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  • Cors middleware has been moved to actix-cors crate

    instead of

    use actix_web::middleware::cors::Cors;


    use actix_cors::Cors;
  • Identity middleware has been moved to actix-identity crate

    instead of

    use actix_web::middleware::identity::{Identity, CookieIdentityPolicy, IdentityService};


    use actix_identity::{Identity, CookieIdentityPolicy, IdentityService};


  • Extractor configuration. In version 1.0 this is handled with the new Data mechanism for both setting and retrieving the configuration

    instead of

    struct ExtractorConfig {
       config: String,
    impl FromRequest for YourExtractor {
       type Config = ExtractorConfig;
       type Result = Result<YourExtractor, Error>;
       fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, cfg: &Self::Config) -> Self::Result {
           println!("use the config: {:?}", cfg.config);
    App::new().resource("/route_with_config", |r| {, |cfg| {
           cfg.0.config = "test".to_string();

    use the HttpRequest to get the configuration like any other Data with req.app_data::<C>() and set it with the data() method on the resource

    struct ExtractorConfig {
       config: String,
    impl FromRequest for YourExtractor {
       type Error = Error;
       type Future = Result<Self, Self::Error>;
       type Config = ExtractorConfig;
       fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future {
           let cfg = req.app_data::<ExtractorConfig>();
           println!("config data?: {:?}", cfg.unwrap().role);
           .data(ExtractorConfig {
               config: "test".to_string(),
  • Resource registration. 1.0 version uses generalized resource registration via .service() method.

    instead of"/welcome", |r| r.f(welcome))

    use App's or Scope's .service() method. .service() method accepts object that implements HttpServiceFactory trait. By default actix-web provides Resource and Scope services.
  • Scope registration.

    instead of

        let app = App::new().scope("/{project_id}", |scope| {
                  .resource("/path1", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))
                  .resource("/path2", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))
                  .resource("/path3", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed()))

    use .service() for registration and web::scope() as scope object factory.

        let app = App::new().service(
                .service(web::resource("/path1").to(|| HttpResponse::Ok()))
                .service(web::resource("/path2").to(|| HttpResponse::Ok()))
                .service(web::resource("/path3").to(|| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed()))
  • .with(), .with_async() registration methods have been renamed to .to() and .to_async().

    instead of"/welcome", |r| r.with(welcome))

    use .to() or .to_async() methods"/welcome").to(welcome))
  • Passing arguments to handler with extractors, multiple arguments are allowed

    instead of

    fn welcome((body, req): (Bytes, HttpRequest)) -> ... {

    use multiple arguments

    fn welcome(body: Bytes, req: HttpRequest) -> ... {
  • .f(), .a() and .h() handler registration methods have been removed. Use .to() for handlers and .to_async() for async handlers. Handler function must use extractors.

    instead of"/welcome", |r| r.f(welcome))

    use App's to() or to_async() methods"/welcome").to(welcome))
  • HttpRequest does not provide access to request's payload stream.

    instead of

    fn index(req: &HttpRequest) -> Box<Future<Item=HttpResponse, Error=Error>> {
         .fold((), |_, chunk| {
         .map(|_| HttpResponse::Ok().finish())

    use Payload extractor

    fn index(stream: web::Payload) -> impl Future<Item=HttpResponse, Error=Error> {
         .fold((), |_, chunk| {
         .map(|_| HttpResponse::Ok().finish())
  • State is now Data. You register Data during the App initialization process and then access it from handlers either using a Data extractor or using HttpRequest's api.

    instead of


    use App's data method

    and either use the Data extractor within your handler

      use actix_web::web::Data;
    fn endpoint_handler(Data<T>)){

    .. or access your Data element from the HttpRequest

    fn endpoint_handler(req: HttpRequest) {
    	let data: Option<Data<T>> = req.app_data::<T>();
  • AsyncResponder is removed, use .to_async() registration method and impl Future<> as result type.

    instead of

    use actix_web::AsyncResponder;
      fn endpoint_handler(...) -> impl Future<Item=HttpResponse, Error=Error>{

    .. simply omit AsyncResponder and the corresponding responder() finish method

  • Middleware

    instead of

        let app = App::new()

    use .wrap() method

        let app = App::new()
             .route("/index.html", web::get().to(index));
  • HttpRequest::body(), HttpRequest::urlencoded(), HttpRequest::json(), HttpRequest::multipart() method have been removed. Use Bytes, String, Form, Json, Multipart extractors instead.

    instead of

    fn index(req: &HttpRequest) -> Responder {
         .and_then(|body| {


    fn index(body: Bytes) -> Responder {
  • actix_web::server module has been removed. To start http server use actix_web::HttpServer type

  • StaticFiles and NamedFile have been moved to a separate crate.

    instead of use actix_web::fs::StaticFile

    use use actix_files::Files

    instead of use actix_web::fs::Namedfile

    use use actix_files::NamedFile

  • Multipart has been moved to a separate crate.

    instead of use actix_web::multipart::Multipart

    use use actix_multipart::Multipart

  • Response compression is not enabled by default. To enable, use Compress middleware, App::new().wrap(Compress::default()).

  • Session middleware moved to actix-session crate

  • Actors support have been moved to actix-web-actors crate

  • Custom Error

    Instead of error_response method alone, ResponseError now provides two methods: error_response and render_response respectively. Where, error_response creates the error response and render_response returns the error response to the caller.

    Simplest migration from 0.7 to 1.0 shall include below method to the custom implementation of ResponseError:

    fn render_response(&self) -> HttpResponse {