
1337 lines
49 KiB

typedef struct ACPIProcessor ArchCPU;
// Interrupt vectors:
// 0x00 - 0x1F: CPU exceptions
// 0x20 - 0x2F: PIC (disabled, spurious)
// 0x30 - 0x4F: Timers and low-priority IPIs.
// 0x50 - 0x6F: APIC (standard)
// 0x70 - 0xAF: MSI
// 0xF0 - 0xFE: High-priority IPIs
// 0xFF: APIC (spurious interrupt)
#define TIMER_INTERRUPT (0x40)
#define YIELD_IPI (0x41)
#define IRQ_BASE (0x50)
#define KERNEL_PANIC_IPI (0) // NMIs ignore the interrupt vector.
struct InterruptContext {
uint64_t cr2, ds;
uint8_t fxsave[512 + 16];
uint64_t _check, cr8;
uint64_t r15, r14, r13, r12, r11, r10, r9, r8;
uint64_t rbp, rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, rbx, rax;
uint64_t interruptNumber, errorCode;
uint64_t rip, cs, flags, rsp, ss;
struct VirtualAddressSpaceData {
uintptr_t cr3;
// Each process has a 47-bit address space.
// That's 2^35 pages.
// That's 2^26 L1 page tables. 2^23 bytes of bitset.
// That's 2^17 L2 page tables. 2^14 bytes of bitset.
// That's 2^ 8 L3 page tables. 2^ 5 bytes of bitset.
// Tracking of the committed L1 tables is done in l1Commit, a region of coreMMSpace.
// (This array is committed as needed, tracked using l1CommitCommit.)
// Tracking of the committed L2 tables is done in l2Commit.
// Tracking of the committed L3 tables is done in l3Commit.
#define L1_COMMIT_SIZE_BYTES (1 << 23)
#define L1_COMMIT_COMMIT_SIZE_BYTES (1 << 8)
#define L2_COMMIT_SIZE_BYTES (1 << 14)
#define L3_COMMIT_SIZE_BYTES (1 << 5)
uint8_t *l1Commit;
uint8_t l1CommitCommit[L1_COMMIT_COMMIT_SIZE_BYTES];
uint8_t l2Commit[L2_COMMIT_SIZE_BYTES];
uint8_t l3Commit[L3_COMMIT_SIZE_BYTES];
size_t pageTablesCommitted;
size_t pageTablesActive;
// TODO Consider core/kernel mutex consistency? I think it's fine, but...
KMutex mutex; // Acquire to modify the page tables.
#define VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_SPACE_DATA() VirtualAddressSpaceData data
#define VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_SPACE_IDENTIFIER(x) ((x)->data.cr3)
#define MM_CORE_SPACE_START (0xFFFF800100000000)
#define MM_CORE_SPACE_SIZE (0xFFFF8001F0000000 - 0xFFFF800100000000)
#define MM_CORE_REGIONS_START (0xFFFF8001F0000000)
#define MM_CORE_REGIONS_COUNT ((0xFFFF800200000000 - 0xFFFF8001F0000000) / sizeof(MMRegion))
#define MM_KERNEL_SPACE_START (0xFFFF900000000000)
#define MM_KERNEL_SPACE_SIZE (0xFFFFF00000000000 - 0xFFFF900000000000)
#define MM_MODULES_START (0xFFFFFFFF90000000)
#define MM_MODULES_SIZE (0xFFFFFFFFC0000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF90000000)
#define MM_USER_SPACE_START (0x100000000000)
#define MM_USER_SPACE_SIZE (0xF00000000000 - 0x100000000000)
#define ArchIsAddressInKernelSpace(x) ((uintptr_t) (x) >= 0xFFFF800000000000)
uint8_t coreL1Commit[(0xFFFF800200000000 - 0xFFFF800100000000) >> (/* ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS */ 9 + K_PAGE_BITS + 3)];
uint8_t pciIRQLines[0x100 /* slots */][4 /* pins */];
struct MSIHandler {
KIRQHandler callback;
void *context;
struct IRQHandler {
KIRQHandler callback;
void *context;
intptr_t line;
KPCIDevice *pciDevice;
const char *cOwnerName;
IRQHandler irqHandlers[0x40];
KSpinlock irqHandlersLock; // Also for msiHandlers.
extern uintptr_t bootloaderInformationOffset;
extern "C" bool simdSSE3Support;
extern "C" bool simdSSSE3Support;
volatile uintptr_t tlbShootdownVirtualAddress;
volatile size_t tlbShootdownPageCount;
extern "C" uintptr_t _KThreadTerminate;
typedef void (*CallFunctionOnAllProcessorsCallbackFunction)();
volatile CallFunctionOnAllProcessorsCallbackFunction callFunctionOnAllProcessorsCallback;
volatile uintptr_t callFunctionOnAllProcessorsRemaining;
// Recursive page table mapping in slot 0x1FE, so that the top 2GB are available for mcmodel kernel.
#define PAGE_TABLE_L4 ((volatile uint64_t *) 0xFFFFFF7FBFDFE000)
#define PAGE_TABLE_L3 ((volatile uint64_t *) 0xFFFFFF7FBFC00000)
#define PAGE_TABLE_L2 ((volatile uint64_t *) 0xFFFFFF7F80000000)
#define PAGE_TABLE_L1 ((volatile uint64_t *) 0xFFFFFF0000000000)
bool MMArchCommitPageTables(MMSpace *space, MMRegion *region) {
VirtualAddressSpaceData *data = &space->data;
uintptr_t base = (region->baseAddress - (space == coreMMSpace ? MM_CORE_SPACE_START : 0)) & 0x7FFFFFFFF000;
uintptr_t end = base + (region->pageCount << K_PAGE_BITS);
uintptr_t needed = 0;
for (uintptr_t i = base; i < end; i += 1L << (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 3)) {
uintptr_t indexL4 = i >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 3);
if (!(data->l3Commit[indexL4 >> 3] & (1 << (indexL4 & 7)))) needed++;
for (uintptr_t i = base; i < end; i += 1L << (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 2)) {
uintptr_t indexL3 = i >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 2);
if (!(data->l2Commit[indexL3 >> 3] & (1 << (indexL3 & 7)))) needed++;
uintptr_t previousIndexL2I = -1;
for (uintptr_t i = base; i < end; i += 1L << (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 1)) {
uintptr_t indexL2 = i >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 1);
uintptr_t indexL2I = indexL2 >> 15;
if (!(data->l1CommitCommit[indexL2I >> 3] & (1 << (indexL2I & 7)))) needed += previousIndexL2I != indexL2I ? 2 : 1;
else if (!(data->l1Commit[indexL2 >> 3] & (1 << (indexL2 & 7)))) needed++;
previousIndexL2I = indexL2I;
if (needed) {
if (!MMCommit(needed * K_PAGE_SIZE, true)) {
return false;
data->pageTablesCommitted += needed;
for (uintptr_t i = base; i < end; i += 1L << (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 3)) {
uintptr_t indexL4 = i >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 3);
data->l3Commit[indexL4 >> 3] |= (1 << (indexL4 & 7));
for (uintptr_t i = base; i < end; i += 1L << (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 2)) {
uintptr_t indexL3 = i >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 2);
data->l2Commit[indexL3 >> 3] |= (1 << (indexL3 & 7));
for (uintptr_t i = base; i < end; i += 1L << (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 1)) {
uintptr_t indexL2 = i >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 1);
uintptr_t indexL2I = indexL2 >> 15;
data->l1CommitCommit[indexL2I >> 3] |= (1 << (indexL2I & 7));
data->l1Commit[indexL2 >> 3] |= (1 << (indexL2 & 7));
return true;
bool MMArchMakePageWritable(MMSpace *space, uintptr_t virtualAddress) {
virtualAddress &= 0x0000FFFFFFFFF000;
uintptr_t indexL4 = virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 3);
uintptr_t indexL3 = virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 2);
uintptr_t indexL2 = virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 1);
uintptr_t indexL1 = virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 0);
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L4[indexL4] & 1) == 0) return false;
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L3[indexL3] & 1) == 0) return false;
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L2[indexL2] & 1) == 0) return false;
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L1[indexL1] & 1) == 0) return false;
PAGE_TABLE_L1[indexL1] |= 2;
return true;
bool MMArchMapPage(MMSpace *space, uintptr_t physicalAddress, uintptr_t virtualAddress, unsigned flags) {
// TODO Use the no-execute bit.
if (physicalAddress & (K_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) {
KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - Physical address not page aligned.\n");
if (pmm.pageFrames && physicalAddress < physicalMemoryHighest) {
if (pmm.pageFrames[physicalAddress >> K_PAGE_BITS].state != MMPageFrame::ACTIVE
&& pmm.pageFrames[physicalAddress >> K_PAGE_BITS].state != MMPageFrame::UNUSABLE) {
KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - Physical page frame %x not marked as ACTIVE or UNUSABLE.\n", physicalAddress);
bool acquireFrameLock = !(flags & (MM_MAP_PAGE_NO_NEW_TABLES | MM_MAP_PAGE_FRAME_LOCK_ACQUIRED));
if (acquireFrameLock) KMutexAcquire(&pmm.pageFrameMutex);
EsDefer(if (acquireFrameLock) KMutexRelease(&pmm.pageFrameMutex););
bool acquireSpaceLock = ~flags & MM_MAP_PAGE_NO_NEW_TABLES;
if (acquireSpaceLock) KMutexAcquire(&space->data.mutex);
EsDefer(if (acquireSpaceLock) KMutexRelease(&space->data.mutex));
uintptr_t cr3 = space->data.cr3;
if (!ArchIsAddressInKernelSpace(virtualAddress)
&& ProcessorReadCR3() != cr3) {
KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - Attempt to map page into other address space.\n");
} else if (!physicalAddress) {
KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - Attempt to map physical page 0.\n");
} else if (!virtualAddress) {
KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - Attempt to map virtual page 0.\n");
// EsPrint("\tMap, %x -> %x\n", virtualAddress, physicalAddress);
uintptr_t oldVirtualAddress = virtualAddress;
physicalAddress &= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000;
virtualAddress &= 0x0000FFFFFFFFF000;
uintptr_t indexL4 = virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 3);
uintptr_t indexL3 = virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 2);
uintptr_t indexL2 = virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 1);
uintptr_t indexL1 = virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 0);
if (space != coreMMSpace && space != kernelMMSpace /* Don't check the kernel's space since the bootloader's tables won't be committed. */) {
if (!(space->data.l3Commit[indexL4 >> 3] & (1 << (indexL4 & 7)))) KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - Attempt to map using uncommitted L3 page table.\n");
if (!(space->data.l2Commit[indexL3 >> 3] & (1 << (indexL3 & 7)))) KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - Attempt to map using uncommitted L2 page table.\n");
if (!(space->data.l1Commit[indexL2 >> 3] & (1 << (indexL2 & 7)))) KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - Attempt to map using uncommitted L1 page table.\n");
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L4[indexL4] & 1) == 0) {
if (flags & MM_MAP_PAGE_NO_NEW_TABLES) KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - NO_NEW_TABLES flag set, but a table was missing.\n");
ProcessorInvalidatePage((uintptr_t) (PAGE_TABLE_L3 + indexL3)); // Not strictly necessary.
EsMemoryZero((void *) ((uintptr_t) (PAGE_TABLE_L3 + indexL3) & ~(K_PAGE_SIZE - 1)), K_PAGE_SIZE);
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L3[indexL3] & 1) == 0) {
if (flags & MM_MAP_PAGE_NO_NEW_TABLES) KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - NO_NEW_TABLES flag set, but a table was missing.\n");
ProcessorInvalidatePage((uintptr_t) (PAGE_TABLE_L2 + indexL2)); // Not strictly necessary.
EsMemoryZero((void *) ((uintptr_t) (PAGE_TABLE_L2 + indexL2) & ~(K_PAGE_SIZE - 1)), K_PAGE_SIZE);
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L2[indexL2] & 1) == 0) {
if (flags & MM_MAP_PAGE_NO_NEW_TABLES) KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - NO_NEW_TABLES flag set, but a table was missing.\n");
ProcessorInvalidatePage((uintptr_t) (PAGE_TABLE_L1 + indexL1)); // Not strictly necessary.
EsMemoryZero((void *) ((uintptr_t) (PAGE_TABLE_L1 + indexL1) & ~(K_PAGE_SIZE - 1)), K_PAGE_SIZE);
uintptr_t oldValue = PAGE_TABLE_L1[indexL1];
uintptr_t value = physicalAddress | 3;
if (flags & MM_MAP_PAGE_WRITE_COMBINING) value |= 16; // This only works because we modified the PAT in SetupProcessor1.
if (flags & MM_MAP_PAGE_NOT_CACHEABLE) value |= 24;
if (flags & MM_MAP_PAGE_USER) value |= 7;
else value |= 1 << 8; // Global.
if (flags & MM_MAP_PAGE_READ_ONLY) value &= ~2;
if (flags & MM_MAP_PAGE_COPIED) value |= 1 << 9; // Ignored by the CPU.
// When the CPU accesses or writes to a page,
// it will modify the table entry to set the accessed or dirty bits respectively,
// but it uses its TLB entry as the assumed previous value of the entry.
// When unmapping pages we can't atomically remove an entry and do the TLB shootdown.
// This creates a race condition:
// 1. CPU 0 maps a page table entry. The dirty bit is not set.
// 2. CPU 1 reads from the page. A TLB entry is created with the dirty bit not set.
// 3. CPU 0 unmaps the entry.
// 4. CPU 1 writes to the page. As the TLB entry has the dirty bit cleared, it sets the entry to its cached entry ORed with the dirty bit.
// 5. CPU 0 invalidates the entry.
// That is, CPU 1 didn't realize the page was unmapped when it wrote out its entry, so the page becomes mapped again.
// To prevent this, we mark all pages with the dirty and accessed bits when we initially map them.
// (We don't use these bits for anything, anyway. They're basically useless on SMP systems, as far as I can tell.)
// That said, a CPU won't overwrite and clear a dirty bit when writing out its accessed flag (tested on Qemu);
// see here
// Tl;dr: if a CPU ever sees an entry without these bits set, it can overwrite the entry with junk whenever it feels like it.
value |= (1 << 5) | (1 << 6);
if ((oldValue & 1) && !(flags & MM_MAP_PAGE_OVERWRITE)) {
return false;
if ((oldValue & ~(K_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) != physicalAddress) {
KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - Attempt to map %x to %x that has already been mapped to %x.\n",
virtualAddress, physicalAddress, oldValue & (~(K_PAGE_SIZE - 1)));
if (oldValue == value) {
KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - Attempt to rewrite page translation.\n",
physicalAddress, virtualAddress, oldValue & (K_PAGE_SIZE - 1), value & (K_PAGE_SIZE - 1));
} else if (!(oldValue & 2) && (value & 2)) {
// The page has become writable.
} else {
KernelPanic("MMArchMapPage - Attempt to change flags mapping %x address %x from %x to %x.\n",
physicalAddress, virtualAddress, oldValue & (K_PAGE_SIZE - 1), value & (K_PAGE_SIZE - 1));
PAGE_TABLE_L1[indexL1] = value;
// We rely on this page being invalidated on this CPU in some places.
return true;
bool MMArchIsBufferInUserRange(uintptr_t baseAddress, size_t byteCount) {
if (baseAddress & 0xFFFF800000000000) return false;
if (byteCount & 0xFFFF800000000000) return false;
if ((baseAddress + byteCount) & 0xFFFF800000000000) return false;
return true;
bool MMArchHandlePageFault(uintptr_t address, uint32_t flags) {
// EsPrint("Fault %x\n", address);
address &= ~(K_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
bool forSupervisor = flags & MM_HANDLE_PAGE_FAULT_FOR_SUPERVISOR;
if (!ProcessorAreInterruptsEnabled()) {
KernelPanic("MMArchHandlePageFault - Page fault with interrupts disabled.\n");
if (address < K_PAGE_SIZE) {
} else if (address >= LOW_MEMORY_MAP_START && address < LOW_MEMORY_MAP_START + 0x100000000 && forSupervisor) {
// We want to access a physical page within the first 4GB.
// This is used for device IO, so the page can't be cacheable.
return true;
} else if (address >= MM_CORE_REGIONS_START && address < MM_CORE_REGIONS_START + MM_CORE_REGIONS_COUNT * sizeof(MMRegion) && forSupervisor) {
// This is where coreMMSpace stores its regions.
// Allocate physical memory and map it.
return true;
} else if (address >= MM_CORE_SPACE_START && address < MM_CORE_SPACE_START + MM_CORE_SPACE_SIZE && forSupervisor) {
return MMHandlePageFault(coreMMSpace, address, flags);
} else if (address >= MM_KERNEL_SPACE_START && address < MM_KERNEL_SPACE_START + MM_KERNEL_SPACE_SIZE && forSupervisor) {
return MMHandlePageFault(kernelMMSpace, address, flags);
} else if (address >= MM_MODULES_START && address < MM_MODULES_START + MM_MODULES_SIZE && forSupervisor) {
return MMHandlePageFault(kernelMMSpace, address, flags);
} else {
Thread *thread = GetCurrentThread();
MMSpace *space = thread->temporaryAddressSpace;
if (!space) space = thread->process->vmm;
return MMHandlePageFault(space, address, flags);
return false;
void MMArchInitialiseVAS() {
coreMMSpace->data.cr3 = kernelMMSpace->data.cr3 = ProcessorReadCR3();
coreMMSpace->data.l1Commit = coreL1Commit;
for (uintptr_t i = 0x100; i < 0x200; i++) {
if (PAGE_TABLE_L4[i] == 0) {
// We don't need to commit anything because the PMM isn't ready yet.
PAGE_TABLE_L4[i] = MMPhysicalAllocate(ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT) | 3;
EsMemoryZero((void *) (PAGE_TABLE_L3 + i * 0x200), K_PAGE_SIZE);
uintptr_t MMArchTranslateAddress(MMSpace *, uintptr_t virtualAddress, bool writeAccess) {
// TODO I don't think this mutex was ever necessary?
// space->data.mutex.Acquire();
// EsDefer(space->data.mutex.Release());
virtualAddress &= 0x0000FFFFFFFFF000;
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L4[virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 3)] & 1) == 0) return 0;
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L3[virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 2)] & 1) == 0) return 0;
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L2[virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 1)] & 1) == 0) return 0;
uintptr_t physicalAddress = PAGE_TABLE_L1[virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 0)];
if (writeAccess && !(physicalAddress & 2)) return 0;
return (physicalAddress & 1) ? (physicalAddress & 0x0000FFFFFFFFF000) : 0;
void ArchCallFunctionOnAllProcessors(CallFunctionOnAllProcessorsCallbackFunction callback, bool includingThisProcessor) {
if (KGetCPUCount() > 1) {
callFunctionOnAllProcessorsCallback = callback;
callFunctionOnAllProcessorsRemaining = KGetCPUCount();
size_t ignored = ProcessorSendIPI(CALL_FUNCTION_ON_ALL_PROCESSORS_IPI);
__sync_fetch_and_sub(&callFunctionOnAllProcessorsRemaining, ignored);
while (callFunctionOnAllProcessorsRemaining);
static volatile size_t totalIgnored = 0;
totalIgnored += ignored;
if (includingThisProcessor) callback();
// TODO How should this be determined?
void TLBShootdownCallback() {
uintptr_t page = tlbShootdownVirtualAddress;
if (tlbShootdownPageCount > INVALIDATE_ALL_PAGES_THRESHOLD) {
} else {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < tlbShootdownPageCount; i++, page += K_PAGE_SIZE) {
void MMArchInvalidatePages(uintptr_t virtualAddressStart, uintptr_t pageCount) {
// This must be done with spinlock acquired, otherwise this processor could change.
// TODO Only send the IPI to the processors that are actually executing threads with the virtual address space.
// Currently we only support the kernel's virtual address space, so this'll apply to all processors.
// If we use Intel's PCID then we may have to send this to all processors anyway.
// And we'll probably also have to be careful with shared memory regions.
// ...actually I think we might not bother doing this.
tlbShootdownVirtualAddress = virtualAddressStart;
tlbShootdownPageCount = pageCount;
ArchCallFunctionOnAllProcessors(TLBShootdownCallback, true);
void MMArchUnmapPages(MMSpace *space, uintptr_t virtualAddressStart, uintptr_t pageCount, unsigned flags, size_t unmapMaximum, uintptr_t *resumePosition) {
// We can't let anyone use the unmapped pages until they've been invalidated on all processors.
// This also synchronises modified bit updating.
uintptr_t tableBase = virtualAddressStart & 0x0000FFFFFFFFF000;
uintptr_t start = resumePosition ? *resumePosition : 0;
// TODO Freeing newly empty page tables.
// - What do we need to invalidate when we do this?
for (uintptr_t i = start; i < pageCount; i++) {
uintptr_t virtualAddress = (i << K_PAGE_BITS) + tableBase;
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L4[virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 3)] & 1) == 0) {
i -= (virtualAddress >> K_PAGE_BITS) % (1 << (ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 3));
i += (1 << (ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 3));
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L3[virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 2)] & 1) == 0) {
i -= (virtualAddress >> K_PAGE_BITS) % (1 << (ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 2));
i += (1 << (ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 2));
if ((PAGE_TABLE_L2[virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 1)] & 1) == 0) {
i -= (virtualAddress >> K_PAGE_BITS) % (1 << (ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 1));
i += (1 << (ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 1));
uintptr_t indexL1 = virtualAddress >> (K_PAGE_BITS + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_TABLE_BITS * 0);
uintptr_t translation = PAGE_TABLE_L1[indexL1];
if (!(translation & 1)) {
// The page wasn't mapped.
bool copy = translation & (1 << 9);
if (copy && (flags & MM_UNMAP_PAGES_BALANCE_FILE) && (~flags & MM_UNMAP_PAGES_FREE_COPIED)) {
// Ignore copied pages when balancing file mappings.
if ((~translation & (1 << 5)) || (~translation & (1 << 6))) {
// See MMArchMapPage for a discussion of why these bits must be set.
KernelPanic("MMArchUnmapPages - Page found without accessed or dirty bit set (virtualAddress: %x, translation: %x).\n",
virtualAddress, translation);
PAGE_TABLE_L1[indexL1] = 0;
uintptr_t physicalAddress = translation & 0x0000FFFFFFFFF000;
if ((flags & MM_UNMAP_PAGES_FREE) || ((flags & MM_UNMAP_PAGES_FREE_COPIED) && copy)) {
MMPhysicalFree(physicalAddress, true);
} else if (flags & MM_UNMAP_PAGES_BALANCE_FILE) {
// It's safe to do this before page invalidation,
// because the page fault handler is synchronised with the same mutexes acquired above.
if (MMUnmapFilePage(physicalAddress >> K_PAGE_BITS)) {
if (resumePosition) {
if (!unmapMaximum--) {
*resumePosition = i;
MMArchInvalidatePages(virtualAddressStart, pageCount);
InterruptContext *ArchInitialiseThread(uintptr_t kernelStack, uintptr_t kernelStackSize, Thread *thread,
uintptr_t startAddress, uintptr_t argument1, uintptr_t argument2,
bool userland, uintptr_t stack, uintptr_t userStackSize) {
InterruptContext *context = ((InterruptContext *) (kernelStack + kernelStackSize - 8)) - 1;
thread->kernelStack = kernelStack + kernelStackSize - 8;
// Terminate the thread when the outermost function exists.
*((uintptr_t *) (kernelStack + kernelStackSize - 8)) = (uintptr_t) &_KThreadTerminate;
context->fxsave[32] = 0x80;
context->fxsave[33] = 0x1F;
if (userland) {
context->cs = 0x5B;
context->ds = 0x63;
context->ss = 0x63;
} else {
context->cs = 0x48;
context->ds = 0x50;
context->ss = 0x50;
context->_check = 0x123456789ABCDEF; // Stack corruption detection.
context->flags = 1 << 9; // Interrupt flag
context->rip = startAddress;
context->rsp = stack + userStackSize - 8; // The stack should be 16-byte aligned before the call instruction.
context->rdi = argument1;
context->rsi = argument2;
return context;
bool MMArchInitialiseUserSpace(MMSpace *space) {
if (!MMCommit(K_PAGE_SIZE, true)) {
return false;
space->data.cr3 = MMPhysicalAllocate(ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
if (l1Region) space->data.l1Commit = (uint8_t *) l1Region->baseAddress;
if (!space->data.l1Commit) {
return false;
uint64_t *pageTable = (uint64_t *) MMMapPhysical(kernelMMSpace, (uintptr_t) space->data.cr3, K_PAGE_SIZE, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
EsMemoryZero(pageTable + 0x000, K_PAGE_SIZE / 2);
EsMemoryCopy(pageTable + 0x100, (uint64_t *) (PAGE_TABLE_L4 + 0x100), K_PAGE_SIZE / 2);
pageTable[512 - 2] = space->data.cr3 | 3;
MMFree(kernelMMSpace, pageTable);
return true;
void ArchCleanupVirtualAddressSpace(void *argument) {
KernelLog(LOG_VERBOSE, "Arch", "remove virtual address space page", "Removing virtual address space page %x...\n", argument);
MMPhysicalFree((uintptr_t) argument);
MMDecommit(K_PAGE_SIZE, true);
void MMFreeVAS(MMSpace *space) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (!PAGE_TABLE_L4[i]) continue;
for (uintptr_t j = i * 512; j < (i + 1) * 512; j++) {
if (!PAGE_TABLE_L3[j]) continue;
for (uintptr_t k = j * 512; k < (j + 1) * 512; k++) {
if (!PAGE_TABLE_L2[k]) continue;
MMPhysicalFree(PAGE_TABLE_L2[k] & (~0xFFF));
MMPhysicalFree(PAGE_TABLE_L3[j] & (~0xFFF));
MMPhysicalFree(PAGE_TABLE_L4[i] & (~0xFFF));
if (space->data.pageTablesActive) {
KernelPanic("MMFreeVAS - Space %x still has %d page tables active.\n", space, space->data.pageTablesActive);
MMRegion *l1CommitRegion = MMFindRegion(coreMMSpace, (uintptr_t) space->data.l1Commit);
MMArchUnmapPages(coreMMSpace, l1CommitRegion->baseAddress, l1CommitRegion->pageCount, MM_UNMAP_PAGES_FREE);
MMUnreserve(coreMMSpace, l1CommitRegion, false /* we manually unmap pages above, so we can free them */);
MMDecommit(space->data.pageTablesCommitted * K_PAGE_SIZE, true);
void MMFinalizeVAS(MMSpace *space) {
if (!space->data.cr3) return;
// Freeing the L4 page table has to be done in the kernel process, since it's the page CR3 would points to!
// Therefore, this function only is called in an async task.
if (space->data.cr3 == ProcessorReadCR3()) KernelPanic("MMFinalizeVAS - Space %x is active.\n", space);
PMZero(&space->data.cr3, 1, true); // Fail as fast as possible if someone's still using this page.
MMDecommit(K_PAGE_SIZE, true);
void ArchCheckAddressInRange(int type, uintptr_t address) {
if (type == 1) {
if ((uintptr_t) address < 0xFFFF900000000000) {
KernelPanic("ArchCheckAddressInRange - Address out of expected range.\n");
} else if (type == 2) {
if ((uintptr_t) address < 0xFFFF8F8000000000 || (uintptr_t) address >= 0xFFFF900000000000) {
KernelPanic("ArchCheckAddressInRange - Address out of expected range.\n");
} else {
if ((uintptr_t) address >= 0xFFFF800000000000) {
KernelPanic("ArchCheckAddressInRange - Address out of expected range.\n");
uint64_t ArchGetTimeFromPITMs() {
// TODO This isn't working on real hardware, but ArchDelay1Ms is?
// NOTE This will only work if called at least once every 50 ms.
// (The PIT only stores a 16-bit counter, which is depleted every 50 ms.)
static bool started = false;
static uint64_t cumulative = 0, last = 0;
if (!started) {
ProcessorOut8(IO_PIT_COMMAND, 0x30);
ProcessorOut8(IO_PIT_DATA, 0xFF);
ProcessorOut8(IO_PIT_DATA, 0xFF);
started = true;
last = 0xFFFF;
return 0;
} else {
ProcessorOut8(IO_PIT_COMMAND, 0x00);
uint16_t x = ProcessorIn8(IO_PIT_DATA);
x |= (ProcessorIn8(IO_PIT_DATA)) << 8;
cumulative += last - x;
if (x > last) cumulative += 0x10000;
last = x;
return cumulative * 1000 / 1193182;
void ArchDelay1Ms() {
ProcessorOut8(IO_PIT_COMMAND, 0x30);
ProcessorOut8(IO_PIT_DATA, 0xA9);
ProcessorOut8(IO_PIT_DATA, 0x04);
while (true) {
ProcessorOut8(IO_PIT_COMMAND, 0xE2);
if (ProcessorIn8(IO_PIT_DATA) & (1 << 7)) {
bool SetupInterruptRedirectionEntry(uintptr_t _line) {
static uint32_t alreadySetup = 0;
if (alreadySetup & (1 << _line)) {
return true;
// Work out which interrupt the IoApic will sent to the processor.
// TODO Use the upper 4 bits for IRQ priority.
uintptr_t line = _line;
uintptr_t thisProcessorIRQ = line + IRQ_BASE;
bool activeLow = false;
bool levelTriggered = true;
// If there was an interrupt override entry in the MADT table,
// then we'll have to use that number instead.
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < acpi.interruptOverrideCount; i++) {
ACPIInterruptOverride *interruptOverride = acpi.interruptOverrides + i;
if (interruptOverride->sourceIRQ == line) {
line = interruptOverride->gsiNumber;
activeLow = interruptOverride->activeLow;
levelTriggered = interruptOverride->levelTriggered;
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "Arch", "IRQ flags", "SetupInterruptRedirectionEntry - IRQ %d is active %z, %z triggered.\n",
line, activeLow ? "low" : "high", levelTriggered ? "level" : "edge");
ACPIIoApic *ioApic;
bool foundIoApic = false;
// Look for the IoApic to which this interrupt is sent.
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < acpi.ioapicCount; i++) {
ioApic = acpi.ioApics + i;
if (line >= ioApic->gsiBase && line < (ioApic->gsiBase + (0xFF & (ioApic->ReadRegister(1) >> 16)))) {
foundIoApic = true;
line -= ioApic->gsiBase;
// We couldn't find the IoApic that handles this interrupt.
if (!foundIoApic) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "Arch", "no IOAPIC", "SetupInterruptRedirectionEntry - Could not find an IOAPIC handling interrupt line %d.\n", line);
return false;
// A normal priority interrupt.
uintptr_t redirectionTableIndex = line * 2 + 0x10;
uint32_t redirectionEntry = thisProcessorIRQ;
if (activeLow) redirectionEntry |= (1 << 13);
if (levelTriggered) redirectionEntry |= (1 << 15);
// Send the interrupt to the processor that registered the interrupt.
ioApic->WriteRegister(redirectionTableIndex, 1 << 16); // Mask the interrupt while we modify the entry.
ioApic->WriteRegister(redirectionTableIndex + 1, GetLocalStorage()->archCPU->apicID << 24);
ioApic->WriteRegister(redirectionTableIndex, redirectionEntry);
alreadySetup |= 1 << _line;
return true;
void KUnregisterMSI(uintptr_t tag) {
msiHandlers[tag].callback = nullptr;
KMSIInformation KRegisterMSI(KIRQHandler handler, void *context, const char *cOwnerName) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < INTERRUPT_VECTOR_MSI_COUNT; i++) {
if (msiHandlers[i].callback) continue;
msiHandlers[i] = { handler, context };
// TODO Selecting the best target processor.
// Currently this sends everything to processor 0.
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "Arch", "register MSI", "Register MSI with vector %X for '%z'.\n",
return {
.address = 0xFEE00000,
.tag = i,
return {};
bool KRegisterIRQ(intptr_t line, KIRQHandler handler, void *context, const char *cOwnerName, KPCIDevice *pciDevice) {
if (line == -1 && !pciDevice) {
KernelPanic("KRegisterIRQ - Interrupt line is %d, and pciDevice is %x.\n", line, pciDevice);
// Save the handler callback and context.
if (line > 0x20 || line < -1) KernelPanic("KRegisterIRQ - Unexpected IRQ %d\n", line);
bool found = false;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < sizeof(irqHandlers) / sizeof(irqHandlers[0]); i++) {
if (!irqHandlers[i].callback) {
found = true;
irqHandlers[i].callback = handler;
irqHandlers[i].context = context;
irqHandlers[i].line = line;
irqHandlers[i].pciDevice = pciDevice;
irqHandlers[i].cOwnerName = cOwnerName;
if (!found) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "Arch", "too many IRQ handlers", "The limit of IRQ handlers was reached (%d), and the handler for '%z' was not registered.\n",
sizeof(irqHandlers) / sizeof(irqHandlers[0]), cOwnerName);
return false;
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "Arch", "register IRQ", "KRegisterIRQ - Registered IRQ %d to '%z'.\n", line, cOwnerName);
if (line != -1) {
if (!SetupInterruptRedirectionEntry(line)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
size_t ProcessorSendIPI(uintptr_t interrupt, bool nmi, int processorID) {
// It's possible that another CPU is trying to send an IPI at the same time we want to send the panic IPI.
// TODO What should we do in this case?
if (interrupt != KERNEL_PANIC_IPI) KSpinlockAssertLocked(&ipiLock);
// Note: We send IPIs at a special priority that ProcessorDisableInterrupts doesn't mask.
size_t ignored = 0;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < acpi.processorCount; i++) {
ACPIProcessor *processor = acpi.processors + i;
if (processorID != -1) {
if (processorID != processor->kernelProcessorID) {
} else {
if (processor == GetLocalStorage()->archCPU || !processor->local || !processor->local->schedulerReady) {
uint32_t destination = acpi.processors[i].apicID << 24;
uint32_t command = interrupt | (1 << 14) | (nmi ? 0x400 : 0);
acpi.lapic.WriteRegister(0x310 >> 2, destination);
acpi.lapic.WriteRegister(0x300 >> 2, command);
// Wait for the interrupt to be sent.
while (acpi.lapic.ReadRegister(0x300 >> 2) & (1 << 12));
return ignored;
void ArchNextTimer(size_t ms) {
while (!scheduler.started); // Wait until the scheduler is ready.
GetLocalStorage()->schedulerReady = true; // Make sure this CPU can be scheduled.
acpi.lapic.ArchNextTimer(ms); // Set the next timer.
NewProcessorStorage AllocateNewProcessorStorage(ACPIProcessor *archCPU) {
NewProcessorStorage storage = {};
storage.local = (CPULocalStorage *) EsHeapAllocate(sizeof(CPULocalStorage), true, K_FIXED);
storage.gdt = (uint32_t *) MMMapPhysical(kernelMMSpace, MMPhysicalAllocate(MM_PHYSICAL_ALLOCATE_COMMIT_NOW), K_PAGE_SIZE, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
storage.local->archCPU = archCPU;
archCPU->local = storage.local;
archCPU->kernelProcessorID = storage.local->processorID;
return storage;
extern "C" void SetupProcessor2(NewProcessorStorage *storage) {
// Setup the local interrupts for the current processor.
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < acpi.lapicNMICount; i++) {
if (acpi.lapicNMIs[i].processor == 0xFF
|| acpi.lapicNMIs[i].processor == storage->local->archCPU->processorID) {
uint32_t registerIndex = (0x350 + (acpi.lapicNMIs[i].lintIndex << 4)) >> 2;
uint32_t value = 2 | (1 << 10); // NMI exception interrupt vector.
if (acpi.lapicNMIs[i].activeLow) value |= 1 << 13;
if (acpi.lapicNMIs[i].levelTriggered) value |= 1 << 15;
acpi.lapic.WriteRegister(registerIndex, value);
acpi.lapic.WriteRegister(0x350 >> 2, acpi.lapic.ReadRegister(0x350 >> 2) & ~(1 << 16));
acpi.lapic.WriteRegister(0x360 >> 2, acpi.lapic.ReadRegister(0x360 >> 2) & ~(1 << 16));
acpi.lapic.WriteRegister(0x080 >> 2, 0);
if (acpi.lapic.ReadRegister(0x30 >> 2) & 0x80000000) acpi.lapic.WriteRegister(0x410 >> 2, 0);
// Configure the LAPIC's timer.
acpi.lapic.WriteRegister(0x3E0 >> 2, 2); // Divisor = 16
// Create the processor's local storage.
// Setup a GDT and TSS for the processor.
uint32_t *gdt = storage->gdt;
void *bootstrapGDT = (void *) (((uint64_t *) ((uint16_t *) processorGDTR + 1))[0]);
EsMemoryCopy(gdt, bootstrapGDT, 2048);
uint32_t *tss = (uint32_t *) ((uint8_t *) storage->gdt + 2048);
storage->local->archCPU->kernelStack = (void **) (tss + 1);
ProcessorInstallTSS(gdt, tss);
const char *exceptionInformation[] = {
"0x00: Divide Error (Fault)",
"0x01: Debug Exception (Fault/Trap)",
"0x02: Non-Maskable External Interrupt (Interrupt)",
"0x03: Breakpoint (Trap)",
"0x04: Overflow (Trap)",
"0x05: BOUND Range Exceeded (Fault)",
"0x06: Invalid Opcode (Fault)",
"0x07: x87 Coprocessor Unavailable (Fault)",
"0x08: Double Fault (Abort)",
"0x09: x87 Coprocessor Segment Overrun (Fault)",
"0x0A: Invalid TSS (Fault)",
"0x0B: Segment Not Present (Fault)",
"0x0C: Stack Protection (Fault)",
"0x0D: General Protection (Fault)",
"0x0E: Page Fault (Fault)",
"0x0F: Reserved/Unknown",
"0x10: x87 FPU Floating-Point Error (Fault)",
"0x11: Alignment Check (Fault)",
"0x12: Machine Check (Abort)",
"0x13: SIMD Floating-Point Exception (Fault)",
"0x14: Virtualization Exception (Fault)",
"0x15: Reserved/Unknown",
"0x16: Reserved/Unknown",
"0x17: Reserved/Unknown",
"0x18: Reserved/Unknown",
"0x19: Reserved/Unknown",
"0x1A: Reserved/Unknown",
"0x1B: Reserved/Unknown",
"0x1C: Reserved/Unknown",
"0x1D: Reserved/Unknown",
"0x1E: Reserved/Unknown",
"0x1F: Reserved/Unknown",
void ContextSanityCheck(InterruptContext *context) {
if (!context || context->cs > 0x100 || context->ds > 0x100 || context->ss > 0x100
|| (context->rip >= 0x1000000000000 && context->rip < 0xFFFF000000000000)
|| (context->rip < 0xFFFF800000000000 && context->cs == 0x48)) {
KernelPanic("ContextSanityCheck - Corrupt context (%x/%x/%x/%x)\nRIP = %x, RSP = %x\n", context, context->cs, context->ds, context->ss, context->rip, context->rsp);
extern "C" void InterruptHandler(InterruptContext *context) {
if (scheduler.panic && context->interruptNumber != 2) {
if (ProcessorAreInterruptsEnabled()) {
KernelPanic("InterruptHandler - Interrupts were enabled at the start of an interrupt handler.\n");
CPULocalStorage *local = GetLocalStorage();
uintptr_t interrupt = context->interruptNumber;
#if 0
if (local) {
TERMINAL_ADDRESS[local->processorID] += 0x1000;
if ( &&>debugPutBlock) {>debugPutBlock(local->processorID * 3 + 3, 3, true);>debugPutBlock(local->processorID * 3 + 4, 3, true);>debugPutBlock(local->processorID * 3 + 3, 4, true);>debugPutBlock(local->processorID * 3 + 4, 4, true);
if (interrupt < 0x20) {
// If we received a non-maskable interrupt, halt execution.
if (interrupt == 2) {
local->panicContext = context;
bool supervisor = (context->cs & 3) == 0;
if (!supervisor) {
// EsPrint("User interrupt: %x/%x/%x\n", interrupt, context->cr2, context->errorCode);
if (context->cs != 0x5B && context->cs != 0x6B) {
KernelPanic("InterruptHandler - Unexpected value of CS 0x%X\n", context->cs);
if (GetCurrentThread()->isKernelThread) {
KernelPanic("InterruptHandler - Kernel thread executing user code. (1)\n");
// User-code exceptions are *basically* the same thing as system calls.
Thread *currentThread = GetCurrentThread();
ThreadTerminatableState previousTerminatableState;
previousTerminatableState = currentThread->terminatableState;
currentThread->terminatableState = THREAD_IN_SYSCALL;
if (local && local->spinlockCount) {
KernelPanic("InterruptHandler - User exception occurred with spinlock acquired.\n");
// Re-enable interrupts during exception handling.
if (interrupt == 14) {
bool success = MMArchHandlePageFault(context->cr2, (context->errorCode & 2) ? MM_HANDLE_PAGE_FAULT_WRITE : 0);
if (success) {
goto resolved;
if (interrupt == 0x13) {
EsPrint("ProcessorReadMXCSR() = %x\n", ProcessorReadMXCSR());
// TODO Usermode exceptions and debugging.
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "Arch", "unhandled userland exception",
"InterruptHandler - Exception (%z) in userland process (%z).\nRIP = %x (CPU %d)\nRSP = %x\nX86_64 error codes: [err] %x, [cr2] %x\n",
context->rip, local->processorID, context->rsp, context->errorCode, context->cr2);
EsPrint("Attempting to make a stack trace...\n");
uint64_t rbp = context->rbp;
int traceDepth = 0;
while (rbp && traceDepth < 32) {
uint64_t value;
if (!MMArchIsBufferInUserRange(rbp, 16)) break;
if (!MMArchSafeCopy((uintptr_t) &value, rbp + 8, sizeof(uint64_t))) break;
EsPrint("\t%d: %x\n", ++traceDepth, value);
if (!value) break;
if (!MMArchSafeCopy((uintptr_t) &rbp, rbp, sizeof(uint64_t))) break;
EsPrint("Stack trace complete.\n");
EsCrashReason crashReason;
EsMemoryZero(&crashReason, sizeof(EsCrashReason));
crashReason.duringSystemCall = (EsSyscallType) -1;
scheduler.CrashProcess(currentThread->process, &crashReason);
if (currentThread->terminatableState != THREAD_IN_SYSCALL) {
KernelPanic("InterruptHandler - Thread changed terminatable status during interrupt.\n");
currentThread->terminatableState = previousTerminatableState;
if (currentThread->terminating || currentThread->paused) {
// Disable interrupts when we're done.
// EsPrint("User interrupt complete.\n", interrupt, context->cr2);
} else {
if (context->cs != 0x48) {
KernelPanic("InterruptHandler - Unexpected value of CS 0x%X\n", context->cs);
if (interrupt == 14) {
// EsPrint("PF: %x\n", context->cr2);
if ((context->errorCode & (1 << 3))) {
goto fault;
if ((context->flags & 0x200) && context->cr8 != 0xE) {
if (local && local->spinlockCount && ((context->cr2 >= 0xFFFF900000000000 && context->cr2 < 0xFFFFF00000000000)
|| context->cr2 < 0x8000000000000000)) {
KernelPanic("HandlePageFault - Page fault occurred in critical section at %x (S = %x, B = %x, LG = %x) (CR2 = %x).\n",
context->rip, context->rsp, context->rbp, local->currentThread->lastKnownExecutionAddress, context->cr2);
if (!MMArchHandlePageFault(context->cr2, MM_HANDLE_PAGE_FAULT_FOR_SUPERVISOR
| ((context->errorCode & 2) ? MM_HANDLE_PAGE_FAULT_WRITE : 0))) {
if (local->currentThread->inSafeCopy && context->cr2 < 0x8000000000000000) {
context->rip = context->r8; // See definition of MMArchSafeCopy.
} else {
goto fault;
} else {
KernelPanic("Unresolvable processor exception encountered in supervisor mode.\n%z\nRIP = %x (CPU %d)\nX86_64 error codes: [err] %x, [cr2] %x\n"
"Stack: [rsp] %x, [rbp] %x\nRegisters: [rax] %x, [rbx] %x, [rsi] %x, [rdi] %x.\nThread ID = %d\n",
exceptionInformation[interrupt], context->rip, local ? local->processorID : -1, context->errorCode, context->cr2,
context->rsp, context->rbp, context->rax, context->rbx, context->rsi, context->rdi,
local && local->currentThread ? local->currentThread->id : -1);
} else if (interrupt == 0xFF) {
// Spurious interrupt (APIC), ignore.
} else if (interrupt >= 0x20 && interrupt < 0x30) {
// Spurious interrupt (PIC), ignore.
} else if (interrupt >= 0xF0 && interrupt < 0xFE) {
// IPI.
// Warning: This code executes at a special IRQL! Do not acquire spinlocks!!
if (!callFunctionOnAllProcessorsRemaining) KernelPanic("InterruptHandler - callFunctionOnAllProcessorsRemaining is 0 (a).\n");
if (!callFunctionOnAllProcessorsRemaining) KernelPanic("InterruptHandler - callFunctionOnAllProcessorsRemaining is 0 (b).\n");
__sync_fetch_and_sub(&callFunctionOnAllProcessorsRemaining, 1);
MSIHandler handler = msiHandlers[interrupt - INTERRUPT_VECTOR_MSI_START];
local->irqSwitchThread = false;
if (!handler.callback) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "Arch", "unexpected MSI", "Unexpected MSI vector %X (no handler).\n", interrupt);
} else {
handler.callback(interrupt - INTERRUPT_VECTOR_MSI_START, handler.context);
if (local->irqSwitchThread && scheduler.started && local->schedulerReady) {
KernelPanic("InterruptHandler - Returned from Scheduler::Yield.\n");
} else if (local) {
// IRQ.
local->irqSwitchThread = false;
if (interrupt == TIMER_INTERRUPT) {
local->irqSwitchThread = true;
} else if (interrupt == YIELD_IPI) {
local->irqSwitchThread = true;
GetCurrentThread()->receivedYieldIPI = true;
} else if (interrupt >= IRQ_BASE && interrupt < IRQ_BASE + 0x20) {
GetLocalStorage()->inIRQ = true;
uintptr_t line = interrupt - IRQ_BASE;
KernelLog(LOG_VERBOSE, "Arch", "IRQ start", "IRQ start %d.\n", line);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < sizeof(irqHandlers) / sizeof(irqHandlers[0]); i++) {
IRQHandler handler = irqHandlers[i];
if (!handler.callback) continue;
if (handler.line == -1) {
// Before we get the actual IRQ line information from ACPI (which might take it a while),
// only test that the IRQ is in the correct range for PCI interrupts.
// This is a bit slower because we have to dispatch the interrupt to more drivers,
// but it shouldn't break anything because they're all supposed to handle overloading anyway.
// This is mess. Hopefully all modern computers will use MSIs for anything important.
if (line != 9 && line != 10 && line != 11) {
} else {
uint8_t mappedLine = pciIRQLines[handler.pciDevice->slot][handler.pciDevice->interruptPin - 1];
if (mappedLine && line != mappedLine) {
} else {
if ((uintptr_t) handler.line != line) {
handler.callback(interrupt - IRQ_BASE, handler.context);
KernelLog(LOG_VERBOSE, "Arch", "IRQ end", "IRQ end %d.\n", line);
GetLocalStorage()->inIRQ = false;
if (local->irqSwitchThread && scheduler.started && local->schedulerReady) {
KernelPanic("InterruptHandler - Returned from Scheduler::Yield.\n");
// Sanity check.
if (ProcessorAreInterruptsEnabled()) {
KernelPanic("InterruptHandler - Interrupts were enabled while returning from an interrupt handler.\n");
extern "C" bool PostContextSwitch(InterruptContext *context, MMSpace *oldAddressSpace) {
CPULocalStorage *local = GetLocalStorage();
Thread *currentThread = GetCurrentThread();
void *kernelStack = (void *) currentThread->kernelStack;
*local->archCPU->kernelStack = kernelStack;
bool newThread = currentThread->cpuTimeSlices == 1;
KernelLog(LOG_VERBOSE, "Arch", "context switch", "Context switch to thread %x at %x\n", currentThread, context->rip);
if (newThread) {
KernelLog(LOG_VERBOSE, "Arch", "executing new thread", "Executing new thread %x at %x\n", currentThread, context->rip);
if (ProcessorAreInterruptsEnabled()) {
KernelPanic("PostContextSwitch - Interrupts were enabled. (1)\n");
currentThread->lastKnownExecutionAddress = context->rip;
if (scheduler.lock.interruptsEnabled) {
KernelPanic("PostContextSwitch - Interrupts were enabled. (3)\n");
// We can only free the scheduler's spinlock when we are no longer using the stack
// from the previous thread. See DoContextSwitch in x86_64.s.
// (Another CPU can KillThread this once it's back in activeThreads.)
KSpinlockRelease(&scheduler.lock, true);
if (ProcessorAreInterruptsEnabled()) {
KernelPanic("PostContextSwitch - Interrupts were enabled. (2)\n");
return newThread;
extern "C" uintptr_t Syscall(uintptr_t argument0, uintptr_t argument1, uintptr_t argument2,
uintptr_t returnAddress, uintptr_t argument3, uintptr_t argument4, uintptr_t *userStackPointer) {
(void) returnAddress;
return DoSyscall((EsSyscallType) argument0, argument1, argument2, argument3, argument4, false, nullptr, userStackPointer);
bool HasSSSE3Support() {
return simdSSSE3Support;
uintptr_t GetBootloaderInformationOffset() {
return bootloaderInformationOffset;
// Spinlock since some drivers need to access it in IRQs (e.g. ACPICA).
static KSpinlock pciConfigSpinlock;
uint32_t KPCIReadConfig(uint8_t bus, uint8_t device, uint8_t function, uint8_t offset, int size) {
if (offset & 3) KernelPanic("KPCIReadConfig - offset is not 4-byte aligned.");
ProcessorOut32(IO_PCI_CONFIG, (uint32_t) (0x80000000 | (bus << 16) | (device << 11) | (function << 8) | offset));
if (size == 8) return ProcessorIn8(IO_PCI_DATA);
if (size == 16) return ProcessorIn16(IO_PCI_DATA);
if (size == 32) return ProcessorIn32(IO_PCI_DATA);
KernelPanic("PCIController::ReadConfig - Invalid size %d.\n", size);
return 0;
void KPCIWriteConfig(uint8_t bus, uint8_t device, uint8_t function, uint8_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) {
if (offset & 3) KernelPanic("KPCIWriteConfig - offset is not 4-byte aligned.");
ProcessorOut32(IO_PCI_CONFIG, (uint32_t) (0x80000000 | (bus << 16) | (device << 11) | (function << 8) | offset));
if (size == 8) ProcessorOut8(IO_PCI_DATA, value);
else if (size == 16) ProcessorOut16(IO_PCI_DATA, value);
else if (size == 32) ProcessorOut32(IO_PCI_DATA, value);
else KernelPanic("PCIController::WriteConfig - Invalid size %d.\n", size);