/plain", 0);
ui.clipboardID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "CLIPBOARD", 0);
ui.xSelectionDataID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XSEL_DATA", 0);
ui.textID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "TEXT", 0);
ui.targetID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "TARGETS", 0);
ui.incrID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "INCR", 0);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_ARROW] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_left_ptr);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_TEXT] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_xterm);
@ -4584,20 +4921,6 @@ void UIInitialise() {
UIWindow *_UIFindWindow(Window window) {
UIWindow *w =;
while (w) {
if (w->window == window) {
return w;
w = w->next;
return NULL;
void _UIWindowSetCursor(UIWindow *window, int cursor) {
XDefineCursor(ui.display, window->window, ui.cursors[cursor]);
@ -4918,6 +5241,44 @@ bool _UIProcessEvent(XEvent *event) {
window->dragSource = 0; // Drag complete.
} else if (event->type == SelectionRequest) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xclient.window);
if (!window) return false;
if ((XGetSelectionOwner(ui.display, ui.clipboardID) == window->window)
&& (event->xselectionrequest.selection == ui.clipboardID)) {
XSelectionRequestEvent requestEvent = event->xselectionrequest;
Atom utf8ID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "UTF8_STRING", 1);
if (utf8ID == None) utf8ID = XA_STRING;
Atom type =;
type = (type == ui.textID) ? XA_STRING : type;
int changePropertyResult = 0;
if( == XA_STRING || == ui.textID || == utf8ID) {
changePropertyResult = XChangeProperty(requestEvent.display, requestEvent.requestor,,
type, 8, PropModeReplace, (const unsigned char *) ui.pasteText, strlen(ui.pasteText));
} else if ( == ui.targetID) {
changePropertyResult = XChangeProperty(requestEvent.display, requestEvent.requestor,,
XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &utf8ID, 1);
if(changePropertyResult == 0 || changePropertyResult == 1) {
XSelectionEvent sendEvent = {
.type = SelectionNotify,
.serial = requestEvent.serial,
.send_event = requestEvent.send_event,
.display = requestEvent.display,
.requestor = requestEvent.requestor,
.selection = requestEvent.selection,
.target =,
.property =,
.time = requestEvent.time
XSendEvent(ui.display, requestEvent.requestor, 0, 0, (XEvent *) &sendEvent);
return false;
@ -5012,6 +5373,7 @@ const int UI_KEYCODE_RIGHT = VK_RIGHT;
const int UI_KEYCODE_TAB = VK_TAB;
const int UI_KEYCODE_UP = VK_UP;
int _UIWindowMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
@ -5165,6 +5527,8 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK _UIWindowProcedure(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPAR
void UIInitialise() {
ui.heap = GetProcessHeap();
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_ARROW] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
@ -5183,8 +5547,6 @@ void UIInitialise() {
ui.heap = GetProcessHeap();
WNDCLASS windowClass = { 0 };
windowClass.lpfnWndProc = _UIWindowProcedure;
windowClass.lpszClassName = "normal";
@ -5305,6 +5667,20 @@ void *_UIHeapReAlloc(void *pointer, size_t size) {
void _UIClipboardWriteText(UIWindow *window, char *text) {
// TODO.
char *_UIClipboardReadTextStart(UIWindow *window, size_t *bytes) {
// TODO.
return NULL;
void _UIClipboardReadTextEnd(UIWindow *window, char *text) {
// TODO.
@ -5324,12 +5700,13 @@ const int UI_KEYCODE_RIGHT = ES_SCANCODE_RIGHT_ARROW;
int _UIWindowMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
// TODO Non-main windows.
element->window = NULL;
return _UIWindowMessageCommon(element, message, di, dp);
@ -5343,7 +5720,6 @@ void UIInitialise() {
if (message->type == ES_MSG_INSTANCE_CREATE) {
ui.instance = EsInstanceCreate(message, NULL, 0);
ui.instance->callback = _UIInstanceCallback;
@ -5495,6 +5871,19 @@ void UIWindowPostMessage(UIWindow *window, UIMessage message, void *_dp) {
EsMessagePost(window->canvas, &m);
void _UIClipboardWriteText(UIWindow *window, char *text) {
EsClipboardAddText(ES_CLIPBOARD_PRIMARY, text, -1);
char *_UIClipboardReadTextStart(UIWindow *window, size_t *bytes) {
return EsClipboardReadText(ES_CLIPBOARD_PRIMARY, bytes, NULL);
void _UIClipboardReadTextEnd(UIWindow *window, char *text) {