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// This file is part of the Essence operating system.
// It is released under the terms of the MIT license -- see LICENSE.md.
// Written by: nakst.
#include <module.h>
// Filesystem structures and constant definitions.
#include <shared/esfs2.h>
// TODO Calling FSDirectoryEntryFound on all directory entries seen during scanning, even if they're not the target.
// TODO Informing the block cache when a directory is truncated and its extents are freed.
// TODO Renaming directories does not work?
// TODO ESFS_CHECK_XXX are used to report out of memory errors, which shouldn't report KERNEL_PROBLEM_DAMAGED_FILESYSTEM.
#define ESFS_CHECK(x, y) if (!(x)) { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "damaged file system", y "\n"); return false; }
#define ESFS_CHECK_ERROR(x, y) if ((x) != ES_SUCCESS) { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "damaged file system", y "\n"); return x; }
#define ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(x, y, z) if (!(x)) { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "damaged file system", y "\n"); return z; }
#define ESFS_CHECK_VA(x, y, ...) if (!(x)) { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "damaged file system", y "\n", __VA_ARGS__); return false; }
#define ESFS_CHECK_RETURN(x, y) if (!(x)) { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "damaged file system", y "\n"); return; }
#define ESFS_CHECK_CORRUPT(x, y) if (!(x)) { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "damaged file system", y "\n"); return ES_ERROR_CORRUPT_DATA; }
#define ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(x, y) if (!(x)) { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "damaged file system", "Mount - " y "\n"); return false; }
#define ESFS_CHECK_READ_ONLY(x, y) if (!(x)) { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "mount read only", "Mount - " y " Mounting as read only.\n"); volume->readOnly = true; }
#define ESFS_CHECK_ERROR_READ_ONLY(x, y) if ((x) != ES_SUCCESS) { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "mount read only", "Mount - " y " Mounting as read only.\n"); volume->readOnly = true; }
struct Volume : KFileSystem {
Superblock superblock;
struct FSNode *root;
bool readOnly;
KWriterLock blockBitmapLock;
GroupDescriptor *groupDescriptorTable;
KMutex nextIdentifierMutex;
struct FSNode {
Volume *volume;
DirectoryEntry entry;
DirectoryEntryReference reference;
EsUniqueIdentifier identifier;
EsNodeType type;
bool corrupt;
static bool AccessBlock(Volume *volume, uint64_t index, uint64_t count, void *buffer, uint64_t flags, int driveAccess) {
// TODO Return EsError.
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
EsError error = volume->Access(index * superblock->blockSize, count * superblock->blockSize, driveAccess, buffer, flags, nullptr);
ESFS_CHECK_ERROR(error, "AccessBlock - Could not access blocks.");
return error == ES_SUCCESS;
static bool ValidateIndexVertex(Superblock *superblock, IndexVertex *vertex) {
uint32_t checksum = vertex->checksum;
vertex->checksum = 0;
uint32_t calculated = CalculateCRC32(vertex, superblock->blockSize, 0);
ESFS_CHECK(checksum == calculated, "ValidateIndexVertex - Invalid vertex checksum.");
ESFS_CHECK(0 == EsMemoryCompare(vertex->signature, ESFS_INDEX_VERTEX_SIGNATURE, 4), "ValidateIndexVertex - Invalid vertex signature.");
ESFS_CHECK(vertex->offset + vertex->maxCount * sizeof(IndexKey) < superblock->blockSize, "ValidateIndexVertex - Keys do not fit in vertex.");
ESFS_CHECK(vertex->count <= vertex->maxCount, "ValidateIndexVertex - Too many keys in vertex.");
return true;
static EsError FindDirectoryEntryReferenceFromIndex(Volume *volume, uint8_t *buffer /* superblock->blockSize */,
DirectoryEntryReference *entry, const char *name, size_t nameLength, uint64_t rootBlock) {
// EsPrint("FindDirectoryEntryReferenceFromIndex: %s (%d)\n", nameLength, name, rootBlock);
if (!rootBlock) return ES_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; // No index - the directory is empty?
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
// Get the root vertex.
uint64_t nameHash = CalculateCRC64(name, nameLength, 0);
IndexVertex *vertex = (IndexVertex *) buffer;
if (!AccessBlock(volume, rootBlock, 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ)) {
int depth = 0;
while (true) {
ESFS_CHECK(depth++ < ESFS_INDEX_MAX_DEPTH - 1, "FindDirectoryEntryReferenceFromIndex - Reached tree max depth.");
if (!ValidateIndexVertex(superblock, vertex)) return ES_ERROR_CORRUPT_DATA;
IndexKey *keys = (IndexKey *) ((uint8_t *) vertex + vertex->offset);
// For every key...
for (int i = 0; i <= vertex->count; i++) {
if (i == vertex->count || keys[i].value > nameHash) {
if (keys[i].child) {
// The directory is in the child.
if (!AccessBlock(volume, keys[i].child, 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ)) return ES_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE;
else goto nextVertex;
} else {
// We couldn't find the entry.
} else if (keys[i].value == nameHash) {
// We've found the directory.
ESFS_CHECK_CORRUPT(keys[i].data.block < superblock->blockCount
&& keys[i].data.offsetIntoBlock + sizeof(DirectoryEntry) <= superblock->blockSize,
"FindDirectoryEntryReferenceFromIndex - Invalid key entry.");
if (entry) *entry = keys[i].data;
return ES_SUCCESS;
static bool ValidateDirectoryEntry(Volume *volume, DirectoryEntry *entry) {
uint32_t checksum = entry->checksum;
entry->checksum = 0;
uint32_t calculated = CalculateCRC32(entry, sizeof(DirectoryEntry), 0);
entry->checksum = calculated;
ESFS_CHECK_VA(checksum == calculated, "ValidateDirectoryEntry - Invalid checksum (%x, calculated %x).", checksum, calculated);
ESFS_CHECK(0 == EsMemoryCompare(entry->signature, ESFS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SIGNATURE, 8), "ValidateDirectoryEntry - Invalid signature.");
ESFS_CHECK(entry->attributeOffset < sizeof(DirectoryEntry) - sizeof(Attribute), "ValidateDirectoryEntry - Invalid attribute offset.");
Attribute *attribute = (Attribute *) ((uint8_t *) entry + entry->attributeOffset);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < entry->attributeCount; i++) {
ESFS_CHECK(attribute->size && attribute->type, "ValidateDirectoryEntry - Invalid attribute.");
ESFS_CHECK((uintptr_t) attribute <= (uintptr_t) entry + sizeof(DirectoryEntry), "ValidateDirectoryEntry - Too many attributes.");
if (attribute->type == ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DATA) {
AttributeData *data = (AttributeData *) attribute;
if (data->indirection == ESFS_INDIRECTION_DIRECT) {
ESFS_CHECK(data->dataOffset + data->count <= data->size, "ValidateDirectoryEntry - Data too long.");
ESFS_CHECK(data->count == entry->fileSize, "ValidateDirectoryEntry - Expected direct attribute to cover entire file.");
} else if (attribute->type == ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
AttributeDirectory *directory = (AttributeDirectory *) attribute;
ESFS_CHECK(directory->indexRootBlock < volume->superblock.blockCount, "ValidateDirectoryEntry - Directory index root block outside volume.");
} else if (attribute->type == ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_FILENAME) {
AttributeFilename *filename = (AttributeFilename *) attribute;
ESFS_CHECK(filename->length + 8 <= filename->size, "ValidateDirectoryEntry - Filename too long.");
} else {
// Unrecognised attribute.
attribute = (Attribute *) ((uint8_t *) attribute + attribute->size);
return true;
static Attribute *FindAttribute(DirectoryEntry *entry, uint16_t type) {
Attribute *attribute = (Attribute *) ((uint8_t *) entry + entry->attributeOffset);
int count = 0;
while (attribute->type != type) {
if (!attribute->size) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "damaged file system", "FindAttribute - Attribute size was 0.\n");
return nullptr;
attribute = (Attribute *) ((uint8_t *) attribute + attribute->size);
if (count++ == entry->attributeCount) {
return nullptr;
return attribute;
static bool ReadWrite(FSNode *file, uint64_t offset, uint64_t count, uint8_t *buffer, bool needBlockBuffer, bool write,
DirectoryEntryReference *reference = nullptr /* Returns the position of a directory just accessed */) {
// TODO Return EsError.
// TODO Support KWorkGroup.
Volume *volume = file->volume;
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
DirectoryEntry *entry = &file->entry;
uint64_t accessBlockFlags = 0;
if (file->type == ES_NODE_DIRECTORY) {
accessBlockFlags |= FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED;
uint8_t *blockBuffer = !needBlockBuffer ? nullptr : (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blockSize, false, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(blockBuffer, 0, K_FIXED));
ESFS_CHECK(!needBlockBuffer || blockBuffer, "Read - Could not allocate block buffer.");
// EsPrint("ReadWrite - %d, %d, %x, %d\n", offset, count, buffer, write);
if (!count) {
return true;
AttributeData *data = (AttributeData *) FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DATA);
ESFS_CHECK(data, "Read - Expected data attribute.");
if (data->indirection == ESFS_INDIRECTION_DIRECT) {
EsAssert(data->dataOffset + offset <= data->size && data->dataOffset + offset + count <= data->size);
if (write) {
EsMemoryCopy((uint8_t *) data + data->dataOffset + offset, buffer, count);
} else {
EsMemoryCopy(buffer, (uint8_t *) data + data->dataOffset + offset, count);
} else if (data->indirection == ESFS_INDIRECTION_L1) {
uint64_t offsetBlock = offset / superblock->blockSize;
uint64_t offsetIntoCurrentBlock = offset % superblock->blockSize;
uint8_t *extentList = (uint8_t *) data + data->dataOffset;
uint64_t previousExtentStart = 0, positionInExtentList = 0, blockInFile = 0, extentIndex = 0;
while (count) {
// Find the extent containing offsetBlock.
uint64_t extentStart = 0, extentCount = 0;
while (!extentStart) {
if (extentIndex == data->count) {
ESFS_CHECK(false, "Read - Invalid extent.");
uint64_t count = 0;
if (!DecodeExtent(&previousExtentStart, &count, extentList, &positionInExtentList, data->size - data->dataOffset)
|| !count || !previousExtentStart) {
ESFS_CHECK(false, "Read - Invalid extent.");
// EsPrint("\tExtent %d -> %d covers blocks %d -> %d\n", previousExtentStart, previousExtentStart + count, blockInFile, blockInFile + count);
if (blockInFile + count > offsetBlock) {
uint64_t offsetIntoExtent = offsetBlock - blockInFile;
extentStart = previousExtentStart + offsetIntoExtent;
extentCount = count - offsetIntoExtent;
// EsPrint("\t\tUsing section %d -> %d for reading from block %d\n", extentStart, extentStart + extentCount, offsetBlock);
blockInFile += count;
// Read the data.
if (offsetIntoCurrentBlock || count < superblock->blockSize) {
if (!needBlockBuffer) {
KernelPanic("EsFS::Read - Need a block buffer, but needBlockBuffer was false.\n");
uint64_t copyCount = superblock->blockSize - offsetIntoCurrentBlock;
if (copyCount > count) copyCount = count;
// EsPrint("\tCopying %d bytes through block buffer.\n", copyCount);
if (!AccessBlock(volume, extentStart, 1, blockBuffer, accessBlockFlags, K_ACCESS_READ)) {
return false;
if (reference) {
reference->block = extentStart;
reference->offsetIntoBlock = offsetIntoCurrentBlock;
if (write) {
EsMemoryCopy(blockBuffer + offsetIntoCurrentBlock, buffer, copyCount);
if (!AccessBlock(volume, extentStart, 1, blockBuffer, accessBlockFlags, K_ACCESS_WRITE)) {
return false;
} else {
EsMemoryCopy(buffer, blockBuffer + offsetIntoCurrentBlock, copyCount);
buffer += copyCount, count -= copyCount;
offsetIntoCurrentBlock = 0, offsetBlock++;
extentStart++, extentCount--;
// EsPrint("\t\tUsing section %d -> %d for reading from block %d\n", extentStart, extentCount, offsetBlock);
uint64_t bytesToRead = extentCount * superblock->blockSize;
if (bytesToRead > count) bytesToRead = count;
bytesToRead -= bytesToRead % superblock->blockSize;
uint64_t blocksRead = bytesToRead / superblock->blockSize;
// EsPrint("\tReading %d blocks from %d.\n", blocksRead, extentStart);
if (reference && bytesToRead) {
reference->block = extentStart;
reference->offsetIntoBlock = 0;
if (!AccessBlock(volume, extentStart, blocksRead, buffer, accessBlockFlags,
return false;
buffer += bytesToRead, count -= bytesToRead;
offsetBlock += blocksRead;
extentStart += blocksRead, extentCount -= blocksRead;
if (extentCount && count) {
goto repeatExtent;
} else {
ESFS_CHECK(data, "Read - Unrecognised indirection mode.");
return false;
return true;
static size_t Read(KNode *node, void *_buffer, EsFileOffset offset, EsFileOffset count) {
FSNode *file = (FSNode *) node->driverNode;
if (file->corrupt) return ES_ERROR_CORRUPT_DATA;
return ReadWrite(file, offset, count, (uint8_t *) _buffer, true, false) ? count : ES_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
static size_t Write(KNode *node, const void *_buffer, EsFileOffset offset, EsFileOffset count) {
FSNode *file = (FSNode *) node->driverNode;
if (file->corrupt) return ES_ERROR_CORRUPT_DATA;
return ReadWrite(file, offset, count, (uint8_t *) _buffer, true, true) ? count : ES_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
static void Sync(KNode *_directory, KNode *node) {
(void) _directory;
FSNode *file = (FSNode *) node->driverNode;
if (!file) KernelPanic("EsFS::Sync - Node %x has null driver node.\n", node);
if (file->corrupt) return;
Volume *volume = file->volume;
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
// EsPrint("SYNC! %d,%d\n", file->reference.block, file->reference.offsetIntoBlock);
if (file->type == ES_NODE_DIRECTORY) {
// Get the most recent totalSize for the directory.
AttributeDirectory *directoryAttribute = (AttributeDirectory *) FindAttribute(&file->entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
directoryAttribute->totalSize = FSNodeGetTotalSize(node);
file->entry.checksum = 0;
file->entry.checksum = CalculateCRC32(&file->entry, sizeof(DirectoryEntry), 0);
uint8_t *blockBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blockSize, false, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(blockBuffer, 0, K_FIXED));
ESFS_CHECK_RETURN(blockBuffer, "Sync - Could not allocate block buffer.");
if (!AccessBlock(volume, file->reference.block, 1, blockBuffer, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "drive access failure", "Sync - Could not read reference block.\n");
if (!ValidateDirectoryEntry(volume, (DirectoryEntry *) (blockBuffer + file->reference.offsetIntoBlock))) {
EsMemoryCopy(blockBuffer + file->reference.offsetIntoBlock, &file->entry, sizeof(DirectoryEntry));
if (!AccessBlock(volume, file->reference.block, 1, blockBuffer, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "drive access failure", "Sync - Could not write reference block.\n");
static EsError Enumerate(KNode *node) {
// TODO Support KWorkGroup.
FSNode *file = (FSNode *) node->driverNode;
if (file->corrupt) return ES_ERROR_CORRUPT_DATA;
Volume *volume = file->volume;
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
DirectoryEntry *entry = &file->entry;
uint8_t *blockBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blockSize, false, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(blockBuffer, 0, K_FIXED));
DirectoryEntryReference reference = {};
AttributeDirectory *directory = (AttributeDirectory *) FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
uint64_t blocksInDirectory = (directory->childNodes + superblock->directoryEntriesPerBlock - 1) / superblock->directoryEntriesPerBlock;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < blocksInDirectory; i++) {
if (!ReadWrite(file, i * superblock->blockSize, superblock->blockSize, blockBuffer, false, false, &reference)) {
uint64_t entriesInThisBlock = superblock->directoryEntriesPerBlock;
if (i == blocksInDirectory - 1 && directory->childNodes % superblock->directoryEntriesPerBlock) {
entriesInThisBlock = directory->childNodes % superblock->directoryEntriesPerBlock;
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < entriesInThisBlock; j++, reference.offsetIntoBlock += sizeof(DirectoryEntry)) {
DirectoryEntry *entry = (DirectoryEntry *) blockBuffer + j;
if (!ValidateDirectoryEntry(volume, entry)) {
// Try the entries in the next block.
AttributeFilename *filename = (AttributeFilename *) FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_FILENAME);
if (!filename) continue;
KNodeMetadata metadata = {};
metadata.type = entry->nodeType == ESFS_NODE_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? ES_NODE_DIRECTORY : ES_NODE_FILE;
if (metadata.type == ES_NODE_DIRECTORY) {
AttributeDirectory *directory = (AttributeDirectory *) FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
if (directory) {
metadata.directoryChildren = directory->childNodes;
metadata.totalSize = directory->totalSize;
} else if (metadata.type == ES_NODE_FILE) {
metadata.totalSize = entry->fileSize;
EsError error = FSDirectoryEntryFound(node, &metadata, &reference,
(const char *) filename->filename, filename->length, false);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) {
return error;
return ES_SUCCESS;
static uint64_t FindLargestExtent(uint8_t *bitmap, Superblock *superblock) {
uint64_t largestExtentCount = 0, i = 0;
while (i < superblock->blocksPerGroup) {
if (bitmap[i / 8] & (1 << (i % 8))) {
} else {
uint64_t count = 0;
while (i < superblock->blocksPerGroup) {
if (bitmap[i / 8] & (1 << (i % 8))) break;
else count++, i++;
if (largestExtentCount < count) {
largestExtentCount = count;
return largestExtentCount;
static bool ValidateGroupDescriptor(GroupDescriptor *descriptor) {
uint32_t checksum = descriptor->checksum;
descriptor->checksum = 0;
uint32_t calculated = CalculateCRC32(descriptor, sizeof(GroupDescriptor), 0);
ESFS_CHECK(checksum == calculated, "ValidateGroupDescriptor - Invalid checksum.");
ESFS_CHECK(0 == EsMemoryCompare(descriptor->signature, ESFS_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE, 4), "ValidateGroupDescriptor - Invalid signature.");
return true;
static bool ValidateBlockBitmap(GroupDescriptor *descriptor, uint8_t *bitmap, Superblock *superblock) {
uint32_t calculated = CalculateCRC32(bitmap, superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap * superblock->blockSize, 0);
ESFS_CHECK(calculated == descriptor->bitmapChecksum, "ValidateBlockBitmap - Invalid checksum.");
uint32_t blocksUsed = 0;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < superblock->blocksPerGroup; i++) {
if (bitmap[i / 8] & (1 << (i % 8))) {
ESFS_CHECK(blocksUsed == descriptor->blocksUsed, "ValidateBlockBitmap - Used block count mismatch.");
return true;
static bool AllocateExtent(Volume *volume, uint64_t nearby, uint64_t increaseBlocks, uint64_t *extentStart, uint64_t *extentCount, bool zero) {
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
(void) nearby;
// TODO Smarter extent allocation.
uint8_t *zeroBuffer = nullptr;
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(zeroBuffer, 0, K_FIXED));
size_t zeroBufferSize = superblock->blockSize * (increaseBlocks > 16 ? 16 : increaseBlocks);
if (zero) {
zeroBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(zeroBufferSize, true, K_FIXED);
ESFS_CHECK(zeroBuffer, "AllocateExtent - Could not allocate buffer for zeroing extent.");
// Find a group to allocate the next extent from.
GroupDescriptor *target = nullptr;
for (uint64_t i = 0; !target && i < superblock->groupCount; i++) {
GroupDescriptor *group = volume->groupDescriptorTable + i;
if (!group->blocksUsed) group->largestExtent = superblock->blocksPerGroup - superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap;
if (group->largestExtent >= increaseBlocks) target = group;
for (uint64_t i = 0; !target && i < superblock->groupCount; i++) {
GroupDescriptor *group = volume->groupDescriptorTable + i;
if (superblock->blocksPerGroup - group->blocksUsed >= increaseBlocks) target = group;
for (uint64_t i = 0; !target && i < superblock->groupCount; i++) {
GroupDescriptor *group = volume->groupDescriptorTable + i;
if (superblock->blocksPerGroup != group->blocksUsed) target = group;
if (!target) {
return false;
ESFS_CHECK(ValidateGroupDescriptor(target), "AllocateExtent - Invalid group descriptor.");
// Load the bitmap, find the largest extent, and mark it as in use.
uint8_t *bitmap = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap * superblock->blockSize, false, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(bitmap, 0, K_FIXED));
ESFS_CHECK(bitmap, "AllocateExtent - Could not allocate buffer for block bitmap.");
if (target->blockBitmap) {
if (!AccessBlock(volume, target->blockBitmap, superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap, bitmap, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ)) {
return false;
ESFS_CHECK(ValidateBlockBitmap(target, bitmap, superblock), "AllocateExtent - Invalid block bitmap.");
} else {
EsMemoryZero(bitmap, superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap * superblock->blockSize);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap; i++) bitmap[i / 8] |= 1 << (i % 8);
target->blockBitmap = superblock->blocksPerGroup * (target - volume->groupDescriptorTable);
target->blocksUsed = superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap;
uint64_t largestExtentStart = 0, largestExtentCount = 0, i = 0;
while (i < superblock->blocksPerGroup) {
if (bitmap[i / 8] & (1 << (i % 8))) {
} else {
uint64_t start = i, count = 0;
while (i < superblock->blocksPerGroup) {
if (bitmap[i / 8] & (1 << (i % 8))) break;
else count++, i++;
if (largestExtentCount < count) {
largestExtentStart = start;
largestExtentCount = count;
*extentStart = largestExtentStart;
*extentCount = largestExtentCount;
if (*extentCount > increaseBlocks) {
*extentCount = increaseBlocks;
for (uint64_t i = *extentStart; i < *extentStart + *extentCount; i++) {
bitmap[i / 8] |= 1 << (i % 8);
if (!AccessBlock(volume, target->blockBitmap, superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap, bitmap, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE)) {
return false;
target->largestExtent = FindLargestExtent(bitmap, superblock);
target->blocksUsed += *extentCount;
target->bitmapChecksum = CalculateCRC32(bitmap, superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap * superblock->blockSize, 0);
target->checksum = 0;
target->checksum = CalculateCRC32(target, sizeof(GroupDescriptor), 0);
*extentStart += (target - volume->groupDescriptorTable) * superblock->blocksPerGroup;
superblock->blocksUsed += *extentCount;
volume->spaceUsed += *extentCount * superblock->blockSize;
if (zero) {
// TODO This is really slow - introduce K_ACCESS_ZERO?
// TODO Support KWorkGroup.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < *extentCount * superblock->blockSize; i += zeroBufferSize) {
#if 0
if ((i / zeroBufferSize) % 100 == 0) {
EsPrint("AllocateExtent zeroing %d/%d\n", i / zeroBufferSize, extentCount * superblock->blockSize / zeroBufferSize);
uint64_t count = zeroBufferSize;
if (i + count >= *extentCount * superblock->blockSize) {
count = *extentCount * superblock->blockSize - i;
if (!AccessBlock(volume, *extentStart + i / superblock->blockSize, count / superblock->blockSize, zeroBuffer, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT, K_ACCESS_WRITE)) {
return false;
return true;
static bool FreeExtent(Volume *volume, uint64_t extentStart, uint64_t extentCount) {
// TODO Return EsError.
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
uint64_t blockGroup = extentStart / superblock->blocksPerGroup;
// Validate the extent.
ESFS_CHECK((extentStart + extentCount - 1) / superblock->blocksPerGroup == blockGroup, "FreeExtent - Extent spans multiple block groups.");
ESFS_CHECK(extentCount < superblock->blocksUsed, "FreeExtent - Extent is larged than the number of used blocks.");
ESFS_CHECK(extentStart + extentCount < superblock->blockCount, "FreeExtent - Extent goes past end of the volume.");
// Load the block bitmap.
GroupDescriptor *target = volume->groupDescriptorTable + blockGroup;
ESFS_CHECK(ValidateGroupDescriptor(target), "FreeExtent - Invalid group descriptor.");
uint8_t *bitmap = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap * superblock->blockSize, false, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(bitmap, 0, K_FIXED));
ESFS_CHECK(bitmap, "FreeExtent - Could not allocate buffer for block bitmap.");
ESFS_CHECK(target->blockBitmap, "FreeExtent - Group descriptor does not have block bitmap.");
ESFS_CHECK(target->blocksUsed >= extentCount, "FreeExtent - Group descriptor indicates fewer blocks are used than are given in this extent.");
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, target->blockBitmap, superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap, bitmap, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ), "FreeExtent - Could not read block bitmap.");
ESFS_CHECK(ValidateBlockBitmap(target, bitmap, superblock), "FreeExtent - Invalid block bitmap.");
// Clear the bits representing the freed blocks.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < extentCount; i++) {
uint64_t blockInGroup = (extentStart % superblock->blocksPerGroup) + i;
uint8_t bit = bitmap[blockInGroup / 8] & (1 << (blockInGroup % 8));
ESFS_CHECK(bit, "FreeExtent - Attempting to free a block that has not been allocated.");
bitmap[blockInGroup / 8] &= ~(1 << (blockInGroup % 8));
// Write out the modified bitmap and update the group descriptor.
if (!AccessBlock(volume, target->blockBitmap, superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap, bitmap, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE)) {
return false;
target->largestExtent = FindLargestExtent(bitmap, superblock);
target->bitmapChecksum = CalculateCRC32(bitmap, superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap * superblock->blockSize, 0);
target->blocksUsed -= extentCount;
target->checksum = 0;
target->checksum = CalculateCRC32(target, sizeof(GroupDescriptor), 0);
superblock->blocksUsed -= extentCount;
volume->spaceUsed -= extentCount * superblock->blockSize;
return true;
static uint64_t ResizeInternal(FSNode *file, uint64_t newSize, EsError *error, uint64_t newDataAttributeSize = 0) {
if (file->corrupt) return *error = ES_ERROR_CORRUPT_DATA, 0;
Volume *volume = file->volume;
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
DirectoryEntry *entry = &file->entry;
uint64_t oldSize = entry->fileSize;
if (newDataAttributeSize && newSize != oldSize) {
KernelPanic("EsFS::ResizeInternal - Attempting to change data attribute and node size at the same time.\n");
if (!newDataAttributeSize && newSize == oldSize) {
// The file size hasn't changed.
return newSize;
uint8_t *blockBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blockSize, true, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(blockBuffer, 0, K_FIXED));
ESFS_CHECK(blockBuffer, "Resize - Could not allocate block buffer.");
AttributeData *data = (AttributeData *) FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DATA);
uint8_t *dataBuffer = (uint8_t *) data + data->dataOffset;
size_t dataBufferSize = data->size - data->dataOffset;
size_t newDataBufferSize = (newDataAttributeSize ? newDataAttributeSize : data->size) - data->dataOffset;
if (newDataBufferSize >= newSize && entry->nodeType != ESFS_NODE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
if (data->indirection == ESFS_INDIRECTION_DIRECT) {
} else if (data->indirection == ESFS_INDIRECTION_L1) {
// Load the data from the indirect storage.
if (entry->fileSize) {
if (!ReadWrite(file, 0, superblock->blockSize, blockBuffer, false, false)) {
return *error = ES_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE, entry->fileSize;
// Free the extents.
uint64_t previousExtentStart = 0, extentCount = 0, position = 0;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < data->count; i++) {
if (!DecodeExtent(&previousExtentStart, &extentCount, dataBuffer, &position, dataBufferSize)) {
file->corrupt = true;
return (entry->fileSize = 0);
KWriterLockTake(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
EsDefer(KWriterLockReturn(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
if (!FreeExtent(volume, previousExtentStart, extentCount)) {
file->corrupt = true;
entry->fileSize = 0;
return (entry->fileSize = 0);
// Store the existing data in the entry.
EsMemoryCopy(dataBuffer, blockBuffer, newSize);
} else {
return entry->fileSize; // Unrecognised indirection.
data->indirection = ESFS_INDIRECTION_DIRECT;
data->count = newSize;
// Zero out everything past the new size.
EsMemoryZero(dataBuffer + newSize, newDataBufferSize - newSize);
} else {
uint64_t oldBlocks = (entry->fileSize + superblock->blockSize - 1) / superblock->blockSize;
uint64_t newBlocks = (newSize + superblock->blockSize - 1) / superblock->blockSize;
bool copyData = false;
if (data->indirection == ESFS_INDIRECTION_DIRECT) {
if (!ReadWrite(file, 0, entry->fileSize, blockBuffer, false, false)) {
return entry->fileSize;
copyData = entry->fileSize > 0;
data->count = 0;
oldBlocks = 0;
entry->fileSize = 0;
} else if (data->indirection != ESFS_INDIRECTION_L1) {
return entry->fileSize; // Unrecognised indirection.
if (oldBlocks < newBlocks) {
uint64_t previousExtentStart = 0, oldPreviousExtentStart = 0, extentCount = 0, position = 0, previousPosition = 0;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < data->count; i++) {
previousPosition = position;
oldPreviousExtentStart = previousExtentStart;
if (!DecodeExtent(&previousExtentStart, &extentCount, dataBuffer, &position, dataBufferSize)) {
return entry->fileSize;
KWriterLockTake(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
EsDefer(KWriterLockReturn(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
uint64_t remaining = newBlocks - oldBlocks;
if (superblock->blocksUsed + remaining >= superblock->blockCount) {
// There isn't enough space to grow the file.
return entry->fileSize;
while (remaining) {
uint64_t allocatedStart, allocatedCount;
bool success = AllocateExtent(volume,
previousExtentStart + extentCount /* Attempt to allocate near the end of the last extent */,
remaining /* Attempt to get an extent covering all the remaining blocks */,
&allocatedStart, &allocatedCount, true /* Zero the blocks */);
if (!success) {
return entry->fileSize;
if (previousExtentStart + extentCount == allocatedStart) {
// We need to grow the previous extent.
allocatedStart = previousExtentStart;
previousExtentStart = oldPreviousExtentStart;
remaining += extentCount;
allocatedCount += extentCount;
position = previousPosition;
oldPreviousExtentStart = previousExtentStart;
uint8_t encode[32];
uint64_t length = EncodeExtent(allocatedStart, previousExtentStart, allocatedCount, encode);
if (length + position > newDataBufferSize) {
// The data buffer is full.
return entry->fileSize;
} else {
EsMemoryCopy(dataBuffer + position, encode, length);
previousPosition = position;
position += length;
remaining -= allocatedCount;
entry->fileSize += allocatedCount * superblock->blockSize;
previousExtentStart = allocatedStart;
} else if (oldBlocks > newBlocks) {
uint64_t previousExtentStart = 0, extentCount = 0,
position = 0, blockInFile = 0;
file->corrupt = true;
entry->fileSize = 0;
// Free the removed extents.
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < data->count; i++) {
if (!DecodeExtent(&previousExtentStart, &extentCount, dataBuffer, &position, dataBufferSize)) {
return 0;
if (blockInFile + extentCount > newBlocks) {
uint64_t extentStart = previousExtentStart, extentCount2 = extentCount;
if (blockInFile < newBlocks) {
extentStart += newBlocks - blockInFile;
extentCount2 -= newBlocks - blockInFile;
KWriterLockTake(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
EsDefer(KWriterLockReturn(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
if (!FreeExtent(volume, extentStart, extentCount2)) {
return 0;
blockInFile += extentCount;
// Modify the last extent.
previousExtentStart = 0, position = 0, blockInFile = 0;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < data->count; i++) {
uint64_t previousPosition = position, lastExtentStart = previousExtentStart;
if (!DecodeExtent(&previousExtentStart, &extentCount, dataBuffer, &position, dataBufferSize)) {
return 0;
if (blockInFile + extentCount > newBlocks) {
uint64_t extentStart = previousExtentStart;
if (blockInFile < newBlocks) {
uint8_t encode[32];
uint64_t length = EncodeExtent(extentStart, lastExtentStart, newBlocks - blockInFile, encode);
EsMemoryCopy(dataBuffer + previousPosition, encode, length);
data->count = i + 1;
} else {
data->count = i;
blockInFile += extentCount;
} else {
// Do nothing.
data->indirection = ESFS_INDIRECTION_L1;
if (copyData) {
if (!ReadWrite(file, 0, superblock->blockSize, blockBuffer, false, true)) {
// Rollback changes.
data->indirection = ESFS_INDIRECTION_DIRECT;
data->count = entry->fileSize = oldSize;
EsMemoryCopy(dataBuffer, blockBuffer, data->count);
return (entry->fileSize = oldSize);
file->corrupt = false;
*error = ES_SUCCESS;
if (newDataAttributeSize) data->size = newDataAttributeSize;
return (entry->fileSize = newSize);
static uint64_t Resize(KNode *node, uint64_t newSize, EsError *error) {
// EsPrint("Resize %s to %d\n", node->name.bytes, node->name.buffer, newSize);
return ResizeInternal((FSNode *) node->driverNode, newSize, error);
static IndexKey *InsertKeyIntoVertex(uint64_t newKey, IndexVertex *vertex) {
// Find where in this vertex we should insert the key.
int position;
for (position = 0; position < vertex->count; position++) {
if (newKey < ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, position)->value) {
// Insert the key.
IndexKey *insertionPosition = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, position);
EsMemoryMove(insertionPosition, ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, vertex->count + 1), sizeof(IndexKey), true);
insertionPosition->value = newKey;
return insertionPosition;
static bool IndexModifyKey(Volume *volume, uint64_t newKey, DirectoryEntryReference reference, uint64_t rootBlock, uint8_t *buffer /* superblock->blockSize */) {
// TODO Return EsError.
if (!rootBlock) return false; // No index - the directory is empty?
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
// Get the root vertex.
IndexVertex *vertex = (IndexVertex *) buffer;
uint64_t block;
if (!AccessBlock(volume, (block = rootBlock), 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ)) {
return false;
int depth = 0;
while (true) {
ESFS_CHECK(depth++ < ESFS_INDEX_MAX_DEPTH - 1, "IndexModifyKey - Reached tree max depth.");
if (!ValidateIndexVertex(superblock, vertex)) return false;
IndexKey *keys = (IndexKey *) ((uint8_t *) vertex + vertex->offset);
// For every key...
for (int i = 0; i <= vertex->count; i++) {
if (i == vertex->count || keys[i].value > newKey) {
if (keys[i].child) {
// The directory is in the child.
if (!AccessBlock(volume, (block = keys[i].child), 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ)) return false;
else goto nextVertex;
} else {
// We couldn't find the entry.
return false;
} else if (keys[i].value == newKey) {
// We've found the key.
ESFS_CHECK_CORRUPT(keys[i].data.block < superblock->blockCount
&& keys[i].data.offsetIntoBlock + sizeof(DirectoryEntry) <= superblock->blockSize,
"IndexModifyKey - Invalid key entry.");
keys[i].data = reference;
vertex->checksum = 0; vertex->checksum = CalculateCRC32(vertex, superblock->blockSize, 0);
return AccessBlock(volume, block, 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE);
static bool IndexAddKey(Volume *volume, uint64_t newKey, DirectoryEntryReference reference, uint64_t *rootBlock) {
// TODO Return EsError.
// TODO Support KWorkGroup.
// EsPrint("adding key %x\n", newKey);
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
uint8_t *blockBuffers = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blockSize * 3, true, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(blockBuffers, 0, K_FIXED));
ESFS_CHECK(blockBuffers, "IndexAddKey - Could not allocate block buffers.");
uint64_t _unused;
// Find the leaf to insert the key into.
uint8_t *buffer = blockBuffers + 0 * superblock->blockSize;
IndexVertex *vertex = (IndexVertex *) buffer;
uint64_t depth = 0, blocks[ESFS_INDEX_MAX_DEPTH] = { *rootBlock };
bool skipFirst = false;
if (blocks[0] == 0) {
// Directory is empty - create the root vertex.
KWriterLockTake(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
ESFS_CHECK(AllocateExtent(volume, 0 /* TODO */, 1, &blocks[0], &_unused, false), "IndexAddKey - Could not allocate space.");
KWriterLockReturn(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
*rootBlock = blocks[0];
vertex->maxCount = (superblock->blockSize - ESFS_INDEX_KEY_OFFSET) / sizeof(IndexKey) - 1 /* +1 key */;
vertex->offset = ESFS_INDEX_KEY_OFFSET;
EsMemoryCopy(vertex->signature, ESFS_INDEX_VERTEX_SIGNATURE, 4);
skipFirst = true;
if (!skipFirst) {
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth], 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ), "IndexAddKey - Could not read index.");
if (!ValidateIndexVertex(superblock, vertex)) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < vertex->count; i++) {
if (ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, i)->value == newKey) {
// The key is already in the tree.
// TODO Hash collisions.
ESFS_CHECK(false, "IndexAddKey - Possible hash collision?");
for (int i = 0; i <= vertex->count; i++) {
IndexKey *key = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, i);
if ((i == vertex->count || newKey < key->value) && key->child) {
ESFS_CHECK(depth < ESFS_INDEX_MAX_DEPTH - 1, "IndexAddKey - Reached tree max depth.");
blocks[++depth] = key->child;
goto next;
ESFS_CHECK(vertex->count < vertex->maxCount, "IndexAddKey - Vertex is full; unbalanced tree.");
// Insert the key into the vertex.
InsertKeyIntoVertex(newKey, vertex)->data = reference;
// While the vertex is full...
if (vertex->count > vertex->maxCount) {
KernelPanic("IndexAddKey - Corrupt vertex.");
while (vertex->count == vertex->maxCount) {
// printf("\tsplit!\n");
uint8_t *_buffer0 = blockBuffers + 1 * superblock->blockSize;
uint8_t *_buffer1 = blockBuffers + 2 * superblock->blockSize;
// Create a new sibling.
uint64_t siblingBlock = 0;
KWriterLockTake(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
EsDefer(KWriterLockReturn(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
ESFS_CHECK(AllocateExtent(volume, blocks[depth], 1, &siblingBlock, &_unused, false), "IndexAddKey - Could not allocate space.");
IndexVertex *sibling = (IndexVertex *) _buffer0;
sibling->maxCount = (superblock->blockSize - ESFS_INDEX_KEY_OFFSET) / sizeof(IndexKey) - 1 /* +1 key */;
sibling->offset = ESFS_INDEX_KEY_OFFSET;
EsMemoryCopy(sibling->signature, ESFS_INDEX_VERTEX_SIGNATURE, 4);
// Load the parent vertex.
bool newRoot = !depth;
IndexVertex *parent = (IndexVertex *) _buffer1;
if (newRoot) {
// Create a new root block.
blocks[1] = blocks[0];
KWriterLockTake(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
EsDefer(KWriterLockReturn(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
ESFS_CHECK(AllocateExtent(volume, blocks[1], 1, &blocks[0], &_unused, false), "IndexAddKey - Could not allocate space.");
parent->maxCount = (superblock->blockSize - ESFS_INDEX_KEY_OFFSET) / sizeof(IndexKey) - 1 /* +1 key */;
parent->offset = ESFS_INDEX_KEY_OFFSET;
EsMemoryCopy(parent->signature, ESFS_INDEX_VERTEX_SIGNATURE, 4);
// The superblock points to the new root, and the +1 key of the new root points to the old root.
// It has no other keys yet.
parent->keys[0].child = blocks[1];
*rootBlock = blocks[0];
} else {
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth - 1], 1, parent, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ), "IndexAddKey - Could not read index.");
IndexKey *parentKeys = (IndexKey *) ((uint8_t *) parent + parent->offset);
IndexKey *vertexKeys = (IndexKey *) ((uint8_t *) vertex + vertex->offset);
IndexKey *siblingKeys = (IndexKey *) ((uint8_t *) sibling + sibling->offset);
// Change the link to this vertex to point to the sibling.
int found = 0;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i <= parent->count; i++) {
if (parentKeys[i].child == blocks[depth]) {
parentKeys[i].child = siblingBlock;
ESFS_CHECK(found == 1, "IndexAddKey - Could not find current vertex in its parent.");
// Move the median key to the parent.
// If this makes the parent full we'll fix it next iteration.
uint64_t median = (vertex->maxCount - 1) / 2;
uint64_t newKey = vertexKeys[median].value;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i <= parent->count; i++) {
if (i == parent->count || newKey < parentKeys[i].value) {
EsMemoryMove(parentKeys + i, parentKeys + parent->count, sizeof(IndexKey), true);
parentKeys[i].value = newKey;
parentKeys[i].data = vertexKeys[median].data;
parentKeys[i].child = blocks[depth];
// Move all keys above the median key to the new sibling.
sibling->count = vertex->count - median /*Kept in the node*/ - 1 /*Added to the parent*/;
vertex->count = median; // The data on the median key becomes the +1 key's data.
EsMemoryCopy(siblingKeys, vertexKeys + median + 1, (sibling->count + 1) * sizeof(IndexKey));
// Write the blocks.
sibling->checksum = 0; sibling->checksum = CalculateCRC32(sibling, superblock->blockSize, 0);
vertex->checksum = 0; vertex->checksum = CalculateCRC32(vertex, superblock->blockSize, 0);
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, siblingBlock, 1, sibling, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexAddKey - Could not update index.");
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth], 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexAddKey - Could not update index.");
// Check if the parent vertex is full.
EsMemoryCopy(vertex, parent, superblock->blockSize);
// Write the block.
vertex->checksum = 0; vertex->checksum = CalculateCRC32(vertex, superblock->blockSize, 0);
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth], 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexAddKey - Could not update index.");
return true;
static bool IndexRemoveKey(Volume *volume, uint64_t removeKey, uint64_t *rootBlock) {
// TODO Return EsError.
// TODO Support KWorkGroup.
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
uint8_t *blockBuffers = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blockSize * 3, true, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(blockBuffers, 0, K_FIXED));
ESFS_CHECK(blockBuffers, "IndexRemoveKey - Could not allocate block buffers.");
// Find the vertex that contains this key.
uint8_t *buffer = blockBuffers + 0 * superblock->blockSize;
IndexVertex *vertex = (IndexVertex *) buffer;
uint64_t depth = 0, blocks[ESFS_INDEX_MAX_DEPTH] = { *rootBlock };
ESFS_CHECK(blocks[0], "IndexRemoveKey - Index has no root.");
int position = 0;
int i;
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth], 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not read index.");
if (!ValidateIndexVertex(superblock, vertex)) return false;
for (i = 0; i <= vertex->count; i++) {
IndexKey *key = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, i);
if (i != vertex->count && key->value == removeKey) {
// EsPrint("found key %x at depth %d block %d position %d\n", removeKey, depth, blocks[depth], i);
goto done;
} else if ((i == vertex->count || removeKey < key->value) && key->child) {
ESFS_CHECK(depth < ESFS_INDEX_MAX_DEPTH - 1, "IndexRemoveKey - Reached tree max depth.");
blocks[++depth] = key->child;
// EsPrint("recurse into block %d at depth %d position %d\n", blocks[depth], depth, i);
goto next;
ESFS_CHECK(false, "IndexRemoveKey - The key was not in the tree.");
position = i;
if (ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, position)->child) {
// If the removed key has children, replace it with the smallest above, then consider that leaf.
uint64_t startDepth = depth;
uint8_t *buffer2 = blockBuffers + 1 * superblock->blockSize;
IndexVertex *search = (IndexVertex *) buffer2;
blocks[++depth] = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, position + 1)->child;
while (true) {
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth], 1, search, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not read index.");
if (!ValidateIndexVertex(superblock, search)) return false;
if (ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(search, 0)->child) {
ESFS_CHECK(depth < ESFS_INDEX_MAX_DEPTH - 1, "IndexRemoveKey - Reached tree max depth.");
blocks[++depth] = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, 1)->child;
} else break;
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, position)->value = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(search, 0)->value;
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, position)->data = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(search, 0)->data;
vertex->checksum = 0; vertex->checksum = CalculateCRC32(vertex, superblock->blockSize, 0);
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[startDepth], 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not write index.");
EsMemoryCopy(vertex, search, superblock->blockSize);
position = 0;
// Remove the key.
// EsPrint("Removing key from vertex...\n");
EsMemoryMove(ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, position + 1), ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, vertex->count + 1), ES_MEMORY_MOVE_BACKWARDS sizeof(IndexKey), true);
// If the vertex still has enough keys, return.
if (vertex->count >= (vertex->maxCount - 1) / 2) {
// EsPrint("Vertex has enough keys, exiting...\n");
vertex->checksum = 0; vertex->checksum = CalculateCRC32(vertex, superblock->blockSize, 0);
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth], 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not write index.");
return true;
// If the we reach the root of the tree, we're done.
if (depth == 0) {
if (!vertex->count && vertex->keys[0].child) {
// Reduce the height of the tree.
KWriterLockTake(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
EsDefer(KWriterLockReturn(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
ESFS_CHECK(FreeExtent(volume, blocks[0], 1), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not free the old root index block.");
*rootBlock = vertex->keys[0].child;
} else {
// EsPrint("Vertex is at root, exiting...\n");
vertex->checksum = 0; vertex->checksum = CalculateCRC32(vertex, superblock->blockSize, 0);
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth], 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not write index.");
return true;
// Find the position of vertex in its parent.
uint8_t *buffer2 = blockBuffers + 1 * superblock->blockSize;
IndexVertex *parent = (IndexVertex *) buffer2;
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth - 1], 1, parent, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not read index.");
if (!ValidateIndexVertex(superblock, parent)) return false;
int positionInParent = -1;
for (int i = 0; i <= parent->count; i++) {
if (ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, i)->child == blocks[depth]) {
positionInParent = i;
ESFS_CHECK(positionInParent != -1, "IndexRemoveKey - Could not find position in parent.");
uint8_t *buffer3 = blockBuffers + 2 * superblock->blockSize;
IndexVertex *sibling = (IndexVertex *) buffer3;
if (positionInParent) {
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent - 1)->child, 1, sibling, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not read index.");
if (sibling->count > (sibling->maxCount - 1) / 2) {
// Steal left.
EsMemoryMove(ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, 0), ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, vertex->count + 1), sizeof(IndexKey), true);
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, 0)-> value = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent - 1)-> value;
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, 0)-> data = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent - 1)-> data;
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, 0)-> child = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(sibling, sibling->count)-> child;
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent - 1)-> value = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(sibling, sibling->count - 1)-> value;
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent - 1)-> data = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(sibling, sibling->count - 1)-> data;
sibling->count--, vertex->count++;
vertex->checksum = 0; vertex->checksum = CalculateCRC32(vertex, superblock->blockSize, 0);
sibling->checksum = 0; sibling->checksum = CalculateCRC32(sibling, superblock->blockSize, 0);
parent->checksum = 0; parent->checksum = CalculateCRC32(parent, superblock->blockSize, 0);
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent - 1)->child, 1, sibling, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not write index.");
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth], 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not write index.");
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth - 1], 1, parent, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not write index.");
return true;
if (positionInParent != parent->count) {
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent + 1)->child, 1, sibling, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not read index.");
if (sibling->count > (sibling->maxCount - 1) / 2) {
// Steal right.
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, vertex->count)-> value = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent)-> value;
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, vertex->count)-> data = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent)-> data;
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, vertex->count + 1)-> child = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(sibling, 0)-> child;
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent)-> value = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(sibling, 0)-> value;
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent)-> data = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(sibling, 0)-> data;
EsMemoryMove(ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(sibling, 1), ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(sibling, sibling->count + 1), ES_MEMORY_MOVE_BACKWARDS sizeof(IndexKey), true);
sibling->count--, vertex->count++;
vertex->checksum = 0; vertex->checksum = CalculateCRC32(vertex, superblock->blockSize, 0);
sibling->checksum = 0; sibling->checksum = CalculateCRC32(sibling, superblock->blockSize, 0);
parent->checksum = 0; parent->checksum = CalculateCRC32(parent, superblock->blockSize, 0);
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent + 1)->child, 1, sibling, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not write index.");
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth], 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not write index.");
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth - 1], 1, parent, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not write index.");
return true;
// Merge nodes.
if (!positionInParent) {
EsMemoryCopy(sibling, vertex, superblock->blockSize);
positionInParent = 1;
blocks[depth] = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent)->child;
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, blocks[depth], 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not read index.");
if (!ValidateIndexVertex(superblock, vertex)) return false;
} else {
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent - 1)->child, 1, sibling, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not read index.");
if (!ValidateIndexVertex(superblock, sibling)) return false;
// TODO I'm fairly certain this won't happen (as we should have stolen a key), but it needs to be double-checked.
ESFS_CHECK(sibling->count + vertex->count + 1 < sibling->maxCount, "IndexRemoveKey - Merged node would be too large.");
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(sibling, sibling->count)-> value = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent - 1)->value;
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(sibling, sibling->count)-> data = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent - 1)->data;
ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent)-> child = ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent - 1)->child;
EsMemoryCopy(ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(sibling, sibling->count + 1), ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(vertex, 0), (vertex->count + 1) * sizeof(IndexKey));
EsMemoryMove(ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent), ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, parent->count + 1), ES_MEMORY_MOVE_BACKWARDS sizeof(IndexKey), true);
sibling->count += vertex->count + 1, parent->count--;
KWriterLockTake(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
EsDefer(KWriterLockReturn(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
ESFS_CHECK(FreeExtent(volume, blocks[depth], 1), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not free merged vertex.");
sibling->checksum = 0; sibling->checksum = CalculateCRC32(sibling, superblock->blockSize, 0);
ESFS_CHECK(AccessBlock(volume, ESFS_VERTEX_KEY(parent, positionInParent - 1)->child, 1, sibling, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE), "IndexRemoveKey - Could not write index.");
EsMemoryCopy(vertex, parent, superblock->blockSize);
goto repeat;
static EsError RemoveDirectoryEntry(FSNode *file, uint8_t *blockBuffers /* superblock->blockSize * 2 */, FSNode *directory, KNode *_directory) {
// EsPrint("RemoveDirectoryEntry for %s from %s\n", node->name.bytes, node->name.buffer,
// node->parent->name.bytes, node->parent->name.buffer);
Volume *volume = file->volume;
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
DirectoryEntry *entry = &file->entry;
AttributeDirectory *directoryAttribute = (AttributeDirectory *) FindAttribute(&directory->entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
EsError error;
// EsPrint("\tChildren = %d\n", directoryAttribute->childNodes);
// Step 1: Replace the directory entry with the last entry in the directory.
uint64_t positionOfLastEntry = (directoryAttribute->childNodes - 1) * sizeof(DirectoryEntry);
// EsPrint("\tpositionOfLastEntry = %d\n\tThis node Reference = %d/%d\n", positionOfLastEntry, file->reference.block, file->reference.offsetIntoBlock);
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(AccessBlock(volume, file->reference.block, 1, blockBuffers, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ),
"Remove - Could not load the container block.", ES_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE);
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(ReadWrite(directory, positionOfLastEntry & ~(superblock->blockSize - 1), superblock->blockSize,
blockBuffers + superblock->blockSize, false, false), "Remove - Could not load the last block.", ES_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE);
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(0 == EsMemoryCompare(blockBuffers + file->reference.offsetIntoBlock, &file->entry, sizeof(DirectoryEntry)),
"Remove - Inconsistent file entry.", ES_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE);
DirectoryEntry *movedEntry = (DirectoryEntry *) (blockBuffers + superblock->blockSize + (positionOfLastEntry & (superblock->blockSize - 1)));
DirectoryEntry *deletedEntry = (DirectoryEntry *) (blockBuffers + file->reference.offsetIntoBlock);
EsMemoryCopy(deletedEntry, movedEntry, sizeof(DirectoryEntry));
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(AccessBlock(volume, file->reference.block, 1, blockBuffers, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE),
"Remove - Could not save the container block.", ES_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE);
// Step 2: Update the node for the moved entry.
if (EsMemoryCompare(movedEntry->identifier.d, entry->identifier.d, sizeof(EsUniqueIdentifier))) {
AttributeFilename *filename = (AttributeFilename *) FindAttribute(movedEntry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_FILENAME);
if (filename) {
KNode *node = nullptr;
FSDirectoryEntryFound(_directory, nullptr, &file->reference,
(const char *) filename->filename, filename->length, true, &node);
if (node) {
((FSNode *) node->driverNode)->reference = file->reference;
uint64_t key = CalculateCRC64(filename->filename, filename->length, 0);
// EsPrint("\tModify index key for %s\n", filename->length, filename->filename);
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(IndexModifyKey(volume, key, file->reference, directoryAttribute->indexRootBlock, blockBuffers + superblock->blockSize),
"Remove - Could not update index (2).", ES_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE);
// Step 3: Decrease the size of the directory.
if (!(directoryAttribute->childNodes % superblock->directoryEntriesPerBlock)) {
uint64_t newSize = directory->entry.fileSize - superblock->blockSize;
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(newSize == ResizeInternal(directory, newSize, &error), "Remove - Could not resize directory.", ES_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE);
// Step 4: Remove the entry from the index.
AttributeFilename *filename = (AttributeFilename *) FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_FILENAME);
// EsPrint("\tRemoving %s from index\n", filename->length, filename->filename);
if (filename) {
uint64_t removeKey = CalculateCRC64(filename->filename, filename->length, 0);
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(IndexRemoveKey(volume, removeKey, &directoryAttribute->indexRootBlock), "Remove - Could not update index.", ES_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE);
return ES_SUCCESS;
static EsError Remove(KNode *_directory, KNode *node) {
FSNode *directory = (FSNode *) _directory->driverNode;
FSNode *file = (FSNode *) node->driverNode;
Volume *volume = file->volume;
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
DirectoryEntry *entry = &file->entry;
AttributeDirectory *directoryAttribute = (AttributeDirectory *) FindAttribute(&directory->entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(directoryAttribute->childNodes, "Remove - Directory is empty.", ES_ERROR_CORRUPT_DATA);
uint8_t *blockBuffers = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blockSize * 2, false, K_FIXED);
if (!blockBuffers) return ES_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(blockBuffers, 0, K_FIXED));
// Step 1: If we're deleting a directory, deallocate its empty index.
if (entry->nodeType == ESFS_NODE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
AttributeDirectory *attribute = (AttributeDirectory *) FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(!attribute->childNodes, "Remove - Directory was not empty.", ES_ERROR_CORRUPT_DATA);
if (attribute->indexRootBlock) {
IndexVertex *vertex = (IndexVertex *) blockBuffers;
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(AccessBlock(volume, attribute->indexRootBlock, 1, vertex, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ),
"Remove - Could not access index root.", ES_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE);
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(!vertex->count, "Remove - Index was not empty (although it should be as the directory is empty).", ES_ERROR_CORRUPT_DATA);
KWriterLockTake(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
EsDefer(KWriterLockReturn(&volume->blockBitmapLock, K_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(FreeExtent(volume, attribute->indexRootBlock, 1),
"Remove - Could not free the root index block.", ES_ERROR_UNKNOWN);
// Step 2: Truncate the node to 0 bytes.
EsError error;
if (ResizeInternal(file, 0, &error)) {
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(false, "Remove - Could not resize node.", error);
// Step 3: Sync the file, and remove its directory entry.
Sync(_directory, node);
return RemoveDirectoryEntry(file, blockBuffers, directory, _directory);
static bool RenameInternal(FSNode *existingNode, DirectoryEntry *entry, const void *name, size_t nameLength) {
// Size of name + size of header, rounded up to the nearest 8 bytes.
size_t newFilenameSize = ((nameLength + ESFS_FILENAME_HEADER_SIZE - 1) & ~7) + 8;
AttributeFilename *filename = (AttributeFilename *) FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_FILENAME);
AttributeData *data = (AttributeData *) FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DATA);
if (filename && data && (uint8_t *) filename - (uint8_t *) data == data->size) {
// TODO Improve this.
// TODO Renaming directories does not work!
intptr_t filenameSizeChange = newFilenameSize - filename->size;
size_t newDataSize = data->size - filenameSizeChange;
EsError error;
ESFS_CHECK(existingNode->entry.fileSize == ResizeInternal(existingNode, existingNode->entry.fileSize, &error, newDataSize),
"CreateInternal - Could not resize data attribute.");
ESFS_CHECK(error == ES_SUCCESS, "CreateInternal - Could not resize data attribute.");
AttributeFilename *filename = (AttributeFilename *) ((uint8_t *) data + data->size);
filename->size = newFilenameSize;
filename->length = nameLength;
EsMemoryCopy(filename->filename, name, filename->length);
} else {
ESFS_CHECK(false, "CreateInternal - Could not rename node.");
return true;
static bool CreateInternal(const char *name, size_t nameLength, EsNodeType type, FSNode *parent, uint8_t *buffer /* superblock->blockSize */,
FSNode *existingNode = nullptr, DirectoryEntryReference *outReference = nullptr) {
// TODO Return EsError.
Volume *volume = parent->volume;
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
EsError error;
if (type != ES_NODE_DIRECTORY && type != ES_NODE_FILE) {
return false;
AttributeDirectory *directoryAttribute = (AttributeDirectory *) FindAttribute(&parent->entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
// Resize the directory so that it can fit another directory entry.
if (!(directoryAttribute->childNodes % superblock->directoryEntriesPerBlock)) {
uint64_t newSize = parent->entry.fileSize + superblock->blockSize;
ESFS_CHECK(newSize == ResizeInternal(parent, newSize, &error), "Create - Could not resize directory.");
DirectoryEntry *entry = nullptr;
size_t newFilenameSize = ((nameLength + ESFS_FILENAME_HEADER_SIZE - 1) & ~7) + 8; // Size of name + size of header, rounded up to the nearest 8 bytes.
if (!existingNode) {
// Create the directory entry.
entry = (DirectoryEntry *) buffer; // NOTE This must use the provided buffer; see Create.
EsMemoryZero(entry, sizeof(DirectoryEntry));
EsMemoryCopy(entry->signature, ESFS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SIGNATURE, 8);
entry->identifier = superblock->nextIdentifier;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (superblock->nextIdentifier.d[i]) break;
entry->attributeOffset = ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_OFFSET;
entry->parent = parent->identifier;
uint8_t *position = entry->attributes;
if (entry->nodeType == ESFS_NODE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
AttributeDirectory *directory = (AttributeDirectory *) position;
directory->size = sizeof(AttributeDirectory);
directory->indexRootBlock = 0;
position += directory->size;
AttributeData *data = (AttributeData *) position;
data->size = sizeof(DirectoryEntry) - newFilenameSize - (position - (uint8_t *) entry);
data->indirection = ESFS_INDIRECTION_DIRECT;
data->dataOffset = ESFS_DATA_OFFSET;
position += data->size;
AttributeFilename *filename = (AttributeFilename *) position;
filename->size = newFilenameSize;
filename->length = nameLength;
EsMemoryCopy(filename->filename, name, filename->length);
position += filename->size;
if (position - (uint8_t *) entry != sizeof(DirectoryEntry)) KernelPanic("EsFS::CreateInternal - Directory entry has incorrect size.\n");
} else {
// Update the existing directory entry.
entry = &existingNode->entry;
entry->parent = parent->identifier;
if (!RenameInternal(existingNode, entry, name, nameLength)) {
return false;
entry->checksum = 0;
entry->checksum = CalculateCRC32(entry, sizeof(DirectoryEntry), 0);
if (!ValidateDirectoryEntry(volume, entry)) KernelPanic("EsFS::CreateInternal - Created directory entry is invalid.\n");
// Write the directory entry.
DirectoryEntryReference reference = {};
ESFS_CHECK(ReadWrite(parent, directoryAttribute->childNodes * sizeof(DirectoryEntry),
sizeof(DirectoryEntry), (uint8_t *) entry, true, true, &reference), "Create - Could not update directory.");
if (existingNode) existingNode->reference = reference;
// Add the node into the index.
uint64_t newKey = CalculateCRC64(name, nameLength, 0);
ESFS_CHECK(IndexAddKey(volume, newKey, reference, &directoryAttribute->indexRootBlock), "Create - Could not add file to index.");
if (outReference) {
*outReference = reference;
return true;
static EsError Move(KNode *_oldDirectory, KNode *_file, KNode *_newDirectory, const char *newName, size_t newNameLength) {
FSNode *file = (FSNode *) _file->driverNode;
FSNode *newDirectory = (FSNode *) _newDirectory->driverNode;
FSNode *oldDirectory = (FSNode *) _oldDirectory->driverNode;
Volume *volume = file->volume;
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
if (oldDirectory->type != ES_NODE_DIRECTORY || newDirectory->type != ES_NODE_DIRECTORY) KernelPanic("EsFS::Move - Incorrect node types.\n");
file->entry.checksum = 0;
file->entry.checksum = CalculateCRC32(&file->entry, sizeof(DirectoryEntry), 0);
if (!ValidateDirectoryEntry(volume, &file->entry)) KernelPanic("EsFS::Move - Existing entry is invalid.\n");
uint8_t *buffers = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blockSize * 2, true, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(buffers, 0, K_FIXED));
// Remove the node from the old directory.
Sync(_oldDirectory, _file);
ESFS_CHECK_ERROR(RemoveDirectoryEntry(file, buffers, oldDirectory, _oldDirectory), "Move - Could not remove old directory entry.");
// Add the node to the new directory.
DirectoryEntryReference reference = {};
ESFS_CHECK_TO_ERROR(CreateInternal(newName, newNameLength, file->type, newDirectory, nullptr,
file, &reference), "Move - Could not create new directory entry.", ES_ERROR_UNKNOWN);
FSNodeUpdateDriverData(_file, &reference);
return ES_SUCCESS;
static void Close(KNode *node) {
EsHeapFree(node->driverNode, sizeof(FSNode), K_FIXED);
static EsError LoadInternal(Volume *volume, KNode *_node, DirectoryEntry *entry, DirectoryEntryReference reference) {
FSNode *node = (FSNode *) EsHeapAllocate(sizeof(FSNode), true, K_FIXED);
if (!node) {
_node->driverNode = node;
node->reference = reference;
node->volume = volume;
node->identifier = entry->identifier;
EsMemoryCopy(&node->entry, entry, sizeof(DirectoryEntry));
return ES_SUCCESS;
static EsError Load(KNode *_directory, KNode *_node, KNodeMetadata *, const void *entryData) {
DirectoryEntryReference reference = *(DirectoryEntryReference *) entryData;
FSNode *directory = (FSNode *) _directory->driverNode;
Superblock *superblock = &directory->volume->superblock;
uint8_t *blockBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blockSize, false, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(blockBuffer, 0, K_FIXED));
if (!AccessBlock(directory->volume, reference.block, 1, blockBuffer, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "drive access failure", "Load - Could not load directory entry.\n");
DirectoryEntry *entry = (DirectoryEntry *) (blockBuffer + reference.offsetIntoBlock);
if (!ValidateDirectoryEntry(directory->volume, entry)) {
if ((entry->nodeType == ESFS_NODE_TYPE_DIRECTORY && !FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
|| (entry->nodeType == ESFS_NODE_TYPE_FILE && !FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DATA))) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "damaged file system", "Load - Node is missing attribute.\n");
return LoadInternal(directory->volume, _node, entry, reference);
static EsError Create(const char *name, size_t nameLength, EsNodeType type, KNode *_parent, KNode *node, void *driverData) {
FSNode *parent = (FSNode *) _parent->driverNode;
if (!parent) return ES_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
Volume *volume = parent->volume;
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blockSize, true, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(buffer, 0, K_FIXED));
DirectoryEntryReference reference = {};
if (!CreateInternal(name, nameLength, type, parent, buffer, nullptr, &reference)) {
EsMemoryCopy(driverData, &reference, sizeof(DirectoryEntryReference));
return LoadInternal(volume, node, (DirectoryEntry *) buffer, reference);
static EsError Scan(const char *name, size_t nameLength, KNode *_directory) {
// EsPrint("Scan: %s, %x\n", offsetToName + nameLength, name, _directory);
DirectoryEntryReference reference = {};
FSNode *directory = (FSNode *) _directory->driverNode;
if (directory->corrupt) return ES_ERROR_CORRUPT_DATA;
Volume *volume = directory->volume;
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
uint8_t *blockBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blockSize, false, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(blockBuffer, 0, K_FIXED));
AttributeDirectory *attributeDirectory = (AttributeDirectory *) FindAttribute(&directory->entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
EsError error = FindDirectoryEntryReferenceFromIndex(volume, blockBuffer, &reference, name, nameLength, attributeDirectory->indexRootBlock);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) {
// EsPrint("\tCould not find in directory. (%d - %s)\n", error, nameLength, name);
return error;
// EsPrint("\t%d/%d\n", reference.block, reference.offsetIntoBlock);
if (!AccessBlock(volume, reference.block, 1, blockBuffer, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "drive access failure", "Scan - Could not load directory entry.\n");
DirectoryEntry *entry = (DirectoryEntry *) (blockBuffer + reference.offsetIntoBlock);
if (!ValidateDirectoryEntry(volume, entry)) return ES_ERROR_CORRUPT_DATA;
if ((entry->nodeType == ESFS_NODE_TYPE_DIRECTORY && !FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
|| (entry->nodeType == ESFS_NODE_TYPE_FILE && !FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DATA))) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "damaged file system", "Scan - Node is missing attribute.\n");
KNodeMetadata metadata = {};
if (entry->nodeType == ESFS_NODE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
AttributeDirectory *directoryAttribute = (AttributeDirectory *) FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
if (directoryAttribute) {
metadata.directoryChildren = directoryAttribute->childNodes;
metadata.totalSize = directoryAttribute->totalSize;
} else {
metadata.totalSize = entry->fileSize;
metadata.type = entry->nodeType == ESFS_NODE_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? ES_NODE_DIRECTORY : ES_NODE_FILE;
KNode *_node;
error = FSDirectoryEntryFound(_directory, &metadata, &reference, name, nameLength, false, &_node);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) {
return error;
error = LoadInternal(volume, _node, entry, reference);
FSNodeScanAndLoadComplete(_node, error == ES_SUCCESS);
return error;
static bool Mount(Volume *volume, EsFileOffsetDifference *rootDirectoryChildren) {
// TODO Return EsError.
// Load the superblock.
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "drive access failure", "Mount - Could not read superblock.\n");
return false;
if (volume->block->information.readOnly) {
volume->readOnly = true;
// Check the superblock is valid.
uint32_t checksum = volume->superblock.checksum;
volume->superblock.checksum = 0;
uint32_t calculated = CalculateCRC32(&volume->superblock, sizeof(Superblock), 0);
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(checksum == calculated, "Invalid superblock checksum.");
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(0 == EsMemoryCompare(volume->superblock.signature, ESFS_SIGNATURE_STRING, 16), "Invalid superblock signature.");
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(volume->superblock.requiredReadVersion <= ESFS_DRIVER_VERSION, "Incompatible file system version.");
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(superblock->blockSize >= 1024 && superblock->blockSize <= 16384 && (superblock->blockSize % volume->block->information.sectorSize) == 0, "Invalid block size.");
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(superblock->blockCount * superblock->blockSize / volume->block->information.sectorSize <= volume->block->information.sectorCount, "More blocks than drive.");
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(superblock->blocksUsed <= superblock->blockCount, "More blocks used than exist.");
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(superblock->blocksPerGroup <= 65536 && superblock->blocksPerGroup < superblock->blockCount && superblock->blocksPerGroup >= 1024, "Invalid block group size.");
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL((superblock->groupCount - 1) * superblock->blocksPerGroup <= superblock->blockCount, "Invalid number of block groups.");
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(superblock->blocksPerGroupBlockBitmap < superblock->blocksPerGroup, "Invalid number of blocks per group block bitmap.");
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(superblock->gdtFirstBlock < superblock->blockCount, "First GDT block not within volume.\n");
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(superblock->directoryEntriesPerBlock <= superblock->blockSize / sizeof(DirectoryEntry), "Invalid number of directory entries per block.");
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(superblock->root.block < superblock->blockCount && superblock->root.offsetIntoBlock < superblock->blockSize, "Invalid root directory position in volume.\n");
ESFS_CHECK_READ_ONLY(!superblock->nextIdentifier.d[15], "Too many nodes created and deleted.");
ESFS_CHECK_READ_ONLY(superblock->requiredWriteVersion <= ESFS_DRIVER_VERSION, "Outdated file system version.");
// ESFS_CHECK_READ_ONLY(!superblock->mounted, "Volume already mounted.");
if (superblock->mounted) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "volume already mounted",
"Superblock indicates that the volume was either unmounted incorrectly, or is mounted by another driver instance.\n");
if (!volume->readOnly) {
superblock->mounted = true;
superblock->checksum = 0;
superblock->checksum = CalculateCRC32(superblock, sizeof(Superblock), 0);
K_ACCESS_WRITE, (uint8_t *) superblock, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT), "Could not mark volume as mounted.");
// Load the group descriptor table.
volume->groupDescriptorTable = (GroupDescriptor *) EsHeapAllocate((superblock->groupCount * sizeof(GroupDescriptor) + superblock->blockSize - 1), false, K_FIXED);
if (!AccessBlock(volume, superblock->gdtFirstBlock, (superblock->groupCount * sizeof(GroupDescriptor) + superblock->blockSize - 1) / superblock->blockSize,
volume->groupDescriptorTable, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ)) {
EsHeapFree(volume->groupDescriptorTable, 0, K_FIXED);
ESFS_CHECK_FATAL(false, "Could not read group descriptor table.");
// Load the root directory.
uint8_t *blockBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superblock->blockSize, false, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(if (blockBuffer) EsHeapFree(blockBuffer, superblock->blockSize, K_FIXED));
FSNode *node = nullptr;
if (!blockBuffer) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "allocation failure", "Mount - Could not allocate block buffer.\n");
goto failure;
DirectoryEntryReference rootReference = superblock->root;
if (!AccessBlock(volume, rootReference.block, 1, blockBuffer, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_READ)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "drive access failure", "Mount - Could not load root directory.\n");
goto failure;
DirectoryEntry *entry = (DirectoryEntry *) (blockBuffer + rootReference.offsetIntoBlock);
if (!ValidateDirectoryEntry(volume, entry)) goto failure;
AttributeDirectory *directory = (AttributeDirectory *) FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
if (!directory || !FindAttribute(entry, ESFS_ATTRIBUTE_DATA)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "damaged file system", "Mount - Root directory is missing attributes.\n");
goto failure;
volume->root = node = (FSNode *) EsHeapAllocate(sizeof(FSNode), true, K_FIXED);
node->volume = volume;
node->reference = rootReference;
node->identifier = entry->identifier;
node->type = ES_NODE_DIRECTORY;
*rootDirectoryChildren = directory->childNodes;
EsMemoryCopy(&node->entry, entry, sizeof(DirectoryEntry));
goto success;
if (node) EsHeapFree(node, sizeof(FSNode), K_FIXED);
return false;
return true;
static void Unmount(KFileSystem *fileSystem) {
Volume *volume = (Volume *) fileSystem;
Superblock *superblock = &volume->superblock;
if (!volume->readOnly) {
AccessBlock(volume, superblock->gdtFirstBlock, (superblock->groupCount * sizeof(GroupDescriptor) + superblock->blockSize - 1) / superblock->blockSize,
volume->groupDescriptorTable, FS_BLOCK_ACCESS_CACHED, K_ACCESS_WRITE);
superblock->mounted = false;
superblock->checksum = 0;
superblock->checksum = CalculateCRC32(superblock, sizeof(Superblock), 0);
(uint8_t *) superblock, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
EsHeapFree(volume->groupDescriptorTable, 0, K_FIXED);
static void Register(KDevice *_parent) {
Volume *volume = (Volume *) KDeviceCreate("EssenceFS", _parent, sizeof(Volume));
if (!volume || !FSFileSystemInitialise(volume)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "allocation failure", "Register - Could not allocate file system.\n");
EsFileOffsetDifference rootDirectoryChildren;
if (!Mount(volume, &rootDirectoryChildren)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "EsFS", "mount error", "Register - Could not mount EsFS volume.\n");
volume->spaceUsed = volume->superblock.blocksUsed * volume->superblock.blockSize;
volume->spaceTotal = volume->superblock.blockCount * volume->superblock.blockSize;
volume->identifier = volume->superblock.identifier;
volume->read = Read;
volume->scan = Scan;
volume->load = Load;
volume->enumerate = Enumerate;
volume->unmount = Unmount;
volume->close = Close;
if (!volume->readOnly) {
volume->write = Write;
volume->sync = Sync;
volume->resize = Resize;
volume->create = Create;
volume->remove = Remove;
volume->move = Move;
volume->superblock.volumeName[ESFS_MAXIMUM_VOLUME_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0;
volume->nameBytes = EsCStringLength(volume->superblock.volumeName);
EsMemoryCopy(volume->name, volume->superblock.volumeName, volume->nameBytes);
volume->rootDirectory->driverNode = volume->root;
volume->rootDirectoryInitialChildren = rootDirectoryChildren;
volume->directoryEntryDataBytes = sizeof(DirectoryEntryReference);
volume->nodeDataBytes = sizeof(FSNode);
FSRegisterBootFileSystem(volume, volume->superblock.osInstallation);
KDriver driverEssenceFS = {
.attach = Register,