
5890 lines
195 KiB

// TODO UITextbox features - mouse input, multi-line, clipboard, undo, IME support, number dragging.
// TODO New elements - list view, menu bar.
// TODO Keyboard navigation - menus, dialogs, tables.
// TODO Easier to use fonts; GDI font support.
// TODO Formalize the notion of size-stability? See _UIExpandPaneButtonInvoke.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#ifdef UI_LINUX
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#define _UI_TO_STRING_1(x) #x
#define _UI_TO_STRING_2(x) _UI_TO_STRING_1(x)
#undef _UNICODE
#undef UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#define UI_ASSERT(x) do { if (!(x)) { ui.assertionFailure = true; \
MessageBox(0, "Assertion failure on line " _UI_TO_STRING_2(__LINE__), 0, 0); \
ExitProcess(1); } } while (0)
#define UI_CALLOC(x) HeapAlloc(ui.heap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (x))
#define UI_FREE(x) HeapFree(ui.heap, 0, (x))
#define UI_MALLOC(x) HeapAlloc(ui.heap, 0, (x))
#define UI_REALLOC _UIHeapReAlloc
#define UI_CLOCK GetTickCount
#define UI_CLOCKS_PER_SECOND (1000)
#if defined(UI_LINUX)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#define UI_ASSERT assert
#define UI_CALLOC(x) calloc(1, (x))
#define UI_FREE free
#define UI_MALLOC malloc
#define UI_REALLOC realloc
#define UI_CLOCK clock
#define UI_CLOCK_T clock_t
#if defined(UI_ESSENCE)
#include <essence.h>
#define UI_ASSERT EsAssert
#define UI_CALLOC(x) EsHeapAllocate((x), true)
#define UI_FREE EsHeapFree
#define UI_MALLOC(x) EsHeapAllocate((x), false)
#define UI_REALLOC(x, y) EsHeapReallocate((x), (y), false)
#define UI_CLOCK EsTimeStampMs
#define UI_CLOCK_T uint64_t
// Callback to allow the application to process messages.
void _UIMessageProcess(EsMessage *message);
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include <freetype/ftbitmap.h>
#define UI_SIZE_GAUGE_WIDTH (200)
#define UI_SIZE_SLIDER_WIDTH (200)
#define UI_SIZE_SPLITTER (8)
#define UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR (16)
#define UI_SIZE_CODE_MARGIN (ui.activeFont->glyphWidth * 5)
#define UI_SIZE_CODE_MARGIN_GAP (ui.activeFont->glyphWidth * 1)
#define UI_SIZE_TABLE_ROW (20)
#define UI_SIZE_MDI_CASCADE (30)
typedef enum UIMessage {
UI_MSG_PAINT, // dp = pointer to UIPainter
UI_MSG_UPDATE, // di = UI_UPDATE_... constant
UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, // di = height (if known); return width
UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, // di = width (if known); return height
UI_MSG_FIND_BY_POINT, // dp = pointer to UIFindByPoint; return 1 if handled
UI_MSG_CLIENT_PARENT, // dp = pointer to UIElement *, set it to the parent for client elements
UI_MSG_INPUT_EVENTS_START, // not sent to disabled elements
UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED, // dp = pointer to UIKeyTyped; return 1 if handled
UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL, // di = delta; return 1 if handled
UI_MSG_GET_CURSOR, // return cursor code
UI_MSG_PRESSED_DESCENDENT, // dp = pointer to child that is/contains pressed element
UI_MSG_VALUE_CHANGED, // sent to notify that the element's value has changed
UI_MSG_TABLE_GET_ITEM, // dp = pointer to UITableGetItem; return string length
UI_MSG_CODE_GET_MARGIN_COLOR, // di = line index (starts at 1); return color
UI_MSG_CODE_DECORATE_LINE, // dp = pointer to UICodeDecorateLine
UI_MSG_WINDOW_CLOSE, // return 1 to prevent default (process exit for UIWindow; close for UIMDIChild)
UI_MSG_TAB_SELECTED, // sent to the tab that was selected (not the tab pane itself)
UI_MSG_WINDOW_DROP_FILES, // di = count, dp = char ** of paths
} UIMessage;
#define UIRectangle EsRectangle
typedef struct UIRectangle {
int l, r, t, b;
} UIRectangle;
typedef struct UITheme {
uint32_t panel1, panel2, selected, border;
uint32_t text, textDisabled, textSelected;
uint32_t buttonNormal, buttonHovered, buttonPressed, buttonDisabled;
uint32_t textboxNormal, textboxFocused;
uint32_t codeFocused, codeBackground, codeDefault, codeComment, codeString, codeNumber, codeOperator, codePreprocessor;
} UITheme;
typedef struct UIPainter {
UIRectangle clip;
uint32_t *bits;
int width, height;
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
int fillCount;
} UIPainter;
typedef struct UIFont {
int glyphWidth, glyphHeight;
bool isFreeType;
FT_Face font;
FT_Bitmap glyphs[128];
bool glyphsRendered[128];
int glyphOffsetsX[128], glyphOffsetsY[128];
} UIFont;
typedef struct UIShortcut {
intptr_t code;
bool ctrl, shift, alt;
void (*invoke)(void *cp);
void *cp;
} UIShortcut;
typedef struct UIStringSelection {
int carets[2];
uint32_t colorText, colorBackground;
} UIStringSelection;
typedef struct UIKeyTyped {
char *text;
int textBytes;
intptr_t code;
} UIKeyTyped;
typedef struct UITableGetItem {
char *buffer;
size_t bufferBytes;
int index, column;
bool isSelected;
} UITableGetItem;
typedef struct UICodeDecorateLine {
UIRectangle bounds;
int index; // Starting at 1!
int x, y; // Position where additional text can be drawn.
UIPainter *painter;
} UICodeDecorateLine;
typedef struct UIFindByPoint {
int x, y;
struct UIElement *result;
} UIFindByPoint;
#define UI_RECT_1(x) ((UIRectangle) { (x), (x), (x), (x) })
#define UI_RECT_1I(x) ((UIRectangle) { (x), -(x), (x), -(x) })
#define UI_RECT_2(x, y) ((UIRectangle) { (x), (x), (y), (y) })
#define UI_RECT_2I(x, y) ((UIRectangle) { (x), -(x), (y), -(y) })
#define UI_RECT_2S(x, y) ((UIRectangle) { 0, (x), 0, (y) })
#define UI_RECT_4(x, y, z, w) ((UIRectangle) { (x), (y), (z), (w) })
#define UI_RECT_WIDTH(_r) ((_r).r - (_r).l)
#define UI_RECT_HEIGHT(_r) ((_r).b - (_r).t)
#define UI_RECT_TOTAL_H(_r) ((_r).r + (_r).l)
#define UI_RECT_TOTAL_V(_r) ((_r).b + (_r).t)
#define UI_RECT_TOP_LEFT(_r) (_r).l, (_r).t
#define UI_RECT_BOTTOM_LEFT(_r) (_r).l, (_r).b
#define UI_RECT_BOTTOM_RIGHT(_r) (_r).r, (_r).b
#define UI_RECT_ALL(_r) (_r).l, (_r).r, (_r).t, (_r).b
#define UI_RECT_VALID(_r) (UI_RECT_WIDTH(_r) > 0 && UI_RECT_HEIGHT(_r) > 0)
#define UI_COLOR_ALPHA_F(x) ((((x) >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f)
#define UI_COLOR_RED_F(x) ((((x) >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f)
#define UI_COLOR_GREEN_F(x) ((((x) >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f)
#define UI_COLOR_BLUE_F(x) ((((x) >> 0) & 0xFF) / 255.0f)
#define UI_COLOR_ALPHA(x) ((((x) >> 24) & 0xFF))
#define UI_COLOR_RED(x) ((((x) >> 16) & 0xFF))
#define UI_COLOR_GREEN(x) ((((x) >> 8) & 0xFF))
#define UI_COLOR_BLUE(x) ((((x) >> 0) & 0xFF))
#define UI_COLOR_FROM_FLOAT(r, g, b) (((uint32_t) ((r) * 255.0f) << 16) | ((uint32_t) ((g) * 255.0f) << 8) | ((uint32_t) ((b) * 255.0f) << 0))
#define UI_COLOR_FROM_RGBA_F(r, g, b, a) (((uint32_t) ((r) * 255.0f) << 16) | ((uint32_t) ((g) * 255.0f) << 8) \
| ((uint32_t) ((b) * 255.0f) << 0) | ((uint32_t) ((a) * 255.0f) << 24))
#define UI_SWAP(s, a, b) do { s t = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = t; } while (0)
#define UI_CURSOR_ARROW (0)
#define UI_CURSOR_TEXT (1)
#define UI_CURSOR_SPLIT_V (2)
#define UI_CURSOR_SPLIT_H (3)
#define UI_CURSOR_HAND (6)
#define UI_CURSOR_COUNT (15)
#define UI_ALIGN_LEFT (1)
#define UI_ALIGN_RIGHT (2)
#define UI_ALIGN_CENTER (3)
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_A;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_BACKSPACE;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_DELETE;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_DOWN;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_END;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_ENTER;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_ESCAPE;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_F1;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_HOME;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_LEFT;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_RIGHT;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_SPACE;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_TAB;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_UP;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_INSERT;
extern const int UI_KEYCODE_0;
#define UI_KEYCODE_LETTER(x) (UI_KEYCODE_A + (x) - 'A')
#define UI_KEYCODE_DIGIT(x) (UI_KEYCODE_0 + (x) - '0')
#define UI_KEYCODE_FKEY(x) (UI_KEYCODE_F1 + (x) - 1)
typedef struct UIElement {
#define UI_ELEMENT_V_FILL (1 << 16)
#define UI_ELEMENT_H_FILL (1 << 17)
#define UI_ELEMENT_WINDOW (1 << 18)
#define UI_ELEMENT_PARENT_PUSH (1 << 19)
#define UI_ELEMENT_TAB_STOP (1 << 20)
#define UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT (1 << 21) // Don't destroy in UIElementDestroyDescendents, like scroll bars.
#define UI_ELEMENT_DISABLED (1 << 22) // Don't receive input events.
#define UI_ELEMENT_HIDE (1 << 29)
#define UI_ELEMENT_DESTROY (1 << 30)
uint32_t flags; // First 16 bits are element specific.
uint32_t id;
struct UIElement *parent;
struct UIElement *next;
struct UIElement *children;
struct UIWindow *window;
UIRectangle bounds, clip;
void *cp; // Context pointer (for user).
int (*messageClass)(struct UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di /* data integer */, void *dp /* data pointer */);
int (*messageUser)(struct UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp);
const char *cClassName;
} UIElement;
#define UI_SHORTCUT(code, ctrl, shift, alt, invoke, cp) ((UIShortcut) { (code), (ctrl), (shift), (alt), (invoke), (cp) })
typedef struct UIWindow {
#define UI_WINDOW_MENU (1 << 0)
#define UI_WINDOW_INSPECTOR (1 << 1)
#define UI_WINDOW_CENTER_IN_OWNER (1 << 2)
#define UI_WINDOW_MAXIMIZE (1 << 3)
UIElement e;
UIElement *dialog;
UIShortcut *shortcuts;
size_t shortcutCount, shortcutAllocated;
float scale;
uint32_t *bits;
int width, height;
struct UIWindow *next;
UIElement *hovered, *pressed, *focused, *dialogOldFocus;
int pressedButton;
int cursorX, cursorY;
int cursorStyle;
// Set when a textbox is modified.
// Useful for tracking whether changes to the loaded document have been saved.
bool textboxModifiedFlag;
bool ctrl, shift, alt;
UIRectangle updateRegion;
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
float lastFullFillCount;
#ifdef UI_LINUX
Window window;
XImage *image;
XIC xic;
unsigned ctrlCode, shiftCode, altCode;
Window dragSource;
HWND hwnd;
bool trackingLeave;
EsWindow *window;
EsElement *canvas;
int cursor;
} UIWindow;
typedef struct UIPanel {
#define UI_PANEL_HORIZONTAL (1 << 0)
#define UI_PANEL_GRAY (1 << 2)
#define UI_PANEL_WHITE (1 << 3)
#define UI_PANEL_EXPAND (1 << 4)
#define UI_PANEL_MEDIUM_SPACING (1 << 5)
#define UI_PANEL_SMALL_SPACING (1 << 6)
#define UI_PANEL_SCROLL (1 << 7)
#define UI_PANEL_BORDER (1 << 8)
UIElement e;
struct UIScrollBar *scrollBar;
UIRectangle border;
int gap;
} UIPanel;
typedef struct UIButton {
#define UI_BUTTON_SMALL (1 << 0)
#define UI_BUTTON_MENU_ITEM (1 << 1)
#define UI_BUTTON_CAN_FOCUS (1 << 2)
#define UI_BUTTON_DROP_DOWN (1 << 3)
#define UI_BUTTON_CHECKED (1 << 15)
UIElement e;
char *label;
ptrdiff_t labelBytes;
void (*invoke)(void *cp);
} UIButton;
typedef struct UICheckbox {
UIElement e;
#define UI_CHECK_CHECKED (1)
uint8_t check;
char *label;
ptrdiff_t labelBytes;
void (*invoke)(void *cp);
} UICheckbox;
typedef struct UILabel {
UIElement e;
char *label;
ptrdiff_t labelBytes;
} UILabel;
typedef struct UISpacer {
#define UI_SPACER_LINE (1 << 0)
UIElement e;
int width, height;
} UISpacer;
typedef struct UISplitPane {
#define UI_SPLIT_PANE_VERTICAL (1 << 0)
UIElement e;
float weight;
} UISplitPane;
typedef struct UITabPane {
UIElement e;
char *tabs;
int active;
} UITabPane;
typedef struct UIScrollBar {
UIElement e;
int64_t maximum, page;
int64_t dragOffset;
double position;
uint64_t lastAnimateTime;
bool inDrag, horizontal;
} UIScrollBar;
typedef struct UICodeLine {
int offset, bytes;
} UICodeLine;
typedef struct UICode {
#define UI_CODE_NO_MARGIN (1 << 0)
UIElement e;
UIScrollBar *vScroll;
UICodeLine *lines;
UIFont *font;
int lineCount, focused;
bool moveScrollToFocusNextLayout;
char *content;
size_t contentBytes;
int tabSize;
} UICode;
typedef struct UIGauge {
UIElement e;
float position;
} UIGauge;
typedef struct UITable {
UIElement e;
UIScrollBar *vScroll;
int itemCount;
char *columns;
int *columnWidths, columnCount, columnHighlight;
} UITable;
typedef struct UITextbox {
UIElement e;
char *string;
ptrdiff_t bytes;
int carets[2];
int scroll;
bool rejectNextKey;
} UITextbox;
#define UI_MENU_PLACE_ABOVE (1 << 0)
#define UI_MENU_NO_SCROLL (1 << 1)
typedef EsMenu UIMenu;
typedef struct UIMenu {
UIElement e;
int pointX, pointY;
UIScrollBar *vScroll;
} UIMenu;
typedef struct UISlider {
UIElement e;
float position;
int steps;
} UISlider;
typedef struct UIColorPicker {
UIElement e;
float hue, saturation, value, opacity;
} UIColorPicker;
typedef struct UIMDIClient {
UIElement e;
struct UIMDIChild *active;
int cascade;
} UIMDIClient;
typedef struct UIMDIChild {
#define UI_MDI_CHILD_CLOSE_BUTTON (1 << 0)
UIElement e;
UIRectangle bounds;
char *title;
ptrdiff_t titleBytes;
int dragHitTest;
UIRectangle dragOffset;
struct UIMDIChild *previous;
} UIMDIChild;
typedef struct UIExpandPane {
UIElement e;
UIButton *button;
UIPanel *panel;
bool expanded;
} UIExpandPane;
typedef struct UIImageDisplay {
#define _UI_IMAGE_DISPLAY_ZOOM_FIT (1 << 1)
UIElement e;
uint32_t *bits;
int width, height;
float panX, panY, zoom;
// Internals:
int previousWidth, previousHeight;
int previousPanPointX, previousPanPointY;
} UIImageDisplay;
typedef struct UIWrapPanel {
UIElement e;
} UIWrapPanel;
void UIInitialise();
int UIMessageLoop();
UIElement *UIElementCreate(size_t bytes, UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags,
int (*messageClass)(UIElement *, UIMessage, int, void *), const char *cClassName);
UIButton *UIButtonCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes);
UICheckbox *UICheckboxCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes);
UIColorPicker *UIColorPickerCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
UIExpandPane *UIExpandPaneCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes, uint32_t panelFlags);
UIGauge *UIGaugeCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
UIMDIClient *UIMDIClientCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
UIMDIChild *UIMDIChildCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, UIRectangle initialBounds, const char *title, ptrdiff_t titleBytes);
UIPanel *UIPanelCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
UIScrollBar *UIScrollBarCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
UISlider *UISliderCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
UISpacer *UISpacerCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, int width, int height);
UISplitPane *UISplitPaneCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, float weight);
UITabPane *UITabPaneCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *tabs /* separate with \t, terminate with \0 */);
UIWrapPanel *UIWrapPanelCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
UILabel *UILabelCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes);
void UILabelSetContent(UILabel *code, const char *content, ptrdiff_t byteCount);
UIImageDisplay *UIImageDisplayCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, uint32_t *bits, size_t width, size_t height, size_t stride);
void UIImageDisplaySetContent(UIImageDisplay *display, uint32_t *bits, size_t width, size_t height, size_t stride);
UIWindow *UIWindowCreate(UIWindow *owner, uint32_t flags, const char *cTitle, int width, int height);
void UIWindowRegisterShortcut(UIWindow *window, UIShortcut shortcut);
void UIWindowPostMessage(UIWindow *window, UIMessage message, void *dp); // Thread-safe.
void UIWindowPack(UIWindow *window, int width); // Change the size of the window to best match its contents.
typedef void (*UIDialogUserCallback)(UIElement *);
const char *UIDialogShow(UIWindow *window, uint32_t flags, const char *format, ...);
UIMenu *UIMenuCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
void UIMenuAddItem(UIMenu *menu, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes, void (*invoke)(void *cp), void *cp);
void UIMenuShow(UIMenu *menu);
UITextbox *UITextboxCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
void UITextboxReplace(UITextbox *textbox, const char *text, ptrdiff_t bytes, bool sendChangedMessage);
void UITextboxClear(UITextbox *textbox, bool sendChangedMessage);
void UITextboxMoveCaret(UITextbox *textbox, bool backward, bool word);
UITable *UITableCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *columns /* separate with \t, terminate with \0 */);
int UITableHitTest(UITable *table, int x, int y); // Returns item index. Returns -1 if not on an item.
int UITableHeaderHitTest(UITable *table, int x, int y); // Returns column index or -1.
bool UITableEnsureVisible(UITable *table, int index); // Returns false if the item was already visible.
void UITableResizeColumns(UITable *table);
UICode *UICodeCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags);
void UICodeFocusLine(UICode *code, int index); // Line numbers are 1-indexed!!
int UICodeHitTest(UICode *code, int x, int y); // Returns line number; negates if in margin. Returns 0 if not on a line.
void UICodeInsertContent(UICode *code, const char *content, ptrdiff_t byteCount, bool replace);
void UIDrawBlock(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle rectangle, uint32_t color);
void UIDrawInvert(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle rectangle);
bool UIDrawLine(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, uint32_t color); // Returns false if the line was not visible.
void UIDrawTriangle(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint32_t color);
void UIDrawTriangleOutline(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint32_t color);
void UIDrawGlyph(UIPainter *painter, int x, int y, int c, uint32_t color);
void UIDrawRectangle(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle r, uint32_t mainColor, uint32_t borderColor, UIRectangle borderSize);
void UIDrawBorder(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle r, uint32_t borderColor, UIRectangle borderSize);
void UIDrawString(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle r, const char *string, ptrdiff_t bytes, uint32_t color, int align, UIStringSelection *selection);
int UIDrawStringHighlighted(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle r, const char *string, ptrdiff_t bytes, int tabSize);
int UIMeasureStringWidth(const char *string, ptrdiff_t bytes);
int UIMeasureStringHeight();
uint64_t UIAnimateClock(); // In ms.
bool UIElementAnimate(UIElement *element, bool stop);
void UIElementDestroy(UIElement *element);
void UIElementDestroyDescendents(UIElement *element);
UIElement *UIElementFindByPoint(UIElement *element, int x, int y);
void UIElementFocus(UIElement *element);
UIRectangle UIElementScreenBounds(UIElement *element); // Returns bounds of element in same coordinate system as used by UIWindowCreate.
void UIElementRefresh(UIElement *element);
void UIElementRepaint(UIElement *element, UIRectangle *region);
void UIElementMove(UIElement *element, UIRectangle bounds, bool alwaysLayout);
int UIElementMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp);
void UIElementChangeParent(UIElement *element, UIElement *newParent, UIElement *insertBefore); // Set insertBefore to null to insert at the end.
UIElement *UIParentPush(UIElement *element);
UIElement *UIParentPop();
UIRectangle UIRectangleIntersection(UIRectangle a, UIRectangle b);
UIRectangle UIRectangleBounding(UIRectangle a, UIRectangle b);
UIRectangle UIRectangleAdd(UIRectangle a, UIRectangle b);
UIRectangle UIRectangleTranslate(UIRectangle a, UIRectangle b);
bool UIRectangleEquals(UIRectangle a, UIRectangle b);
bool UIRectangleContains(UIRectangle a, int x, int y);
bool UIColorToHSV(uint32_t rgb, float *hue, float *saturation, float *value);
void UIColorToRGB(float hue, float saturation, float value, uint32_t *rgb);
char *UIStringCopy(const char *in, ptrdiff_t inBytes);
UIFont *UIFontCreate(const char *cPath, uint32_t size);
UIFont *UIFontActivate(UIFont *font); // Returns the previously active font.
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
void UIInspectorLog(const char *cFormat, ...);
struct {
UIWindow *windows;
UIElement *animating;
UITheme theme;
UIElement *parentStack[16];
int parentStackCount;
bool quit;
const char *dialogResult;
UIElement *dialogOldFocus;
UIFont *activeFont;
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
UIWindow *inspector;
UITable *inspectorTable;
UIWindow *inspectorTarget;
UICode *inspectorLog;
#ifdef UI_LINUX
Display *display;
Visual *visual;
XIM xim;
Atom windowClosedID, primaryID, uriListID, plainTextID;
Atom dndEnterID, dndPositionID, dndStatusID, dndActionCopyID, dndDropID, dndSelectionID, dndFinishedID, dndAwareID;
Atom clipboardID, xSelectionDataID, textID, targetID, incrID;
Cursor cursors[UI_CURSOR_COUNT];
char *pasteText;
XEvent copyEvent;
HANDLE heap;
bool assertionFailure;
EsInstance *instance;
void *menuData[256]; // HACK This limits the number of menu items to 128.
uintptr_t menuIndex;
FT_Library ft;
} ui;
UITheme _uiThemeClassic = {
.panel1 = 0xFFF0F0F0,
.panel2 = 0xFFFFFFFF,
.selected = 0xFF94BEFE,
.border = 0xFF404040,
.text = 0xFF000000,
.textDisabled = 0xFF404040,
.textSelected = 0xFF000000,
.buttonNormal = 0xFFE0E0E0,
.buttonHovered = 0xFFF0F0F0,
.buttonPressed = 0xFFA0A0A0,
.buttonDisabled = 0xFFF0F0F0,
.textboxNormal = 0xFFF8F8F8,
.textboxFocused = 0xFFFFFFFF,
.codeFocused = 0xFFE0E0E0,
.codeBackground = 0xFFFFFFFF,
.codeDefault = 0xFF000000,
.codeComment = 0xFFA11F20,
.codeString = 0xFF037E01,
.codeNumber = 0xFF213EF1,
.codeOperator = 0xFF7F0480,
.codePreprocessor = 0xFF545D70,
UITheme _uiThemeDark = {
.panel1 = 0xFF252B31,
.panel2 = 0xFF14181E,
.selected = 0xFF94BEFE,
.border = 0xFF000000,
.text = 0xFFFFFFFF,
.textDisabled = 0xFF787D81,
.textSelected = 0xFF000000,
.buttonNormal = 0xFF383D41,
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// Taken from
// Public domain.
const uint64_t _uiFont[] = {
0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0xBD8181A5817E0000UL, 0x000000007E818199UL, 0xC3FFFFDBFF7E0000UL, 0x000000007EFFFFE7UL, 0x7F7F7F3600000000UL, 0x00000000081C3E7FUL,
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0xC3E7FFFFFFFFFFFFUL, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFE7C3UL, 0x42663C0000000000UL, 0x00000000003C6642UL, 0xBD99C3FFFFFFFFFFUL, 0xFFFFFFFFFFC399BDUL, 0x331E4C5870780000UL, 0x000000001E333333UL,
0x3C666666663C0000UL, 0x0000000018187E18UL, 0x0C0C0CFCCCFC0000UL, 0x00000000070F0E0CUL, 0xC6C6C6FEC6FE0000UL, 0x0000000367E7E6C6UL, 0xE73CDB1818000000UL, 0x000000001818DB3CUL,
0x1F7F1F0F07030100UL, 0x000000000103070FUL, 0x7C7F7C7870604000UL, 0x0000000040607078UL, 0x1818187E3C180000UL, 0x0000000000183C7EUL, 0x6666666666660000UL, 0x0000000066660066UL,
0xD8DEDBDBDBFE0000UL, 0x00000000D8D8D8D8UL, 0x6363361C06633E00UL, 0x0000003E63301C36UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x000000007F7F7F7FUL, 0x1818187E3C180000UL, 0x000000007E183C7EUL,
0x1818187E3C180000UL, 0x0000000018181818UL, 0x1818181818180000UL, 0x00000000183C7E18UL, 0x7F30180000000000UL, 0x0000000000001830UL, 0x7F060C0000000000UL, 0x0000000000000C06UL,
0x0303000000000000UL, 0x0000000000007F03UL, 0xFF66240000000000UL, 0x0000000000002466UL, 0x3E1C1C0800000000UL, 0x00000000007F7F3EUL, 0x3E3E7F7F00000000UL, 0x0000000000081C1CUL,
0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x18183C3C3C180000UL, 0x0000000018180018UL, 0x0000002466666600UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x36367F3636000000UL, 0x0000000036367F36UL,
0x603E0343633E1818UL, 0x000018183E636160UL, 0x1830634300000000UL, 0x000000006163060CUL, 0x3B6E1C36361C0000UL, 0x000000006E333333UL, 0x000000060C0C0C00UL, 0x0000000000000000UL,
0x0C0C0C0C18300000UL, 0x0000000030180C0CUL, 0x30303030180C0000UL, 0x000000000C183030UL, 0xFF3C660000000000UL, 0x000000000000663CUL, 0x7E18180000000000UL, 0x0000000000001818UL,
0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000000C18181800UL, 0x7F00000000000000UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000000018180000UL, 0x1830604000000000UL, 0x000000000103060CUL,
0xDBDBC3C3663C0000UL, 0x000000003C66C3C3UL, 0x1818181E1C180000UL, 0x000000007E181818UL, 0x0C183060633E0000UL, 0x000000007F630306UL, 0x603C6060633E0000UL, 0x000000003E636060UL,
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0x633E6363633E0000UL, 0x000000003E636363UL, 0x607E6363633E0000UL, 0x000000001E306060UL, 0x0000181800000000UL, 0x0000000000181800UL, 0x0000181800000000UL, 0x000000000C181800UL,
0x060C183060000000UL, 0x000000006030180CUL, 0x00007E0000000000UL, 0x000000000000007EUL, 0x6030180C06000000UL, 0x00000000060C1830UL, 0x18183063633E0000UL, 0x0000000018180018UL,
0x7B7B63633E000000UL, 0x000000003E033B7BUL, 0x7F6363361C080000UL, 0x0000000063636363UL, 0x663E6666663F0000UL, 0x000000003F666666UL, 0x03030343663C0000UL, 0x000000003C664303UL,
0x66666666361F0000UL, 0x000000001F366666UL, 0x161E1646667F0000UL, 0x000000007F664606UL, 0x161E1646667F0000UL, 0x000000000F060606UL, 0x7B030343663C0000UL, 0x000000005C666363UL,
0x637F636363630000UL, 0x0000000063636363UL, 0x18181818183C0000UL, 0x000000003C181818UL, 0x3030303030780000UL, 0x000000001E333333UL, 0x1E1E366666670000UL, 0x0000000067666636UL,
0x06060606060F0000UL, 0x000000007F664606UL, 0xC3DBFFFFE7C30000UL, 0x00000000C3C3C3C3UL, 0x737B7F6F67630000UL, 0x0000000063636363UL, 0x63636363633E0000UL, 0x000000003E636363UL,
0x063E6666663F0000UL, 0x000000000F060606UL, 0x63636363633E0000UL, 0x000070303E7B6B63UL, 0x363E6666663F0000UL, 0x0000000067666666UL, 0x301C0663633E0000UL, 0x000000003E636360UL,
0x18181899DBFF0000UL, 0x000000003C181818UL, 0x6363636363630000UL, 0x000000003E636363UL, 0xC3C3C3C3C3C30000UL, 0x00000000183C66C3UL, 0xDBC3C3C3C3C30000UL, 0x000000006666FFDBUL,
0x18183C66C3C30000UL, 0x00000000C3C3663CUL, 0x183C66C3C3C30000UL, 0x000000003C181818UL, 0x0C183061C3FF0000UL, 0x00000000FFC38306UL, 0x0C0C0C0C0C3C0000UL, 0x000000003C0C0C0CUL,
0x1C0E070301000000UL, 0x0000000040607038UL, 0x30303030303C0000UL, 0x000000003C303030UL, 0x0000000063361C08UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000FF0000000000UL,
0x0000000000180C0CUL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x3E301E0000000000UL, 0x000000006E333333UL, 0x66361E0606070000UL, 0x000000003E666666UL, 0x03633E0000000000UL, 0x000000003E630303UL,
0x33363C3030380000UL, 0x000000006E333333UL, 0x7F633E0000000000UL, 0x000000003E630303UL, 0x060F0626361C0000UL, 0x000000000F060606UL, 0x33336E0000000000UL, 0x001E33303E333333UL,
0x666E360606070000UL, 0x0000000067666666UL, 0x18181C0018180000UL, 0x000000003C181818UL, 0x6060700060600000UL, 0x003C666660606060UL, 0x1E36660606070000UL, 0x000000006766361EUL,
0x18181818181C0000UL, 0x000000003C181818UL, 0xDBFF670000000000UL, 0x00000000DBDBDBDBUL, 0x66663B0000000000UL, 0x0000000066666666UL, 0x63633E0000000000UL, 0x000000003E636363UL,
0x66663B0000000000UL, 0x000F06063E666666UL, 0x33336E0000000000UL, 0x007830303E333333UL, 0x666E3B0000000000UL, 0x000000000F060606UL, 0x06633E0000000000UL, 0x000000003E63301CUL,
0x0C0C3F0C0C080000UL, 0x00000000386C0C0CUL, 0x3333330000000000UL, 0x000000006E333333UL, 0xC3C3C30000000000UL, 0x00000000183C66C3UL, 0xC3C3C30000000000UL, 0x0000000066FFDBDBUL,
0x3C66C30000000000UL, 0x00000000C3663C18UL, 0x6363630000000000UL, 0x001F30607E636363UL, 0x18337F0000000000UL, 0x000000007F63060CUL, 0x180E181818700000UL, 0x0000000070181818UL,
0x1800181818180000UL, 0x0000000018181818UL, 0x18701818180E0000UL, 0x000000000E181818UL, 0x000000003B6E0000UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x63361C0800000000UL, 0x00000000007F6363UL,
void _UIWindowEndPaint(UIWindow *window, UIPainter *painter);
void _UIWindowSetCursor(UIWindow *window, int cursor);
void _UIWindowGetScreenPosition(UIWindow *window, int *x, int *y);
void _UIWindowSetPressed(UIWindow *window, UIElement *element, int button);
void _UIClipboardWriteText(UIWindow *window, char *text);
char *_UIClipboardReadTextStart(UIWindow *window, size_t *bytes);
void _UIClipboardReadTextEnd(UIWindow *window, char *text);
bool _UIMessageLoopSingle(int *result);
void _UIInspectorRefresh();
void _UIUpdate();
void *_UIHeapReAlloc(void *pointer, size_t size);
UIRectangle UIRectangleIntersection(UIRectangle a, UIRectangle b) {
if (a.l < b.l) a.l = b.l;
if (a.t < b.t) a.t = b.t;
if (a.r > b.r) a.r = b.r;
if (a.b > b.b) a.b = b.b;
return a;
UIRectangle UIRectangleBounding(UIRectangle a, UIRectangle b) {
if (a.l > b.l) a.l = b.l;
if (a.t > b.t) a.t = b.t;
if (a.r < b.r) a.r = b.r;
if (a.b < b.b) a.b = b.b;
return a;
UIRectangle UIRectangleAdd(UIRectangle a, UIRectangle b) {
a.l += b.l;
a.t += b.t;
a.r += b.r;
a.b += b.b;
return a;
UIRectangle UIRectangleTranslate(UIRectangle a, UIRectangle b) {
a.l += b.l;
a.t += b.t;
a.r += b.l;
a.b += b.t;
return a;
bool UIRectangleEquals(UIRectangle a, UIRectangle b) {
return a.l == b.l && a.r == b.r && a.t == b.t && a.b == b.b;
bool UIRectangleContains(UIRectangle a, int x, int y) {
return a.l <= x && a.r > x && a.t <= y && a.b > y;
#include <xmmintrin.h>
typedef union _UIConvertFloatInteger {
float f;
uint32_t i;
} _UIConvertFloatInteger;
float _UIFloorFloat(float x) {
_UIConvertFloatInteger convert = {x};
uint32_t sign = convert.i & 0x80000000;
int exponent = (int) ((convert.i >> 23) & 0xFF) - 0x7F;
if (exponent >= 23) {
// There aren't any bits representing a fractional part.
} else if (exponent >= 0) {
// Positive exponent.
uint32_t mask = 0x7FFFFF >> exponent;
if (!(mask & convert.i)) return x; // Already an integer.
if (sign) convert.i += mask;
convert.i &= ~mask; // Mask out the fractional bits.
} else if (exponent < 0) {
// Negative exponent.
return sign ? -1.0 : 0.0;
return convert.f;
float _UISquareRootFloat(float x) {
float result[4];
_mm_storeu_ps(result, _mm_sqrt_ps(_mm_set_ps(0, 0, 0, x)));
return result[0];
#define _F(x) (((_UIConvertFloatInteger) { .i = (x) }).f)
float _UIArcTanFloatI(float x) {
float x2 = x * x;
return x * (_F(0x3F7FFFF8) + x2 * (_F(0xBEAAA53C) + x2 * (_F(0x3E4BC990) + x2 * (_F(0xBE084A60) + x2 * _F(0x3D8864B0)))));
float _UISinFloatI(float x) {
float x2 = x * x;
return x * (_F(0x3F800000) + x2 * (_F(0xBE2AAAA0) + x2 * (_F(0x3C0882C0) + x2 * _F(0xB94C6000))));
float _UICosFloatI(float x) {
float x2 = x * x;
return _F(0x3F800000) + x2 * (_F(0xBEFFFFDA) + x2 * (_F(0x3D2A9F60) + x2 * _F(0xBAB22C00)));
#undef _F
float _UISinFloat(float x) {
bool negate = false;
if (x < 0) { x = -x; negate = true; }
x -= 2 * 3.141592654f * _UIFloorFloat(x / (2 * 3.141592654f));
if (x < 3.141592654f / 2) {}
else if (x < 3.141592654f) { x = 3.141592654f - x; }
else if (x < 3 * 3.141592654f / 2) { x = x - 3.141592654f; negate = !negate; }
else { x = 3.141592654f * 2 - x; negate = !negate; }
float y = x < 3.141592654f / 4 ? _UISinFloatI(x) : _UICosFloatI(3.141592654f / 2 - x);
return negate ? -y : y;
float _UICosFloat(float x) {
return _UISinFloat(3.141592654f / 2 - x);
float _UIArcTanFloat(float x) {
bool negate = false, reciprocalTaken = false;
if (x < 0) { x = -x; negate = true; }
if (x > 1) { x = 1 / x; reciprocalTaken = true; }
float y = x < 0.5f ? _UIArcTanFloatI(x) : (0.463647609f + _UIArcTanFloatI((2 * x - 1) / (2 + x)));
if (reciprocalTaken) { y = 3.141592654f / 2 - y; }
return negate ? -y : y;
float _UIArcTan2Float(float y, float x) {
if (x == 0) return y > 0 ? 3.141592654f / 2 : -3.141592654f / 2;
else if (x > 0) return _UIArcTanFloat(y / x);
else if (y >= 0) return 3.141592654f + _UIArcTanFloat(y / x);
else return -3.141592654f + _UIArcTanFloat(y / x);
float _UILinearMap(float value, float inFrom, float inTo, float outFrom, float outTo) {
float inRange = inTo - inFrom, outRange = outTo - outFrom;
float normalisedValue = (value - inFrom) / inRange;
return normalisedValue * outRange + outFrom;
bool UIColorToHSV(uint32_t rgb, float *hue, float *saturation, float *value) {
float r = UI_COLOR_RED_F(rgb);
float g = UI_COLOR_GREEN_F(rgb);
float b = UI_COLOR_BLUE_F(rgb);
float maximum = (r > g && r > b) ? r : (g > b ? g : b),
minimum = (r < g && r < b) ? r : (g < b ? g : b),
difference = maximum - minimum;
*value = maximum;
if (!difference) {
*saturation = 0;
return false;
} else {
if (r == maximum) *hue = (g - b) / difference + 0;
if (g == maximum) *hue = (b - r) / difference + 2;
if (b == maximum) *hue = (r - g) / difference + 4;
if (*hue < 0) *hue += 6;
*saturation = difference / maximum;
return true;
void UIColorToRGB(float h, float s, float v, uint32_t *rgb) {
float r, g, b;
if (!s) {
r = g = b = v;
} else {
int h0 = ((int) h) % 6;
float f = h - _UIFloorFloat(h);
float x = v * (1 - s), y = v * (1 - s * f), z = v * (1 - s * (1 - f));
switch (h0) {
case 0: r = v, g = z, b = x; break;
case 1: r = y, g = v, b = x; break;
case 2: r = x, g = v, b = z; break;
case 3: r = x, g = y, b = v; break;
case 4: r = z, g = x, b = v; break;
default: r = v, g = x, b = y; break;
*rgb = UI_COLOR_FROM_FLOAT(r, g, b);
void UIElementRefresh(UIElement *element) {
UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_LAYOUT, 0, 0);
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
void UIElementRepaint(UIElement *element, UIRectangle *region) {
if (!region) {
region = &element->bounds;
UIRectangle r = UIRectangleIntersection(*region, element->clip);
if (!UI_RECT_VALID(r)) {
if (UI_RECT_VALID(element->window->updateRegion)) {
element->window->updateRegion = UIRectangleBounding(element->window->updateRegion, r);
} else {
element->window->updateRegion = r;
bool UIElementAnimate(UIElement *element, bool stop) {
if (stop) {
if (ui.animating != element) {
return false;
ui.animating = NULL;
} else {
if (ui.animating && ui.animating != element) {
return false;
ui.animating = element;
return true;
uint64_t UIAnimateClock() {
return (uint64_t) UI_CLOCK() * 1000 / UI_CLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
void _UIElementDestroyDescendents(UIElement *element, bool topLevel) {
UIElement *child = element->children;
while (child) {
if (!topLevel || (~child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT)) {
child = child->next;
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
void UIElementDestroyDescendents(UIElement *element) {
_UIElementDestroyDescendents(element, true);
void UIElementDestroy(UIElement *element) {
if (element->flags & UI_ELEMENT_DESTROY) {
UIElement *ancestor = element->parent;
while (ancestor) {
ancestor = ancestor->parent;
_UIElementDestroyDescendents(element, false);
void UIDrawBlock(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle rectangle, uint32_t color) {
rectangle = UIRectangleIntersection(painter->clip, rectangle);
if (!UI_RECT_VALID(rectangle)) {
#ifdef UI_SSE2
__m128i color4 = _mm_set_epi32(color, color, color, color);
for (int line = rectangle.t; line < rectangle.b; line++) {
uint32_t *bits = painter->bits + line * painter->width + rectangle.l;
int count = UI_RECT_WIDTH(rectangle);
#ifdef UI_SSE2
while (count >= 4) {
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *) bits, color4);
bits += 4;
count -= 4;
while (count--) {
*bits++ = color;
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
painter->fillCount += UI_RECT_WIDTH(rectangle) * UI_RECT_HEIGHT(rectangle);
bool UIDrawLine(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, uint32_t color) {
// Apply the clip.
UIRectangle c = painter->clip;
if (!UI_RECT_VALID(c)) return false;
int dx = x1 - x0, dy = y1 - y0;
const int p[4] = { -dx, dx, -dy, dy };
const int q[4] = { x0 - c.l, c.r - 1 - x0, y0 - c.t, c.b - 1 - y0 };
float t0 = 0.0f, t1 = 1.0f; // How far along the line the points end up.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (!p[i] && q[i] < 0) return false;
float r = (float) q[i] / p[i];
if (p[i] < 0 && r > t1) return false;
if (p[i] > 0 && r < t0) return false;
if (p[i] < 0 && r > t0) t0 = r;
if (p[i] > 0 && r < t1) t1 = r;
x1 = x0 + t1 * dx, y1 = y0 + t1 * dy;
x0 += t0 * dx, y0 += t0 * dy;
// Calculate the delta X and delta Y.
if (y1 < y0) {
int t;
t = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = t;
t = y0, y0 = y1, y1 = t;
dx = x1 - x0, dy = y1 - y0;
int dxs = dx < 0 ? -1 : 1;
if (dx < 0) dx = -dx;
// Draw the line using Bresenham's line algorithm.
uint32_t *bits = painter->bits + y0 * painter->width + x0;
if (dy * dy < dx * dx) {
int m = 2 * dy - dx;
for (int i = 0; i < dx; i++, bits += dxs) {
*bits = color;
if (m > 0) bits += painter->width, m -= 2 * dx;
m += 2 * dy;
} else {
int m = 2 * dx - dy;
for (int i = 0; i < dy; i++, bits += painter->width) {
*bits = color;
if (m > 0) bits += dxs, m -= 2 * dy;
m += 2 * dx;
return true;
void UIDrawTriangle(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint32_t color) {
// Step 1: Sort the points by their y-coordinate.
if (y1 < y0) { int xt = x0; x0 = x1, x1 = xt; int yt = y0; y0 = y1, y1 = yt; }
if (y2 < y1) { int xt = x1; x1 = x2, x2 = xt; int yt = y1; y1 = y2, y2 = yt; }
if (y1 < y0) { int xt = x0; x0 = x1, x1 = xt; int yt = y0; y0 = y1, y1 = yt; }
if (y2 == y0) return;
// Step 2: Clip the triangle.
if (x0 < painter->clip.l && x1 < painter->clip.l && x2 < painter->clip.l) return;
if (x0 >= painter->clip.r && x1 >= painter->clip.r && x2 >= painter->clip.r) return;
if (y2 < painter->clip.t || y0 >= painter->clip.b) return;
bool needsXClip = x0 < painter->clip.l + 1 || x0 >= painter->clip.r - 1
|| x1 < painter->clip.l + 1 || x1 >= painter->clip.r - 1
|| x2 < painter->clip.l + 1 || x2 >= painter->clip.r - 1;
bool needsYClip = y0 < painter->clip.t + 1 || y2 >= painter->clip.b - 1;
#define _UI_DRAW_TRIANGLE_APPLY_CLIP(xo, yo) \
if (needsYClip && (yi + yo < painter->clip.t || yi + yo >= painter->clip.b)) continue; \
if (needsXClip && xf + xo < painter->clip.l) xf = painter->clip.l - xo; \
if (needsXClip && xt + xo > painter->clip.r) xt = painter->clip.r - xo;
// Step 3: Split into 2 triangles with bases aligned with the x-axis.
float xm0 = (x2 - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (y2 - y0), xm1 = x1 - x0;
if (xm1 < xm0) { float xmt = xm0; xm0 = xm1, xm1 = xmt; }
float xe0 = xm0 + x0 - x2, xe1 = xm1 + x0 - x2;
int ym = y1 - y0, ye = y2 - y1;
float ymr = 1.0f / ym, yer = 1.0f / ye;
// Step 4: Draw the top part.
for (float y = 0; y < ym; y++) {
int xf = xm0 * y * ymr, xt = xm1 * y * ymr, yi = (int) y;
uint32_t *b = &painter->bits[(yi + y0) * painter->width + x0];
for (int x = xf; x < xt; x++) b[x] = color;
// Step 5: Draw the bottom part.
for (float y = 0; y < ye; y++) {
int xf = xe0 * (ye - y) * yer, xt = xe1 * (ye - y) * yer, yi = (int) y;
uint32_t *b = &painter->bits[(yi + y1) * painter->width + x2];
for (int x = xf; x < xt; x++) b[x] = color;
void UIDrawTriangleOutline(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint32_t color) {
UIDrawLine(painter, x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
UIDrawLine(painter, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
UIDrawLine(painter, x2, y2, x0, y0, color);
void UIDrawInvert(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle rectangle) {
rectangle = UIRectangleIntersection(painter->clip, rectangle);
if (!UI_RECT_VALID(rectangle)) {
for (int line = rectangle.t; line < rectangle.b; line++) {
uint32_t *bits = painter->bits + line * painter->width + rectangle.l;
int count = UI_RECT_WIDTH(rectangle);
while (count--) {
uint32_t in = *bits;
*bits = in ^ 0xFFFFFF;
void UIDrawGlyph(UIPainter *painter, int x0, int y0, int c, uint32_t color) {
UIFont *font = ui.activeFont;
if (font->isFreeType) {
if (c < 0 || c > 127) c = '?';
if (c == '\r') c = ' ';
if (!font->glyphsRendered[c]) {
FT_Load_Char(font->font, c == 24 ? 0x2191 : c == 25 ? 0x2193 : c == 26 ? 0x2192 : c == 27 ? 0x2190 : c, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
FT_Render_Glyph(font->font->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD);
FT_Render_Glyph(font->font->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL);
FT_Bitmap_Copy(ui.ft, &font->font->glyph->bitmap, &font->glyphs[c]);
font->glyphOffsetsX[c] = font->font->glyph->bitmap_left;
font->glyphOffsetsY[c] = font->font->size->metrics.ascender / 64 - font->font->glyph->bitmap_top;
font->glyphsRendered[c] = true;
FT_Bitmap *bitmap = &font->glyphs[c];
x0 += font->glyphOffsetsX[c], y0 += font->glyphOffsetsY[c];
for (int y = 0; y < (int) bitmap->rows; y++) {
if (y0 + y < painter->clip.t) continue;
if (y0 + y >= painter->clip.b) break;
int width = bitmap->width;
width /= 3;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (x0 + x < painter->clip.l) continue;
if (x0 + x >= painter->clip.r) break;
uint32_t *destination = painter->bits + (x0 + x) + (y0 + y) * painter->width;
uint32_t original = *destination;
uint32_t ra = ((uint8_t *) bitmap->buffer)[x * 3 + y * bitmap->pitch + 0];
uint32_t ga = ((uint8_t *) bitmap->buffer)[x * 3 + y * bitmap->pitch + 1];
uint32_t ba = ((uint8_t *) bitmap->buffer)[x * 3 + y * bitmap->pitch + 2];
ra += (ga - ra) / 2, ba += (ga - ba) / 2;
uint32_t ra = ((uint8_t *) bitmap->buffer)[x + y * bitmap->pitch];
uint32_t ga = ra, ba = ra;
uint32_t r2 = (255 - ra) * ((original & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
uint32_t g2 = (255 - ga) * ((original & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
uint32_t b2 = (255 - ba) * ((original & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
uint32_t r1 = ra * ((color & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
uint32_t g1 = ga * ((color & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
uint32_t b1 = ba * ((color & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
uint32_t result = 0xFF000000 | (0x00FF0000 & ((b1 + b2) << 8))
| (0x0000FF00 & ((g1 + g2) << 0))
| (0x000000FF & ((r1 + r2) >> 8));
*destination = result;
if (c < 0 || c > 127) c = '?';
UIRectangle rectangle = UIRectangleIntersection(painter->clip, UI_RECT_4(x0, x0 + 8, y0, y0 + 16));
const uint8_t *data = (const uint8_t *) _uiFont + c * 16;
for (int i = rectangle.t; i < rectangle.b; i++) {
uint32_t *bits = painter->bits + i * painter->width + rectangle.l;
uint8_t byte = data[i - y0];
for (int j = rectangle.l; j < rectangle.r; j++) {
if (byte & (1 << (j - x0))) {
*bits = color;
ptrdiff_t _UIStringLength(const char *cString) {
if (!cString) return 0;
ptrdiff_t length;
for (length = 0; cString[length]; length++);
return length;
char *UIStringCopy(const char *in, ptrdiff_t inBytes) {
if (inBytes == -1) {
inBytes = _UIStringLength(in);
char *buffer = (char *) UI_MALLOC(inBytes + 1);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < inBytes; i++) {
buffer[i] = in[i];
buffer[inBytes] = 0;
return buffer;
int UIMeasureStringWidth(const char *string, ptrdiff_t bytes) {
if (bytes == -1) {
bytes = _UIStringLength(string);
return bytes * ui.activeFont->glyphWidth;
int UIMeasureStringHeight() {
return ui.activeFont->glyphHeight;
void UIDrawString(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle r, const char *string, ptrdiff_t bytes, uint32_t color, int align, UIStringSelection *selection) {
UIRectangle oldClip = painter->clip;
painter->clip = UIRectangleIntersection(r, oldClip);
if (!UI_RECT_VALID(painter->clip)) {
painter->clip = oldClip;
if (bytes == -1) {
bytes = _UIStringLength(string);
int width = UIMeasureStringWidth(string, bytes);
int height = UIMeasureStringHeight();
int x = align == UI_ALIGN_CENTER ? ((r.l + r.r - width) / 2) : align == UI_ALIGN_RIGHT ? (r.r - width) : r.l;
int y = (r.t + r.b - height) / 2;
int i = 0, j = 0;
int selectFrom = -1, selectTo = -1;
if (selection) {
selectFrom = selection->carets[0];
selectTo = selection->carets[1];
if (selectFrom > selectTo) {
UI_SWAP(int, selectFrom, selectTo);
for (; j < bytes; j++) {
char c = *string++;
uint32_t colorText = color;
if (j >= selectFrom && j < selectTo) {
UIDrawBlock(painter, UI_RECT_4(x, x + ui.activeFont->glyphWidth, y, y + height), selection->colorBackground);
colorText = selection->colorText;
if (c != '\t') {
UIDrawGlyph(painter, x, y, c, colorText);
if (selection && selection->carets[0] == j) {
UIDrawInvert(painter, UI_RECT_4(x, x + 1, y, y + height));
x += ui.activeFont->glyphWidth, i++;
if (c == '\t') {
while (i & 3) x += ui.activeFont->glyphWidth, i++;
if (selection && selection->carets[0] == j) {
UIDrawInvert(painter, UI_RECT_4(x, x + 1, y, y + height));
painter->clip = oldClip;
void UIDrawBorder(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle r, uint32_t borderColor, UIRectangle borderSize) {
UIDrawBlock(painter, UI_RECT_4(r.l, r.r, r.t, r.t + borderSize.t), borderColor);
UIDrawBlock(painter, UI_RECT_4(r.l, r.l + borderSize.l, r.t + borderSize.t, r.b - borderSize.b), borderColor);
UIDrawBlock(painter, UI_RECT_4(r.r - borderSize.r, r.r, r.t + borderSize.t, r.b - borderSize.b), borderColor);
UIDrawBlock(painter, UI_RECT_4(r.l, r.r, r.b - borderSize.b, r.b), borderColor);
void UIDrawRectangle(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle r, uint32_t mainColor, uint32_t borderColor, UIRectangle borderSize) {
UIDrawBorder(painter, r, borderColor, borderSize);
UIDrawBlock(painter, UI_RECT_4(r.l + borderSize.l, r.r - borderSize.r, r.t + borderSize.t, r.b - borderSize.b), mainColor);
void UIElementMove(UIElement *element, UIRectangle bounds, bool alwaysLayout) {
UIRectangle oldClip = element->clip;
element->clip = UIRectangleIntersection(element->parent->clip, bounds);
if (!UIRectangleEquals(element->bounds, bounds) || !UIRectangleEquals(element->clip, oldClip) || alwaysLayout) {
element->bounds = bounds;
UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_LAYOUT, 0, 0);
int UIElementMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
if (message != UI_MSG_DESTROY && (element->flags & UI_ELEMENT_DESTROY)) {
return 0;
if (message >= UI_MSG_INPUT_EVENTS_START && message <= UI_MSG_INPUT_EVENTS_END && (element->flags & UI_ELEMENT_DISABLED)) {
return 0;
if (element->messageUser) {
int result = element->messageUser(element, message, di, dp);
if (result) {
return result;
if (element->messageClass) {
return element->messageClass(element, message, di, dp);
} else {
return 0;
void UIElementChangeParent(UIElement *element, UIElement *newParent, UIElement *insertBefore) {
UIElement **link = &element->parent->children;
while (true) {
if (*link == element) {
*link = element->next;
} else {
link = &(*link)->next;
link = &newParent->children;
element->next = insertBefore;
while (true) {
if ((*link) == insertBefore) {
*link = element;
} else {
link = &(*link)->next;
element->parent = newParent;
element->window = newParent->window;
UIElement *UIElementCreate(size_t bytes, UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, int (*message)(UIElement *, UIMessage, int, void *), const char *cClassName) {
UI_ASSERT(bytes >= sizeof(UIElement));
UIElement *element = (UIElement *) UI_CALLOC(bytes);
element->flags = flags;
element->messageClass = message;
if (!parent && (~flags & UI_ELEMENT_WINDOW)) {
parent = ui.parentStack[ui.parentStackCount - 1];
if ((~flags & UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT) && parent) {
UIElementMessage(parent, UI_MSG_CLIENT_PARENT, 0, &parent);
if (parent) {
element->window = parent->window;
element->parent = parent;
if (parent->children) {
UIElement *sibling = parent->children;
while (sibling->next) {
sibling = sibling->next;
sibling->next = element;
} else {
parent->children = element;
element->cClassName = cClassName;
static uint32_t id = 0;
element->id = ++id;
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
return element;
UIElement *UIParentPush(UIElement *element) {
UI_ASSERT(ui.parentStackCount != sizeof(ui.parentStack) / sizeof(ui.parentStack[0]));
ui.parentStack[ui.parentStackCount++] = element;
return element;
UIElement *UIParentPop() {
return ui.parentStack[ui.parentStackCount];
int _UIPanelMeasure(UIPanel *panel) {
bool horizontal = panel->e.flags & UI_PANEL_HORIZONTAL;
int size = 0;
UIElement *child = panel->e.children;
while (child) {
if (~child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_HIDE) {
if (horizontal) {
int height = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
if (height > size) {
size = height;
} else {
int width = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
if (width > size) {
size = width;
child = child->next;
int border = 0;
if (horizontal) {
border = panel->border.t + panel->border.b;
} else {
border = panel->border.l + panel->border.r;
return size + border * panel->e.window->scale;
int _UIPanelLayout(UIPanel *panel, UIRectangle bounds, bool measure) {
bool horizontal = panel->e.flags & UI_PANEL_HORIZONTAL;
float scale = panel->e.window->scale;
int position = (horizontal ? panel->border.l : panel->border.t) * scale;
if (panel->scrollBar && !measure) position -= panel->scrollBar->position;
int hSpace = UI_RECT_WIDTH(bounds) - UI_RECT_TOTAL_H(panel->border) * scale;
int vSpace = UI_RECT_HEIGHT(bounds) - UI_RECT_TOTAL_V(panel->border) * scale;
int available = horizontal ? hSpace : vSpace;
int fill = 0, count = 0, perFill = 0;
for (UIElement *child = panel->e.children; child; child = child->next) {
if (child->flags & (UI_ELEMENT_HIDE | UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT)) {
if (horizontal) {
if (child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_H_FILL) {
} else if (available > 0) {
available -= UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, vSpace, 0);
} else {
if (child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_V_FILL) {
} else if (available > 0) {
available -= UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, hSpace, 0);
if (count) {
available -= (count - 1) * (int) (panel->gap * scale);
if (available > 0 && fill) {
perFill = available / fill;
bool expand = panel->e.flags & UI_PANEL_EXPAND;
int scaledBorder2 = (horizontal ? panel->border.t : panel->border.l) * panel->e.window->scale;
for (UIElement *child = panel->e.children; child; child = child->next) {
if (child->flags & (UI_ELEMENT_HIDE | UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT)) {
if (horizontal) {
int height = ((child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_V_FILL) || expand) ? vSpace : UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
int width = (child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_H_FILL) ? perFill : UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, height, 0);
UIRectangle relative = UI_RECT_4(position, position + width,
scaledBorder2 + (vSpace - height) / 2,
scaledBorder2 + (vSpace + height) / 2);
if (!measure) UIElementMove(child, UIRectangleTranslate(relative, bounds), false);
position += width + panel->gap * scale;
} else {
int width = ((child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_H_FILL) || expand) ? hSpace : UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
int height = (child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_V_FILL) ? perFill : UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, width, 0);
UIRectangle relative = UI_RECT_4(scaledBorder2 + (hSpace - width) / 2,
scaledBorder2 + (hSpace + width) / 2, position, position + height);
if (!measure) UIElementMove(child, UIRectangleTranslate(relative, bounds), false);
position += height + panel->gap * scale;
return position - panel->gap * scale + (horizontal ? panel->border.r : panel->border.b) * scale;
int _UIPanelMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIPanel *panel = (UIPanel *) element;
bool horizontal = element->flags & UI_PANEL_HORIZONTAL;
if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT) {
int scrollBarWidth = panel->scrollBar ? (UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR * element->window->scale) : 0;
UIRectangle bounds = element->bounds;
bounds.r -= scrollBarWidth;
if (panel->scrollBar) {
UIRectangle scrollBarBounds = element->bounds;
scrollBarBounds.l = scrollBarBounds.r - scrollBarWidth;
panel->scrollBar->maximum = _UIPanelLayout(panel, bounds, true);
panel->scrollBar->page = UI_RECT_HEIGHT(element->bounds);
UIElementMove(&panel->scrollBar->e, scrollBarBounds, true);
_UIPanelLayout(panel, bounds, false);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH) {
if (horizontal) {
return _UIPanelLayout(panel, UI_RECT_4(0, 0, 0, di), true);
} else {
return _UIPanelMeasure(panel);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
if (horizontal) {
return _UIPanelMeasure(panel);
} else {
int width = di && panel->scrollBar ? (di - UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR * element->window->scale) : di;
return _UIPanelLayout(panel, UI_RECT_4(0, width, 0, 0), true);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
if (element->flags & UI_PANEL_GRAY) {
UIDrawBlock((UIPainter *) dp, element->bounds, ui.theme.panel1);
} else if (element->flags & UI_PANEL_WHITE) {
UIDrawBlock((UIPainter *) dp, element->bounds, ui.theme.panel2);
if (element->flags & UI_PANEL_BORDER) {
UIDrawBorder((UIPainter *) dp, element->bounds, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1((int) element->window->scale));
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL && panel->scrollBar) {
return UIElementMessage(&panel->scrollBar->e, message, di, dp);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_SCROLLED) {
return 0;
UIPanel *UIPanelCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
UIPanel *panel = (UIPanel *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIPanel), parent, flags, _UIPanelMessage, "Panel");
} else if (flags & UI_PANEL_SMALL_SPACING) {
panel->gap = UI_SIZE_PANE_SMALL_GAP;
if (flags & UI_PANEL_SCROLL) {
panel->scrollBar = UIScrollBarCreate(&panel->e, UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT);
return panel;
void _UIWrapPanelLayoutRow(UIWrapPanel *panel, UIElement *child, UIElement *rowEnd, int rowY, int rowHeight) {
int rowPosition = 0;
while (child != rowEnd) {
int height = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
int width = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
UIRectangle relative = UI_RECT_4(rowPosition, rowPosition + width, rowY + rowHeight / 2 - height / 2, rowY + rowHeight / 2 + height / 2);
UIElementMove(child, UIRectangleTranslate(relative, panel->e.bounds), false);
child = child->next;
rowPosition += width;
int _UIWrapPanelMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIWrapPanel *panel = (UIWrapPanel *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT || message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
int totalHeight = 0;
int rowPosition = 0;
int rowHeight = 0;
int rowLimit = message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT ? UI_RECT_WIDTH(element->bounds) : di;
UIElement *child = panel->e.children;
UIElement *rowStart = child;
while (child) {
if (~child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_HIDE) {
int height = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
int width = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
if (rowLimit && rowPosition + width > rowLimit) {
_UIWrapPanelLayoutRow(panel, rowStart, child, totalHeight, rowHeight);
totalHeight += rowHeight;
rowPosition = rowHeight = 0;
rowStart = child;
if (height > rowHeight) {
rowHeight = height;
rowPosition += width;
child = child->next;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
return totalHeight + rowHeight;
} else {
_UIWrapPanelLayoutRow(panel, rowStart, child, totalHeight, rowHeight);
return 0;
UIWrapPanel *UIWrapPanelCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
return (UIWrapPanel *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIWrapPanel), parent, flags, _UIWrapPanelMessage, "Wrap Panel");
void _UIButtonCalculateColors(UIElement *element, uint32_t *color, uint32_t *textColor) {
bool disabled = element->flags & UI_ELEMENT_DISABLED;
bool focused = element == element->window->focused;
bool pressed = element == element->window->pressed;
bool hovered = element == element->window->hovered;
*color = disabled ? ui.theme.buttonDisabled
: (pressed && hovered) ? ui.theme.buttonPressed
: (pressed || hovered) ? ui.theme.buttonHovered
: focused ? ui.theme.selected : ui.theme.buttonNormal;
*textColor = disabled ? ui.theme.textDisabled
: *color == ui.theme.selected ? ui.theme.textSelected : ui.theme.text;
int _UIButtonMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIButton *button = (UIButton *) element;
bool isMenuItem = element->flags & UI_BUTTON_MENU_ITEM;
bool isDropDown = element->flags & UI_BUTTON_DROP_DOWN;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
if (isMenuItem) {
return UI_SIZE_MENU_ITEM_HEIGHT * element->window->scale;
} else {
return UI_SIZE_BUTTON_HEIGHT * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH) {
int labelSize = UIMeasureStringWidth(button->label, button->labelBytes);
int paddedSize = labelSize + UI_SIZE_BUTTON_PADDING * element->window->scale;
if (isDropDown) paddedSize += ui.activeFont->glyphWidth * 2;
int minimumSize = ((element->flags & UI_BUTTON_SMALL) ? 0
* element->window->scale;
return paddedSize > minimumSize ? paddedSize : minimumSize;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
uint32_t color, textColor;
_UIButtonCalculateColors(element, &color, &textColor);
UIDrawRectangle(painter, element->bounds, color, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1(isMenuItem ? 0 : 1));
if (element->flags & UI_BUTTON_CHECKED) {
UIDrawBlock(painter, UIRectangleAdd(element->bounds,
UI_RECT_1I((int) (UI_SIZE_BUTTON_CHECKED_AREA * element->window->scale))), ui.theme.buttonPressed);
UIRectangle bounds = UIRectangleAdd(element->bounds, UI_RECT_2I((int) (UI_SIZE_MENU_ITEM_MARGIN * element->window->scale), 0));
if (isMenuItem) {
if (button->labelBytes == -1) {
button->labelBytes = _UIStringLength(button->label);
int tab = 0;
for (; tab < button->labelBytes && button->label[tab] != '\t'; tab++);
UIDrawString(painter, bounds, button->label, tab, textColor, UI_ALIGN_LEFT, NULL);
if (button->labelBytes > tab) {
UIDrawString(painter, bounds, button->label + tab + 1, button->labelBytes - tab - 1, textColor, UI_ALIGN_RIGHT, NULL);
} else if (isDropDown) {
UIDrawString(painter, bounds, button->label, button->labelBytes, textColor, UI_ALIGN_LEFT, NULL);
UIDrawString(painter, bounds, "\x19", 1, textColor, UI_ALIGN_RIGHT, NULL);
} else {
UIDrawString(painter, element->bounds, button->label, button->labelBytes, textColor, UI_ALIGN_CENTER, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_UPDATE) {
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN) {
if (element->flags & UI_BUTTON_CAN_FOCUS) {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED) {
UIKeyTyped *m = (UIKeyTyped *) dp;
if (m->textBytes == 1 && m->text[0] == ' ') {
UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_CLICKED, 0, 0);
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_CLICKED) {
if (button->invoke) {
return 0;
UIButton *UIButtonCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes) {
UIButton *button = (UIButton *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIButton), parent, flags | UI_ELEMENT_TAB_STOP, _UIButtonMessage, "Button");
button->label = UIStringCopy(label, (button->labelBytes = labelBytes));
return button;
int _UICheckboxMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UICheckbox *box = (UICheckbox *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
return UI_SIZE_BUTTON_HEIGHT * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH) {
int labelSize = UIMeasureStringWidth(box->label, box->labelBytes);
return (labelSize + UI_SIZE_CHECKBOX_BOX + UI_SIZE_CHECKBOX_GAP) * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
uint32_t color, textColor;
_UIButtonCalculateColors(element, &color, &textColor);
int midY = (element->bounds.t + element->bounds.b) / 2;
UIRectangle boxBounds = UI_RECT_4(element->bounds.l, element->bounds.l + UI_SIZE_CHECKBOX_BOX,
UIDrawRectangle(painter, boxBounds, color, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1(1));
UIDrawString(painter, UIRectangleAdd(boxBounds, UI_RECT_4(1, 0, 0, 0)),
box->check == UI_CHECK_CHECKED ? "*" : box->check == UI_CHECK_INDETERMINATE ? "-" : " ", -1,
UIDrawString(painter, UIRectangleAdd(element->bounds, UI_RECT_4(UI_SIZE_CHECKBOX_BOX + UI_SIZE_CHECKBOX_GAP, 0, 0, 0)),
box->label, box->labelBytes, textColor, UI_ALIGN_LEFT, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_UPDATE) {
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED) {
UIKeyTyped *m = (UIKeyTyped *) dp;
if (m->textBytes == 1 && m->text[0] == ' ') {
UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_CLICKED, 0, 0);
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_CLICKED) {
box->check = (box->check + 1) % ((element->flags & UI_CHECKBOX_ALLOW_INDETERMINATE) ? 3 : 2);
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
if (box->invoke) box->invoke(element->cp);
return 0;
UICheckbox *UICheckboxCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes) {
UICheckbox *box = (UICheckbox *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UICheckbox), parent, flags | UI_ELEMENT_TAB_STOP, _UICheckboxMessage, "Checkbox");
box->label = UIStringCopy(label, (box->labelBytes = labelBytes));
return box;
int _UILabelMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UILabel *label = (UILabel *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
return UIMeasureStringHeight();
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH) {
return UIMeasureStringWidth(label->label, label->labelBytes);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
UIDrawString(painter, element->bounds, label->label, label->labelBytes, ui.theme.text, UI_ALIGN_LEFT, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
return 0;
void UILabelSetContent(UILabel *label, const char *string, ptrdiff_t stringBytes) {
label->label = UIStringCopy(string, (label->labelBytes = stringBytes));
UILabel *UILabelCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *string, ptrdiff_t stringBytes) {
UILabel *label = (UILabel *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UILabel), parent, flags, _UILabelMessage, "Label");
label->label = UIStringCopy(string, (label->labelBytes = stringBytes));
return label;
int _UISplitPaneMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp);
int _UISplitterMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UISplitPane *splitPane = (UISplitPane *) element->parent;
bool vertical = splitPane->e.flags & UI_SPLIT_PANE_VERTICAL;
if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIRectangle borders = vertical ? UI_RECT_2(0, 1) : UI_RECT_2(1, 0);
UIDrawRectangle((UIPainter *) dp, element->bounds, ui.theme.buttonNormal, ui.theme.border, borders);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_CURSOR) {
return vertical ? UI_CURSOR_SPLIT_V : UI_CURSOR_SPLIT_H;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_DRAG) {
int cursor = vertical ? element->window->cursorY : element->window->cursorX;
int splitterSize = UI_SIZE_SPLITTER * element->window->scale;
int space = (vertical ? UI_RECT_HEIGHT(splitPane->e.bounds) : UI_RECT_WIDTH(splitPane->e.bounds)) - splitterSize;
float oldWeight = splitPane->weight;
splitPane->weight = (float) (cursor - splitterSize / 2 - (vertical ? splitPane->e.bounds.t : splitPane->e.bounds.l)) / space;
if (splitPane->weight < 0.05f) splitPane->weight = 0.05f;
if (splitPane->weight > 0.95f) splitPane->weight = 0.95f;
if (element->next->next->messageClass == _UISplitPaneMessage
&& (element->next->next->flags & UI_SPLIT_PANE_VERTICAL) == (splitPane->e.flags & UI_SPLIT_PANE_VERTICAL)) {
UISplitPane *subSplitPane = (UISplitPane *) element->next->next;
subSplitPane->weight = (splitPane->weight - oldWeight - subSplitPane->weight + oldWeight * subSplitPane->weight) / (-1 + splitPane->weight);
if (subSplitPane->weight < 0.05f) subSplitPane->weight = 0.05f;
if (subSplitPane->weight > 0.95f) subSplitPane->weight = 0.95f;
return 0;
int _UISplitPaneMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UISplitPane *splitPane = (UISplitPane *) element;
bool vertical = splitPane->e.flags & UI_SPLIT_PANE_VERTICAL;
if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT) {
UIElement *splitter = element->children;
UIElement *left = splitter->next;
UIElement *right = left->next;
int splitterSize = UI_SIZE_SPLITTER * element->window->scale;
int space = (vertical ? UI_RECT_HEIGHT(element->bounds) : UI_RECT_WIDTH(element->bounds)) - splitterSize;
int leftSize = space * splitPane->weight;
int rightSize = space - leftSize;
if (vertical) {
UIElementMove(left, UI_RECT_4(element->bounds.l, element->bounds.r, element->bounds.t, element->bounds.t + leftSize), false);
UIElementMove(splitter, UI_RECT_4(element->bounds.l, element->bounds.r, element->bounds.t + leftSize, element->bounds.t + leftSize + splitterSize), false);
UIElementMove(right, UI_RECT_4(element->bounds.l, element->bounds.r, element->bounds.b - rightSize, element->bounds.b), false);
} else {
UIElementMove(left, UI_RECT_4(element->bounds.l, element->bounds.l + leftSize, element->bounds.t, element->bounds.b), false);
UIElementMove(splitter, UI_RECT_4(element->bounds.l + leftSize, element->bounds.l + leftSize + splitterSize, element->bounds.t, element->bounds.b), false);
UIElementMove(right, UI_RECT_4(element->bounds.r - rightSize, element->bounds.r, element->bounds.t, element->bounds.b), false);
return 0;
UISplitPane *UISplitPaneCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, float weight) {
UISplitPane *splitPane = (UISplitPane *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UISplitPane), parent, flags, _UISplitPaneMessage, "Split Pane");
splitPane->weight = weight;
UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIElement), &splitPane->e, 0, _UISplitterMessage, "Splitter");
return splitPane;
int _UITabPaneMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UITabPane *tabPane = (UITabPane *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
UIRectangle top = element->bounds;
top.b = top.t + UI_SIZE_BUTTON_HEIGHT * element->window->scale;
UIDrawRectangle(painter, top, ui.theme.panel1, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_4(0, 0, 0, 1));
UIRectangle tab = top;
tab.l += UI_SIZE_TAB_PANE_SPACE_LEFT * element->window->scale;
tab.t += UI_SIZE_TAB_PANE_SPACE_TOP * element->window->scale;
int position = 0;
int index = 0;
while (true) {
int end = position;
for (; tabPane->tabs[end] != '\t' && tabPane->tabs[end]; end++);
int width = UIMeasureStringWidth(tabPane->tabs, end - position);
tab.r = tab.l + width + UI_SIZE_BUTTON_PADDING;
uint32_t color = tabPane->active == index ? ui.theme.buttonPressed : ui.theme.buttonNormal;
UIRectangle t = tab;
if (tabPane->active == index) {
} else {
UIDrawRectangle(painter, t, color, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1(1));
UIDrawString(painter, tab, tabPane->tabs + position, end - position, ui.theme.text, UI_ALIGN_CENTER, NULL);
tab.l = tab.r - 1;
if (tabPane->tabs[end] == '\t') {
position = end + 1;
} else {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN) {
UIRectangle tab = element->bounds;
tab.b = tab.t + UI_SIZE_BUTTON_HEIGHT * element->window->scale;
tab.l += UI_SIZE_TAB_PANE_SPACE_LEFT * element->window->scale;
tab.t += UI_SIZE_TAB_PANE_SPACE_TOP * element->window->scale;
int position = 0;
int index = 0;
while (true) {
int end = position;
for (; tabPane->tabs[end] != '\t' && tabPane->tabs[end]; end++);
int width = UIMeasureStringWidth(tabPane->tabs, end - position);
tab.r = tab.l + width + UI_SIZE_BUTTON_PADDING;
if (UIRectangleContains(tab, element->window->cursorX, element->window->cursorY)) {
tabPane->active = index;
UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_LAYOUT, 0, 0);
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
tab.l = tab.r - 1;
if (tabPane->tabs[end] == '\t') {
position = end + 1;
} else {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT) {
UIElement *child = element->children;
int index = 0;
UIRectangle content = element->bounds;
content.t += UI_SIZE_BUTTON_HEIGHT * element->window->scale;
while (child) {
if (tabPane->active == index) {
child->flags &= ~UI_ELEMENT_HIDE;
UIElementMove(child, content, false);
UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_TAB_SELECTED, 0, 0);
} else {
child->flags |= UI_ELEMENT_HIDE;
child = child->next;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
UIElement *child = element->children;
int index = 0;
int baseHeight = UI_SIZE_BUTTON_HEIGHT * element->window->scale;
while (child) {
if (tabPane->active == index) {
return baseHeight + UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, di, dp);
child = child->next;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
return 0;
UITabPane *UITabPaneCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *tabs) {
UITabPane *tabPane = (UITabPane *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UITabPane), parent, flags, _UITabPaneMessage, "Tab Pane");
tabPane->tabs = UIStringCopy(tabs, -1);
return tabPane;
int _UISpacerMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UISpacer *spacer = (UISpacer *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
return spacer->height * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH) {
return spacer->width * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT && (element->flags & UI_SPACER_LINE)) {
UIDrawBlock((UIPainter *) dp, element->bounds, ui.theme.border);
return 0;
UISpacer *UISpacerCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, int width, int height) {
UISpacer *spacer = (UISpacer *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UISpacer), parent, flags, _UISpacerMessage, "Spacer");
spacer->width = width;
spacer->height = height;
return spacer;
int _UIScrollBarMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIScrollBar *scrollBar = (UIScrollBar *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH || message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
return UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT) {
UIElement *up = element->children;
UIElement *thumb = up->next;
UIElement *down = thumb->next;
if (scrollBar->page >= scrollBar->maximum || scrollBar->maximum <= 0 || scrollBar->page <= 0) {
up->flags |= UI_ELEMENT_HIDE;
thumb->flags |= UI_ELEMENT_HIDE;
down->flags |= UI_ELEMENT_HIDE;
scrollBar->position = 0;
} else {
up->flags &= ~UI_ELEMENT_HIDE;
thumb->flags &= ~UI_ELEMENT_HIDE;
down->flags &= ~UI_ELEMENT_HIDE;
int size = scrollBar->horizontal ? UI_RECT_WIDTH(element->bounds) : UI_RECT_HEIGHT(element->bounds);
int thumbSize = size * scrollBar->page / scrollBar->maximum;
if (thumbSize < UI_SIZE_SCROLL_MINIMUM_THUMB * element->window->scale) {
thumbSize = UI_SIZE_SCROLL_MINIMUM_THUMB * element->window->scale;
if (scrollBar->position < 0) {
scrollBar->position = 0;
} else if (scrollBar->position > scrollBar->maximum - scrollBar->page) {
scrollBar->position = scrollBar->maximum - scrollBar->page;
int thumbPosition = scrollBar->position / (scrollBar->maximum - scrollBar->page) * (size - thumbSize);
if (scrollBar->position == scrollBar->maximum - scrollBar->page) {
thumbPosition = size - thumbSize;
if (scrollBar->horizontal) {
UIRectangle r = element->bounds;
r.r = r.l + thumbPosition;
UIElementMove(up, r, false);
r.l = r.r, r.r = r.l + thumbSize;
UIElementMove(thumb, r, false);
r.l = r.r, r.r = element->bounds.r;
UIElementMove(down, r, false);
} else {
UIRectangle r = element->bounds;
r.b = r.t + thumbPosition;
UIElementMove(up, r, false);
r.t = r.b, r.b = r.t + thumbSize;
UIElementMove(thumb, r, false);
r.t = r.b, r.b = element->bounds.b;
UIElementMove(down, r, false);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
if (scrollBar->page >= scrollBar->maximum || scrollBar->maximum <= 0 || scrollBar->page <= 0) {
UIDrawBlock((UIPainter *) dp, element->bounds, ui.theme.panel1);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL) {
scrollBar->position += di;
UIElementMessage(element->parent, UI_MSG_SCROLLED, 0, 0);
return 1;
return 0;
int _UIScrollUpDownMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIScrollBar *scrollBar = (UIScrollBar *) element->parent;
bool isDown = element->cp;
if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
uint32_t color = element == element->window->pressed ? ui.theme.buttonPressed
: element == element->window->hovered ? ui.theme.buttonHovered : ui.theme.panel2;
UIDrawRectangle(painter, element->bounds, color, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1(0));
if (scrollBar->horizontal) {
UIDrawGlyph(painter, isDown ? (element->bounds.r - ui.activeFont->glyphWidth - 2 * element->window->scale)
: (element->bounds.l + 2 * element->window->scale),
(element->bounds.t + element->bounds.b - ui.activeFont->glyphHeight) / 2,
isDown ? 26 : 27, ui.theme.text);
} else {
UIDrawGlyph(painter, (element->bounds.l + element->bounds.r - ui.activeFont->glyphWidth) / 2 + 1,
isDown ? (element->bounds.b - ui.activeFont->glyphHeight - 2 * element->window->scale)
: (element->bounds.t + 2 * element->window->scale),
isDown ? 25 : 24, ui.theme.text);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_UPDATE) {
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN) {
UIElementAnimate(element, false);
scrollBar->lastAnimateTime = UI_CLOCK();
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_UP) {
UIElementAnimate(element, true);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_ANIMATE) {
UI_CLOCK_T previous = scrollBar->lastAnimateTime;
UI_CLOCK_T current = UI_CLOCK();
UI_CLOCK_T delta = current - previous;
double deltaSeconds = (double) delta / UI_CLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
if (deltaSeconds > 0.1) deltaSeconds = 0.1;
double deltaPixels = deltaSeconds * scrollBar->page * 3;
scrollBar->lastAnimateTime = current;
if (isDown) scrollBar->position += deltaPixels;
else scrollBar->position -= deltaPixels;
UIElementMessage(scrollBar->e.parent, UI_MSG_SCROLLED, 0, 0);
return 0;
int _UIScrollThumbMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIScrollBar *scrollBar = (UIScrollBar *) element->parent;
if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
uint32_t color = element == element->window->pressed ? ui.theme.buttonPressed
: element == element->window->hovered ? ui.theme.buttonHovered : ui.theme.buttonNormal;
UIDrawRectangle(painter, element->bounds, color, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1(2));
} else if (message == UI_MSG_UPDATE) {
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_DRAG && element->window->pressedButton == 1) {
if (!scrollBar->inDrag) {
scrollBar->inDrag = true;
if (scrollBar->horizontal) {
scrollBar->dragOffset = element->bounds.l - scrollBar->e.bounds.l - element->window->cursorX;
} else {
scrollBar->dragOffset = element->bounds.t - scrollBar->e.bounds.t - element->window->cursorY;
int thumbPosition = (scrollBar->horizontal ? element->window->cursorX : element->window->cursorY) + scrollBar->dragOffset;
int size = scrollBar->horizontal ? (UI_RECT_WIDTH(scrollBar->e.bounds) - UI_RECT_WIDTH(element->bounds))
: (UI_RECT_HEIGHT(scrollBar->e.bounds) - UI_RECT_HEIGHT(element->bounds));
scrollBar->position = (double) thumbPosition / size * (scrollBar->maximum - scrollBar->page);
UIElementMessage(scrollBar->e.parent, UI_MSG_SCROLLED, 0, 0);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_UP) {
scrollBar->inDrag = false;
return 0;
UIScrollBar *UIScrollBarCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
UIScrollBar *scrollBar = (UIScrollBar *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIScrollBar), parent, flags, _UIScrollBarMessage, "Scroll Bar");
bool horizontal = scrollBar->horizontal = flags & UI_SCROLL_BAR_HORIZONTAL;
UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIElement), &scrollBar->e, flags, _UIScrollUpDownMessage, !horizontal ? "Scroll Up" : "Scroll Left")->cp = (void *) (uintptr_t) 0;
UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIElement), &scrollBar->e, flags, _UIScrollThumbMessage, "Scroll Thumb");
UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIElement), &scrollBar->e, flags, _UIScrollUpDownMessage, !horizontal ? "Scroll Down" : "Scroll Right")->cp = (void *) (uintptr_t) 1;
return scrollBar;
bool _UICharIsAlpha(char c) {
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
bool _UICharIsDigit(char c) {
return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
bool _UICharIsAlphaOrDigitOrUnderscore(char c) {
return _UICharIsAlpha(c) || _UICharIsDigit(c) || c == '_';
int UICodeHitTest(UICode *code, int x, int y) {
x -= code->e.bounds.l;
if (x < 0 || x >= UI_RECT_WIDTH(code->e.bounds) - UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR * code->e.window->scale) {
return 0;
y -= code->e.bounds.t - code->vScroll->position;
UIFont *previousFont = UIFontActivate(code->font);
int lineHeight = UIMeasureStringHeight();
bool inMargin = x < UI_SIZE_CODE_MARGIN + UI_SIZE_CODE_MARGIN_GAP / 2 && (~code->e.flags & UI_CODE_NO_MARGIN);
if (y < 0 || y >= lineHeight * code->lineCount) {
return 0;
int line = y / lineHeight + 1;
return inMargin ? -line : line;
int UIDrawStringHighlighted(UIPainter *painter, UIRectangle lineBounds, const char *string, ptrdiff_t bytes, int tabSize) {
if (bytes == -1) bytes = _UIStringLength(string);
if (bytes > 10000) bytes = 10000;
uint32_t colors[] = {
int x = lineBounds.l;
int y = (lineBounds.t + lineBounds.b - UIMeasureStringHeight()) / 2;
int ti = 0;
int lexState = 0;
bool inComment = false, inIdentifier = false, inChar = false, startedString = false;
uint32_t last = 0;
while (bytes--) {
char c = *string++;
last <<= 8;
last |= c;
if (lexState == 4) {
lexState = 0;
} else if (lexState == 1) {
if ((last & 0xFF0000) == ('*' << 16) && (last & 0xFF00) == ('/' << 8) && inComment) {
lexState = 0, inComment = false;
} else if (lexState == 3) {
if (!_UICharIsAlpha(c) && !_UICharIsDigit(c)) {
lexState = 0;
} else if (lexState == 2) {
if (!startedString) {
if (!inChar && ((last >> 8) & 0xFF) == '"' && ((last >> 16) & 0xFF) != '\\') {
lexState = 0;
} else if (inChar && ((last >> 8) & 0xFF) == '\'' && ((last >> 16) & 0xFF) != '\\') {
lexState = 0;
startedString = false;
if (lexState == 0) {
if (c == '#') {
lexState = 5;
} else if (c == '/' && *string == '/') {
lexState = 1;
} else if (c == '/' && *string == '*') {
lexState = 1, inComment = true;
} else if (c == '"') {
lexState = 2;
inChar = false;
startedString = true;
} else if (c == '\'') {
lexState = 2;
inChar = true;
startedString = true;
} else if (_UICharIsDigit(c) && !inIdentifier) {
lexState = 3;
} else if (!_UICharIsAlpha(c) && !_UICharIsDigit(c)) {
lexState = 4;
inIdentifier = false;
} else {
inIdentifier = true;
if (c == '\t') {
x += ui.activeFont->glyphWidth, ti++;
while (ti % tabSize) x += ui.activeFont->glyphWidth, ti++;
} else {
UIDrawGlyph(painter, x, y, c, colors[lexState]);
x += ui.activeFont->glyphWidth, ti++;
return x;
int _UICodeMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UICode *code = (UICode *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT) {
UIFont *previousFont = UIFontActivate(code->font);
if (code->moveScrollToFocusNextLayout) {
code->vScroll->position = (code->focused + 0.5) * UIMeasureStringHeight() - UI_RECT_HEIGHT(code->e.bounds) / 2;
UIRectangle scrollBarBounds = element->bounds;
scrollBarBounds.l = scrollBarBounds.r - UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR * code->e.window->scale;
code->vScroll->maximum = code->lineCount * UIMeasureStringHeight();
code->vScroll->page = UI_RECT_HEIGHT(element->bounds);
UIElementMove(&code->vScroll->e, scrollBarBounds, true);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIFont *previousFont = UIFontActivate(code->font);
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
UIRectangle lineBounds = element->bounds;
lineBounds.r -= UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR * code->e.window->scale;
if (~code->e.flags & UI_CODE_NO_MARGIN) {
int lineHeight = UIMeasureStringHeight();
lineBounds.t -= (int64_t) code->vScroll->position % lineHeight;
UIDrawBlock(painter, element->bounds, ui.theme.codeBackground);
for (int i = code->vScroll->position / lineHeight; i < code->lineCount; i++) {
if (lineBounds.t > element->clip.b) {
lineBounds.b = lineBounds.t + lineHeight;
if (~code->e.flags & UI_CODE_NO_MARGIN) {
char string[16];
int p = 16;
int lineNumber = i + 1;
while (lineNumber) {
string[--p] = (lineNumber % 10) + '0';
lineNumber /= 10;
UIRectangle marginBounds = lineBounds;
marginBounds.r = marginBounds.l - UI_SIZE_CODE_MARGIN_GAP;
uint32_t marginColor = UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_CODE_GET_MARGIN_COLOR, i + 1, 0);
if (marginColor) {
UIDrawBlock(painter, marginBounds, marginColor);
UIDrawString(painter, marginBounds, string + p, 16 - p, ui.theme.codeDefault, UI_ALIGN_RIGHT, NULL);
if (code->focused == i) {
UIDrawBlock(painter, lineBounds, ui.theme.codeFocused);
int x = UIDrawStringHighlighted(painter, lineBounds, code->content + code->lines[i].offset, code->lines[i].bytes, code->tabSize);
int y = (lineBounds.t + lineBounds.b - UIMeasureStringHeight()) / 2;
UICodeDecorateLine m = { 0 };
m.x = x, m.y = y, m.bounds = lineBounds, m.index = i + 1, m.painter = painter;
UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_CODE_DECORATE_LINE, 0, &m);
lineBounds.t += lineHeight;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_SCROLLED) {
code->moveScrollToFocusNextLayout = false;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL) {
return UIElementMessage(&code->vScroll->e, message, di, dp);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_CURSOR) {
if (UICodeHitTest(code, element->window->cursorX, element->window->cursorY) < 0) {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
return 0;
void UICodeFocusLine(UICode *code, int index) {
code->focused = index - 1;
code->moveScrollToFocusNextLayout = true;
void UICodeInsertContent(UICode *code, const char *content, ptrdiff_t byteCount, bool replace) {
UIFont *previousFont = UIFontActivate(code->font);
if (byteCount == -1) {
byteCount = _UIStringLength(content);
if (byteCount > 1000000000) {
byteCount = 1000000000;
if (replace) {
code->content = NULL;
code->lines = NULL;
code->contentBytes = 0;
code->lineCount = 0;
code->content = (char *) UI_REALLOC(code->content, code->contentBytes + byteCount);
if (!byteCount) {
int lineCount = content[byteCount - 1] != '\n';
for (int i = 0; i < byteCount; i++) {
code->content[i + code->contentBytes] = content[i];
if (content[i] == '\n') {
code->lines = (UICodeLine *) UI_REALLOC(code->lines, sizeof(UICodeLine) * (code->lineCount + lineCount));
int offset = 0, lineIndex = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i <= byteCount && lineIndex < lineCount; i++) {
if (content[i] == '\n' || i == byteCount) {
UICodeLine line = { 0 };
line.offset = offset + code->contentBytes;
line.bytes = i - offset;
code->lines[code->lineCount + lineIndex] = line;
offset = i + 1;
code->lineCount += lineCount;
code->contentBytes += byteCount;
if (!replace) {
code->vScroll->position = code->lineCount * UIMeasureStringHeight();
UICode *UICodeCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
UICode *code = (UICode *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UICode), parent, flags, _UICodeMessage, "Code");
code->font = ui.activeFont;
code->vScroll = UIScrollBarCreate(&code->e, 0);
code->focused = -1;
code->tabSize = 4;
return code;
int _UIGaugeMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIGauge *gauge = (UIGauge *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
return UI_SIZE_GAUGE_HEIGHT * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH) {
return UI_SIZE_GAUGE_WIDTH * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
UIDrawRectangle(painter, element->bounds, ui.theme.buttonNormal, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1(1));
UIRectangle filled = UIRectangleAdd(element->bounds, UI_RECT_1I(1));
filled.r = filled.l + UI_RECT_WIDTH(filled) * gauge->position;
UIDrawBlock(painter, filled, ui.theme.selected);
return 0;
UIGauge *UIGaugeCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
return (UIGauge *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIGauge), parent, flags, _UIGaugeMessage, "Gauge");
int _UISliderMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UISlider *slider = (UISlider *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
return UI_SIZE_SLIDER_HEIGHT * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH) {
return UI_SIZE_SLIDER_WIDTH * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
UIRectangle bounds = element->bounds;
int centerY = (bounds.t + bounds.b) / 2;
int trackSize = UI_SIZE_SLIDER_TRACK * element->window->scale;
int thumbSize = UI_SIZE_SLIDER_THUMB * element->window->scale;
int thumbPosition = (UI_RECT_WIDTH(bounds) - thumbSize) * slider->position;
UIRectangle track = UI_RECT_4(bounds.l, bounds.r, centerY - (trackSize + 1) / 2, centerY + trackSize / 2);
UIDrawRectangle(painter, track, ui.theme.buttonNormal, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1(1));
bool pressed = element == element->window->pressed;
bool hovered = element == element->window->hovered;
bool disabled = element->flags & UI_ELEMENT_DISABLED;
uint32_t color = disabled ? ui.theme.buttonDisabled : pressed ? ui.theme.buttonPressed : hovered ? ui.theme.buttonHovered : ui.theme.buttonNormal;
UIRectangle thumb = UI_RECT_4(bounds.l + thumbPosition, bounds.l + thumbPosition + thumbSize, centerY - (thumbSize + 1) / 2, centerY + thumbSize / 2);
UIDrawRectangle(painter, thumb, color, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1(1));
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN || (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_DRAG && element->window->pressedButton == 1)) {
UIRectangle bounds = element->bounds;
int thumbSize = UI_SIZE_SLIDER_THUMB * element->window->scale;
slider->position = (float) (element->window->cursorX - thumbSize / 2 - bounds.l) / (UI_RECT_WIDTH(bounds) - thumbSize);
if (slider->steps > 1) slider->position = (int) (slider->position * (slider->steps - 1) + 0.5f) / (float) (slider->steps - 1);
if (slider->position < 0) slider->position = 0;
if (slider->position > 1) slider->position = 1;
UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_VALUE_CHANGED, 0, 0);
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_UPDATE) {
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
return 0;
UISlider *UISliderCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
return (UISlider *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UISlider), parent, flags, _UISliderMessage, "Slider");
int UITableHitTest(UITable *table, int x, int y) {
x -= table->e.bounds.l;
if (x < 0 || x >= UI_RECT_WIDTH(table->e.bounds) - UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR * table->e.window->scale) {
return -1;
y -= (table->e.bounds.t + UI_SIZE_TABLE_HEADER * table->e.window->scale) - table->vScroll->position;
int rowHeight = UI_SIZE_TABLE_ROW * table->e.window->scale;
if (y < 0 || y >= rowHeight * table->itemCount) {
return -1;
return y / rowHeight;
int UITableHeaderHitTest(UITable *table, int x, int y) {
if (!table->columnCount) return -1;
UIRectangle header = table->e.bounds;
header.b = header.t + UI_SIZE_TABLE_HEADER * table->e.window->scale;
header.l += UI_SIZE_TABLE_COLUMN_GAP * table->e.window->scale;
int position = 0, index = 0;
while (true) {
int end = position;
for (; table->columns[end] != '\t' && table->columns[end]; end++);
header.r = header.l + table->columnWidths[index];
if (UIRectangleContains(header, x, y)) return index;
header.l += table->columnWidths[index] + UI_SIZE_TABLE_COLUMN_GAP * table->e.window->scale;
if (table->columns[end] != '\t') break;
position = end + 1, index++;
return -1;
bool UITableEnsureVisible(UITable *table, int index) {
int rowHeight = UI_SIZE_TABLE_ROW * table->e.window->scale;
int y = index * rowHeight;
y -= table->vScroll->position;
int height = UI_RECT_HEIGHT(table->e.bounds) - UI_SIZE_TABLE_HEADER * table->e.window->scale - rowHeight;
if (y < 0) {
table->vScroll->position += y;
return true;
} else if (y > height) {
table->vScroll->position -= height - y;
return true;
} else {
return false;
void UITableResizeColumns(UITable *table) {
int position = 0;
int count = 0;
while (true) {
int end = position;
for (; table->columns[end] != '\t' && table->columns[end]; end++);
if (table->columns[end] == '\t') position = end + 1;
else break;
table->columnWidths = (int *) UI_MALLOC(count * sizeof(int));
table->columnCount = count;
position = 0;
char buffer[256];
UITableGetItem m = { 0 };
m.buffer = buffer;
m.bufferBytes = sizeof(buffer);
while (true) {
int end = position;
for (; table->columns[end] != '\t' && table->columns[end]; end++);
int longest = UIMeasureStringWidth(table->columns + position, end - position);
for (int i = 0; i < table->itemCount; i++) {
m.index = i;
int bytes = UIElementMessage(&table->e, UI_MSG_TABLE_GET_ITEM, 0, &m);
int width = UIMeasureStringWidth(buffer, bytes);
if (width > longest) {
longest = width;
table->columnWidths[m.column] = longest;
if (table->columns[end] == '\t') position = end + 1;
else break;
int _UITableMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UITable *table = (UITable *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
UIRectangle bounds = element->bounds;
bounds.r -= UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR * element->window->scale;
UIDrawBlock(painter, bounds, ui.theme.panel2);
char buffer[256];
UIRectangle row = bounds;
int rowHeight = UI_SIZE_TABLE_ROW * element->window->scale;
UITableGetItem m = { 0 };
m.buffer = buffer;
m.bufferBytes = sizeof(buffer);
row.t += UI_SIZE_TABLE_HEADER * table->e.window->scale;
row.t -= (int64_t) table->vScroll->position % rowHeight;
int hovered = UITableHitTest(table, element->window->cursorX, element->window->cursorY);
for (int i = table->vScroll->position / rowHeight; i < table->itemCount; i++) {
if (row.t > element->clip.b) {
row.b = row.t + rowHeight;
m.index = i;
m.isSelected = false;
m.column = 0;
int bytes = UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_TABLE_GET_ITEM, 0, &m);
uint32_t textColor = ui.theme.text;
if (m.isSelected) {
UIDrawBlock(painter, row, ui.theme.selected);
textColor = ui.theme.textSelected;
} else if (hovered == i) {
UIDrawBlock(painter, row, ui.theme.buttonHovered);
UIRectangle cell = row;
cell.l += UI_SIZE_TABLE_COLUMN_GAP * table->e.window->scale;
for (int j = 0; j < table->columnCount; j++) {
if (j) {
m.column = j;
bytes = UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_TABLE_GET_ITEM, 0, &m);
cell.r = cell.l + table->columnWidths[j];
if ((size_t) bytes > m.bufferBytes && bytes > 0) bytes = m.bufferBytes;
UIDrawString(painter, cell, buffer, bytes, textColor, UI_ALIGN_LEFT, NULL);
cell.l += table->columnWidths[j] + UI_SIZE_TABLE_COLUMN_GAP * table->e.window->scale;
row.t += rowHeight;
UIRectangle header = bounds;
header.b = header.t + UI_SIZE_TABLE_HEADER * table->e.window->scale;
UIDrawRectangle(painter, header, ui.theme.panel1, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_4(0, 0, 0, 1));
header.l += UI_SIZE_TABLE_COLUMN_GAP * table->e.window->scale;
int position = 0;
int index = 0;
if (table->columnCount) {
while (true) {
int end = position;
for (; table->columns[end] != '\t' && table->columns[end]; end++);
header.r = header.l + table->columnWidths[index];
UIDrawString(painter, header, table->columns + position, end - position, ui.theme.text, UI_ALIGN_LEFT, NULL);
if (index == table->columnHighlight) UIDrawInvert(painter, header);
header.l += table->columnWidths[index] + UI_SIZE_TABLE_COLUMN_GAP * table->e.window->scale;
if (table->columns[end] == '\t') {
position = end + 1;
} else {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT) {
UIRectangle scrollBarBounds = element->bounds;
scrollBarBounds.l = scrollBarBounds.r - UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR * element->window->scale;
table->vScroll->maximum = table->itemCount * UI_SIZE_TABLE_ROW * element->window->scale;
table->vScroll->page = UI_RECT_HEIGHT(element->bounds) - UI_SIZE_TABLE_HEADER * table->e.window->scale;
UIElementMove(&table->vScroll->e, scrollBarBounds, true);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE || message == UI_MSG_UPDATE) {
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_SCROLLED) {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL) {
return UIElementMessage(&table->vScroll->e, message, di, dp);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
return 0;
UITable *UITableCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *columns) {
UITable *table = (UITable *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UITable), parent, flags, _UITableMessage, "Table");
table->vScroll = UIScrollBarCreate(&table->e, 0);
table->columns = UIStringCopy(columns, -1);
table->columnHighlight = -1;
return table;
void UITextboxReplace(UITextbox *textbox, const char *text, ptrdiff_t bytes, bool sendChangedMessage) {
if (bytes == -1) {
bytes = _UIStringLength(text);
int deleteFrom = textbox->carets[0], deleteTo = textbox->carets[1];
if (deleteFrom > deleteTo) {
UI_SWAP(int, deleteFrom, deleteTo);
for (int i = deleteTo; i < textbox->bytes; i++) {
textbox->string[i - deleteTo + deleteFrom] = textbox->string[i];
textbox->bytes -= deleteTo - deleteFrom;
textbox->carets[0] = textbox->carets[1] = deleteFrom;
textbox->string = (char *) UI_REALLOC(textbox->string, textbox->bytes + bytes);
for (int i = textbox->bytes + bytes - 1; i >= textbox->carets[0] + bytes; i--) {
textbox->string[i] = textbox->string[i - bytes];
for (int i = textbox->carets[0]; i < textbox->carets[0] + bytes; i++) {
textbox->string[i] = text[i - textbox->carets[0]];
textbox->bytes += bytes;
textbox->carets[0] += bytes;
textbox->carets[1] = textbox->carets[0];
if (sendChangedMessage) {
UIElementMessage(&textbox->e, UI_MSG_VALUE_CHANGED, 0, 0);
textbox->e.window->textboxModifiedFlag = true;
void UITextboxClear(UITextbox *textbox, bool sendChangedMessage) {
textbox->carets[1] = 0;
textbox->carets[0] = textbox->bytes;
UITextboxReplace(textbox, "", 0, sendChangedMessage);
void UITextboxMoveCaret(UITextbox *textbox, bool backward, bool word) {
while (true) {
if (textbox->carets[0] > 0 && backward) {
} else if (textbox->carets[0] < textbox->bytes && !backward) {
} else {
if (!word) {
} else if (textbox->carets[0] != textbox->bytes && textbox->carets[0] != 0) {
char c1 = textbox->string[textbox->carets[0] - 1];
char c2 = textbox->string[textbox->carets[0]];
if (_UICharIsAlphaOrDigitOrUnderscore(c1) != _UICharIsAlphaOrDigitOrUnderscore(c2)) {
int _UITextboxMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UITextbox *textbox = (UITextbox *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
return UI_SIZE_TEXTBOX_HEIGHT * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH) {
return UI_SIZE_TEXTBOX_WIDTH * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
int scaledMargin = UI_SIZE_TEXTBOX_MARGIN * element->window->scale;
int totalWidth = UIMeasureStringWidth(textbox->string, textbox->bytes) + scaledMargin * 2;
UIRectangle textBounds = UIRectangleAdd(element->bounds, UI_RECT_1I(scaledMargin));
if (textbox->scroll > totalWidth - UI_RECT_WIDTH(textBounds)) {
textbox->scroll = totalWidth - UI_RECT_WIDTH(textBounds);
if (textbox->scroll < 0) {
textbox->scroll = 0;
int caretX = UIMeasureStringWidth(textbox->string, textbox->carets[0]) - textbox->scroll;
if (caretX < 0) {
textbox->scroll = caretX + textbox->scroll;
} else if (caretX > UI_RECT_WIDTH(textBounds)) {
textbox->scroll = caretX - UI_RECT_WIDTH(textBounds) + textbox->scroll + 1;
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
bool focused = element->window->focused == element;
bool disabled = element->flags & UI_ELEMENT_DISABLED;
UIDrawRectangle(painter, element->bounds,
disabled ? ui.theme.buttonDisabled : focused ? ui.theme.textboxFocused : ui.theme.textboxNormal,
ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1(1));
#ifdef __cplusplus
UIStringSelection selection = {};
UIStringSelection selection = { 0 };
selection.carets[0] = textbox->carets[0];
selection.carets[1] = textbox->carets[1];
selection.colorBackground = ui.theme.selected;
selection.colorText = ui.theme.textSelected;
textBounds.l -= textbox->scroll;
UIDrawString(painter, textBounds, textbox->string, textbox->bytes,
disabled ? ui.theme.textDisabled : ui.theme.text, UI_ALIGN_LEFT, focused ? &selection : NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_CURSOR) {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN) {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_UPDATE) {
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED) {
UIKeyTyped *m = (UIKeyTyped *) dp;
bool handled = true;
if (textbox->rejectNextKey) {
textbox->rejectNextKey = false;
handled = false;
} else if (m->code == UI_KEYCODE_BACKSPACE || m->code == UI_KEYCODE_DELETE) {
if (textbox->carets[0] == textbox->carets[1]) {
UITextboxMoveCaret(textbox, m->code == UI_KEYCODE_BACKSPACE, element->window->ctrl);
UITextboxReplace(textbox, NULL, 0, true);
} else if (m->code == UI_KEYCODE_LEFT || m->code == UI_KEYCODE_RIGHT) {
UITextboxMoveCaret(textbox, m->code == UI_KEYCODE_LEFT, element->window->ctrl);
if (!element->window->shift) {
textbox->carets[1] = textbox->carets[0];
} else if (m->code == UI_KEYCODE_HOME || m->code == UI_KEYCODE_END) {
if (m->code == UI_KEYCODE_HOME) {
textbox->carets[0] = 0;
} else {
textbox->carets[0] = textbox->bytes;
if (!element->window->shift) {
textbox->carets[1] = textbox->carets[0];
} else if (m->code == UI_KEYCODE_LETTER('A') && element->window->ctrl) {
textbox->carets[1] = 0;
textbox->carets[0] = textbox->bytes;
} else if (m->textBytes && !element->window->alt && !element->window->ctrl && m->text[0] >= 0x20) {
UITextboxReplace(textbox, m->text, m->textBytes, true);
} else if ((m->code == UI_KEYCODE_LETTER('C') || m->code == UI_KEYCODE_LETTER('X') || m->code == UI_KEYCODE_INSERT)
&& element->window->ctrl && !element->window->alt && !element->window->shift) {
int to = textbox->carets[0] > textbox->carets[1] ? textbox->carets[0] : textbox->carets[1];
int from = textbox->carets[0] < textbox->carets[1] ? textbox->carets[0] : textbox->carets[1];
if (from != to) {
char *pasteText = (char *) UI_CALLOC(to - from + 1);
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) pasteText[i - from] = textbox->string[i];
_UIClipboardWriteText(element->window, pasteText);
if (m->code == UI_KEYCODE_LETTER('X')) {
UITextboxReplace(textbox, NULL, 0, true);
} else if ((m->code == UI_KEYCODE_LETTER('V') && element->window->ctrl && !element->window->alt && !element->window->shift)
|| (m->code == UI_KEYCODE_INSERT && !element->window->ctrl && !element->window->alt && element->window->shift)) {
size_t bytes;
char *text = _UIClipboardReadTextStart(element->window, &bytes);
if (text) UITextboxReplace(textbox, text, bytes, true);
_UIClipboardReadTextEnd(element->window, text);
} else {
handled = false;
if (handled) {
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
return 1;
return 0;
UITextbox *UITextboxCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
return (UITextbox *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UITextbox), parent, flags | UI_ELEMENT_TAB_STOP, _UITextboxMessage, "Textbox");
int _UIColorCircleMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIColorPicker *colorPicker = (UIColorPicker *) element->parent;
if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
int startY = element->bounds.t, endY = element->bounds.b;
int startX = element->bounds.l, endX = element->bounds.r;
int size = endY - startY;
for (int i = startY; i < endY; i++) {
uint32_t *out = painter->bits + i * painter->width + startX;
int j = startX;
float y0 = i - startY - size / 2, x0 = -size / 2;
float angle = _UIArcTan2Float((i - startY) * 2.0f / size - 1, -1);
do {
float distanceFromCenterSquared = x0 * x0 + y0 * y0;
float hue = (angle + 3.14159f) * 0.954929658f;
float saturation = _UISquareRootFloat(distanceFromCenterSquared * 4.0f / size / size);
if (saturation <= 1 && UIRectangleContains(painter->clip, j, i)) {
UIColorToRGB(hue, saturation, colorPicker->value, out);
*out |= 0xFF000000;
out++, j++, x0++;
if (distanceFromCenterSquared) {
angle -= y0 / distanceFromCenterSquared;
} else {
angle = _UIArcTan2Float((i - startY) * 2.0f / size - 1, 0.01f);
} while (j < endX);
float angle = colorPicker->hue / 0.954929658f - 3.14159f;
float radius = colorPicker->saturation * size / 2;
int cx = (startX + endX) / 2 + radius * _UICosFloat(angle);
int cy = (startY + endY) / 2 + radius * _UISinFloat(angle);
UIDrawInvert(painter, UI_RECT_4(cx - 1, cx + 1, startY, endY));
UIDrawInvert(painter, UI_RECT_4(startX, endX, cy - 1, cy + 1));
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_CURSOR) {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN || message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_DRAG) {
int startY = element->bounds.t, endY = element->bounds.b, cursorY = element->window->cursorY;
int startX = element->bounds.l, endX = element->bounds.r, cursorX = element->window->cursorX;
int dx = (startX + endX) / 2, dy = (startY + endY) / 2;
int size = endY - startY;
float angle = _UIArcTan2Float((cursorY - startY) * 2.0f / size - 1, (cursorX - startX) * 2.0f / size - 1);
float distanceFromCenterSquared = (cursorX - dx) * (cursorX - dx) + (cursorY - dy) * (cursorY - dy);
colorPicker->hue = (angle + 3.14159f) * 0.954929658f;
colorPicker->saturation = _UISquareRootFloat(distanceFromCenterSquared * 4.0f / size / size);;
if (colorPicker->saturation > 1) colorPicker->saturation = 1;
UIElementMessage(&colorPicker->e, UI_MSG_VALUE_CHANGED, 0, 0);
UIElementRepaint(&colorPicker->e, NULL);
return 0;
int _UIColorSliderMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIColorPicker *colorPicker = (UIColorPicker *) element->parent;
float opacitySlider = element->flags & 1;
if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
int startY = element->bounds.t, endY = element->bounds.b;
int startX = element->bounds.l, endX = element->bounds.r;
int size = endY - startY;
for (int i = startY; i < endY; i++) {
if (i < painter->clip.t || i >= painter->clip.b) continue;
uint32_t *out = painter->bits + i * painter->width + startX;
int j = element->clip.l;
uint32_t color;
float p = 1.0f - (float) (i - startY) / size;
if (opacitySlider) {
UIColorToRGB(colorPicker->hue, colorPicker->saturation, colorPicker->value, &color);
color = UI_COLOR_FROM_FLOAT(p * (UI_COLOR_RED_F(color) - 0.5f) + 0.5f,
p * (UI_COLOR_GREEN_F(color) - 0.5f) + 0.5f,
p * (UI_COLOR_BLUE_F(color) - 0.5f) + 0.5f);
} else {
UIColorToRGB(colorPicker->hue, colorPicker->saturation, p, &color);
color |= 0xFF000000;
do {
*out = color;
out++, j++;
} while (j < element->clip.r);
int cy = (size - 1) * (1 - (opacitySlider ? colorPicker->opacity : colorPicker->value)) + startY;
UIDrawInvert(painter, UI_RECT_4(startX, endX, cy - 1, cy + 1));
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_CURSOR) {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN || message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_DRAG) {
int startY = element->bounds.t, endY = element->bounds.b, cursorY = element->window->cursorY;
float *value = opacitySlider ? &colorPicker->opacity : &colorPicker->value;
*value = 1 - (float) (cursorY - startY) / (endY - startY);
if (*value < 0) *value = 0;
if (*value > 1) *value = 1;
UIElementMessage(&colorPicker->e, UI_MSG_VALUE_CHANGED, 0, 0);
UIElementRepaint(&colorPicker->e, NULL);
return 0;
int _UIColorPickerMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
bool hasOpacity = element->flags & UI_COLOR_PICKER_HAS_OPACITY;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH) {
return (hasOpacity ? 280 : 240) * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
return 200 * element->window->scale;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT) {
UIRectangle bounds = element->bounds;
int sliderSize = 35 * element->window->scale;
int gap = 5 * element->window->scale;
if (hasOpacity) {
UIElementMove(element->children, UI_RECT_4(bounds.l, bounds.r - (sliderSize + gap) * 2, bounds.t, bounds.b), false);
UIElementMove(element->children->next, UI_RECT_4(bounds.r - sliderSize * 2 - gap, bounds.r - sliderSize - gap, bounds.t, bounds.b), false);
UIElementMove(element->children->next->next, UI_RECT_4(bounds.r - sliderSize, bounds.r, bounds.t, bounds.b), false);
} else {
UIElementMove(element->children, UI_RECT_4(bounds.l, bounds.r - sliderSize - gap, bounds.t, bounds.b), false);
UIElementMove(element->children->next, UI_RECT_4(bounds.r - sliderSize, bounds.r, bounds.t, bounds.b), false);
return 0;
UIColorPicker *UIColorPickerCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
UIColorPicker *colorPicker = (UIColorPicker *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIColorPicker), parent, flags, _UIColorPickerMessage, "ColorPicker");
UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIElement), &colorPicker->e, 0, _UIColorCircleMessage, "ColorCircle");
UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIElement), &colorPicker->e, 0, _UIColorSliderMessage, "ColorSlider");
UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIElement), &colorPicker->e, 1, _UIColorSliderMessage, "ColorSlider");
return colorPicker;
int titleSize = UI_SIZE_MDI_CHILD_TITLE * element->window->scale; \
int borderSize = UI_SIZE_MDI_CHILD_BORDER * element->window->scale; \
UIRectangle title = UIRectangleAdd(element->bounds, UI_RECT_4(borderSize, -borderSize, 0, 0)); \
title.b = title.t + titleSize; \
UIRectangle content = UIRectangleAdd(element->bounds, UI_RECT_4(borderSize, -borderSize, titleSize, -borderSize));
int _UIMDIChildHitTest(UIMDIChild *mdiChild, int x, int y) {
UIElement *element = &mdiChild->e;
int cornerSize = UI_SIZE_MDI_CHILD_CORNER * element->window->scale;
if (!UIRectangleContains(element->bounds, x, y) || UIRectangleContains(content, x, y)) return -1;
else if (x < element->bounds.l + cornerSize && y < element->bounds.t + cornerSize) return 0b1010;
else if (x > element->bounds.r - cornerSize && y < element->bounds.t + cornerSize) return 0b0110;
else if (x < element->bounds.l + cornerSize && y > element->bounds.b - cornerSize) return 0b1001;
else if (x > element->bounds.r - cornerSize && y > element->bounds.b - cornerSize) return 0b0101;
else if (x < element->bounds.l + borderSize) return 0b1000;
else if (x > element->bounds.r - borderSize) return 0b0100;
else if (y < element->bounds.t + borderSize) return 0b0010;
else if (y > element->bounds.b - borderSize) return 0b0001;
else if (UIRectangleContains(title, x, y)) return 0b1111;
else return -1;
void _UIMDIChildCloseButton(void *_child) {
UIElement *child = (UIElement *) _child;
if (!UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_WINDOW_CLOSE, 0, 0)) {
int _UIMDIChildMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIMDIChild *mdiChild = (UIMDIChild *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
UIRectangle borders = UI_RECT_4(borderSize, borderSize, titleSize, borderSize);
UIDrawBorder(painter, element->bounds, ui.theme.buttonNormal, borders);
UIDrawBorder(painter, element->bounds, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1((int) element->window->scale));
UIDrawBorder(painter, UIRectangleAdd(content, UI_RECT_1I(-1)), ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1((int) element->window->scale));
UIDrawString(painter, title, mdiChild->title, mdiChild->titleBytes, ui.theme.text, UI_ALIGN_LEFT, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH) {
UIElement *child = element->children;
while (child && child->next) child = child->next;
int width = 2 * UI_SIZE_MDI_CHILD_BORDER;
width += (child ? UIElementMessage(child, message, di ? (di - UI_SIZE_MDI_CHILD_TITLE + UI_SIZE_MDI_CHILD_BORDER) : 0, dp) : 0);
return width;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
UIElement *child = element->children;
while (child && child->next) child = child->next;
height += (child ? UIElementMessage(child, message, di ? (di - 2 * UI_SIZE_MDI_CHILD_BORDER) : 0, dp) : 0);
return height;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT) {
UIElement *child = element->children;
int position = title.r;
while (child && child->next) {
int width = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
UIElementMove(child, UI_RECT_4(position - width, position, title.t, title.b), false);
position -= width, child = child->next;
if (child) {
UIElementMove(child, content, false);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_CURSOR) {
int hitTest = _UIMDIChildHitTest(mdiChild, element->window->cursorX, element->window->cursorY);
if (hitTest == 0b1000) return UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_LEFT;
if (hitTest == 0b0010) return UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_UP;
if (hitTest == 0b0110) return UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_UP_RIGHT;
if (hitTest == 0b1010) return UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_UP_LEFT;
if (hitTest == 0b0100) return UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_RIGHT;
if (hitTest == 0b0001) return UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_DOWN;
if (hitTest == 0b1001) return UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_DOWN_LEFT;
if (hitTest == 0b0101) return UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_DOWN_RIGHT;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN) {
mdiChild->dragHitTest = _UIMDIChildHitTest(mdiChild, element->window->cursorX, element->window->cursorY);
mdiChild->dragOffset = UIRectangleAdd(element->bounds, UI_RECT_2(-element->window->cursorX, -element->window->cursorY));
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_UP) {
if (mdiChild->bounds.l < 0) mdiChild->bounds.r -= mdiChild->bounds.l, mdiChild->bounds.l = 0;
if (mdiChild->bounds.t < 0) mdiChild->bounds.b -= mdiChild->bounds.t, mdiChild->bounds.t = 0;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_DRAG) {
if (mdiChild->dragHitTest > 0) {
#define _UI_MDI_CHILD_MOVE_EDGE(bit, edge, cursor, size, opposite, negate, minimum, offset) \
if (mdiChild->dragHitTest & bit) mdiChild->bounds.edge = mdiChild->dragOffset.edge + element->window->cursor - element->parent->bounds.offset; \
if ((mdiChild->dragHitTest & bit) && size(mdiChild->bounds) < minimum) mdiChild->bounds.edge = mdiChild->bounds.opposite negate minimum;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
UIMDIClient *client = (UIMDIClient *) element->parent;
if (client->e.children == element) client->e.children = element->next;
if (mdiChild->previous) mdiChild->previous-> = element->next;
if (element->next) ((UIMDIChild *) element->next)->previous = mdiChild->previous;
if (client->active == mdiChild) client->active = mdiChild->previous;
return 0;
int _UIMDIClientMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIMDIClient *client = (UIMDIClient *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIDrawBlock((UIPainter *) dp, element->bounds, (element->flags & UI_MDI_CLIENT_TRANSPARENT) ? 0 : ui.theme.panel2);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT) {
UIElement *child = element->children;
while (child) {
UI_ASSERT(child->messageClass == _UIMDIChildMessage);
UIMDIChild *mdiChild = (UIMDIChild *) child;
if (UIRectangleEquals(mdiChild->bounds, UI_RECT_1(0))) {
int width = UIElementMessage(&mdiChild->e, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
int height = UIElementMessage(&mdiChild->e, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, width, 0);
if (client->cascade + width > element->bounds.r || client->cascade + height > element->bounds.b) client->cascade = 0;
mdiChild->bounds = UI_RECT_4(client->cascade, client->cascade + width, client->cascade, client->cascade + height);
client->cascade += UI_SIZE_MDI_CASCADE * element->window->scale;
UIRectangle bounds = UIRectangleAdd(mdiChild->bounds, UI_RECT_2(element->bounds.l, element->bounds.t));
UIElementMove(child, bounds, false);
child = child->next;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_FIND_BY_POINT) {
UIFindByPoint *m = (UIFindByPoint *) dp;
UIMDIChild *child = client->active;
while (child) {
if (UIRectangleContains(child->e.bounds, m->x, m->y)) {
m->result = UIElementFindByPoint(&child->e, m->x, m->y);
return 1;
child = child->previous;
return 1;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PRESSED_DESCENDENT) {
UIMDIChild *child = (UIMDIChild *) dp;
if (child && child != client->active) {
if (client->e.children == &child->e) client->e.children = child->;
if (child->previous) child->previous-> = child->;
if (child-> ((UIMDIChild *) child->>previous = child->previous;
if (client->active) client->active-> = &child->e;
child->previous = client->active;
child-> = NULL;
client->active = child;
((UIMDIChild *) client->e.children)->previous = NULL;
return 0;
UIMDIChild *UIMDIChildCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, UIRectangle initialBounds, const char *title, ptrdiff_t titleBytes) {
UI_ASSERT(parent->messageClass == _UIMDIClientMessage);
UIMDIChild *mdiChild = (UIMDIChild *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIMDIChild), parent, flags, _UIMDIChildMessage, "MDIChild");
UIMDIClient *mdiClient = (UIMDIClient *) parent;
mdiChild->bounds = initialBounds;
mdiChild->title = UIStringCopy(title, (mdiChild->titleBytes = titleBytes));
mdiChild->previous = mdiClient->active;
mdiClient->active = mdiChild;
UIButton *closeButton = UIButtonCreate(&mdiChild->e, UI_BUTTON_SMALL | UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT, "X", 1);
closeButton->invoke = _UIMDIChildCloseButton;
closeButton->e.cp = mdiChild;
return mdiChild;
UIMDIClient *UIMDIClientCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
return (UIMDIClient *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIMDIClient), parent, flags, _UIMDIClientMessage, "MDIClient");
int _UIExpandPaneMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIExpandPane *pane = (UIExpandPane *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
int height = UIElementMessage(&pane->button->e, message, di, dp);
if (pane->expanded) {
height += UIElementMessage(&pane->panel->e, message, di, dp);
return height;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT) {
UIRectangle bounds = pane->e.bounds;
int buttonHeight = UIElementMessage(&pane->button->e, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, UI_RECT_WIDTH(bounds), NULL);
UIElementMove(&pane->button->e, UI_RECT_4(bounds.l, bounds.r, bounds.t, bounds.t + buttonHeight), false);
if (pane->expanded) {
pane->panel->e.flags &= ~UI_ELEMENT_HIDE;
UIElementMove(&pane->panel->e, UI_RECT_4(bounds.l, bounds.r, bounds.t + buttonHeight, bounds.b), false);
} else {
pane->panel->e.flags |= UI_ELEMENT_HIDE;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_CLIENT_PARENT) {
*(UIElement **) dp = &pane->panel->e;
return 0;
void _UIExpandPaneButtonInvoke(void *cp) {
UIExpandPane *pane = (UIExpandPane *) cp;
pane->expanded = !pane->expanded;
if (pane->expanded) pane->button->e.flags |= UI_BUTTON_CHECKED;
else pane->button->e.flags &= ~UI_BUTTON_CHECKED;
UIElement *ancestor = &pane->e;
while (ancestor) {
if ((ancestor->messageClass == _UIPanelMessage && (ancestor->flags & UI_PANEL_SCROLL))
|| (ancestor->messageClass == _UIMDIChildMessage)
|| (ancestor->flags & UI_ELEMENT_V_FILL)) {
ancestor = ancestor->parent;
UIExpandPane *UIExpandPaneCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes, uint32_t panelFlags) {
UIExpandPane *pane = (UIExpandPane *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIExpandPane), parent, flags, _UIExpandPaneMessage, "ExpandPane");
pane->button = UIButtonCreate(parent, UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT, label, labelBytes);
pane->button->e.cp = pane;
pane->button->invoke = _UIExpandPaneButtonInvoke;
pane->panel = UIPanelCreate(parent, UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT | panelFlags);
return pane;
void _UIImageDisplayUpdateViewport(UIImageDisplay *display) {
UIRectangle bounds = display->e.bounds;
bounds.r -= bounds.l, bounds.b -= bounds.t;
float minimumZoomX = 1, minimumZoomY = 1;
if (display->width > bounds.r) minimumZoomX = (float) bounds.r / display->width;
if (display->height > bounds.b) minimumZoomY = (float) bounds.b / display->height;
float minimumZoom = minimumZoomX < minimumZoomY ? minimumZoomX : minimumZoomY;
if (display->zoom < minimumZoom || (display->e.flags & _UI_IMAGE_DISPLAY_ZOOM_FIT)) {
display->zoom = minimumZoom;
display->e.flags |= _UI_IMAGE_DISPLAY_ZOOM_FIT;
if (display->panX < 0) display->panX = 0;
if (display->panY < 0) display->panY = 0;
if (display->panX > display->width - bounds.r / display->zoom) display->panX = display->width - bounds.r / display->zoom;
if (display->panY > display->height - bounds.b / display->zoom) display->panY = display->height - bounds.b / display->zoom;
if (bounds.r && display->width * display->zoom <= bounds.r) display->panX = display->width / 2 - bounds.r / display->zoom / 2;
if (bounds.b && display->height * display->zoom <= bounds.b) display->panY = display->height / 2 - bounds.b / display->zoom / 2;
int _UIImageDisplayMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIImageDisplay *display = (UIImageDisplay *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
return display->height;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH) {
return display->width;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
int w = UI_RECT_WIDTH(element->bounds), h = UI_RECT_HEIGHT(element->bounds);
int x = _UILinearMap(0, display->panX, display->panX + w / display->zoom, 0, w) + element->bounds.l;
int y = _UILinearMap(0, display->panY, display->panY + h / display->zoom, 0, h) + element->bounds.t;
UIRectangle image = UI_RECT_4(x, x + (int) (display->width * display->zoom), y, (int) (y + display->height * display->zoom));
UIRectangle bounds = UIRectangleIntersection(painter->clip, UIRectangleIntersection(display->e.bounds, image));
if (!UI_RECT_VALID(bounds)) return 0;
if (display->zoom == 1) {
uint32_t *lineStart = (uint32_t *) painter->bits + bounds.t * painter->width + bounds.l;
uint32_t *sourceLineStart = display->bits + (bounds.l - image.l) + display->width * (bounds.t - image.t);
for (int i = 0; i < bounds.b - bounds.t; i++, lineStart += painter->width, sourceLineStart += display->width) {
uint32_t *destination = lineStart;
uint32_t *source = sourceLineStart;
int j = bounds.r - bounds.l;
do {
*destination = *source;
} while (--j);
} else {
float zr = 1.0f / display->zoom;
uint32_t *destination = (uint32_t *) painter->bits;
for (int i = bounds.t; i < bounds.b; i++) {
int ty = (i - image.t) * zr;
for (int j = bounds.l; j < bounds.r; j++) {
int tx = (j - image.l) * zr;
destination[i * painter->width + j] = display->bits[ty * display->width + tx];
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL && (element->flags & UI_IMAGE_DISPLAY_INTERACTIVE)) {
display->e.flags &= ~_UI_IMAGE_DISPLAY_ZOOM_FIT;
int divisions = -di / 72;
float factor = 1;
float perDivision = element->window->ctrl ? 2.0f : element->window->alt ? 1.01f : 1.2f;
while (divisions > 0) factor *= perDivision, divisions--;
while (divisions < 0) factor /= perDivision, divisions++;
if (display->zoom * factor > 64) factor = 64 / display->zoom;
int mx = element->window->cursorX - element->bounds.l;
int my = element->window->cursorY - element->bounds.t;
display->zoom *= factor;
display->panX -= mx / display->zoom * (1 - factor);
display->panY -= my / display->zoom * (1 - factor);
UIElementRepaint(&display->e, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT && (element->flags & UI_IMAGE_DISPLAY_INTERACTIVE)) {
UIRectangle bounds = display->e.bounds;
bounds.r -= bounds.l, bounds.b -= bounds.t;
display->panX -= (bounds.r - display->previousWidth ) / 2 / display->zoom;
display->panY -= (bounds.b - display->previousHeight) / 2 / display->zoom;
display->previousWidth = bounds.r, display->previousHeight = bounds.b;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_CURSOR && (element->flags & UI_IMAGE_DISPLAY_INTERACTIVE)
&& (UI_RECT_WIDTH(element->bounds) < display->width * display->zoom
|| UI_RECT_HEIGHT(element->bounds) < display->height * display->zoom)) {
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_DRAG) {
display->panX -= (element->window->cursorX - display->previousPanPointX) / display->zoom;
display->panY -= (element->window->cursorY - display->previousPanPointY) / display->zoom;
display->previousPanPointX = element->window->cursorX;
display->previousPanPointY = element->window->cursorY;
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN) {
display->e.flags &= ~_UI_IMAGE_DISPLAY_ZOOM_FIT;
display->previousPanPointX = element->window->cursorX;
display->previousPanPointY = element->window->cursorY;
return 0;
void UIImageDisplaySetContent(UIImageDisplay *display, uint32_t *bits, size_t width, size_t height, size_t stride) {
display->bits = (uint32_t *) UI_MALLOC(width * height * 4);
display->width = width;
display->height = height;
uint32_t *destination = display->bits;
uint32_t *source = bits;
for (uintptr_t row = 0; row < height; row++, source += stride / 4) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < width; i++) {
*destination++ = source[i];
UIImageDisplay *UIImageDisplayCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags, uint32_t *bits, size_t width, size_t height, size_t stride) {
UIImageDisplay *display = (UIImageDisplay *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIImageDisplay), parent, flags, _UIImageDisplayMessage, "ImageDisplay");
display->zoom = 1.0f;
UIImageDisplaySetContent(display, bits, width, height, stride);
return display;
int _UIDialogWrapperMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT) {
int width = UIElementMessage(element->children, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
int height = UIElementMessage(element->children, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, width, 0);
int cx = (element->bounds.l + element->bounds.r) / 2;
int cy = (element->bounds.t + element->bounds.b) / 2;
UIRectangle bounds = UI_RECT_4(cx - (width + 1) / 2, cx + width / 2, cy - (height + 1) / 2, cy + height / 2);
UIElementMove(element->children, bounds, false);
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIRectangle bounds = UIRectangleAdd(element->children->bounds, UI_RECT_1I(-1));
UIDrawBorder((UIPainter *) dp, bounds, ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1(1));
UIDrawBorder((UIPainter *) dp, UIRectangleAdd(bounds, UI_RECT_1(1)), ui.theme.border, UI_RECT_1(1));
} else if (message == UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED) {
UIKeyTyped *typed = (UIKeyTyped *) dp;
if (element->window->ctrl) return 0;
if (element->window->shift) return 0;
char c0 = 0, c1 = 0;
if (typed->textBytes == 1 && typed->text[0] >= 'a' && typed->text[0] <= 'z') {
c0 = typed->text[0], c1 = typed->text[0] - 'a' + 'A';
} else {
return 0;
UIElement *row = element->children->children;
UIElement *target = NULL;
bool duplicate = false;
while (row) {
UIElement *item = row->children;
while (item) {
if (item->messageClass == _UIButtonMessage) {
UIButton *button = (UIButton *) item;
if (button->label && button->labelBytes && (button->label[0] == c0 || button->label[0] == c1)) {
if (!target) {
target = &button->e;
} else {
duplicate = true;
item = item->next;
row = row->next;
if (target) {
if (duplicate) {
} else {
UIElementMessage(target, UI_MSG_CLICKED, 0, 0);
return 1;
return 0;
void _UIDialogButtonInvoke(void *cp) {
ui.dialogResult = (const char *) cp;
int _UIDialogTextboxMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
if (message == UI_MSG_VALUE_CHANGED) {
UITextbox *textbox = (UITextbox *) element;
char **buffer = (char **) element->cp;
*buffer = (char *) UI_REALLOC(*buffer, textbox->bytes + 1);
(*buffer)[textbox->bytes] = 0;
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < textbox->bytes; i++) {
(*buffer)[i] = textbox->string[i];
return 0;
const char *UIDialogShow(UIWindow *window, uint32_t flags, const char *format, ...) {
// TODO Enter and escape.
// Create the dialog wrapper and panel.
window->dialog = UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIElement), &window->e, 0, _UIDialogWrapperMessage, "DialogWrapper");
UIPanel *panel = UIPanelCreate(window->dialog, UI_PANEL_MEDIUM_SPACING | UI_PANEL_GRAY | UI_PANEL_EXPAND);
panel->border = UI_RECT_1(UI_SIZE_PANE_MEDIUM_BORDER * 2);
window->e.children->flags |= UI_ELEMENT_DISABLED;
// Create the dialog contents.
va_list arguments;
va_start(arguments, format);
UIPanel *row = NULL;
UIElement *focus = NULL;
for (int i = 0; format[i]; i++) {
if (i == 0 || format[i - 1] == '\n') {
row = UIPanelCreate(&panel->e, UI_PANEL_HORIZONTAL);
if (format[i] == ' ' || format[i] == '\n') {
} else if (format[i] == '%') {
if (format[i] == 'b' /* button */) {
const char *label = va_arg(arguments, const char *);
UIButton *button = UIButtonCreate(&row->e, 0, label, -1);
if (!focus) focus = &button->e;
button->invoke = _UIDialogButtonInvoke;
button->e.cp = (void *) label;
} else if (format[i] == 's' /* label from string */) {
const char *label = va_arg(arguments, const char *);
UILabelCreate(&row->e, 0, label, -1);
} else if (format[i] == 't' /* textbox */) {
char **buffer = va_arg(arguments, char **);
UITextbox *textbox = UITextboxCreate(&row->e, UI_ELEMENT_H_FILL);
if (!focus) focus = &textbox->e;
if (*buffer) UITextboxReplace(textbox, *buffer, _UIStringLength(*buffer), false);
textbox->e.cp = buffer;
textbox->e.messageUser = _UIDialogTextboxMessage;
} else if (format[i] == 'f' /* horizontal fill */) {
UISpacerCreate(&row->e, UI_ELEMENT_H_FILL, 0, 0);
} else if (format[i] == 'l' /* horizontal line */) {
UISpacerCreate(&row->e, UI_SPACER_LINE | UI_ELEMENT_H_FILL, 0, 1);
} else if (format[i] == 'u' /* user */) {
UIDialogUserCallback callback = va_arg(arguments, UIDialogUserCallback);
} else {
int j = i;
while (format[j] && format[j] != '%' && format[j] != '\n') j++;
UILabelCreate(&row->e, 0, format + i, j - i);
i = j - 1;
window->dialogOldFocus = window->focused;
UIElementFocus(focus ? focus : window->dialog);
// Run the modal message loop.
int result;
ui.dialogResult = NULL;
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) _UIWindowSetPressed(window, NULL, i);
while (!ui.dialogResult && _UIMessageLoopSingle(&result));
ui.quit = !ui.dialogResult;
// Destroy the dialog.
window->e.children->flags &= ~UI_ELEMENT_DISABLED;
window->dialog = NULL;
if (window->dialogOldFocus) UIElementFocus(window->dialogOldFocus);
return ui.dialogResult ? ui.dialogResult : "";
bool _UIMenusClose() {
UIWindow *window =;
bool anyClosed = false;
while (window) {
if (window->e.flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU) {
anyClosed = true;
window = window->next;
return anyClosed;
#ifndef UI_ESSENCE
int _UIMenuItemMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
if (message == UI_MSG_CLICKED) {
return 0;
int _UIMenuMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UIMenu *menu = (UIMenu *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH) {
UIElement *child = element->children;
int width = 0;
while (child) {
if (~child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT) {
int w = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
if (w > width) width = w;
child = child->next;
return width + 4 + UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT) {
UIElement *child = element->children;
int height = 0;
while (child) {
if (~child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT) {
height += UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
child = child->next;
return height + 4;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
UIDrawBlock((UIPainter *) dp, element->bounds, ui.theme.border);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT) {
UIElement *child = element->children;
int position = element->bounds.t + 2 - menu->vScroll->position;
int totalHeight = 0;
int scrollBarSize = (menu->e.flags & UI_MENU_NO_SCROLL) ? 0 : UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR;
while (child) {
if (~child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT) {
int height = UIElementMessage(child, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
UIElementMove(child, UI_RECT_4(element->bounds.l + 2, element->bounds.r - scrollBarSize - 2,
position, position + height), false);
position += height;
totalHeight += height;
child = child->next;
UIRectangle scrollBarBounds = element->bounds;
scrollBarBounds.l = scrollBarBounds.r - scrollBarSize * element->window->scale;
menu->vScroll->maximum = totalHeight;
menu->vScroll->page = UI_RECT_HEIGHT(element->bounds);
UIElementMove(&menu->vScroll->e, scrollBarBounds, true);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED) {
UIKeyTyped *m = (UIKeyTyped *) dp;
if (m->code == UI_KEYCODE_ESCAPE) {
return 1;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL) {
return UIElementMessage(&menu->vScroll->e, message, di, dp);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_SCROLLED) {
return 0;
void UIMenuAddItem(UIMenu *menu, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes, void (*invoke)(void *cp), void *cp) {
UIButton *button = UIButtonCreate(&menu->e, flags | UI_BUTTON_MENU_ITEM, label, labelBytes);
button->invoke = invoke;
button->e.messageUser = _UIMenuItemMessage;
button->e.cp = cp;
void _UIMenuPrepare(UIMenu *menu, int *width, int *height) {
*width = UIElementMessage(&menu->e, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
*height = UIElementMessage(&menu->e, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
if (menu->e.flags & UI_MENU_PLACE_ABOVE) {
menu->pointY -= *height;
UIMenu *UIMenuCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
UIWindow *window = UIWindowCreate(parent->window, UI_WINDOW_MENU, 0, 0, 0);
UIMenu *menu = (UIMenu *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIMenu), &window->e, flags, _UIMenuMessage, "Menu");
menu->vScroll = UIScrollBarCreate(&menu->e, UI_ELEMENT_NON_CLIENT);
if (parent->parent) {
UIRectangle screenBounds = UIElementScreenBounds(parent);
menu->pointX = screenBounds.l;
menu->pointY = (flags & UI_MENU_PLACE_ABOVE) ? (screenBounds.t + 1) : (screenBounds.b - 1);
} else {
int x = 0, y = 0;
_UIWindowGetScreenPosition(parent->window, &x, &y);
menu->pointX = parent->window->cursorX + x;
menu->pointY = parent->window->cursorY + y;
return menu;
UIRectangle UIElementScreenBounds(UIElement *element) {
int x = 0, y = 0;
_UIWindowGetScreenPosition(element->window, &x, &y);
return UIRectangleAdd(element->bounds, UI_RECT_2(x, y));
void UIWindowRegisterShortcut(UIWindow *window, UIShortcut shortcut) {
if (window->shortcutCount + 1 > window->shortcutAllocated) {
window->shortcutAllocated = (window->shortcutCount + 1) * 2;
window->shortcuts = (UIShortcut *) UI_REALLOC(window->shortcuts, window->shortcutAllocated * sizeof(UIShortcut));
window->shortcuts[window->shortcutCount++] = shortcut;
void _UIElementPaint(UIElement *element, UIPainter *painter) {
if (element->flags & UI_ELEMENT_HIDE) {
// Clip painting to the element's clip.
painter->clip = UIRectangleIntersection(element->clip, painter->clip);
if (!UI_RECT_VALID(painter->clip)) {
// Paint the element.
UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_PAINT, 0, painter);
// Paint its children.
UIElement *child = element->children;
UIRectangle previousClip = painter->clip;
while (child) {
painter->clip = previousClip;
_UIElementPaint(child, painter);
child = child->next;
void UIElementFocus(UIElement *element) {
UIElement *previous = element->window->focused;
if (previous == element) return;
element->window->focused = element;
if (previous) UIElementMessage(previous, UI_MSG_UPDATE, UI_UPDATE_FOCUSED, 0);
if (element) UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_UPDATE, UI_UPDATE_FOCUSED, 0);
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
void _UIWindowSetPressed(UIWindow *window, UIElement *element, int button) {
UIElement *previous = window->pressed;
window->pressed = element;
window->pressedButton = button;
if (previous) UIElementMessage(previous, UI_MSG_UPDATE, UI_UPDATE_PRESSED, 0);
if (element) UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_UPDATE, UI_UPDATE_PRESSED, 0);
UIElement *ancestor = element;
UIElement *child = NULL;
while (ancestor) {
UIElementMessage(ancestor, UI_MSG_PRESSED_DESCENDENT, 0, child);
child = ancestor;
ancestor = ancestor->parent;
bool _UIDestroy(UIElement *element) {
if (element->flags & UI_ELEMENT_DESTROY_DESCENDENT) {
UIElement *child = element->children;
UIElement **link = &element->children;
while (child) {
UIElement *next = child->next;
if (_UIDestroy(child)) {
*link = next;
} else {
link = &child->next;
child = next;
if (element->flags & UI_ELEMENT_DESTROY) {
UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_DESTROY, 0, 0);
if (element->window->pressed == element) {
_UIWindowSetPressed(element->window, NULL, 0);
if (element->window->hovered == element) {
element->window->hovered = &element->window->e;
if (element->window->focused == element) {
element->window->focused = NULL;
if (element->window->dialogOldFocus == element) {
element->window->dialogOldFocus = NULL;
if (ui.animating == element) {
ui.animating = NULL;
return true;
} else {
return false;
void _UIUpdate() {
UIWindow *window =;
UIWindow **link = &;
while (window) {
UIWindow *next = window->next;
if (_UIDestroy(&window->e)) {
*link = next;
} else {
link = &window->next;
if (UI_RECT_VALID(window->updateRegion)) {
#ifdef __cplusplus
UIPainter painter = {};
UIPainter painter = { 0 };
painter.bits = window->bits;
painter.width = window->width;
painter.height = window->height;
painter.clip = UIRectangleIntersection(UI_RECT_2S(window->width, window->height), window->updateRegion);
_UIElementPaint(&window->e, &painter);
_UIWindowEndPaint(window, &painter);
window->updateRegion = UI_RECT_1(0);
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
window->lastFullFillCount = (float) painter.fillCount / (UI_RECT_WIDTH(window->updateRegion) * UI_RECT_HEIGHT(window->updateRegion));
window = next;
UIElement *UIElementFindByPoint(UIElement *element, int x, int y) {
UIFindByPoint m = { 0 };
m.x = x, m.y = y;
if (UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_FIND_BY_POINT, 0, &m)) {
return m.result ? m.result : element;
UIElement *child = element->children;
while (child) {
if ((~child->flags & UI_ELEMENT_HIDE) && UIRectangleContains(child->clip, x, y)) {
return UIElementFindByPoint(child, x, y);
child = child->next;
return element;
void _UIProcessAnimations() {
if (ui.animating) {
UIElementMessage(ui.animating, UI_MSG_ANIMATE, 0, 0);
bool _UIMenusOpen() {
UIWindow *window =;
while (window) {
if (window->e.flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU) {
return true;
window = window->next;
return false;
void _UIWindowDestroyCommon(UIWindow *window) {
UIElement *_UIElementLastChild(UIElement *element) {
if (!element->children) {
return NULL;
UIElement *child = element->children;
while (child->next) {
child = child->next;
return child;
UIElement *_UIElementPreviousSibling(UIElement *element) {
if (!element->parent) {
return NULL;
UIElement *sibling = element->parent->children;
if (sibling == element) {
return NULL;
while (sibling->next != element) {
sibling = sibling->next;
return sibling;
bool _UIWindowInputEvent(UIWindow *window, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
bool handled = true;
if (window->pressed) {
if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE) {
UIElementMessage(window->pressed, UI_MSG_MOUSE_DRAG, di, dp);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_UP && window->pressedButton == 1) {
if (window->hovered == window->pressed) {
UIElementMessage(window->pressed, UI_MSG_CLICKED, di, dp);
if (ui.quit || ui.dialogResult) goto end;
if (window->pressed) {
UIElementMessage(window->pressed, UI_MSG_LEFT_UP, di, dp);
if (ui.quit || ui.dialogResult) goto end;
_UIWindowSetPressed(window, NULL, 1);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MIDDLE_UP && window->pressedButton == 2) {
UIElementMessage(window->pressed, UI_MSG_MIDDLE_UP, di, dp);
if (ui.quit || ui.dialogResult) goto end;
_UIWindowSetPressed(window, NULL, 2);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_RIGHT_UP && window->pressedButton == 3) {
UIElementMessage(window->pressed, UI_MSG_RIGHT_UP, di, dp);
if (ui.quit || ui.dialogResult) goto end;
_UIWindowSetPressed(window, NULL, 3);
if (window->pressed) {
bool inside = UIRectangleContains(window->pressed->clip, window->cursorX, window->cursorY);
if (inside && window->hovered == &window->e) {
window->hovered = window->pressed;
UIElementMessage(window->pressed, UI_MSG_UPDATE, UI_UPDATE_HOVERED, 0);
} else if (!inside && window->hovered == window->pressed) {
window->hovered = &window->e;
UIElementMessage(window->pressed, UI_MSG_UPDATE, UI_UPDATE_HOVERED, 0);
if (ui.quit || ui.dialogResult) goto end;
if (!window->pressed) {
UIElement *hovered = UIElementFindByPoint(&window->e, window->cursorX, window->cursorY);
if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE) {
UIElementMessage(hovered, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, di, dp);
int cursor = UIElementMessage(window->hovered, UI_MSG_GET_CURSOR, di, dp);
if (cursor != window->cursorStyle) {
window->cursorStyle = cursor;
_UIWindowSetCursor(window, cursor);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN) {
if ((window->e.flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU) || !_UIMenusClose()) {
_UIWindowSetPressed(window, hovered, 1);
UIElementMessage(hovered, UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN, di, dp);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MIDDLE_DOWN) {
if ((window->e.flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU) || !_UIMenusClose()) {
_UIWindowSetPressed(window, hovered, 2);
UIElementMessage(hovered, UI_MSG_MIDDLE_DOWN, di, dp);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_RIGHT_DOWN) {
if ((window->e.flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU) || !_UIMenusClose()) {
_UIWindowSetPressed(window, hovered, 3);
UIElementMessage(hovered, UI_MSG_RIGHT_DOWN, di, dp);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL) {
UIElement *element = hovered;
while (element) {
if (UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL, di, dp)) {
element = element->parent;
} else if (message == UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED) {
handled = false;
if (window->focused) {
UIElement *element = window->focused;
while (element) {
if (UIElementMessage(element, UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED, di, dp)) {
handled = true;
element = element->parent;
} else {
if (UIElementMessage(&window->e, UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED, di, dp)) {
handled = true;
if (!handled && !_UIMenusOpen()) {
UIKeyTyped *m = (UIKeyTyped *) dp;
if (m->code == UI_KEYCODE_TAB && !window->ctrl && !window->alt) {
UIElement *start = window->focused ? window->focused : &window->e;
UIElement *element = start;
do {
if (element->children && !(element->flags & (UI_ELEMENT_HIDE | UI_ELEMENT_DISABLED))) {
element = window->shift ? _UIElementLastChild(element) : element->children;
while (element) {
if (window->shift ? (element->parent && element->parent->children != element) : !!element->next) {
element = window->shift ? _UIElementPreviousSibling(element) : element->next;
} else {
element = element->parent;
if (!element) {
element = &window->e;
} while (element != start && ((~element->flags & UI_ELEMENT_TAB_STOP)
|| (element->flags & (UI_ELEMENT_HIDE | UI_ELEMENT_DISABLED))));
if (~element->flags & UI_ELEMENT_WINDOW) {
handled = true;
} else if (!window->dialog) {
for (intptr_t i = window->shortcutCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
UIShortcut *shortcut = window->shortcuts + i;
if (shortcut->code == m->code && shortcut->ctrl == window->ctrl
&& shortcut->shift == window->shift && shortcut->alt == window->alt) {
handled = true;
if (ui.quit || ui.dialogResult) goto end;
if (hovered != window->hovered) {
UIElement *previous = window->hovered;
window->hovered = hovered;
UIElementMessage(previous, UI_MSG_UPDATE, UI_UPDATE_HOVERED, 0);
UIElementMessage(window->hovered, UI_MSG_UPDATE, UI_UPDATE_HOVERED, 0);
end: _UIUpdate();
return handled;
UIFont *UIFontCreate(const char *cPath, uint32_t size) {
UIFont *font = (UIFont *) UI_CALLOC(sizeof(UIFont));
if (cPath) {
if (!FT_New_Face(ui.ft, cPath, 0, &font->font)) {
FT_Set_Char_Size(font->font, 0, size * 64, 100, 100);
FT_Load_Char(font->font, 'a', FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
font->glyphWidth = font->font->glyph->advance.x / 64;
font->glyphHeight = (font->font->size->metrics.ascender - font->font->size->metrics.descender) / 64;
font->isFreeType = true;
return font;
font->glyphWidth = 9;
font->glyphHeight = 16;
return font;
UIFont *UIFontActivate(UIFont *font) {
UIFont *previous = ui.activeFont;
ui.activeFont = font;
return previous;
void _UIInitialiseCommon() {
ui.theme = _uiThemeDark;
UIFontActivate(UIFontCreate(_UI_TO_STRING_2(UI_FONT_PATH), 11));
UIFontActivate(UIFontCreate(0, 0));
void _UIWindowAdd(UIWindow *window) {
window->scale = 1.0f;
window->e.window = window;
window->hovered = &window->e;
window->next =; = window;
int _UIWindowMessageCommon(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
if (message == UI_MSG_LAYOUT && element->children) {
UIElementMove(element->children, element->bounds, false);
if (element->window->dialog) UIElementMove(element->window->dialog, element->bounds, false);
UIElementRepaint(element, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_FIND_BY_POINT) {
UIFindByPoint *m = (UIFindByPoint *) dp;
if (element->window->dialog) m->result = UIElementFindByPoint(element->window->dialog, m->x, m->y);
else if (!element->children) m->result = NULL;
else m->result = UIElementFindByPoint(element->children, m->x, m->y);
return 1;
return 0;
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
void UIInspectorLog(const char *cFormat, ...) {
va_list arguments;
va_start(arguments, cFormat);
char buffer[4096];
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), cFormat, arguments);
UICodeInsertContent(ui.inspectorLog, buffer, -1, false);
UIElement *_UIInspectorFindNthElement(UIElement *element, int *index, int *depth) {
if (*index == 0) {
return element;
*index = *index - 1;
UIElement *child = element->children;
while (child) {
if (!(child->flags & (UI_ELEMENT_DESTROY | UI_ELEMENT_HIDE))) {
UIElement *result = _UIInspectorFindNthElement(child, index, depth);
if (result) {
if (depth) {
*depth = *depth + 1;
return result;
child = child->next;
return NULL;
int _UIInspectorTableMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
if (!ui.inspectorTarget) {
return 0;
if (message == UI_MSG_TABLE_GET_ITEM) {
UITableGetItem *m = (UITableGetItem *) dp;
int index = m->index;
int depth = 0;
UIElement *element = _UIInspectorFindNthElement(&ui.inspectorTarget->e, &index, &depth);
if (!element) return 0;
if (m->column == 0) {
return snprintf(m->buffer, m->bufferBytes, "%.*s%s", depth * 2, " ", element->cClassName);
} else if (m->column == 1) {
return snprintf(m->buffer, m->bufferBytes, "%d:%d, %d:%d", UI_RECT_ALL(element->bounds));
} else if (m->column == 2) {
return snprintf(m->buffer, m->bufferBytes, "%d%c", element->id, element->window->focused == element ? '*' : ' ');
} else if (message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE) {
int index = UITableHitTest(ui.inspectorTable, element->window->cursorX, element->window->cursorY);
UIElement *element = NULL;
if (index >= 0) element = _UIInspectorFindNthElement(&ui.inspectorTarget->e, &index, NULL);
UIWindow *window = ui.inspectorTarget;
UIPainter painter = { 0 };
window->updateRegion = window->e.bounds;
painter.bits = window->bits;
painter.width = window->width;
painter.height = window->height;
painter.clip = UI_RECT_2S(window->width, window->height);
for (int i = 0; i < window->width * window->height; i++) {
window->bits[i] = 0xFF00FF;
_UIElementPaint(&window->e, &painter);
painter.clip = UI_RECT_2S(window->width, window->height);
if (element) {
UIDrawInvert(&painter, element->bounds);
UIDrawInvert(&painter, UIRectangleAdd(element->bounds, UI_RECT_1I(4)));
_UIWindowEndPaint(window, &painter);
return 0;
void _UIInspectorCreate() {
ui.inspector = UIWindowCreate(0, UI_WINDOW_INSPECTOR, "Inspector", 0, 0);
UISplitPane *splitPane = UISplitPaneCreate(&ui.inspector->e, 0, 0.5f);
ui.inspectorTable = UITableCreate(&splitPane->e, 0, "Class\tBounds\tID");
ui.inspectorTable->e.messageUser = _UIInspectorTableMessage;
ui.inspectorLog = UICodeCreate(&splitPane->e, 0);
int _UIInspectorCountElements(UIElement *element) {
UIElement *child = element->children;
int count = 1;
while (child) {
if (!(child->flags & (UI_ELEMENT_DESTROY | UI_ELEMENT_HIDE))) {
count += _UIInspectorCountElements(child);
child = child->next;
return count;
void _UIInspectorRefresh() {
if (!ui.inspectorTarget || !ui.inspector || !ui.inspectorTable) return;
ui.inspectorTable->itemCount = _UIInspectorCountElements(&ui.inspectorTarget->e);
void _UIInspectorSetFocusedWindow(UIWindow *window) {
if (!ui.inspector || !ui.inspectorTable) return;
if (window->e.flags & UI_WINDOW_INSPECTOR) {
if (ui.inspectorTarget != window) {
ui.inspectorTarget = window;
void _UIInspectorCreate() {}
void _UIInspectorSetFocusedWindow(UIWindow *window) {}
void _UIInspectorRefresh() {}
int UIAutomationRunTests();
void UIAutomationProcessMessage() {
int result;
void UIAutomationKeyboardTypeSingle(intptr_t code, bool ctrl, bool shift, bool alt) {
UIWindow *window =; // TODO Get the focused window.
UIKeyTyped m = { 0 };
m.code = code;
window->ctrl = ctrl;
window->alt = alt;
window->shift = shift;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED, 0, &m);
window->ctrl = false;
window->alt = false;
window->shift = false;
void UIAutomationKeyboardType(const char *string) {
UIWindow *window =; // TODO Get the focused window.
UIKeyTyped m = { 0 };
char c[2];
m.text = c;
m.textBytes = 1;
c[1] = 0;
for (int i = 0; string[i]; i++) {
window->ctrl = false;
window->alt = false;
window->shift = (c[0] >= 'A' && c[0] <= 'Z');
c[0] = string[i];
m.code = (c[0] >= 'A' && c[0] <= 'Z') ? UI_KEYCODE_LETTER(c[0])
: c[0] == '\n' ? UI_KEYCODE_ENTER
: c[0] == '\t' ? UI_KEYCODE_TAB
: c[0] == ' ' ? UI_KEYCODE_SPACE
: (c[0] >= '0' && c[0] <= '9') ? UI_KEYCODE_DIGIT(c[0]) : 0;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED, 0, &m);
window->ctrl = false;
window->alt = false;
window->shift = false;
bool UIAutomationCheckCodeLineMatches(UICode *code, int lineIndex, const char *input) {
if (lineIndex < 1 || lineIndex > code->lineCount) return false;
int bytes = 0;
for (int i = 0; input[i]; i++) bytes++;
if (bytes != code->lines[lineIndex - 1].bytes) return false;
for (int i = 0; input[i]; i++) if (code->content[code->lines[lineIndex - 1].offset + i] != input[i]) return false;
return true;
bool UIAutomationCheckTableItemMatches(UITable *table, int row, int column, const char *input) {
int bytes = 0;
for (int i = 0; input[i]; i++) bytes++;
if (row < 0 || row >= table->itemCount) return false;
if (column < 0 || column >= table->columnCount) return false;
char *buffer = (char *) UI_MALLOC(bytes + 1);
UITableGetItem m = { 0 };
m.buffer = buffer;
m.bufferBytes = bytes + 1;
m.column = column;
m.index = row;
int length = UIElementMessage(&table->e, UI_MSG_TABLE_GET_ITEM, 0, &m);
if (length != bytes) return false;
for (int i = 0; input[i]; i++) if (buffer[i] != input[i]) return false;
return true;
int UIMessageLoop() {
return UIAutomationRunTests();
int result = 0;
while (!ui.quit && _UIMessageLoopSingle(&result)) ui.dialogResult = NULL;
return result;
#ifdef UI_LINUX
const int UI_KEYCODE_A = XK_a;
const int UI_KEYCODE_BACKSPACE = XK_BackSpace;
const int UI_KEYCODE_DELETE = XK_Delete;
const int UI_KEYCODE_DOWN = XK_Down;
const int UI_KEYCODE_END = XK_End;
const int UI_KEYCODE_ENTER = XK_Return;
const int UI_KEYCODE_ESCAPE = XK_Escape;
const int UI_KEYCODE_F1 = XK_F1;
const int UI_KEYCODE_HOME = XK_Home;
const int UI_KEYCODE_LEFT = XK_Left;
const int UI_KEYCODE_RIGHT = XK_Right;
const int UI_KEYCODE_SPACE = XK_space;
const int UI_KEYCODE_TAB = XK_Tab;
const int UI_KEYCODE_UP = XK_Up;
const int UI_KEYCODE_INSERT = XK_Insert;
const int UI_KEYCODE_0 = XK_0;
int _UIWindowMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
UIWindow *window = (UIWindow *) element;
window->image->data = NULL;
XDestroyWindow(ui.display, ((UIWindow *) element)->window);
return _UIWindowMessageCommon(element, message, di, dp);
UIWindow *UIWindowCreate(UIWindow *owner, uint32_t flags, const char *cTitle, int _width, int _height) {
UIWindow *window = (UIWindow *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIWindow), NULL, flags | UI_ELEMENT_WINDOW, _UIWindowMessage, "Window");
if (owner) window->scale = owner->scale;
int width = (flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU) ? 1 : _width ? _width : 800;
int height = (flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU) ? 1 : _height ? _height : 600;
XSetWindowAttributes attributes = {};
attributes.override_redirect = flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU;
window->window = XCreateWindow(ui.display, DefaultRootWindow(ui.display), 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0,
InputOutput, CopyFromParent, CWOverrideRedirect, &attributes);
if (cTitle) XStoreName(ui.display, window->window, cTitle);
XSelectInput(ui.display, window->window, SubstructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask | PointerMotionMask
| ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | StructureNotifyMask
| EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | ButtonMotionMask | KeymapStateMask | FocusChangeMask | PropertyChangeMask);
if (flags & UI_WINDOW_MAXIMIZE) {
Atom atoms[2] = { XInternAtom(ui.display, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ", 0), XInternAtom(ui.display, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT", 0) };
XChangeProperty(ui.display, window->window, XInternAtom(ui.display, "_NET_WM_STATE", 0), XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) atoms, 2);
if (~flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU) {
XMapRaised(ui.display, window->window);
int x = 0, y = 0;
_UIWindowGetScreenPosition(owner, &x, &y);
XMoveResizeWindow(ui.display, window->window, x + owner->width / 2 - width / 2, y + owner->height / 2 - height / 2, width, height);
XSetWMProtocols(ui.display, window->window, &ui.windowClosedID, 1);
window->image = XCreateImage(ui.display, ui.visual, 24, ZPixmap, 0, NULL, 10, 10, 32, 0);
window->xic = XCreateIC(ui.xim, XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing, XNClientWindow, window->window, XNFocusWindow, window->window, NULL);
int dndVersion = 4;
XChangeProperty(ui.display, window->window, ui.dndAwareID, XA_ATOM, 32 /* bits */, PropModeReplace, (uint8_t *) &dndVersion, 1);
return window;
Display *_UIX11GetDisplay() {
return ui.display;
UIWindow *_UIFindWindow(Window window) {
UIWindow *w =;
while (w) {
if (w->window == window) {
return w;
w = w->next;
return NULL;
void _UIClipboardWriteText(UIWindow *window, char *text) {
ui.pasteText = text;
XSetSelectionOwner(ui.display, ui.clipboardID, window->window, 0);
char *_UIClipboardReadTextStart(UIWindow *window, size_t *bytes) {
Window clipboardOwner = XGetSelectionOwner(ui.display, ui.clipboardID);
if (clipboardOwner == None) {
return NULL;
if (_UIFindWindow(clipboardOwner)) {
*bytes = strlen(ui.pasteText);
char *copy = (char *) UI_MALLOC(*bytes);
memcpy(copy, ui.pasteText, *bytes);
return copy;
XConvertSelection(ui.display, ui.clipboardID, XA_STRING, ui.xSelectionDataID, window->window, CurrentTime);
XSync(ui.display, 0);
XNextEvent(ui.display, &ui.copyEvent);
// Hack to get around the fact that PropertyNotify arrives before SelectionNotify.
// We need PropertyNotify for incremental transfers.
while (ui.copyEvent.type == PropertyNotify) {
XNextEvent(ui.display, &ui.copyEvent);
if (ui.copyEvent.type == SelectionNotify && ui.copyEvent.xselection.selection == ui.clipboardID && {
Atom target;
// This `itemAmount` is actually `bytes_after_return`
unsigned long size, itemAmount;
char *data;
int format;
XGetWindowProperty(ui.copyEvent.xselection.display, ui.copyEvent.xselection.requestor,, 0L, ~0L, 0,
AnyPropertyType, &target, &format, &size, &itemAmount, (unsigned char **) &data);
// We have to allocate for incremental transfers but we don't have to allocate for non-incremental transfers.
// I'm allocating for both here to make _UIClipboardReadTextEnd work the same for both
if (target != ui.incrID) {
*bytes = size;
char *copy = (char *) UI_MALLOC(*bytes);
memcpy(copy, data, *bytes);
XDeleteProperty(ui.copyEvent.xselection.display, ui.copyEvent.xselection.requestor,;
return copy;
XDeleteProperty(ui.display, ui.copyEvent.xselection.requestor,;
XSync(ui.display, 0);
*bytes = 0;
char *fullData = NULL;
while (true) {
// TODO Timeout.
XNextEvent(ui.display, &ui.copyEvent);
if (ui.copyEvent.type == PropertyNotify) {
// The other case - PropertyDelete would be caused by us and can be ignored
if (ui.copyEvent.xproperty.state == PropertyNewValue) {
unsigned long chunkSize;
// Note that this call deletes the property.
XGetWindowProperty(ui.display, ui.copyEvent.xproperty.window, ui.copyEvent.xproperty.atom, 0L, ~0L,
True, AnyPropertyType, &target, &format, &chunkSize, &itemAmount, (unsigned char **) &data);
if (chunkSize == 0) {
return fullData;
} else {
ptrdiff_t currentOffset = *bytes;
*bytes += chunkSize;
fullData = (char *) UI_REALLOC(fullData, *bytes);
memcpy(fullData + currentOffset, data, chunkSize);
} else {
// TODO What should happen in this case? Is the next event always going to be the selection event?
return NULL;
void _UIClipboardReadTextEnd(UIWindow *window, char *text) {
if (text) {
//XDeleteProperty(ui.copyEvent.xselection.display, ui.copyEvent.xselection.requestor,;
void UIInitialise() {
ui.display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
ui.visual = XDefaultVisual(ui.display, 0);
ui.windowClosedID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", 0);
ui.primaryID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "PRIMARY", 0);
ui.dndEnterID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndEnter", 0);
ui.dndPositionID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndPosition", 0);
ui.dndStatusID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndStatus", 0);
ui.dndActionCopyID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndActionCopy", 0);
ui.dndDropID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndDrop", 0);
ui.dndSelectionID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndSelection", 0);
ui.dndFinishedID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndFinished", 0);
ui.dndAwareID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndAware", 0);
ui.uriListID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "text/uri-list", 0);
ui.plainTextID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "text/plain", 0);
ui.clipboardID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "CLIPBOARD", 0);
ui.xSelectionDataID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XSEL_DATA", 0);
ui.textID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "TEXT", 0);
ui.targetID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "TARGETS", 0);
ui.incrID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "INCR", 0);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_ARROW] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_left_ptr);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_TEXT] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_xterm);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_SPLIT_V] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_sb_v_double_arrow);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_SPLIT_H] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_sb_h_double_arrow);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_FLIPPED_ARROW] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_right_ptr);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_CROSS_HAIR] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_crosshair);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_HAND] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_hand1);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_UP] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_top_side);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_LEFT] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_left_side);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_UP_RIGHT] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_top_right_corner);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_UP_LEFT] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_top_left_corner);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_DOWN] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_bottom_side);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_RIGHT] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_right_side);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_DOWN_LEFT] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_bottom_left_corner);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_DOWN_RIGHT] = XCreateFontCursor(ui.display, XC_bottom_right_corner);
ui.xim = XOpenIM(ui.display, 0, 0, 0);
ui.xim = XOpenIM(ui.display, 0, 0, 0);
void _UIWindowSetCursor(UIWindow *window, int cursor) {
XDefineCursor(ui.display, window->window, ui.cursors[cursor]);
void _UIX11ResetCursor(UIWindow *window) {
XDefineCursor(ui.display, window->window, ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_ARROW]);
void _UIWindowEndPaint(UIWindow *window, UIPainter *painter) {
(void) painter;
XPutImage(ui.display, window->window, DefaultGC(ui.display, 0), window->image,
UI_RECT_TOP_LEFT(window->updateRegion), UI_RECT_TOP_LEFT(window->updateRegion),
void _UIWindowGetScreenPosition(UIWindow *window, int *_x, int *_y) {
Window child;
XTranslateCoordinates(ui.display, window->window, DefaultRootWindow(ui.display), 0, 0, _x, _y, &child);
void UIMenuShow(UIMenu *menu) {
int width, height;
_UIMenuPrepare(menu, &width, &height);
for (int i = 0; i < ScreenCount(ui.display); i++) {
Screen *screen = ScreenOfDisplay(ui.display, i);
int x, y;
Window child;
XTranslateCoordinates(ui.display, screen->root, DefaultRootWindow(ui.display), 0, 0, &x, &y, &child);
if (menu->pointX >= x && menu->pointX < x + screen->width
&& menu->pointY >= y && menu->pointY < y + screen->height) {
if (menu->pointX + width > x + screen->width) menu->pointX = x + screen->width - width;
if (menu->pointY + height > y + screen->height) menu->pointY = y + screen->height - height;
if (menu->pointX < x) menu->pointX = x;
if (menu->pointY < y) menu->pointY = y;
if (menu->pointX + width > x + screen->width) width = x + screen->width - menu->pointX;
if (menu->pointY + height > y + screen->height) height = y + screen->height - menu->pointY;
Atom properties[] = {
XInternAtom(ui.display, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", true),
XInternAtom(ui.display, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DROPDOWN_MENU", true),
XInternAtom(ui.display, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", true),
XChangeProperty(ui.display, menu->e.window->window, properties[0], XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (uint8_t *) properties, 2);
XSetTransientForHint(ui.display, menu->e.window->window, DefaultRootWindow(ui.display));
struct Hints {
int flags;
int functions;
int decorations;
int inputMode;
int status;
struct Hints hints = { 0 };
hints.flags = 2;
XChangeProperty(ui.display, menu->e.window->window, properties[2], properties[2], 32, PropModeReplace, (uint8_t *) &hints, 5);
XMapWindow(ui.display, menu->e.window->window);
XMoveResizeWindow(ui.display, menu->e.window->window, menu->pointX, menu->pointY, width, height);
void UIWindowPack(UIWindow *window, int _width) {
int width = _width ? _width : UIElementMessage(window->e.children, UI_MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0);
int height = UIElementMessage(window->e.children, UI_MSG_GET_HEIGHT, width, 0);
XResizeWindow(ui.display, window->window, width, height);
bool _UIProcessEvent(XEvent *event) {
if (event->type == ClientMessage && (Atom) event->[0] == ui.windowClosedID) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xclient.window);
if (!window) return false;
bool exit = !UIElementMessage(&window->e, UI_MSG_WINDOW_CLOSE, 0, 0);
if (exit) return true;
return false;
} else if (event->type == Expose) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xexpose.window);
if (!window) return false;
XPutImage(ui.display, window->window, DefaultGC(ui.display, 0), window->image, 0, 0, 0, 0, window->width, window->height);
} else if (event->type == ConfigureNotify) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xconfigure.window);
if (!window) return false;
if (window->width != event->xconfigure.width || window->height != event->xconfigure.height) {
window->width = event->xconfigure.width;
window->height = event->xconfigure.height;
window->bits = (uint32_t *) UI_REALLOC(window->bits, window->width * window->height * 4);
window->image->width = window->width;
window->image->height = window->height;
window->image->bytes_per_line = window->width * 4;
window->image->data = (char *) window->bits;
window->e.bounds = UI_RECT_2S(window->width, window->height);
window->e.clip = UI_RECT_2S(window->width, window->height);
#ifdef UI_DEBUG
for (int i = 0; i < window->width * window->height; i++) window->bits[i] = 0xFF00FF;
UIElementMessage(&window->e, UI_MSG_LAYOUT, 0, 0);
} else if (event->type == MotionNotify) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xmotion.window);
if (!window) return false;
window->cursorX = event->xmotion.x;
window->cursorY = event->xmotion.y;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);
} else if (event->type == LeaveNotify) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xcrossing.window);
if (!window) return false;
if (!window->pressed) {
window->cursorX = -1;
window->cursorY = -1;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);
} else if (event->type == ButtonPress || event->type == ButtonRelease) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xbutton.window);
if (!window) return false;
window->cursorX = event->xbutton.x;
window->cursorY = event->xbutton.y;
if (event->xbutton.button >= 1 && event->xbutton.button <= 3) {
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, (UIMessage) ((event->type == ButtonPress ? UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN : UI_MSG_LEFT_UP)
+ event->xbutton.button * 2 - 2), 0, 0);
} else if (event->xbutton.button == 4) {
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL, -72, 0);
} else if (event->xbutton.button == 5) {
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL, 72, 0);
} else if (event->type == KeyPress) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xkey.window);
if (!window) return false;
if (event->xkey.x == 0x7123 && event->xkey.y == 0x7456) {
// HACK! See UIWindowPostMessage.
UIElementMessage(&window->e, (UIMessage) event->xkey.state, 0,
(void *) (((uintptr_t) (event->xkey.time & 0xFFFFFFFF) << 32)
| ((uintptr_t) (event->xkey.x_root & 0xFFFF) << 0)
| ((uintptr_t) (event->xkey.y_root & 0xFFFF) << 16)));
} else {
char text[32];
KeySym symbol = NoSymbol;
Status status;
// printf("%ld, %s\n", symbol, text);
UIKeyTyped m = { 0 };
m.textBytes = Xutf8LookupString(window->xic, &event->xkey, text, sizeof(text) - 1, &symbol, &status);
m.text = text;
m.code = XLookupKeysym(&event->xkey, 0);
if (symbol == XK_Control_L || symbol == XK_Control_R) {
window->ctrl = true;
window->ctrlCode = event->xkey.keycode;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);
} else if (symbol == XK_Shift_L || symbol == XK_Shift_R) {
window->shift = true;
window->shiftCode = event->xkey.keycode;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);
} else if (symbol == XK_Alt_L || symbol == XK_Alt_R) {
window->alt = true;
window->altCode = event->xkey.keycode;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);
} else if (symbol == XK_KP_Left) {
} else if (symbol == XK_KP_Right) {
} else if (symbol == XK_KP_Up) {
m.code = UI_KEYCODE_UP;
} else if (symbol == XK_KP_Down) {
} else if (symbol == XK_KP_Home) {
} else if (symbol == XK_KP_End) {
m.code = UI_KEYCODE_END;
} else if (symbol == XK_KP_Enter) {
} else if (symbol == XK_KP_Delete) {
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED, 0, &m);
} else if (event->type == KeyRelease) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xkey.window);
if (!window) return false;
if (event->xkey.keycode == window->ctrlCode) {
window->ctrl = false;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);
} else if (event->xkey.keycode == window->shiftCode) {
window->shift = false;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);
} else if (event->xkey.keycode == window->altCode) {
window->alt = false;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);
} else if (event->type == FocusIn) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xfocus.window);
if (!window) return false;
window->ctrl = window->shift = window->alt = false;
UIElementMessage(&window->e, UI_MSG_WINDOW_ACTIVATE, 0, 0);
} else if (event->type == ClientMessage && event->xclient.message_type == ui.dndEnterID) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xclient.window);
if (!window) return false;
window->dragSource = (Window) event->[0];
} else if (event->type == ClientMessage && event->xclient.message_type == ui.dndPositionID) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xclient.window);
if (!window) return false;
XClientMessageEvent m = { 0 };
m.type = ClientMessage;
m.display = event->xclient.display;
m.window = (Window) event->[0];
m.message_type = ui.dndStatusID;
m.format = 32;[0] = window->window;[1] = true;[4] = ui.dndActionCopyID;
XSendEvent(ui.display, m.window, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent *) &m);
} else if (event->type == ClientMessage && event->xclient.message_type == ui.dndDropID) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xclient.window);
if (!window) return false;
// TODO Dropping text.
if (!XConvertSelection(ui.display, ui.dndSelectionID, ui.uriListID, ui.primaryID, window->window, event->[2])) {
XClientMessageEvent m = { 0 };
m.type = ClientMessage;
m.display = ui.display;
m.window = window->dragSource;
m.message_type = ui.dndFinishedID;
m.format = 32;[0] = window->window;[1] = 0;[2] = ui.dndActionCopyID;
XSendEvent(ui.display, m.window, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent *) &m);
} else if (event->type == SelectionNotify) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xselection.requestor);
if (!window) return false;
if (!window->dragSource) return false;
Atom type = None;
int format = 0;
uint64_t count = 0, bytesLeft = 0;
uint8_t *data = NULL;
XGetWindowProperty(ui.display, window->window, ui.primaryID, 0, 65536, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &count, &bytesLeft, &data);
if (format == 8 /* bits per character */) {
if (event-> == ui.uriListID) {
char *copy = (char *) UI_MALLOC(count);
int fileCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int) count; i++) {
copy[i] = data[i];
if (i && data[i - 1] == '\r' && data[i] == '\n') {
char **files = (char **) UI_MALLOC(sizeof(char *) * fileCount);
fileCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int) count; i++) {
char *s = copy + i;
while (!(i && data[i - 1] == '\r' && data[i] == '\n' && i < (int) count)) i++;
copy[i - 1] = 0;
for (int j = 0; s[j]; j++) {
if (s[j] == '%' && s[j + 1] && s[j + 2]) {
char n[3];
n[0] = s[j + 1], n[1] = s[j + 2], n[2] = 0;
s[j] = strtol(n, NULL, 16);
if (!s[j]) break;
memmove(s + j + 1, s + j + 3, strlen(s) - j - 2);
if (s[0] == 'f' && s[1] == 'i' && s[2] == 'l' && s[3] == 'e' && s[4] == ':' && s[5] == '/' && s[6] == '/') {
files[fileCount++] = s + 7;
UIElementMessage(&window->e, UI_MSG_WINDOW_DROP_FILES, fileCount, files);
} else if (event-> == ui.plainTextID) {
// TODO.
XClientMessageEvent m = { 0 };
m.type = ClientMessage;
m.display = ui.display;
m.window = window->dragSource;
m.message_type = ui.dndFinishedID;
m.format = 32;[0] = window->window;[1] = true;[2] = ui.dndActionCopyID;
XSendEvent(ui.display, m.window, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent *) &m);
window->dragSource = 0; // Drag complete.
} else if (event->type == SelectionRequest) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xclient.window);
if (!window) return false;
if ((XGetSelectionOwner(ui.display, ui.clipboardID) == window->window)
&& (event->xselectionrequest.selection == ui.clipboardID)) {
XSelectionRequestEvent requestEvent = event->xselectionrequest;
Atom utf8ID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "UTF8_STRING", 1);
if (utf8ID == None) utf8ID = XA_STRING;
Atom type =;
type = (type == ui.textID) ? XA_STRING : type;
int changePropertyResult = 0;
if( == XA_STRING || == ui.textID || == utf8ID) {
changePropertyResult = XChangeProperty(requestEvent.display, requestEvent.requestor,,
type, 8, PropModeReplace, (const unsigned char *) ui.pasteText, strlen(ui.pasteText));
} else if ( == ui.targetID) {
changePropertyResult = XChangeProperty(requestEvent.display, requestEvent.requestor,,
XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &utf8ID, 1);
if(changePropertyResult == 0 || changePropertyResult == 1) {
XSelectionEvent sendEvent = {
.type = SelectionNotify,
.serial = requestEvent.serial,
.send_event = requestEvent.send_event,
.display = requestEvent.display,
.requestor = requestEvent.requestor,
.selection = requestEvent.selection,
.target =,
.property =,
.time = requestEvent.time
XSendEvent(ui.display, requestEvent.requestor, 0, 0, (XEvent *) &sendEvent);
return false;
bool _UIMessageLoopSingle(int *result) {
XEvent events[64];
if (ui.animating) {
if (XPending(ui.display)) {
XNextEvent(ui.display, events + 0);
} else {
return true;
} else {
XNextEvent(ui.display, events + 0);
int p = 1;
int configureIndex = -1, motionIndex = -1, exposeIndex = -1;
while (p < 64 && XPending(ui.display)) {
XNextEvent(ui.display, events + p);
#define _UI_MERGE_EVENTS(a, b) \
if (events[p].type == a) { \
if (b != -1) events[b].type = 0; \
b = p; \
_UI_MERGE_EVENTS(ConfigureNotify, configureIndex);
_UI_MERGE_EVENTS(MotionNotify, motionIndex);
_UI_MERGE_EVENTS(Expose, exposeIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
if (!events[i].type) {
if (_UIProcessEvent(events + i)) {
return false;
return true;
void UIWindowPostMessage(UIWindow *window, UIMessage message, void *_dp) {
// HACK! Xlib doesn't seem to have a nice way to do this,
// so send a specially crafted key press event instead.
// TODO Maybe ClientMessage is what this should use?
uintptr_t dp = (uintptr_t) _dp;
XKeyEvent event = { 0 };
event.display = ui.display;
event.window = window->window;
event.root = DefaultRootWindow(ui.display);
event.subwindow = None;
event.time = dp >> 32;
event.x = 0x7123;
event.y = 0x7456;
event.x_root = (dp >> 0) & 0xFFFF;
event.y_root = (dp >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
event.same_screen = True;
event.keycode = 1;
event.state = message;
event.type = KeyPress;
XSendEvent(ui.display, window->window, True, KeyPressMask, (XEvent *) &event);
const int UI_KEYCODE_A = 'A';
const int UI_KEYCODE_0 = '0';
const int UI_KEYCODE_END = VK_END;
const int UI_KEYCODE_F1 = VK_F1;
const int UI_KEYCODE_TAB = VK_TAB;
const int UI_KEYCODE_UP = VK_UP;
int _UIWindowMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
UIWindow *window = (UIWindow *) element;
SetWindowLongPtr(window->hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, 0);
return _UIWindowMessageCommon(element, message, di, dp);
LRESULT CALLBACK _UIWindowProcedure(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
UIWindow *window = (UIWindow *) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
if (!window || ui.assertionFailure) {
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
if (message == WM_CLOSE) {
if (UIElementMessage(&window->e, UI_MSG_WINDOW_CLOSE, 0, 0)) {
return 0;
} else {
} else if (message == WM_SIZE) {
RECT client;
GetClientRect(hwnd, &client);
window->width = client.right;
window->height = client.bottom;
window->bits = (uint32_t *) UI_REALLOC(window->bits, window->width * window->height * 4);
window->e.bounds = UI_RECT_2S(window->width, window->height);
window->e.clip = UI_RECT_2S(window->width, window->height);
UIElementMessage(&window->e, UI_MSG_LAYOUT, 0, 0);
} else if (message == WM_MOUSEMOVE) {
if (!window->trackingLeave) {
window->trackingLeave = true;
TRACKMOUSEEVENT leave = { 0 };
leave.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT);
leave.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE;
leave.hwndTrack = hwnd;
POINT cursor;
ScreenToClient(hwnd, &cursor);
window->cursorX = cursor.x;
window->cursorY = cursor.y;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);
} else if (message == WM_MOUSELEAVE) {
window->trackingLeave = false;
if (!window->pressed) {
window->cursorX = -1;
window->cursorY = -1;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);
} else if (message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) {
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN, 0, 0);
} else if (message == WM_LBUTTONUP) {
if (window->pressedButton == 1) ReleaseCapture();
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_LEFT_UP, 0, 0);
} else if (message == WM_MBUTTONDOWN) {
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MIDDLE_DOWN, 0, 0);
} else if (message == WM_MBUTTONUP) {
if (window->pressedButton == 2) ReleaseCapture();
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MIDDLE_UP, 0, 0);
} else if (message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN) {
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_RIGHT_DOWN, 0, 0);
} else if (message == WM_RBUTTONUP) {
if (window->pressedButton == 3) ReleaseCapture();
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_RIGHT_UP, 0, 0);
} else if (message == WM_MOUSEWHEEL) {
int delta = (int) wParam >> 16;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL, -delta, 0);
} else if (message == WM_KEYDOWN) {
window->ctrl = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000;
window->shift = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000;
window->alt = GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000;
UIKeyTyped m = { 0 };
m.code = wParam;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED, 0, &m);
} else if (message == WM_CHAR) {
UIKeyTyped m = { 0 };
char c = wParam;
m.text = &c;
m.textBytes = 1;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED, 0, &m);
} else if (message == WM_PAINT) {
HDC dc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &paint);
info.biSize = sizeof(info);
info.biWidth = window->width, info.biHeight = -window->height;
info.biPlanes = 1, info.biBitCount = 32;
StretchDIBits(dc, 0, 0, UI_RECT_SIZE(window->e.bounds), 0, 0, UI_RECT_SIZE(window->e.bounds),
window->bits, (BITMAPINFO *) &info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
EndPaint(hwnd, &paint);
} else if (message == WM_SETCURSOR && LOWORD(lParam) == HTCLIENT) {
return 1;
} else if (message == WM_SETFOCUS || message == WM_KILLFOCUS) {
if (message == WM_SETFOCUS) {
UIElementMessage(&window->e, UI_MSG_WINDOW_ACTIVATE, 0, 0);
} else if (message == WM_MOUSEACTIVATE && (window->e.flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU)) {
} else if (message == WM_DROPFILES) {
HDROP drop = (HDROP) wParam;
int count = DragQueryFile(drop, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0);
char **files = (char **) UI_MALLOC(sizeof(char *) * count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int length = DragQueryFile(drop, i, NULL, 0);
files[i] = (char *) UI_MALLOC(length + 1);
files[i][length] = 0;
DragQueryFile(drop, i, files[i], length + 1);
UIElementMessage(&window->e, UI_MSG_WINDOW_DROP_FILES, count, files);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) UI_FREE(files[i]);
} else if (message == WM_APP + 1) {
UIElementMessage(&window->e, (UIMessage) wParam, 0, (void *) lParam);
} else {
if (message == WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN || message == WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN || message == WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN) {
if (~window->e.flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU) {
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
return 0;
void UIInitialise() {
ui.heap = GetProcessHeap();
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_ARROW] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_TEXT] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_IBEAM);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_SPLIT_V] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENS);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_SPLIT_H] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZEWE);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_CROSS_HAIR] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_CROSS);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_HAND] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND);
ui.cursors[UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_UP] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENS);
WNDCLASS windowClass = { 0 };
windowClass.lpfnWndProc = _UIWindowProcedure;
windowClass.lpszClassName = "normal";
RegisterClass(&windowClass); |= CS_DROPSHADOW;
windowClass.lpszClassName = "shadow";
bool _UIMessageLoopSingle(int *result) {
MSG message = { 0 };
if (ui.animating) {
if (PeekMessage(&message, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
if (message.message == WM_QUIT) {
*result = message.wParam;
return false;
} else {
} else {
if (!GetMessage(&message, NULL, 0, 0)) {
*result = message.wParam;
return false;
return true;
void UIMenuShow(UIMenu *menu) {
int width, height;
_UIMenuPrepare(menu, &width, &height);
MoveWindow(menu->e.window->hwnd, menu->pointX, menu->pointY, width, height, FALSE);
ShowWindow(menu->e.window->hwnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);
UIWindow *UIWindowCreate(UIWindow *owner, uint32_t flags, const char *cTitle, int width, int height) {
UIWindow *window = (UIWindow *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIWindow), NULL, flags | UI_ELEMENT_WINDOW, _UIWindowMessage, "Window");
if (owner) window->scale = owner->scale;
if (flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU) {
window->hwnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST | WS_EX_NOACTIVATE, "shadow", 0, WS_POPUP,
0, 0, 0, 0, owner->hwnd, NULL, NULL, NULL);
} else {
window->hwnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES, "normal", cTitle, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
owner ? owner->hwnd : NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
SetWindowLongPtr(window->hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR) window);
if (~flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU) {
ShowWindow(window->hwnd, SW_SHOW);
PostMessage(window->hwnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0);
return window;
void _UIWindowEndPaint(UIWindow *window, UIPainter *painter) {
HDC dc = GetDC(window->hwnd);
info.biSize = sizeof(info);
info.biWidth = window->width, info.biHeight = window->height;
info.biPlanes = 1, info.biBitCount = 32;
UI_RECT_TOP_LEFT(window->updateRegion), UI_RECT_SIZE(window->updateRegion),
window->updateRegion.l, window->updateRegion.b + 1,
UI_RECT_WIDTH(window->updateRegion), -UI_RECT_HEIGHT(window->updateRegion),
window->bits, (BITMAPINFO *) &info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
ReleaseDC(window->hwnd, dc);
void _UIWindowSetCursor(UIWindow *window, int cursor) {
void _UIWindowGetScreenPosition(UIWindow *window, int *_x, int *_y) {
p.x = 0;
p.y = 0;
ClientToScreen(window->hwnd, &p);
*_x = p.x;
*_y = p.y;
void UIWindowPostMessage(UIWindow *window, UIMessage message, void *_dp) {
PostMessage(window->hwnd, WM_APP + 1, (WPARAM) message, (LPARAM) _dp);
void *_UIHeapReAlloc(void *pointer, size_t size) {
if (pointer) {
if (size) {
return HeapReAlloc(ui.heap, 0, pointer, size);
} else {
return NULL;
} else {
if (size) {
return UI_MALLOC(size);
} else {
return NULL;
void _UIClipboardWriteText(UIWindow *window, char *text) {
// TODO.
char *_UIClipboardReadTextStart(UIWindow *window, size_t *bytes) {
// TODO.
return NULL;
void _UIClipboardReadTextEnd(UIWindow *window, char *text) {
// TODO.
const int UI_KEYCODE_0 = ES_SCANCODE_0;
int _UIWindowMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
if (message == UI_MSG_DESTROY) {
// TODO Non-main windows.
element->window = NULL;
return _UIWindowMessageCommon(element, message, di, dp);
void UIInitialise() {
while (true) {
EsMessage *message = EsMessageReceive();
if (message->type == ES_MSG_INSTANCE_CREATE) {
ui.instance = EsInstanceCreate(message, NULL, 0);
bool _UIMessageLoopSingle(int *result) {
if (ui.animating) {
// TODO.
} else {
return true;
UIMenu *UIMenuCreate(UIElement *parent, uint32_t flags) {
ui.menuIndex = 0;
return EsMenuCreate(parent->window->window, ES_MENU_AT_CURSOR);
void _UIMenuItemCallback(EsMenu *menu, EsGeneric context) {
((void (*)(void *)) ui.menuData[context.u * 2 + 0])(ui.menuData[context.u * 2 + 1]);
void UIMenuAddItem(UIMenu *menu, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes, void (*invoke)(void *cp), void *cp) {
EsAssert(ui.menuIndex < 128);
ui.menuData[ui.menuIndex * 2 + 0] = (void *) invoke;
ui.menuData[ui.menuIndex * 2 + 1] = cp;
label, labelBytes, _UIMenuItemCallback, ui.menuIndex);
void UIMenuShow(UIMenu *menu) {
int _UIWindowCanvasMessage(EsElement *element, EsMessage *message) {
UIWindow *window = (UIWindow *) element->window->userData.p;
if (!window) {
return 0;
} else if (message->type == ES_MSG_PAINT) {
EsRectangle bounds = ES_RECT_4PD(message->painter->offsetX, message->painter->offsetY, window->width, window->height);
EsDrawBitmap(message->painter, bounds, window->bits, window->width * 4, 0xFFFF);
} else if (message->type == ES_MSG_LAYOUT) {
EsElementGetSize(element, &window->width, &window->height);
window->bits = (uint32_t *) UI_REALLOC(window->bits, window->width * window->height * 4);
window->e.bounds = UI_RECT_2S(window->width, window->height);
window->e.clip = UI_RECT_2S(window->width, window->height);
UIElementMessage(&window->e, UI_MSG_LAYOUT, 0, 0);
} else if (message->type == ES_MSG_SCROLL_WHEEL) {
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_WHEEL, -message->scrollWheel.dy, 0);
} else if (message->type == ES_MSG_MOUSE_MOVED || message->type == ES_MSG_HOVERED_END
|| message->type == ES_MSG_MOUSE_LEFT_DRAG || message->type == ES_MSG_MOUSE_RIGHT_DRAG || message->type == ES_MSG_MOUSE_MIDDLE_DRAG) {
EsPoint point = EsMouseGetPosition(element);
window->cursorX = point.x, window->cursorY = point.y;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);
} else if (message->type == ES_MSG_KEY_UP) {
window->ctrl = EsKeyboardIsCtrlHeld();
window->shift = EsKeyboardIsShiftHeld();
window->alt = EsKeyboardIsAltHeld();
} else if (message->type == ES_MSG_KEY_DOWN) {
window->ctrl = EsKeyboardIsCtrlHeld();
window->shift = EsKeyboardIsShiftHeld();
window->alt = EsKeyboardIsAltHeld();
UIKeyTyped m = { 0 };
char c[64];
m.text = c;
m.textBytes = EsMessageGetInputText(message, c);
m.code = message->keyboard.scancode;
return _UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_KEY_TYPED, 0, &m) ? ES_HANDLED : 0;
} else if (message->type == ES_MSG_MOUSE_LEFT_CLICK) {
} else if (message->type == ES_MSG_USER_START) {
UIElementMessage(&window->e, (UIMessage) message->user.context1.u, 0, (void *) message->user.context2.p);
} else if (message->type == ES_MSG_GET_CURSOR) {
message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_NORMAL;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_TEXT) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_TEXT;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_SPLIT_V) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_SPLIT_VERTICAL;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_SPLIT_H) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_SPLIT_HORIZONTAL;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_FLIPPED_ARROW) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_SELECT_LINES;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_CROSS_HAIR) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_CROSS_HAIR_PICK;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_HAND) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_HAND_HOVER;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_UP) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_RESIZE_VERTICAL;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_LEFT) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_RESIZE_HORIZONTAL;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_UP_RIGHT) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_RESIZE_DIAGONAL_1;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_UP_LEFT) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_RESIZE_DIAGONAL_2;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_DOWN) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_RESIZE_VERTICAL;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_RIGHT) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_RESIZE_HORIZONTAL;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_DOWN_RIGHT) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_RESIZE_DIAGONAL_1;
if (window->cursor == UI_CURSOR_RESIZE_DOWN_LEFT) message->cursorStyle = ES_CURSOR_RESIZE_DIAGONAL_2;
else if (message->type == ES_MSG_MOUSE_LEFT_DOWN) _UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN, 0, 0);
else if (message->type == ES_MSG_MOUSE_LEFT_UP) _UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_LEFT_UP, 0, 0);
else if (message->type == ES_MSG_MOUSE_MIDDLE_DOWN) _UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MIDDLE_DOWN, 0, 0);
else if (message->type == ES_MSG_MOUSE_MIDDLE_UP) _UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MIDDLE_UP, 0, 0);
else if (message->type == ES_MSG_MOUSE_RIGHT_DOWN) _UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_RIGHT_DOWN, 0, 0);
else if (message->type == ES_MSG_MOUSE_RIGHT_UP) _UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_RIGHT_UP, 0, 0);
else return 0;
return ES_HANDLED;
UIWindow *UIWindowCreate(UIWindow *owner, uint32_t flags, const char *cTitle, int width, int height) {
UIWindow *window = (UIWindow *) UIElementCreate(sizeof(UIWindow), NULL, flags | UI_ELEMENT_WINDOW, _UIWindowMessage, "Window");
if (owner) window->scale = owner->scale;
if (flags & UI_WINDOW_MENU) {
// TODO.
} else {
// TODO Non-main windows.
window->window = ui.instance->window;
window->window->userData = window;
window->canvas = EsCustomElementCreate(window->window, ES_CELL_FILL | ES_ELEMENT_FOCUSABLE);
window->canvas->messageUser = _UIWindowCanvasMessage;
EsWindowSetTitle(window->window, cTitle, -1);
return window;
void _UIWindowEndPaint(UIWindow *window, UIPainter *painter) {
EsElementRepaint(window->canvas, &window->updateRegion);
void _UIWindowSetCursor(UIWindow *window, int cursor) {
window->cursor = cursor;
void _UIWindowGetScreenPosition(UIWindow *window, int *_x, int *_y) {
EsRectangle r = EsElementGetScreenBounds(window->window);
*_x = r.l, *_y = r.t;
void UIWindowPostMessage(UIWindow *window, UIMessage message, void *_dp) {
EsMessage m = {};
m.user.context1.u = message;
m.user.context2.p = _dp;
EsMessagePost(window->canvas, &m);
void _UIClipboardWriteText(UIWindow *window, char *text) {
EsClipboardAddText(ES_CLIPBOARD_PRIMARY, text, -1);
char *_UIClipboardReadTextStart(UIWindow *window, size_t *bytes) {
return EsClipboardReadText(ES_CLIPBOARD_PRIMARY, bytes, NULL);
void _UIClipboardReadTextEnd(UIWindow *window, char *text) {