
187 lines
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// This file is part of Kepka,
// an unofficial desktop version of Telegram messaging app,
// see
// Kepka is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
// to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
// Full license:
// Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston,
// Copyright (c) 2017- Kepka Contributors,
#include "ui/effects/cross_animation.h"
#include "ui/twidget.h"
#include <QPainterPath>
#include <qmath.h>
namespace Ui {
namespace {
constexpr auto kPointCount = 12;
// 1 3
// X X X X
// X X X X
// 0 X X 4
// X X X X
// X 2 X
// X X
// X X
// 11 5
// X X
// X X
// X 8 X
// X X X X
// 10 X X 6
// X X X X
// X X X X
// 9 7
void transformLoadingCross(double loading, std::array<QPointF, kPointCount> &points, int &paintPointsCount) {
auto moveTo = [](QPointF &point, QPointF &to, double ratio) { point = point * (1. - ratio) + to * ratio; };
auto moveFrom = [](QPointF &point, QPointF &from, double ratio) { point = from * (1. - ratio) + point * ratio; };
auto paintPoints = [&points, &paintPointsCount](std::initializer_list<int> &&indices) {
auto index = 0;
for (auto paintIndex : indices) {
points[index++] = points[paintIndex];
paintPointsCount = indices.size();
if (loading < 0.125) {
auto ratio = loading / 0.125;
moveTo(points[6], points[5], ratio);
moveTo(points[7], points[8], ratio);
} else if (loading < 0.25) {
auto ratio = (loading - 0.125) / 0.125;
moveTo(points[9], points[8], ratio);
moveTo(points[10], points[11], ratio);
paintPoints({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11});
} else if (loading < 0.375) {
auto ratio = (loading - 0.25) / 0.125;
moveTo(points[0], points[11], ratio);
moveTo(points[1], points[2], ratio);
paintPoints({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8});
} else if (loading < 0.5) {
auto ratio = (loading - 0.375) / 0.125;
moveTo(points[8], points[4], ratio);
moveTo(points[11], points[3], ratio);
paintPoints({3, 4, 8, 11});
} else if (loading < 0.625) {
auto ratio = (loading - 0.5) / 0.125;
moveFrom(points[8], points[4], ratio);
moveFrom(points[11], points[3], ratio);
paintPoints({3, 4, 8, 11});
} else if (loading < 0.75) {
auto ratio = (loading - 0.625) / 0.125;
moveFrom(points[6], points[5], ratio);
moveFrom(points[7], points[8], ratio);
paintPoints({3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11});
} else if (loading < 0.875) {
auto ratio = (loading - 0.75) / 0.125;
moveFrom(points[9], points[8], ratio);
moveFrom(points[10], points[11], ratio);
paintPoints({3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10});
} else {
auto ratio = (loading - 0.875) / 0.125;
moveFrom(points[0], points[11], ratio);
moveFrom(points[1], points[2], ratio);
} // namespace
void CrossAnimation::paint(Painter &p, const style::CrossAnimation &st, style::color color, int x, int y,
int outerWidth, double shown, double loading) {
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p);
auto sqrt2 = sqrt(2.);
auto deleteScale = shown + st.minScale * (1. - shown);
auto deleteSkip = (deleteScale * st.skip) + (1. - deleteScale) * (st.size / 2);
auto deleteLeft = rtlpoint(x + deleteSkip, 0, outerWidth).x() + 0.;
auto deleteTop = y + deleteSkip + 0.;
auto deleteWidth = st.size - 2 * deleteSkip;
auto deleteHeight = st.size - 2 * deleteSkip;
auto deleteStroke = st.stroke / sqrt2;
std::array<QPointF, kPointCount> pathDelete = {{
{deleteLeft, deleteTop + deleteStroke},
{deleteLeft + deleteStroke, deleteTop},
{deleteLeft + (deleteWidth / 2.), deleteTop + (deleteHeight / 2.) - deleteStroke},
{deleteLeft + deleteWidth - deleteStroke, deleteTop},
{deleteLeft + deleteWidth, deleteTop + deleteStroke},
{deleteLeft + (deleteWidth / 2.) + deleteStroke, deleteTop + (deleteHeight / 2.)},
{deleteLeft + deleteWidth, deleteTop + deleteHeight - deleteStroke},
{deleteLeft + deleteWidth - deleteStroke, deleteTop + deleteHeight},
{deleteLeft + (deleteWidth / 2.), deleteTop + (deleteHeight / 2.) + deleteStroke},
{deleteLeft + deleteStroke, deleteTop + deleteHeight},
{deleteLeft, deleteTop + deleteHeight - deleteStroke},
{deleteLeft + (deleteWidth / 2.) - deleteStroke, deleteTop + (deleteHeight / 2.)},
auto pathDeleteSize = kPointCount;
auto loadingArcLength = 0;
if (loading > 0.) {
transformLoadingCross(loading, pathDelete, pathDeleteSize);
auto loadingArc = (loading >= 0.5) ? (loading - 1.) : loading;
loadingArcLength = std::round(-loadingArc * 2 * FullArcLength);
if (shown < 1.) {
auto alpha = -(shown - 1.) * M_PI_2;
auto cosalpha = cos(alpha);
auto sinalpha = sin(alpha);
auto shiftx = deleteLeft + (deleteWidth / 2.);
auto shifty = deleteTop + (deleteHeight / 2.);
for (auto &point : pathDelete) {
auto x = point.x() - shiftx;
auto y = point.y() - shifty;
point.setX(shiftx + x * cosalpha - y * sinalpha);
point.setY(shifty + y * cosalpha + x * sinalpha);
QPainterPath path;
for (int i = 1; i != pathDeleteSize; ++i) {
p.fillPath(path, color);
if (loadingArcLength != 0) {
auto loadingArcStart = FullArcLength / 8;
auto roundSkip = (st.size * (1 - sqrt2) + 2 * sqrt2 * deleteSkip + st.stroke) / 2;
auto roundPart = QRectF(x + roundSkip, y + roundSkip, st.size - 2 * roundSkip, st.size - 2 * roundSkip);
if (shown < 1.) {
loadingArcStart -= std::round(-(shown - 1.) * FullArcLength / 4.);
auto pen = color->p;
if (loadingArcLength < 0) {
loadingArcStart += loadingArcLength;
loadingArcLength = -loadingArcLength;
p.drawArc(roundPart, loadingArcStart, loadingArcLength);
} // namespace Ui