mirror of https://gitlab.com/nakst/essence
1797 lines
58 KiB
1797 lines
58 KiB
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#if defined(TARGET_X86_64)
#define TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "x86_64-essence"
#define TARGET_NAME "x86_64"
#define QEMU_EXECUTABLE "qemu-system-x86_64"
#elif defined(TARGET_X86_32)
#define TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "i686-elf"
#define TARGET_NAME "x86_32"
#define QEMU_EXECUTABLE "qemu-system-i386"
#error Unknown target.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include "../shared/hash.cpp"
#define ColorHighlight "\033[0;36m"
#define ColorNormal "\033[0m"
bool acceptedLicense;
bool automatedBuild;
bool foundValidCrossCompiler;
bool coloredOutput;
bool encounteredErrors;
bool interactiveMode;
bool canBuildLuigi;
FILE *systemLog;
char compilerPath[4096];
int argc;
char **argv;
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#define PATH_MAX 1024
#include "build_common.h"
BuildFont fonts[] = {
{ "Inter", "Inter License.txt", "Sans", "Latn,Grek,Cyrl", (FontFile []) {
{ "1", "Inter Thin.otf" },
{ "1i", "Inter Thin Italic.otf" },
{ "2", "Inter Extra Light.otf" },
{ "2i", "Inter Extra Light Italic.otf" },
{ "3", "Inter Light.otf" },
{ "3i", "Inter Light Italic.otf" },
{ "4", "Inter Regular.otf", .required = true },
{ "4i", "Inter Regular Italic.otf" },
{ "5", "Inter Medium.otf" },
{ "5i", "Inter Medium Italic.otf" },
{ "6", "Inter Semi Bold.otf" },
{ "6i", "Inter Semi Bold Italic.otf" },
{ "7", "Inter Bold.otf" },
{ "7i", "Inter Bold Italic.otf" },
{ "8", "Inter Extra Bold.otf" },
{ "8i", "Inter Extra Bold Italic.otf" },
{ "9", "Inter Black.otf" },
{ "9i", "Inter Black Italic.otf" },
} },
{ "Hack", "Hack License.md", "Mono", "Latn,Grek,Cyrl", (FontFile []) {
{ "4", "Hack Regular.ttf", .required = true },
{ "4i", "Hack Regular Italic.ttf" },
{ "7", "Hack Bold.ttf" },
{ "7i", "Hack Bold Italic.ttf" },
} },
{ "Atkinson Hyperlegible", "Atkinson Hyperlegible License.txt", "Sans", "Latn", (FontFile []) {
{ "4", "Atkinson Hyperlegible Regular.ttf" },
{ "4i", "Atkinson Hyperlegible Regular Italic.ttf" },
{ "7", "Atkinson Hyperlegible Bold.ttf" },
{ "7i", "Atkinson Hyperlegible Bold Italic.ttf" },
} },
{ "OpenDyslexic", "OpenDyslexic License.txt", "Sans", "Latn", (FontFile []) {
{ "4", "OpenDyslexic Regular.otf" },
{ "4i", "OpenDyslexic Regular Italic.otf" },
{ "7", "OpenDyslexic Bold.otf" },
{ "7i", "OpenDyslexic Bold Italic.otf" },
} },
bool GetYes() {
char *line = NULL;
size_t pos;
getline(&line, &pos, stdin);
line[strlen(line) - 1] = 0;
bool result = 0 == strcmp(line, "yes") || 0 == strcmp(line, "y");
return result;
int CallSystem(const char *buffer) {
struct timespec startTime, endTime;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &startTime);
if (systemLog) fprintf(systemLog, "%s\n", buffer);
int result = system(buffer);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &endTime);
if (systemLog) fprintf(systemLog, "%fs\n",
(double) (endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec)
+ (double) (endTime.tv_nsec - startTime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000);
if (result) encounteredErrors = true;
return result;
int CallSystemF(const char *format, ...) {
va_list arguments;
va_start(arguments, format);
char tempBuffer[65536];
vsnprintf(tempBuffer, sizeof(tempBuffer), format, arguments);
int result = CallSystem(tempBuffer);
return result;
void BuildAPIDependencies() {
if (CheckDependencies("API Header")) {
CallSystem("bin/build_core headers");
ParseDependencies("bin/Dependency Files/api_header.d", "API Header", false);
CallSystem("ports/musl/build.sh " TARGET_NAME);
CallSystem("ports/freetype/build.sh " TARGET_NAME);
CallSystem("ports/harfbuzz/build.sh " TARGET_NAME);
CallSystem("cp -p kernel/module.h root/Applications/POSIX/include");
void OutputStartOfBuildINI(FILE *f, bool forceDebugBuildOff) {
FILE *f2 = popen("which nasm", "r");
char buffer[1024];
buffer[fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), f2) - 1] = 0;
fprintf(f, "[toolchain]\npath=%s\ntmpdir=%s\n"
"cc=%s/" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "-gcc\n"
"cxx=%s/" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "-g++\n"
"ld=%s/" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "-ld\n"
"nm=%s/" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "-nm\n"
"strip=%s/" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "-strip\n"
"crt_objects=bin/Object Files/\n"
"compiler_objects=%s/../lib/gcc/" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "/" GCC_VERSION "\n"
"target=" TARGET_NAME "\nskip_header_generation=1\nverbose=%d\ncommon_compile_flags=",
compilerPath, getenv("TMPDIR") ?: "",
compilerPath, compilerPath, compilerPath, compilerPath, compilerPath, compilerPath,
buffer, compilerPath, coloredOutput, (int) sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF), IsOptionEnabled("BuildCore.Verbose"));
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < sizeof(options) / sizeof(options[0]); i++) {
Option *option = &options[i];
if (!option->id || memcmp(option->id, "Flag.", 5)) {
if (0 == strcmp(option->id, "Flag.DEBUG_BUILD") && forceDebugBuildOff) {
if (option->type == OPTION_TYPE_BOOL && option->state.b) {
fprintf(f, "-D%s ", option->id + 5);
} else if (option->type == OPTION_TYPE_STRING) {
fprintf(f, "-D%s=%s ", option->id + 5, option->state.s);
fprintf(f, "\n\n");
fprintf(f, "[options]\n");
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < sizeof(options) / sizeof(options[0]); i++) {
if (options[i].type == OPTION_TYPE_BOOL) {
fprintf(f, "%s=%s\n", options[i].id, options[i].state.b ? "1" : "0");
} else if (options[i].type == OPTION_TYPE_STRING) {
fprintf(f, "%s=%s\n", options[i].id, options[i].state.s ?: "");
} else {
// TODO.
fprintf(f, "\n");
void BuildUtilities();
void DoCommand(const char *l);
void SaveConfig();
#define COMPILE_SKIP_COMPILE (1 << 1)
#define COMPILE_DO_BUILD (1 << 2)
#define COMPILE_FOR_EMULATOR (1 << 3)
#define OPTIMISE_OFF (1 << 4)
#define OPTIMISE_ON (1 << 5)
#define OPTIMISE_FULL (1 << 6)
void Compile(uint32_t flags, int partitionSize, const char *volumeLabel) {
buildStartTimeStamp = time(NULL);
FILE *f = fopen("bin/build.ini", "wb");
OutputStartOfBuildINI(f, flags & OPTIMISE_FULL);
size_t kernelConfigBytes;
char *kernelConfig = (char *) LoadFile("kernel/config.ini", &kernelConfigBytes);
EsINIState s = {};
s.buffer = kernelConfig;
s.bytes = kernelConfigBytes;
char *source = NULL, *name = NULL;
bool builtin = false;
while (EsINIParse(&s)) {
if (strcmp(s.sectionClass, "driver")) {
name = s.section;
if (0 == strcmp(s.key, "source")) source = s.value;
if (0 == strcmp(s.key, "builtin")) builtin = !!atoi(s.value);
if (!EsINIPeek(&s) || !s.keyBytes) {
if (IsDriverEnabled(name)) {
fprintf(f, "[@driver]\nname=%s\nsource=%s\nbuiltin=%d\n\n", name, source ?: "", builtin);
source = name = NULL;
builtin = false;
fprintf(f, "[general]\nfor_emulator=%d\noptimise=%d\nskip_compile=%d\n\n",
!!(flags & COMPILE_FOR_EMULATOR), (flags & OPTIMISE_ON) || (flags & OPTIMISE_FULL), !!(flags & COMPILE_SKIP_COMPILE));
uintptr_t fontIndex = 0;
bool requiredFontsOnly = IsOptionEnabled("BuildCore.RequiredFontsOnly");
while (fonts[fontIndex].files) {
BuildFont *font = fonts + fontIndex;
uintptr_t fileIndex = 0;
bool noRequiredFiles = true;
while (font->files[fileIndex].path) {
if (font->files[fileIndex].required) {
noRequiredFiles = false;
if (requiredFontsOnly && noRequiredFiles) {
fprintf(f, "[@font %s]\ncategory=%s\nscripts=%s\nlicense=%s\n", font->name, font->category, font->scripts, font->license);
fileIndex = 0;
while (font->files[fileIndex].path) {
FontFile *file = font->files + fileIndex;
if (requiredFontsOnly && !file->required) continue;
fprintf(f, ".%s=%s\n", file->type, file->path);
fprintf(f, "\n");
if (~flags & COMPILE_SKIP_COMPILE) {
struct dirent *entry;
DIR *root = opendir("apps/");
while (root && (entry = readdir(root))) {
const char *manifestSuffix = ".ini";
if (strlen(entry->d_name) <= strlen(manifestSuffix) || strcmp(entry->d_name + strlen(entry->d_name) - strlen(manifestSuffix), manifestSuffix)) {
fprintf(f, "[@application]\nmanifest=apps/%s\n\n", entry->d_name);
EsINIState s = { (char *) LoadFile("bin/extra_applications.ini", &s.bytes) };
while (s.buffer && EsINIParse(&s)) {
if (!s.keyBytes || s.valueBytes || (s.keyBytes >= 1 && s.key[0] == ';')) continue;
fprintf(f, "[@application]\nmanifest=%.*s\n\n", (int) s.keyBytes, s.key);
if (flags & COMPILE_DO_BUILD) {
fprintf(f, "[install]\nfile=bin/drive\npartition_size=%d\npartition_label=%s\n\n",
partitionSize, volumeLabel ?: strcmp(GetOptionString("General.installation_state"), "0") ? "Essence Installer" : "Essence HD");
CallSystem("bin/build_core standard bin/build.ini");
CallSystem(TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "-gcc -o root/Applications/POSIX/bin/hello -std=c89 ports/gcc/hello.c");
forceRebuild = false;
void BuildUtilities() {
#define WARNING_FLAGS " -Wall -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-unused-function -Wno-format-truncation -Wno-unused-parameter "
buildStartTimeStamp = time(NULL);
#define BUILD_UTILITY(x, y, z) \
if (CheckDependencies("Utilities." x)) { \
if (!CallSystem("gcc -MMD -MF \"bin/Dependency Files/" x ".d\" " "util/" z x ".c -o bin/" x " -g " WARNING_FLAGS " " y)) { \
ParseDependencies("bin/Dependency Files/" x ".d", "Utilities." x, false); \
} \
BUILD_UTILITY("render_svg", "-lm", "");
BUILD_UTILITY("build_core", "-pthread -DPARALLEL_BUILD", "");
void Build(int optimise, bool compile) {
struct timespec startTime, endTime;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &startTime);
encounteredErrors = false;
printf("Build started...\n");
CallSystem("mkdir -p root root/Applications root/Applications/POSIX root/Applications/POSIX/bin "
"root/Applications/POSIX/lib root/Applications/POSIX/include ");
#if 0
if (_installationIdentifier) {
strcpy(_installationIdentifier, installationIdentifier);
#ifndef __APPLE__
CallSystem("ctags -R "
"--exclude=old/* "
"--exclude=root/* "
"--exclude=bin/* "
"--exclude=cross/* "
"--exclude=ports/acpica/* "
"--langdef=Eshg --langmap=Eshg:.header --regex-Eshg=\"/^struct[ \\t]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\\1/s,structure/\" "
"--regex-Eshg=\"/^define[ \\t]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\\1/d,definition/\" --regex-Eshg=\"/^enum[ \\t]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\\1/e,enumeration/\" "
"--regex-Eshg=\"/^function[ \\t]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[ \\t\\*]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\\2/f,function/\" ."
" &" /* don't block */);
atoi(GetOptionString("Emulator.PrimaryDriveMB")), NULL);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &endTime);
printf(ColorHighlight "%s" ColorNormal " in %.2fs.\n", encounteredErrors ? "\033[0;33mBuild failed" : "Build complete",
(double) (endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec) + (double) (endTime.tv_nsec - startTime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000);
#define LOG_VERBOSE (0)
#define LOG_NORMAL (1)
#define LOG_NONE (2)
#define EMULATOR_QEMU (0)
#define EMULATOR_BOCHS (1)
#define DEBUG_LATER (0)
#define DEBUG_START (1)
#define DEBUG_NONE (2)
void Run(int emulator, int log, int debug) {
switch (emulator) {
const char *biosFlags = "";
const char *drivePrefix = "-drive file=bin/drive";
if (IsOptionEnabled("Emulator.QemuEFI")) {
biosFlags = " -bios /usr/share/ovmf/x64/OVMF.fd ";
drivePrefix = "-drive file=bin/uefi_drive";
const char *driveFlags = IsOptionEnabled("Emulator.ATA") ? ",format=raw,media=disk,index=0 " :
IsOptionEnabled("Emulator.AHCI") ? ",if=none,id=mydisk,format=raw,media=disk,index=0 "
"-device ich9-ahci,id=ahci "
"-device ide-hd,drive=mydisk,bus=ahci.0 "
: ",if=none,id=mydisk,format=raw "
"-device nvme,drive=mydisk,serial=1234 ";
const char *cdromImage = GetOptionString("Emulator.CDROMImage");
char cdromFlags[256];
if (cdromImage && cdromImage[0]) {
if (IsOptionEnabled("Emulator.ATA")) {
snprintf(cdromFlags, sizeof(cdromFlags), " -cdrom %s ", cdromImage);
} else {
snprintf(cdromFlags, sizeof(cdromFlags), "-drive file=%s,if=none,id=mycdrom,format=raw,media=cdrom,index=1 "
"-device ide-cd,drive=mycdrom,bus=ahci.1", cdromImage);
} else {
cdromFlags[0] = 0;
const char *usbImage = GetOptionString("Emulator.USBImage");
char usbFlags[256];
if (usbImage && usbImage[0]) {
snprintf(usbFlags, sizeof(usbFlags), " -drive if=none,format=raw,id=stick,file=%s -device usb-storage,bus=xhci.0,drive=stick ", usbImage);
} else {
usbFlags[0] = 0;
const char *usbHostVendor = GetOptionString("Emulator.USBHostVendor");
const char *usbHostProduct = GetOptionString("Emulator.USBHostProduct");
char usbFlags2[256];
if (usbHostVendor && usbHostVendor[0] && usbHostProduct && usbHostProduct[0]) {
snprintf(usbFlags2, sizeof(usbFlags2), " -device usb-host,vendorid=0x%s,productid=0x%s,bus=xhci.0,id=myusb ", usbHostVendor, usbHostProduct);
} else {
usbFlags2[0] = 0;
bool withAudio = IsOptionEnabled("Emulator.Audio");
const char *audioFlags = withAudio ? "QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=wav QEMU_WAV_PATH=bin/Logs/audio.wav " : "";
const char *audioFlags2 = withAudio ? "-soundhw pcspk,hda" : "";
const char *secondaryDriveMB = GetOptionString("Emulator.SecondaryDriveMB");
char secondaryDriveFlags[256];
if (secondaryDriveMB && atoi(secondaryDriveMB)) {
CallSystemF("dd if=/dev/zero of=bin/drive2 bs=1048576 count=%d", atoi(secondaryDriveMB));
snprintf(secondaryDriveFlags, sizeof(secondaryDriveFlags),
"-drive file=bin/drive2,if=none,id=mydisk2,format=raw "
"-device nvme,drive=mydisk2,serial=1234 ");
} else {
secondaryDriveFlags[0] = 0;
const char *logFlags = log == LOG_VERBOSE ? "-d cpu_reset,int > bin/Logs/qemu_log.txt 2>&1"
: (log == LOG_NORMAL ? " > bin/Logs/qemu_log.txt 2>&1" : " > /dev/null 2>&1");
int cpuCores = atoi(GetOptionString("Emulator.Cores"));
if (debug == DEBUG_NONE) {
cpuCores = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);
if (cpuCores < 1) cpuCores = 1;
if (cpuCores > 16) cpuCores = 16;
char serialFlags[256];
if (IsOptionEnabled("Emulator.SerialToFile")) {
system("mv bin/Logs/qemu_serial7.txt bin/Logs/qemu_serial8.txt 2> /dev/null");
system("mv bin/Logs/qemu_serial6.txt bin/Logs/qemu_serial7.txt 2> /dev/null");
system("mv bin/Logs/qemu_serial5.txt bin/Logs/qemu_serial6.txt 2> /dev/null");
system("mv bin/Logs/qemu_serial4.txt bin/Logs/qemu_serial5.txt 2> /dev/null");
system("mv bin/Logs/qemu_serial3.txt bin/Logs/qemu_serial4.txt 2> /dev/null");
system("mv bin/Logs/qemu_serial2.txt bin/Logs/qemu_serial3.txt 2> /dev/null");
system("mv bin/Logs/qemu_serial1.txt bin/Logs/qemu_serial2.txt 2> /dev/null");
strcpy(serialFlags, "-serial file:bin/Logs/qemu_serial1.txt");
} else {
serialFlags[0] = 0;
if (CallSystemF("%s %s " QEMU_EXECUTABLE " %s%s %s -m %d %s -smp cores=%d -cpu Haswell "
" -device qemu-xhci,id=xhci -device usb-kbd,bus=xhci.0,id=mykeyboard -device usb-mouse,bus=xhci.0,id=mymouse "
" -netdev user,id=u1 -device e1000,netdev=u1 -object filter-dump,id=f1,netdev=u1,file=bin/Logs/net.dat "
" %s %s %s %s %s %s %s ",
audioFlags, IsOptionEnabled("Emulator.RunWithSudo") ? "sudo " : "", drivePrefix, driveFlags, cdromFlags,
debug ? (debug == DEBUG_NONE ? "-enable-kvm" : "-s -S") : "-s",
cpuCores, audioFlags2, logFlags, usbFlags, usbFlags2, secondaryDriveFlags, biosFlags, serialFlags)) {
printf("Unable to start Qemu. To manually run the system, use the drive image located at \"bin/drive\".\n");
// Watch serial file as it is being written to:
// tail -f bin/Logs/qemu_serial1.txt
} break;
CallSystem("bochs -f bochs.config -q");
} break;
// TODO Automatically setup the Essence VM if it doesn't exist.
CallSystem("VBoxManage storageattach Essence --storagectl AHCI --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium none");
CallSystem("VBoxManage closemedium disk bin/vbox.vdi --delete");
if (IsOptionEnabled("Emulator.VBoxEFI")) {
CallSystem("VBoxManage convertfromraw bin/uefi_drive bin/vbox.vdi --format VDI");
CallSystem("VBoxManage modifyvm Essence --firmware efi");
} else {
CallSystem("VBoxManage convertfromraw bin/drive bin/vbox.vdi --format VDI");
CallSystem("VBoxManage modifyvm Essence --firmware bios");
CallSystem("VBoxManage storageattach Essence --storagectl AHCI --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium bin/vbox.vdi");
CallSystem("VBoxManage startvm --putenv VBOX_GUI_DBG_ENABLED=true Essence");
} break;
bool AddCompilerToPath() {
char path[65536];
char *originalPath = getenv("PATH");
if (strlen(originalPath) > 32768) {
printf("PATH too long\n");
return false;
strcpy(path, compilerPath);
strcat(path, ":");
strcat(path, originalPath);
if (strstr(path, "::")) {
printf("PATH contains double colon\n");
return false;
setenv("PATH", path, 1);
return true;
void BuildCrossCompiler() {
if (!CallSystem("whoami | grep root")) {
printf("Error: Build should not be run as root.\n");
printf("To build Essence, you need a cross compiler. This will be built for you automatically.\n");
printf("- You need to be connected to the internet. ~100MB will be downloaded.\n");
printf("- You need ~3GB of drive space available.\n");
printf("- You need ~8GB of RAM available.\n");
printf("- This should take ~20 minutes on a modern computer.\n");
printf("- This does *not* require root permissions.\n");
printf("- You must fully update your system before building.\n\n");
bool missingPackages = false;
bool missingLibraries = false;
if (CallSystem("which g++ > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing GCC/G++.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
if (CallSystem("which make > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing GNU Make.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
if (CallSystem("which bison > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing GNU Bison.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
if (CallSystem("which flex > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing Flex.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
if (CallSystem("which curl > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing curl.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
if (CallSystem("which nasm > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing nasm.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
if (CallSystem("which ctags > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing ctags.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
if (CallSystem("which xz > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing xz.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
if (CallSystem("which gzip > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing gzip.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
if (CallSystem("which tar > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing tar.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
if (CallSystem("which grep > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing grep.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
if (CallSystem("which sed > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing sed.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
if (CallSystem("which awk > /dev/null 2>&1")) { printf("Error: Missing awk.\n"); missingPackages = true; }
#ifdef __APPLE__
if (CallSystem("gcc -L/opt/homebrew/lib -lmpc 2>&1 | grep -i undefined > /dev/null")) { printf("Error: Missing GNU MPC.\n"); missingLibraries = true; }
if (CallSystem("gcc -L/opt/homebrew/lib -lmpfr 2>&1 | grep -i undefined > /dev/null")) { printf("Error: Missing GNU MPFR.\n"); missingLibraries = true; }
if (CallSystem("gcc -L/opt/homebrew/lib -lgmp 2>&1 | grep -i undefined > /dev/null")) { printf("Error: Missing GNU GMP.\n"); missingLibraries = true; }
if (CallSystem("gcc -lmpc 2>&1 | grep -i undefined > /dev/null")) { printf("Error: Missing GNU MPC.\n"); missingLibraries = true; }
if (CallSystem("gcc -lmpfr 2>&1 | grep -i undefined > /dev/null")) { printf("Error: Missing GNU MPFR.\n"); missingLibraries = true; }
if (CallSystem("gcc -lgmp 2>&1 | grep -i undefined > /dev/null")) { printf("Error: Missing GNU GMP.\n"); missingLibraries = true; }
if (missingPackages || missingLibraries) {
if (missingLibraries) {
printf("Make sure you install the *development* versions of MPC, MPFR and GMP.\n"
"Depending on your package manager, you might have to suffix the package name with \"-dev\" or \"-devel\".\n"
"For example, on Ubuntu, you can run: \"apt-get install libgmp-dev libmpc-dev libmpfr.dev\".\n");
char installationFolder[4096];
char sysrootFolder[4096];
int processorCount = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);
if (processorCount < 1) processorCount = 1;
if (processorCount > 16) processorCount = 16;
printf("Type 'yes' if you have updated your system.\n");
if (!GetYes()) { printf("The build has been canceled.\n"); exit(0); }
getcwd(installationFolder, 4096);
strcat(installationFolder, "/cross");
getcwd(sysrootFolder, 4096);
strcat(sysrootFolder, "/root");
strcpy(compilerPath, installationFolder);
strcat(compilerPath, "/bin");
printf("\nType 'yes' to install the compiler into '%s'.\n", installationFolder);
if (!GetYes()) { printf("The build has been canceled.\n"); exit(0); }
if (!AddCompilerToPath()) {
goto fail;
FILE *f = fopen("bin/running_makefiles", "r");
if (f) {
printf("\nThe build system has detected a build was started, but was not completed.\n");
printf("Type 'yes' to attempt to resume this build.\n");
if (GetYes()) {
printf("Resuming build...\n");
goto runMakefiles;
CallSystemF("echo \"Started build of cross compiler index %d, with GCC " GCC_VERSION " and Binutils " BINUTILS_VERSION ". Using %d processors.\" > bin/build_cross.log",
CROSS_COMPILER_INDEX, processorCount);
CallSystem("rm -rf cross bin/build-binutils bin/build-gcc bin/gcc-" GCC_VERSION " bin/binutils-" BINUTILS_VERSION);
CallSystem("echo Preparing C standard library headers... >> bin/build_cross.log");
CallSystem("mkdir -p root/" SYSTEM_FOLDER_NAME " root/Applications/POSIX/include root/Applications/POSIX/lib root/Applications/POSIX/bin");
CallSystem("ports/musl/build.sh " TARGET_NAME ">> bin/build_cross.log 2>&1");
printf("Downloading and extracting source...\n");
if (CallSystem("ports/gcc/port.sh download-only")) {
goto fail;
printf("Building GCC...\n");
CallSystem("echo Running configure... >> bin/build_cross.log");
if (CallSystem("mkdir bin/build-binutils")) goto fail;
if (CallSystem("mkdir bin/build-gcc")) goto fail;
if (chdir("bin/build-binutils")) goto fail;
if (CallSystemF("../binutils-src/configure --target=" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX " --prefix=\"%s\" --with-sysroot=%s --disable-nls --disable-werror >> ../build_cross.log 2>&1",
installationFolder, sysrootFolder)) goto fail;
if (chdir("../..")) goto fail;
if (chdir("bin/build-gcc")) goto fail;
// Add --without-headers for a x86_64-elf build.
if (CallSystemF("../gcc-src/configure --target=" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX " --prefix=\"%s\" --enable-languages=c,c++ --with-sysroot=%s --disable-nls >> ../build_cross.log 2>&1",
installationFolder, sysrootFolder)) goto fail;
if (chdir("../..")) goto fail;
CallSystem("touch bin/running_makefiles");
CallSystem("echo Building Binutils... >> bin/build_cross.log");
if (chdir("bin/build-binutils")) goto fail;
if (CallSystemF("make -j%d >> ../build_cross.log 2>&1", processorCount)) goto fail;
if (CallSystem("make install >> ../build_cross.log 2>&1")) goto fail;
if (chdir("../..")) goto fail;
CallSystem("echo Building GCC... >> bin/build_cross.log");
if (chdir("bin/build-gcc")) goto fail;
if (CallSystemF("make all-gcc -j%d >> ../build_cross.log 2>&1", processorCount)) goto fail;
if (CallSystem("make all-target-libgcc >> ../build_cross.log 2>&1")) goto fail;
if (CallSystem("make install-gcc >> ../build_cross.log 2>&1")) goto fail;
if (CallSystem("make install-target-libgcc >> ../build_cross.log 2>&1")) goto fail;
if (chdir("../..")) goto fail;
CallSystem("echo Removing debug symbols... >> bin/build_cross.log");
CallSystemF("strip %s/bin/* >> bin/build_cross.log 2>&1", installationFolder);
CallSystemF("strip %s/libexec/gcc/" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "/" GCC_VERSION "/* >> bin/build_cross.log 2>&1", installationFolder);
CallSystem("echo Modifying headers... >> bin/build_cross.log");
char path[65536];
sprintf(path, "%s/lib/gcc/" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "/" GCC_VERSION "/include/mm_malloc.h", installationFolder);
FILE *file = fopen(path, "w");
if (!file) {
printf("Couldn't modify header files\n");
goto fail;
} else {
fprintf(file, "/*Removed*/\n");
FILE *f = fopen("bin/build.ini", "wb");
OutputStartOfBuildINI(f, false);
fprintf(f, "[general]\nwithout_kernel=1\n");
if (CallSystem("bin/build_core standard bin/build.ini")) goto fail;
if (chdir("bin/build-gcc")) goto fail;
if (CallSystemF("make -j%d all-target-libstdc++-v3 >> ../build_cross.log 2>&1", processorCount)) goto fail;
if (CallSystem("make install-target-libstdc++-v3 >> ../build_cross.log 2>&1")) goto fail;
if (chdir("../..")) goto fail;
CallSystem("echo Cleaning up... >> bin/build_cross.log");
CallSystem("rm -rf bin/binutils-src bin/gcc-src bin/gmp-src bin/mpc-src bin/mpfr-src");
CallSystem("rm -rf bin/build-binutils bin/build-gcc");
CallSystem("rm bin/running_makefiles");
printf(ColorHighlight "\nThe cross compiler has built successfully.\n" ColorNormal);
foundValidCrossCompiler = true;
printf("\nThe build has failed. A log is available in " ColorHighlight "bin/build_cross.log" ColorNormal ".\n");
void SaveConfig() {
FILE *f = fopen("bin/build_config.ini", "wb");
fprintf(f, "accepted_license=%d\ncompiler_path=%s\n"
acceptedLicense, compilerPath,
foundValidCrossCompiler ? CROSS_COMPILER_INDEX : 0);
const char *folders[] = {
void Find(char *l2, char *in, bool wordOnly) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < sizeof(folders) / sizeof(folders[0]); i++) {
char buffer[256];
sprintf(buffer, "grep --color -nr '%s' -e '%s%s%s'", in ?: folders[i], wordOnly ? "\\b" : "", l2, wordOnly ? "\\b" : "");
if (in) break;
void Replace(char *l2, char *l3, char *in) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < sizeof(folders) / sizeof(folders[0]); i++) {
char buffer[256];
sprintf(buffer, "find %s -type f -exec sed -i 's/\\b%s\\b/%s/g' {} \\;", in ?: folders[i], l2, l3);
if (in) break;
typedef struct ReplacedFieldNameError {
char *file;
int line, position;
} ReplacedFieldNameError;
void FixReplacedFieldName(const char *oldName, const char *newName) {
CallSystem("./start.sh c 2> bin/errors.tmp");
char *errors = (char *) LoadFile("bin/errors.tmp", NULL);
char *position = errors;
char needle[256];
snprintf(needle, sizeof(needle), "has no member named '%s'", oldName);
ReplacedFieldNameError *parsedErrors = NULL;
while (position) {
char *s = strstr(position, needle);
if (!s) {
while (s != position) {
if (*s == '\n') {
char *fileStart = s;
char *fileEnd = strchr(fileStart, ':');
char *lineStart = fileEnd + 1;
char *lineEnd = strchr(lineStart, ':');
char *positionStart = lineEnd + 1;
char *positionEnd = strchr(positionStart, ':');
position = strchr(s, '\n');
*fileEnd = 0;
*lineEnd = 0;
*positionEnd = 0;
ReplacedFieldNameError error = { fileStart, atoi(lineStart), atoi(positionStart) };
arrput(parsedErrors, error);
printf("Parsed error: file %s, line %d, position %d.\n", error.file, error.line, error.position);
while (arrlenu(parsedErrors)) {
char *path = arrlast(parsedErrors).file;
size_t fileLength;
char *file = (char *) LoadFile(path, &fileLength);
if (!file) {
printf("Error: Could not access '%s'.\n", path);
(void) arrpop(parsedErrors);
printf("Replacing errors in file %s...\n", path);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < arrlenu(parsedErrors); i++) {
if (strcmp(parsedErrors[i].file, path)) {
// printf("(%s:%d:%d)\n", parsedErrors[i].file, parsedErrors[i].line, parsedErrors[i].position);
int line = 1;
char *position = file;
while (line != parsedErrors[i].line) {
position = strchr(position, '\n');
if (!position) {
printf("Error: File '%s' has less lines (%d) than expected (%d).\n", path, line, parsedErrors[i].line);
goto nextError;
char *end = strchr(position, '\n');
if (!end) end = position + strlen(position);
size_t lineLength = end - position;
if (parsedErrors[i].position + strlen(oldName) > lineLength) {
printf("Error: Line %s:%d was shorter than expected (want to replace field at %d).\n", path, line, parsedErrors[i].position);
goto nextError;
if (memcmp(parsedErrors[i].position + position - 1, oldName, strlen(oldName))) {
printf("Warning: Line %s:%d did not contain old field name at position %d.\n",
path, line, parsedErrors[i].position);
goto nextError;
size_t oldFileLength = fileLength;
size_t positionOffset = position - file + parsedErrors[i].position - 1;
fileLength = oldFileLength - strlen(oldName) + strlen(newName);
if (fileLength > oldFileLength) file = (char *) realloc(file, fileLength + 1);
position = file + positionOffset;
memmove(position + strlen(newName), position + strlen(oldName), oldFileLength - positionOffset - strlen(oldName));
memcpy(position, newName, strlen(newName));
file[fileLength] = 0;
for (uintptr_t j = i + 1; j < arrlenu(parsedErrors); j++) {
if (strcmp(parsedErrors[i].file, parsedErrors[j].file)
|| parsedErrors[i].line != parsedErrors[j].line
|| parsedErrors[i].position > parsedErrors[j].position) {
if (parsedErrors[i].position == parsedErrors[j].position) {
arrdel(parsedErrors, j);
} else {
parsedErrors[j].position += strlen(newName) - strlen(oldName);
arrdel(parsedErrors, i);
FILE *f = fopen(path, "wb");
fwrite(file, 1, fileLength, f);
CallSystem("unlink bin/errors.tmp");
void LineCountFile(const char *folder, const char *name) {
int lineCountBefore = 0;
CallSystem("paste -sd+ bin/count.tmp | bc > bin/count2.tmp");
FILE *f = fopen("bin/count2.tmp", "rb");
char buffer[16] = {};
fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), f);
lineCountBefore = atoi(buffer);
CallSystemF("awk 'NF' \"%s%s\" | wc -l >> bin/count.tmp", folder, name);
CallSystem("paste -sd+ bin/count.tmp | bc > bin/count2.tmp");
FILE *f = fopen("bin/count2.tmp", "rb");
char buffer[16] = {};
fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), f);
printf("%5d %s%s\n", atoi(buffer) - lineCountBefore, folder, name);
void AddressToLine(const char *symbolFile) {
char buffer[4096];
sprintf(buffer, "echo %s > bin/all_symbol_files.dat", symbolFile);
system("echo bin/Kernel >> bin/all_symbol_files.dat && echo bin/Desktop >> bin/all_symbol_files.dat");
char symbolFiles[4096] = {};
fread(symbolFiles, 1, 4096, fopen("bin/all_symbol_files.dat", "rb"));
for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) if (symbolFiles[i] == '\n') symbolFiles[i] = 0;
system("rm -f bin/all_symbol_files.dat");
char root[4096];
getcwd(root, 4096);
while (true) {
char *line = NULL;
size_t bytes = 0;
getline(&line, &bytes, stdin);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < strlen(line); i++) {
if (line[i] == '0' && line[i + 1] == 'x') {
int si = i;
uint64_t address = 0;
i += 2;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
if (line[i] == '_') i++;
if (line[i] >= '0' && line[i] <= '9') address = (address * 16) + line[i++] - '0';
else if (line[i] >= 'A' && line[i] <= 'F') address = (address * 16) + line[i++] - 'A' + 10;
else if (line[i] >= 'a' && line[i] <= 'f') address = (address * 16) + line[i++] - 'a' + 10;
else break;
char *file = symbolFiles;
while (*file) {
sprintf(buffer, "addr2line --exe=\"%s\" 0x%lx | grep -v ? >> bin/result.tmp", file, address);
file += strlen(file) + 1;
char result[4096];
FILE *file = fopen("bin/result.tmp", "rb");
result[fread(result, 1, 4096, file)] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) if (result[i] == '\n') result[i] = 0;
if (result[0] == 0) {
i = si;
} else {
fputs(strstr(result, "essence") ?: "", stdout);
system("rm -f bin/result.tmp");
} else {
void GatherFilesForInstallerArchive(FILE *file, const char *path1, const char *path2, uint64_t *crc64, uint64_t *totalUncompressedSize) {
char path[4096], path3[4096];
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", path1, path2);
DIR *directory = opendir(path);
struct dirent *entry;
// Make sure empty folders are preserved.
uint64_t length = (uint64_t) -1L;
fwrite(&length, 1, sizeof(length), file);
uint16_t pathBytes = strlen(path2);
fwrite(&pathBytes, 1, sizeof(pathBytes), file);
fwrite(path2, 1, pathBytes, file);
printf("Directory: %s\n", path2);
while ((entry = readdir(directory))) {
if (0 == strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") || 0 == strcmp(entry->d_name, "..")) {
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s/%s", path1, path2, entry->d_name);
snprintf(path3, sizeof(path3), "%s/%s", path2, entry->d_name);
struct stat s = {};
lstat(path, &s);
if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) {
GatherFilesForInstallerArchive(file, path1, path3, crc64, totalUncompressedSize);
} else if (S_ISREG(s.st_mode)) {
size_t _length;
void *data = LoadFile(path, &_length);
printf("%s, %d KB\n", path3, (int) (_length / 1000));
uint64_t length = _length;
fwrite(&length, 1, sizeof(length), file);
uint16_t pathBytes = strlen(path3);
fwrite(&pathBytes, 1, sizeof(pathBytes), file);
fwrite(path3, 1, pathBytes, file);
fwrite(data, 1, length, file);
*crc64 = CalculateCRC64(data, length, *crc64);
*totalUncompressedSize += length;
} else {
printf("skipping: %s\n", path3);
void BuildAndRun(int optimise, bool compile, int debug, int emulator, int log) {
Build(optimise, compile);
if (encounteredErrors) {
printf("Errors were encountered during the build.\n");
} else if (emulator != -1) {
Run(emulator, log, debug);
if (automatedBuild) {
exit(encounteredErrors ? 1 : 0);
void DoCommand(const char *l) {
while (l && (*l == ' ' || *l == '\t')) l++;
struct stat s = {};
static time_t buildSystemTimeStamp = 0;
if (stat("util/build.c", &s) || s.st_mtime > buildSystemTimeStamp) {
if (buildSystemTimeStamp) {
printf("\033[0;33mWarning: The build system appears to be out of date.\nPlease exit and re-run ./start.sh.\n" ColorNormal);
} else {
buildSystemTimeStamp = s.st_mtime;
if (0 == strcmp(l, "b") || 0 == strcmp(l, "build")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_OFF, true /* compile */, false /* debug */, -1, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "opt") || 0 == strcmp(l, "build-optimised")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_ON, true /* compile */, false /* debug */, -1, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "d") || 0 == strcmp(l, "debug")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_OFF, true /* compile */, true /* debug */, EMULATOR_QEMU, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "dlv")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_OFF, true /* compile */, true /* debug */, EMULATOR_QEMU, LOG_VERBOSE);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "d3") || 0 == strcmp(l, "debug-without-compile")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_OFF, false /* compile */, true /* debug */, EMULATOR_QEMU, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "v") || 0 == strcmp(l, "vbox")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_ON, true /* compile */, false /* debug */, EMULATOR_VIRTUALBOX, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "v2") || 0 == strcmp(l, "vbox-without-opt")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_OFF, true /* compile */, false /* debug */, EMULATOR_VIRTUALBOX, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "v3") || 0 == strcmp(l, "vbox-without-compile")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_OFF, false /* compile */, false /* debug */, EMULATOR_VIRTUALBOX, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "t") || 0 == strcmp(l, "qemu-with-opt")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_ON, true /* compile */, false /* debug */, EMULATOR_QEMU, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "t2") || 0 == strcmp(l, "test")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_OFF, true /* compile */, false /* debug */, EMULATOR_QEMU, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "t3") || 0 == strcmp(l, "qemu-without-compile")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_OFF, false /* compile */, false /* debug */, EMULATOR_QEMU, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "t4")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_FULL, true /* compile */, false /* debug */, EMULATOR_QEMU, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "e")) {
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "k") || 0 == strcmp(l, "qemu-with-kvm")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_FULL, true /* compile */, DEBUG_NONE /* debug */, EMULATOR_QEMU, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "kno")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_ON, true /* compile */, DEBUG_NONE /* debug */, EMULATOR_QEMU, LOG_NORMAL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "klv")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_FULL, true /* compile */, DEBUG_NONE /* debug */, EMULATOR_QEMU, LOG_VERBOSE);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "tlv")) {
BuildAndRun(OPTIMISE_ON, true /* compile */, DEBUG_LATER /* debug */, EMULATOR_QEMU, LOG_VERBOSE);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "exit") || 0 == strcmp(l, "x") || 0 == strcmp(l, "quit") || 0 == strcmp(l, "q")) {
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "compile") || 0 == strcmp(l, "c")) {
Compile(COMPILE_FOR_EMULATOR, atoi(GetOptionString("Emulator.PrimaryDriveMB")), NULL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "build-cross")) {
printf("Please restart the build system.\n");
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "build-utilities") || 0 == strcmp(l, "u")) {
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "make-installer-archive")) {
CallSystem("gcc -O3 -o bin/lzma ports/lzma/LzmaUtil.c ports/lzma/LzmaDec.c ports/lzma/LzmaEnc.c "
"ports/lzma/7zStream.c ports/lzma/Threads.c ports/lzma/LzFindMt.c ports/lzma/LzFind.c "
"ports/lzma/7zFile.c ports/lzma/Alloc.c ports/lzma/CpuArch.c -pthread");
FILE *f = fopen("bin/temp.dat", "wb");
uint64_t crc64 = 0, uncompressed = 0;
GatherFilesForInstallerArchive(f, "root", "", &crc64, &uncompressed);
uint32_t sizeMB = ftell(f) / 1000000;
printf("Compressing %d MB...\n", sizeMB);
CallSystem("bin/lzma e bin/temp.dat bin/installer_archive.dat");
struct stat s = {};
lstat("bin/installer_archive.dat", &s);
printf("Compressed to %d MB.\n", (uint32_t) (s.st_size / 1000000));
f = fopen("bin/installer_metadata.dat", "wb");
fwrite(&uncompressed, 1, sizeof(uncompressed), f);
fwrite(&crc64, 1, sizeof(crc64), f);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "make-installer-root")) {
CallSystem("rm -r root/Installer\\ Data");
CallSystem("mkdir root/Installer\\ Data");
CallSystem("cp bin/mbr root/Installer\\ Data/mbr.dat");
CallSystem("cp bin/stage1 root/Installer\\ Data/stage1.dat");
CallSystem("cp bin/stage2 root/Installer\\ Data/stage2.dat");
CallSystem("cp bin/uefi root/Installer\\ Data/uefi1.dat");
CallSystem("cp bin/uefi_loader root/Installer\\ Data/uefi2.dat");
CallSystem("cp LICENSE.md root/Installer\\ Data/licenses.txt");
CallSystem("mv bin/installer_archive.dat root/Installer\\ Data/archive.dat");
CallSystem("mv bin/installer_metadata.dat root/Installer\\ Data/metadata.dat");
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "font-editor")) {
BUILD_UTILITY("font_editor", "-lX11 -Wno-unused-parameter", "");
CallSystem("bin/font_editor res/Fonts/Bitmap\\ Sans\\ Regular\\ 9.font");
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "config")) {
BUILD_UTILITY("config_editor", "-lX11 -Wno-unused-parameter", "");
if (CallSystem("bin/config_editor")) {
printf("The config editor could not be opened.\n"
"This likely means your system does not have X11 setup.\n"
"If needed, you can manually modify the config file, \"bin/config.ini\".\n"
"See the \"options\" array in \"util/build_common.h\" for a list of options.\n"
"But please bare in mind that manually editing the config file is not recommended.\n");
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "designer2")) {
if (CheckDependencies("Utilities.Designer")) {
if (!CallSystem("g++ -MMD -MF \"bin/Dependency Files/designer2.d\" -D UI_LINUX -O3 "
"util/designer2.cpp -o bin/designer2 -g -lX11 -Wno-unused-parameter " WARNING_FLAGS)) {
ParseDependencies("bin/Dependency Files/designer2.d", "Utilities.Designer", false);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "replace-many")) {
forceRebuild = true;
printf("Enter the name of the replacement file: ");
char *l2 = NULL;
size_t pos;
getline(&l2, &pos, stdin);
l2[strlen(l2) - 1] = 0;
FILE *f = fopen(l2, "r");
while (!feof(f)) {
char a[512], b[512];
fscanf(f, "%s %s", a, b);
printf("%s -> %s\n", a, b);
Replace(a, b, NULL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "find")) {
printf("Enter the query to be found: ");
char *l2 = NULL;
size_t pos;
getline(&l2, &pos, stdin);
l2[strlen(l2) - 1] = 0;
Find(l2, NULL, false);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "find-word")) {
printf("Enter the query to be found: ");
char *l2 = NULL;
size_t pos;
getline(&l2, &pos, stdin);
l2[strlen(l2) - 1] = 0;
Find(l2, NULL, true);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "find-in")) {
printf("Enter the folder to search in: ");
char *in = NULL;
size_t pos;
getline(&in, &pos, stdin);
in[strlen(in) - 1] = 0;
printf("Enter the query to be found: ");
char *l2 = NULL;
getline(&l2, &pos, stdin);
l2[strlen(l2) - 1] = 0;
Find(l2, in, false);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "replace")) {
forceRebuild = true;
printf("Enter the word to be replaced: ");
char *l2 = NULL;
size_t pos;
getline(&l2, &pos, stdin);
printf("Enter the word to replace it with: ");
char *l3 = NULL;
getline(&l3, &pos, stdin);
l2[strlen(l2) - 1] = 0;
l3[strlen(l3) - 1] = 0;
Replace(l2, l3, NULL);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "replace-in")) {
forceRebuild = true;
printf("Enter the folder to replace in: ");
char *in = NULL;
size_t pos;
getline(&in, &pos, stdin);
in[strlen(in) - 1] = 0;
printf("Enter the word to be replaced: ");
char *l2 = NULL;
getline(&l2, &pos, stdin);
printf("Enter the word to replace it with: ");
char *l3 = NULL;
getline(&l3, &pos, stdin);
l2[strlen(l2) - 1] = 0;
l3[strlen(l3) - 1] = 0;
Replace(l2, l3, in);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "fix-replaced-field-name")) {
size_t pos;
printf(">> Please make sure you have saved a backup before running this command!! <<\n");
printf("Do not try to rename fields from different structures at the same time.\n\n");
printf("Enter the old name of the field: ");
char *oldName = NULL;
getline(&oldName, &pos, stdin);
oldName[strlen(oldName) - 1] = 0;
printf("Enter the new name of the field: ");
char *newName = NULL;
getline(&newName, &pos, stdin);
newName[strlen(newName) - 1] = 0;
FixReplacedFieldName(oldName, newName);
} else if (0 == memcmp(l, "ascii ", 6)) {
const char *text = l + 6;
while (*text) {
char c = *text;
printf("0x%.2X - %.3d - '%c'\n", c, c, c);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "ascii")) {
for (int c = 32; c < 127; c++) {
printf("0x%.2X - %.3d - '%c'", c, c, c);
if ((c & 3) == 3) printf("\n"); else printf(" ");
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "build-optional-ports")) {
DIR *directory = opendir("ports");
struct dirent *entry;
while ((entry = readdir(directory))) {
fprintf(stderr, "build-optional-ports: Calling \"ports/%s/port.sh\"...\n", entry->d_name);
CallSystemF("ports/%s/port.sh", entry->d_name);
} else if (0 == memcmp(l, "do ", 3)) {
CallSystem(l + 3);
} else if (0 == memcmp(l, "live ", 5) || 0 == strcmp(l, "live")) {
if (interactiveMode) {
fprintf(stderr, "This command cannot be used in interactive mode. Type \"quit\" and then run \"./start.sh live <...>\".\n");
if (argc < 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: \"./start.sh live <iso/raw> <drive size in MB> [extra options]\".\n");
bool wantISO = 0 == strcmp(argv[2], "iso");
uint32_t flags = OPTIMISE_ON | COMPILE_DO_BUILD;
const char *label = NULL;
for (int i = 4; i < argc; i++) {
if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "noopt")) {
flags &= ~OPTIMISE_ON;
flags |= OPTIMISE_OFF;
} else if (0 == memcmp(argv[i], "label=", 6)) {
label = argv[i] + 6;
forceRebuild = true;
Compile(flags, atoi(argv[3]), label);
if (encounteredErrors) {
printf("\033[0;33mBuild failed.\n" ColorNormal);
if (!wantISO) {
printf("You can copy the image to the device with "
ColorHighlight "sudo dd if=bin/drive of=<path to drive> bs=1024 count=%d conv=notrunc" ColorNormal "\n",
atoi(argv[3]) * 1024);
if (CallSystem("xorriso --version")) {
printf("\033[0;33mCould not produce iso image; xorriso not found.\n" ColorNormal);
char buffer[512];
FILE *f = fopen("bin/drive", "rb");
fseek(f, 0x102000, SEEK_SET);
fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), f);
if (memcmp(buffer, "!EssenceFS2", 11)) {
printf("\033[0;33mCould not produce iso image (1).\n" ColorNormal);
f = fopen("bin/appuse.txt", "wb");
fprintf(f, "Essence::%.*s", 16, buffer + 152);
if (CallSystem("xorriso -rockridge \"off\" -outdev bin/essence.iso -blank as_needed -volid \"Essence Installation Disc\" "
"-map bin/drive /ESSENCE.DAT -boot_image any bin_path=/ESSENCE.DAT -boot_image any emul_type=hard_disk "
"-application_use bin/appuse.txt")) {
printf("\033[0;33mCould not produce iso image (2).\n" ColorNormal);
printf("Created " ColorHighlight "bin/essence.iso" ColorNormal ".\n");
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "line-count")) {
FILE *f = fopen("bin/count.tmp", "wb");
fprintf(f, "0");
LineCountFile("", "start.sh");
const char *folders[] = {
"desktop/", "boot/x86/", "drivers/", "kernel/",
"apps/", "apps/file_manager/", "shared/", "util/",
"arch/", "arch/x86_32/", "arch/x86_64/",
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < sizeof(folders) / sizeof(folders[0]); i++) {
const char *folder = folders[i];
DIR *directory = opendir(folder);
struct dirent *entry;
while ((entry = readdir(directory))) {
if (0 == strcmp(entry->d_name, "nanosvg.h")) continue;
if (0 == strcmp(entry->d_name, "hsluv.h")) continue;
if (0 == strcmp(entry->d_name, "stb_ds.h")) continue;
if (0 == strcmp(entry->d_name, "stb_image.h")) continue;
if (0 == strcmp(entry->d_name, "stb_sprintf.h")) continue;
if (0 == strcmp(entry->d_name, "stb_truetype.h")) continue;
if (entry->d_type != DT_REG) continue;
LineCountFile(folder, entry->d_name);
printf("\nTotal line count:" ColorHighlight "\n");
CallSystem("paste -sd+ bin/count.tmp | bc");
} else if (0 == memcmp(l, "a2l ", 4)) {
AddressToLine(l + 3);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "build-port") || 0 == memcmp(l, "build-port ", 11)) {
bool alreadyNamedPort = l[10] == ' ';
char *l2 = NULL;
if (!alreadyNamedPort) {
printf("\nAvailable ports:\n");
DIR *directory = opendir("ports");
struct dirent *entry;
while ((entry = readdir(directory))) {
char buffer[4096];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "ports/%s/port.sh", entry->d_name);
FILE *f = fopen(buffer, "rb");
if (f) {
printf("\t%s\n", entry->d_name);
if (!IsOptionEnabled("Flag.ENABLE_POSIX_SUBSYSTEM")) {
printf("\nMost ports require the POSIX subsystem to be enabled.\n");
printf("Run " ColorHighlight "config" ColorNormal " and select " ColorHighlight "Flag.ENABLE_POSIX_SUBSYSTEM" ColorNormal " to enable it.\n");
printf("\nEnter the port to be built: ");
size_t pos;
getline(&l2, &pos, stdin);
l2[strlen(l2) - 1] = 0;
} else {
l2 = (char *) l + 11;
int status = CallSystemF("ports/%s/port.sh", l2);
if (!alreadyNamedPort) {
if (automatedBuild) {
} else if (0 == memcmp(l, "get-source ", 11)) {
if (CallSystem("mkdir -p bin/cache && rm -rf bin/source")) {
const char *folder = l + 11;
const char *url = NULL;
for (int i = 0; folder[i]; i++) {
if (folder[i] == ' ') {
url = folder + i + 1;
char name[1024];
strcpy(name, "bin/cache/");
const char *extension = url;
for (int i = 0; url[i]; i++) {
name[i + 10] = isalnum(url[i]) ? url[i] : '_';
name[i + 11] = 0;
if (url[i] == '.') extension = url + i;
char decompressFlag;
if (0 == strcmp(extension, ".bz2")) {
decompressFlag = 'j';
} else if (0 == strcmp(extension, ".xz")) {
decompressFlag = 'J';
} else if (0 == strcmp(extension, ".gz")) {
decompressFlag = 'z';
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown archive format.\n");
FILE *f = fopen(name, "rb");
if (f) {
} else if (CallSystemF("curl -L %s > %s", url, name)) {
CallSystemF("rm %s", name); // Remove partially downloaded file.
if (CallSystemF("tar -x%cf %s", decompressFlag, name)) exit(1);
if (CallSystemF("mv %.*s bin/source", (int) (url - folder), folder)) exit(1);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "make-crash-report")) {
system("rm crash-report.tar.gz");
system("mkdir crash-report");
system("cp bin/qemu_serial* crash-report");
system("cp bin/Kernel crash-report");
system("cp bin/Desktop crash-report");
system("cp bin/File\\ Manager crash-report");
system("cp bin/config.ini crash-report");
system("cp bin/build.ini crash-report");
system("cp root/Essence/Default.ini crash-report");
system("cp -r kernel crash-report");
system("cp -r desktop crash-report");
system("git diff > crash-report/git-diff.txt");
system("tar -czf crash-report.tar.gz crash-report");
system("rm -r crash-report");
char cwd[PATH_MAX];
getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
strcat(cwd, "/crash-report.tar.gz");
fprintf(stderr, "Crash report made at " ColorHighlight "%s" ColorNormal ".\n", cwd);
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "setup-pre-built-toolchain")) {
CallSystem("mv bin/source cross");
CallSystem("mkdir -p cross/bin2");
CallSystem("gcc -o cross/bin2/" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "-" tool " util/toolchain_wrapper.c -Wall -Wextra -Wno-format-truncation -g -DTOOL=" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "-" tool)
foundValidCrossCompiler = true;
getcwd(compilerPath, sizeof(compilerPath) - 64);
strcat(compilerPath, "/cross/bin2");
} else if (0 == strcmp(l, "help") || 0 == strcmp(l, "h") || 0 == strcmp(l, "?")) {
printf(ColorHighlight "\n=== Common Commands ===\n" ColorNormal);
printf("build (b) - Build.\n");
printf("qemu-with-kvm (k) - Build (with optimisations enabled) and run in Qemu with KVM.\n");
printf("test (t2) - Build and run in Qemu.\n");
printf("vbox (v) - Build (with optimisations enabled) and run in VirtualBox.\n");
printf("debug (d) - Build and run in Qemu (GDB server enabled).\n");
printf("config - Open the local configuration editor.\n");
printf("exit - Exit the build system.\n");
printf(ColorHighlight "\n=== Search and replace ===\n" ColorNormal);
printf("find, find-word, find-in - Search the project's source code.\n");
printf("replace-many, replace, replace-in - Replace a word in throughout the source code.\n");
printf("fix-replaced-field-name - Replace usages of a struct field after changing it.\n");
printf(ColorHighlight "\n=== Special builds ===\n" ColorNormal);
printf("build-optional-ports - Build the applications in ports/.\n");
printf("live - Create a live USB or CDROM.\n");
printf(ColorHighlight "\n=== Utilities ===\n" ColorNormal);
printf("designer2 - Open the interface style designer.\n");
printf("line-count - Count lines of code.\n");
printf("ascii <string> - Convert a string to a list of ASCII codepoints.\n");
printf("a2l <executable> - Translate addresses to lines.\n");
printf("make-crash-report - Make a crash report.\n");
} else {
printf("Unrecognised command '%s'. Enter 'help' to get a list of commands.\n", l);
int main(int _argc, char **_argv) {
argc = _argc;
argv = _argv;
char cwd[PATH_MAX];
getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
if (strchr(cwd, ' ')) {
printf("Error: The path to your essence directory, '%s', contains spaces.\n", cwd);
return 1;
coloredOutput = isatty(STDERR_FILENO);
if (argc == 1) {
printf(ColorHighlight "Essence Build" ColorNormal "\nPress Ctrl-C to exit.\nCross target is " ColorHighlight TARGET_NAME ColorNormal ".\n");
systemLog = fopen("bin/Logs/system.log", "w");
EsINIState s = { (char *) LoadFile("bin/build_config.ini", &s.bytes) };
char path[32768 + PATH_MAX + 16];
path[0] = 0;
while (EsINIParse(&s)) {
if (s.sectionClassBytes || s.sectionBytes) continue;
INI_READ_BOOL(accepted_license, acceptedLicense);
INI_READ_BOOL(automated_build, automatedBuild);
INI_READ_STRING(compiler_path, path);
if (0 == strcmp("cross_compiler_index", s.key)) {
foundValidCrossCompiler = atoi(s.value) == CROSS_COMPILER_INDEX;
if (path[0]) {
strcpy(compilerPath, path);
strcat(path, ":");
char *originalPath = getenv("PATH");
if (strlen(originalPath) < 32768) {
strcat(path, originalPath);
setenv("PATH", path, 1);
} else {
printf("Warning: PATH too long\n");
if (!acceptedLicense) {
printf("\n=== Essence License ===\n\n");
CallSystem("cat LICENSE.md");
printf("\nType 'yes' to acknowledge you have read the license, or press Ctrl-C to exit.\n");
if (!GetYes()) exit(0);
acceptedLicense = true;
if (argc >= 2) {
char buffer[4096];
buffer[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (strlen(argv[i]) + 1 > sizeof(buffer) - strlen(buffer)) break;
if (i > 1) strcat(buffer, " ");
strcat(buffer, argv[i]);
return 0;
} else {
interactiveMode = true;
const char *runFirstCommand = NULL;
if (CallSystem("" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "-gcc --version > /dev/null 2>&1 ")) {
runFirstCommand = "b";
foundValidCrossCompiler = true;
if (runFirstCommand) {
if (!foundValidCrossCompiler) {
printf("Warning: Your cross compiler appears to be out of date.\n");
printf("Please rebuild the compiler using the command " ColorHighlight "build-cross" ColorNormal " before attempting to build the OS.\n");
CallSystem("" TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "-gcc -mno-red-zone -print-libgcc-file-name > bin/valid_compiler.txt");
FILE *f = fopen("bin/valid_compiler.txt", "r");
char buffer[256];
buffer[fread(buffer, 1, 256, f)] = 0;
if (!strstr(buffer, "no-red-zone")) {
printf("Error: Compiler built without no-red-zone support.\n");
printf("Enter 'help' to get a list of commands.\n");
char *prev = NULL;
canBuildLuigi = !CallSystem("gcc -o bin/luigi.h.gch util/luigi.h -D UI_IMPLEMENTATION -D UI_LINUX 2> /dev/null");
while (true) {
char *l = NULL;
size_t pos = 0;
printf("\n> ");
getline(&l, &pos, stdin);
if (strlen(l) == 1) {
l = prev;
if (!l) {
l = (char *) malloc(5);
strcpy(l, "help");
printf("(%s)\n", l);
} else {
l[strlen(l) - 1] = 0;
if (prev != l) free(prev);
prev = l;
return 0;