mirror of https://gitlab.com/nakst/essence
2131 lines
66 KiB
2131 lines
66 KiB
const char **apiTableEntries;
File output, outputAPIArray, outputSyscallArray, outputDependencies, outputEnumStringsArray;
char *buffer;
int position;
#define DEST_API_ARRAY "bin/generated_code/api_array.h"
#define DEST_SYSCALL_ARRAY "bin/generated_code/syscall_array.h"
#define DEST_ENUM_STRINGS_ARRAY "bin/generated_code/enum_strings_array.h"
#define DEST_DEPENDENCIES "bin/dependency_files/api_header.d"
typedef struct Token {
#define TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE (2)
#define TOKEN_EQUALS (4)
#define TOKEN_ENUM (5)
#define TOKEN_STRUCT (6)
#define TOKEN_INTTYPE (7)
#define TOKEN_NUMBER (8)
#define TOKEN_ASTERISK (9)
#define TOKEN_COMMA (10)
#define TOKEN_SEMICOLON (11)
#define TOKEN_DEFINE (12)
#define TOKEN_FUNCTION (13)
#define TOKEN_EOF (16)
#define TOKEN_ELLIPSIS (17)
#define TOKEN_UNION (18)
#define TOKEN_VOLATILE (19)
#define TOKEN_CONST (20)
#define TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN (23)
#define TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN (24)
#define TOKEN_INCLUDE (26)
#define TOKEN_API_TYPE (29)
#define TOKEN_TYPE_NAME (31)
#define TOKEN_PRIVATE (32)
#define TOKEN_ANNOTATE (33)
int type, value;
char *text;
} Token;
#define ENTRY_ROOT (0)
#define ENTRY_DEFINE (1)
#define ENTRY_INTTYPE (2)
#define ENTRY_STRUCT (4)
#define ENTRY_UNION (5)
#define ENTRY_FUNCTION (6)
#define ENTRY_VARIABLE (7)
#define ENTRY_API_TYPE (8)
#define ENTRY_TYPE_NAME (9)
typedef struct Entry {
int type;
char *name;
struct Entry *children;
struct Entry *annotations;
bool isPrivate;
union {
struct {
char *type, *arraySize, *initialValue;
int pointer;
bool isArray, isVolatile, isConst, isForwardDeclared;
} variable;
struct {
char *value;
} define;
struct {
bool inKernel, functionPointer;
int apiArrayIndex;
} function;
struct {
char *parent;
} apiType;
struct {
bool used; // Temporary, used during analysis.
} annotation;
struct {
char *storageType, *parent;
} inttype;
char *oldTypeName;
} Entry;
char *TokenToString(Token token) {
if (!token.value) return NULL;
char *string = (char *) malloc(token.value + 1);
memcpy(string, token.text, token.value);
string[token.value] = 0;
return string;
int currentLine = 1;
Token NextToken() {
char c = buffer[position++];
if (c == '\t') goto tryAgain;
if (c == '\n') { currentLine++; goto tryAgain; }
if (c == ' ') goto tryAgain;
if (c == '/' && buffer[position] == '/') { while (buffer[position++] != '\n'); goto tryAgain; }
Token token = {};
if (c == 0) token.type = TOKEN_EOF;
else if (c == '{') token.type = TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE;
else if (c == '}') token.type = TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE;
else if (c == '[') token.type = TOKEN_LEFT_BRACKET;
else if (c == ']') token.type = TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET;
else if (c == '(') token.type = TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN;
else if (c == ')') token.type = TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN;
else if (c == '=') token.type = TOKEN_EQUALS;
else if (c == '*') token.type = TOKEN_ASTERISK;
else if (c == ',') token.type = TOKEN_COMMA;
else if (c == ';') token.type = TOKEN_SEMICOLON;
else if (c == '@') token.type = TOKEN_ANNOTATE;
else if (c == '.' && buffer[position] == '.' && buffer[position + 1] == '.') position += 2, token.type = TOKEN_ELLIPSIS;
else if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '-') {
token.type = TOKEN_NUMBER;
token.text = buffer + position - 1;
do {
c = buffer[position++];
} while ((c >= '0' && c <= '9'));
else if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_') {
token.type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
token.text = buffer + position - 1;
do {
c = buffer[position++];
} while ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'));
#define COMPARE_KEYWORD(x, y) if (strlen(x) == (size_t) token.value && 0 == memcmp(x, token.text, token.value)) token.type = y
else {
Log("unrecognised token '%c', at '%.*s'\n", c, 10, buffer + position - 5);
return token;
bool FoundEndOfLine(int length) {
if (buffer[position + length] == '\n') return true;
if (buffer[position + length] == '/' && buffer[position + length + 1] == '/') return true;
return false;
Token ParseVariable(Token token, bool forFunction, Entry *_variable, Entry *parent) {
int pointer = 0;
bool array = false, isVolatile = false, isConst = false, isForwardDeclared = false;
Token arraySize = {};
Token type = token;
if (type.type == TOKEN_VOLATILE) { isVolatile = true; type = NextToken(); }
if (type.type == TOKEN_CONST) { isConst = true; type = NextToken(); }
if (type.type == TOKEN_STRUCT) { isForwardDeclared = true; type = NextToken(); }
pointer = 0;
Token name = {};
if (type.type != TOKEN_ELLIPSIS) {
name = NextToken();
while (name.type == TOKEN_ASTERISK) {
name = NextToken();
if (name.type == TOKEN_FUNCTION) name.type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
Token semicolon = NextToken();
if (semicolon.type == TOKEN_LEFT_BRACKET) {
arraySize = NextToken();
assert(arraySize.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER || arraySize.type == TOKEN_NUMBER || arraySize.type == TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET);
array = true;
if (arraySize.type != TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET) {
assert(NextToken().type == TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET);
semicolon = NextToken();
if (type.type != TOKEN_ELLIPSIS) {
assert(type.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER);
assert(name.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER);
Entry entry = { .type = ENTRY_VARIABLE, .name = TokenToString(name), .variable = {
.type = TokenToString(type), .arraySize = TokenToString(arraySize), .pointer = pointer, .isArray = array,
.isVolatile = isVolatile, .isConst = isConst, .isForwardDeclared = isForwardDeclared
} };
if (forFunction && semicolon.type == TOKEN_EQUALS) {
entry.variable.initialValue = TokenToString(NextToken());
semicolon = NextToken();
if (_variable) {
*_variable = entry;
arrput(parent->children, entry);
if (forFunction) {
return semicolon;
if (semicolon.type == TOKEN_SEMICOLON) {
} else if (semicolon.type == TOKEN_COMMA) {
goto commaRepeat;
} else {
return semicolon;
Entry ParseRecord(bool isUnion) {
Entry entry = { .type = isUnion ? ENTRY_UNION : ENTRY_STRUCT };
Token token = NextToken();
while (true) {
if (token.type == TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE) {
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_UNION) {
assert(NextToken().type == TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE);
arrput(entry.children, ParseRecord(true));
assert(NextToken().type == TOKEN_SEMICOLON);
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_STRUCT) {
assert(NextToken().type == TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE);
Entry child = ParseRecord(false);
Token name = NextToken();
if (name.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) {
assert(NextToken().type == TOKEN_SEMICOLON);
child.name = TokenToString(name);
} else {
assert(name.type == TOKEN_SEMICOLON);
arrput(entry.children, child);
} else {
ParseVariable(token, false, NULL, &entry);
token = NextToken();
return entry;
void ParseAnnotationsUntilSemicolon(Entry *entry) {
while (true) {
Token token = NextToken();
if (token.type == TOKEN_SEMICOLON) {
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_ANNOTATE) {
Entry annotation = { 0 };
token = NextToken();
assert(token.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER);
annotation.name = TokenToString(token);
token = NextToken();
assert(token.type == TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN);
bool needComma = false;
Entry child = { 0 };
child.name = malloc(256);
child.name[0] = 0;
while (true) {
token = NextToken();
if (token.type == TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN) {
if (child.name[0]) arrput(annotation.children, child);
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_COMMA) {
if (child.name[0]) arrput(annotation.children, child);
child.name = malloc(256);
child.name[0] = 0;
needComma = false;
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) {
strcat(child.name, TokenToString(token));
needComma = true;
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_ASTERISK) {
strcat(child.name, "*");
needComma = true;
} else {
arrput(entry->annotations, annotation);
} else {
Entry ParseIntType() {
Entry entry = { .type = ENTRY_INTTYPE };
Token token = NextToken();
while (true) {
if (token.type == TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE) {
Token entryName = token;
token = NextToken();
assert(entryName.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER);
Entry define = { .type = ENTRY_DEFINE, .name = TokenToString(entryName) };
if (token.type == TOKEN_EQUALS) {
size_t length = 0;
while (!FoundEndOfLine(length)) length++;
define.define.value = TokenToString((Token) { .value = (int) length, .text = buffer + position });
while (isspace(*define.define.value)) define.define.value++;
position += length;
token = NextToken();
arrput(entry.children, define);
return entry;
void ParseFile(Entry *root, const char *name) {
if (outputDependencies.ready) {
FilePrintFormat(outputDependencies, "%s\n", name);
char *oldBuffer = buffer;
int oldPosition = position;
buffer = (char *) LoadFile(name, NULL);
position = 0;
Token token;
bool isPrivate = false;
while (true) {
token = NextToken();
if (token.type == TOKEN_DEFINE) {
Token identifier = NextToken();
size_t length = 0;
while (!FoundEndOfLine(length)) length++;
Entry entry = { .type = ENTRY_DEFINE, .name = TokenToString(identifier), .isPrivate = isPrivate };
entry.define.value = TokenToString((Token) { .value = (int) length, .text = buffer + position });
arrput(root->children, entry);
position += length;
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_INCLUDE) {
size_t length = 0;
while (!FoundEndOfLine(length)) length++;
char a = buffer[position + length];
int oldCurrentLine = currentLine;
currentLine = 1;
buffer[position + length] = 0;
ParseFile(root, buffer + position + 1);
currentLine = oldCurrentLine;
buffer[position + length] = a;
position += length;
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_STRUCT) {
Token structName = NextToken();
assert(structName.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER);
assert(NextToken().type == TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE);
Entry entry = ParseRecord(false);
entry.isPrivate = isPrivate;
entry.name = TokenToString(structName);
arrput(root->children, entry);
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_INTTYPE) {
Token bitsetName = NextToken();
assert(bitsetName.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER);
Token storageType = NextToken();
assert(storageType.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER || storageType.type == TOKEN_ENUM);
Token parent = NextToken();
assert(parent.type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER);
assert(NextToken().type == TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE);
Entry entry = ParseIntType();
entry.isPrivate = isPrivate;
entry.name = TokenToString(bitsetName);
entry.inttype.storageType = TokenToString(storageType);
entry.inttype.parent = TokenToString(parent);
if (0 == strcmp(entry.inttype.parent, "none")) entry.inttype.parent = NULL;
arrput(root->children, entry);
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_FUNCTION || token.type == TOKEN_FUNCTION_NOT_IN_KERNEL
|| token.type == TOKEN_FUNCTION_POINTER) {
bool inKernel = token.type != TOKEN_FUNCTION_NOT_IN_KERNEL;
Entry objectFunctionType;
bool firstVariable = true;
Entry entry = { .type = ENTRY_FUNCTION, .isPrivate = isPrivate, .function = { .inKernel = inKernel, .apiArrayIndex = 0 } };
if (token.type == TOKEN_FUNCTION_POINTER) {
entry.function.functionPointer = true;
Token leftParen = ParseVariable(NextToken(), true, NULL, &entry);
assert(leftParen.type == TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN);
Token token = NextToken();
while (true) {
if (token.type == TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN) break;
if (token.type == TOKEN_COMMA) token = NextToken();
token = ParseVariable(token, true, firstVariable ? &objectFunctionType : NULL, &entry);
firstVariable = false;
arrput(root->children, entry);
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_API_TYPE) {
Token name = NextToken(), parent = NextToken();
Entry entry = { .type = ENTRY_API_TYPE, .name = TokenToString(name), .apiType = { .parent = TokenToString(parent) } };
arrput(root->children, entry);
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_TYPE_NAME) {
Token oldName = NextToken(), newName = NextToken();
Entry entry = { .type = ENTRY_TYPE_NAME, .isPrivate = isPrivate, .name = TokenToString(newName), .oldTypeName = TokenToString(oldName) };
arrput(root->children, entry);
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_SEMICOLON) {
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_PRIVATE) {
} else if (token.type == TOKEN_EOF) {
} else {
Log("unexpected token '%.*s' at top level\n", token.value, token.text);
isPrivate = token.type == TOKEN_PRIVATE;
buffer = oldBuffer;
position = oldPosition;
bool OutputCVariable(Entry *variable, bool noInitialValue, const char *nameOverride,
bool forFunction, bool forFunctionPointer) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s%s%s", variable->variable.isVolatile ? "volatile " : "",
variable->variable.isConst ? "const " : "",
variable->variable.isForwardDeclared ? "struct " : "");
if (variable->variable.type) {
if (0 == strcmp(variable->variable.type, "STRING")) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "const char *%s", nameOverride ?: variable->name);
assert(!variable->variable.pointer && !variable->variable.isArray);
char *initialValue = variable->variable.initialValue;
bool isBlankString = initialValue && 0 == strcmp(initialValue, "BLANK_STRING");
if (!isBlankString) assert(!initialValue || !initialValue[0]);
if (!noInitialValue && isBlankString) FilePrintFormat(output, " = nullptr");
if (!forFunction) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "; ptrdiff_t %sBytes; ", nameOverride ?: variable->name);
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, ", ptrdiff_t %sBytes", nameOverride ?: variable->name);
if (!noInitialValue && isBlankString) { FilePrintFormat(output, " = -1"); return true; }
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s %.*s%s%s%s", variable->variable.type, variable->variable.pointer, "********", forFunctionPointer ? "(*" : "",
nameOverride ?: variable->name, forFunctionPointer ? ")" : "");
if (variable->variable.isArray) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "[%s]", variable->variable.arraySize ?: "");
char *initialValue = variable->variable.initialValue;
if (initialValue && !noInitialValue) {
FilePrintFormat(output, " = %s", initialValue);
return true;
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, "...");
return false;
void OutputCRecord(Entry *record, int indent) {
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(record->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = record->children + i;
for (int i = 0; i < indent + 1; i++) FilePrintFormat(output, "\t");
if (entry->type == ENTRY_VARIABLE) {
OutputCVariable(entry, true, NULL, false, false);
FilePrintFormat(output, ";\n");
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_UNION) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "union {\n");
OutputCRecord(entry, indent + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < indent + 1; i++) FilePrintFormat(output, "\t");
FilePrintFormat(output, "};\n\n");
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "struct {\n");
OutputCRecord(entry, indent + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < indent + 1; i++) FilePrintFormat(output, "\t");
FilePrintFormat(output, "} %s;\n\n", entry->name ?: "");
void OutputCFunction(Entry *entry) {
if (entry->function.functionPointer) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "typedef ");
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
OutputCVariable(variable, true, NULL, true, i == 0);
if (i == 0) FilePrintFormat(output, "(");
FilePrintFormat(output, ");\n");
bool inKernel = entry->function.inKernel;
if (!inKernel) FilePrintFormat(output, "#ifndef KERNEL\n");
FilePrintFormat(output, "#ifdef ES_FORWARD\n#ifndef __cplusplus\nES_EXTERN_C ");
// C code in API.
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
OutputCVariable(variable, true, NULL, true, false);
if (i == 0) FilePrintFormat(output, "(");
FilePrintFormat(output, ");\n#else\nES_EXTERN_C ");
// C++ code in API.
bool anyDefaultArguments = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
if (OutputCVariable(variable, false, NULL, true, false)) anyDefaultArguments = true;
if (i == 0) FilePrintFormat(output, "(");
FilePrintFormat(output, ");\n#endif\n#else\ntypedef ");
// Code in application.
Entry *functionVariable = entry->children + 0;
char *functionName = functionVariable->name;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
if (i == 0) {
char name[256];
sprintf(name, "(*__typeof_%s)", functionName);
OutputCVariable(variable, true, name, true, false);
FilePrintFormat(output, "(");
} else {
OutputCVariable(variable, true, NULL, true, false);
FilePrintFormat(output, ");\n#ifndef __cplusplus\n#define %s ((__typeof_%s) ES_API_BASE[%d])\n#else\n",
functionName, functionName, entry->function.apiArrayIndex);
if (anyDefaultArguments) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "__attribute__((always_inline)) inline \n");
// C++ code in application with default arguments.
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
OutputCVariable(variable, false, NULL, true, false);
if (i == 0) FilePrintFormat(output, "(");
FilePrintFormat(output, ") { \n\t%s((__typeof_%s) ES_API_BASE[%d])(",
(functionVariable->variable.pointer == 0 && 0 == strcmp(functionVariable->variable.type, "void")) ? "" : "return ",
functionName, entry->function.apiArrayIndex);
for (int i = 1; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i > 1) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s", variable->name);
if (0 == strcmp(variable->variable.type, "STRING")) {
FilePrintFormat(output, ", %sBytes", variable->name);
FilePrintFormat(output, "); }");
} else {
// C/C++ code in application without default arguments.
FilePrintFormat(output, "#define %s ((__typeof_%s) ES_API_BASE[%d])",
functionName, functionName, entry->function.apiArrayIndex);
FilePrintFormat(output, "\n#endif\n#endif\n");
if (!inKernel) FilePrintFormat(output, "#endif\n");
void OutputC(Entry *root) {
size_t bytes;
char *buffer = LoadFile("desktop/prefix.h", &bytes);
if (outputDependencies.ready) FilePrintFormat(outputDependencies, "%s\n", "desktop/prefix.h");
FilePrintFormat(output, "%.*s\n", (int) bytes, buffer);
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = root->children + i;
if (entry->type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "struct %s;\n", entry->name);
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = root->children + i;
if (entry->isPrivate) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "#if defined(ES_PRIVATE_APIS)\n");
if (entry->type == ENTRY_DEFINE) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "#define %s (%s)\n", entry->name, entry->define.value);
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "typedef struct %s {\n", entry->name);
OutputCRecord(entry, 0);
FilePrintFormat(output, "#ifdef %s_MEMBER_FUNCTIONS\n\t%s_MEMBER_FUNCTIONS\n#endif\n", entry->name, entry->name);
FilePrintFormat(output, "} %s;\n\n", entry->name);
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_INTTYPE) {
if (0 == strcmp(entry->inttype.storageType, "enum")) {
bool isSyscallType = 0 == strcmp(entry->name, "EsSyscallType");
FilePrintFormat(output, "typedef enum %s {\n", entry->name);
if (outputEnumStringsArray.ready) {
FilePrintFormat(outputEnumStringsArray, "static const EnumString enumStrings_%s[] = {\n", entry->name);
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
if (entry->children[i].define.value) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "\t%s = %s,\n", entry->children[i].name, entry->children[i].define.value);
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, "\t%s,\n", entry->children[i].name);
if (isSyscallType && outputSyscallArray.ready) {
FilePrintFormat(outputSyscallArray, "Do%s,\n", entry->children[i].name);
if (outputEnumStringsArray.ready) {
FilePrintFormat(outputEnumStringsArray, "\t{ \"%s\", %s },\n", entry->children[i].name,
entry->children[i].define.value ?: "-1");
if (outputEnumStringsArray.ready) {
FilePrintFormat(outputEnumStringsArray, "\t{ nullptr, -1 },\n};\n\n");
FilePrintFormat(output, "} %s;\n\n", entry->name);
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, "typedef %s %s;\n", entry->inttype.parent ? entry->inttype.parent : entry->inttype.storageType, entry->name);
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
if (0 == memcmp(entry->children[i].define.value, "bit ", 4)) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "#define %s ((%s) 1 << %s)\n",
entry->children[i].name, entry->name, entry->children[i].define.value + 4);
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, "#define %s ((%s) (%s))\n",
entry->children[i].name, entry->name, entry->children[i].define.value);
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_API_TYPE) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "#ifdef __cplusplus\nstruct %s;\n#else\n#define %s %s\n#endif\n",
entry->name, entry->name, 0 == strcmp(entry->apiType.parent, "none") ? "void" : entry->apiType.parent);
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_FUNCTION) {
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_TYPE_NAME) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "typedef %s %s;\n", entry->oldTypeName, entry->name);
if (entry->isPrivate) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "#endif\n");
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = root->children + i;
if (entry->type == ENTRY_API_TYPE) {
bool hasParent = 0 != strcmp(entry->apiType.parent, "none");
if (!hasParent) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n#ifndef ES_API\n#ifndef KERNEL\nstruct %s {\n\tvoid *_private;\n", entry->name);
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n#ifndef ES_API\n#ifndef KERNEL\nstruct %s : %s {\n", entry->name, entry->apiType.parent);
FilePrintFormat(output, "};\n#endif\n#endif\n#endif\n");
FilePrintFormat(output, "#endif\n");
char *TrimPrefix(char *in) {
if (in[0] == 'E' && in[1] == 's' && isupper(in[2])) {
return in + 2;
} else if (in[0] == 'E' && in[1] == 'S' && in[2] == '_') {
return in + 3;
} else {
return in;
#define REPLACE(x, y) (0 == strcmp(copy, x) || (!exact && strstr(copy, x))) memcpy(strstr(copy, x), y " ", strlen(x))
char *OdinReplaceTypes(const char *string, bool exact) {
char *copy = (char *) malloc(strlen(string) + 1);
strcpy(copy, string);
if REPLACE("uint64_t", "u64");
else if REPLACE("int64_t", "i64");
else if REPLACE("uint32_t", "u32");
else if REPLACE("int32_t", "i32");
else if REPLACE("uint16_t", "u16");
else if REPLACE("int16_t", "i16");
else if REPLACE("uint8_t", "u8");
else if REPLACE("int8_t", "i8");
else if REPLACE("char", "i8");
else if REPLACE("intptr_t", "int");
else if REPLACE("size_t", "int");
else if REPLACE("ptrdiff_t", "int");
else if REPLACE("uintptr_t", "uint");
else if REPLACE("(_EsLongConstant)", "");
else if REPLACE("unsigned", "u32");
else if REPLACE("int", "i32");
else if REPLACE("long", "i64");
else if REPLACE("double", "f64");
else if REPLACE("float", "f32");
else if REPLACE("EsCString", "cstring");
while REPLACE("Es", "");
while REPLACE("ES_", "");
return TrimPrefix(copy);
void OutputOdinType(Entry *entry) {
if (0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "void")) {
entry->variable.type = (char *) "rawptr";
FilePrintFormat(output, "%c%s%c%.*s%s",
entry->variable.isArray ? '[' : ' ', entry->variable.arraySize ? OdinReplaceTypes(entry->variable.arraySize, true) : "",
entry->variable.isArray ? ']' : ' ', entry->variable.pointer, "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", OdinReplaceTypes(entry->variable.type, true));
void OutputOdinVariable(Entry *entry, bool expandStrings, const char *nameSuffix) {
if (!entry->variable.type) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "_varargs%s : ..any", nameSuffix);
if (0 == strcmp(entry->name, "context")) {
entry->name = (char *) "_context";
if (0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "STRING")) {
if (expandStrings) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s%s : ^u8, %sBytes%s : int", entry->name, nameSuffix, entry->name, nameSuffix);
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s%s : string", entry->name, nameSuffix);
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s%s : ", 0 == strcmp(entry->name, "in") ? "In" : entry->name, nameSuffix);
void OutputOdinRecord(Entry *record, int indent) {
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(record->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = record->children + i;
for (int i = 0; i < indent + 1; i++) FilePrintFormat(output, "\t");
if (entry->type == ENTRY_VARIABLE) {
OutputOdinVariable(entry, false, "");
FilePrintFormat(output, ",\n");
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_UNION) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "using _ : struct #raw_union {\n");
OutputOdinRecord(entry, indent + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < indent + 1; i++) FilePrintFormat(output, "\t");
FilePrintFormat(output, "},\n");
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s : struct {\n", entry->name ?: "using _ ");
OutputOdinRecord(entry, indent + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < indent + 1; i++) FilePrintFormat(output, "\t");
FilePrintFormat(output, "},\n");
void OutputOdinFunction(Entry *entry, Entry *root) {
bool hasReturnValue = strcmp(entry->children[0].variable.type, "void") || entry->children[0].variable.pointer;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
if (entry->children[i].variable.type && strstr(entry->children[i].variable.type, "va_list")) {
if (entry->function.functionPointer) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s :: distinct #type proc \"c\" (", TrimPrefix(entry->children[0].name));
for (int i = 1; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
FilePrintFormat(output, ")");
if (hasReturnValue) {
FilePrintFormat(output, " -> ");
OutputOdinType(entry->children + 0);
FilePrintFormat(output, ";\n");
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s :: #force_inline proc \"c\" (", TrimPrefix(entry->children[0].name));
for (int i = 1; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
OutputOdinVariable(variable, false, "_");
if (variable->variable.initialValue) {
// FilePrintFormat(stderr, "initial value: %s\n", variable->variable.initialValue);
const char *initialValue = TrimPrefix(variable->variable.initialValue);
bool needLeadingDot = false;
if (0 == strcmp(initialValue, "NULL")) {
initialValue = "nil";
} else if (0 == strcmp(initialValue, "BLANK_STRING")) {
initialValue = "\"\"";
} else if (0 == strcmp(initialValue, "FLAGS_DEFAULT")) {
initialValue = "{}";
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = root->children + i;
if (entry->type == ENTRY_INTTYPE && 0 == strcmp(variable->variable.type, entry->name)) {
FilePrintFormat(output, " = %c%s", needLeadingDot ? '.' : ' ', initialValue);
FilePrintFormat(output, ")");
if (hasReturnValue) {
FilePrintFormat(output, " -> ");
OutputOdinType(entry->children + 0);
FilePrintFormat(output, "{ addr := 0x1000 + %d * size_of(int); fp := (rawptr(((^uintptr)(uintptr(addr)))^)); ", entry->function.apiArrayIndex);
if (hasReturnValue) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "return ");
FilePrintFormat(output, "((proc \"c\" (");
for (int i = 1; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
if (variable->variable.type) {
if (0 == strcmp(variable->variable.type, "STRING")) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "^u8, int");
} else {
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, "..any");
FilePrintFormat(output, ")");
if (hasReturnValue) {
FilePrintFormat(output, " -> ");
OutputOdinType(entry->children + 0);
FilePrintFormat(output, ") (fp))(");
for (int i = 1; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
if (variable->variable.type && 0 == strcmp(variable->variable.type, "STRING")) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "raw_data(%s_), len(%s_)", variable->name, variable->name);
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s_", variable->name ?: "_varargs");
FilePrintFormat(output, "); ");
FilePrintFormat(output, "}\n");
void OutputOdin(Entry *root) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "package es\n");
FilePrintFormat(output, "Generic :: rawptr;\n");
FilePrintFormat(output, "INSTANCE_TYPE :: Instance;\n");
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = root->children + i;
if (entry->isPrivate) continue;
if (entry->type == ENTRY_DEFINE) {
const char *name = TrimPrefix(entry->name);
const char *value = OdinReplaceTypes(entry->define.value, false);
char e[64];
int ep = 0;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; value[i]; i++) {
if (value[i] == ' ' || value[i] == '(' || value[i] == ')'
|| value[i] == '\t' || ep == sizeof(e) - 1) {
// Ignore.
} else {
e[ep++] = value[i];
e[ep] = 0;
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s :: %s;\n", name, value);
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s :: struct {\n", TrimPrefix(entry->name));
OutputOdinRecord(entry, 0);
FilePrintFormat(output, "}\n");
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_INTTYPE) {
uint32_t autoIndex = 0;
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s :: %s;\n", TrimPrefix(entry->name),
entry->inttype.parent ? TrimPrefix(entry->inttype.parent)
: 0 == strcmp(entry->inttype.storageType, "enum") ? "i32" : entry->inttype.storageType);
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
if (!entry->children[i].define.value) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s :: %d;\n",
TrimPrefix(entry->children[i].name), autoIndex++);
} else if (0 == memcmp(entry->children[i].define.value, "bit ", 4)) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s :: 1 << %s;\n",
TrimPrefix(entry->children[i].name), entry->children[i].define.value + 4);
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s :: %s;\n",
TrimPrefix(entry->children[i].name), entry->children[i].define.value);
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_API_TYPE) {
bool hasParent = 0 != strcmp(entry->apiType.parent, "none");
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s :: #type %s;\n", TrimPrefix(entry->name), hasParent ? TrimPrefix(entry->apiType.parent) : "rawptr");
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_FUNCTION) {
OutputOdinFunction(entry, root);
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_TYPE_NAME) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s :: #type %s;\n", TrimPrefix(entry->name), TrimPrefix(OdinReplaceTypes(entry->oldTypeName, true)));
char *ZigReplaceTypes(const char *string, bool exact) {
char *copy = (char *) malloc(strlen(string) + 1);
strcpy(copy, string);
if REPLACE("uint64_t", "u64");
else if REPLACE("int64_t", "i64");
else if REPLACE("uint32_t", "u32");
else if REPLACE("int32_t", "i32");
else if REPLACE("uint16_t", "u16");
else if REPLACE("int16_t", "i16");
else if REPLACE("uint8_t", "u8");
else if REPLACE("int8_t", "i8");
else if REPLACE("char", "i8");
else if REPLACE("intptr_t", "isize");
else if REPLACE("size_t", "usize");
else if REPLACE("ptrdiff_t", "isize");
else if REPLACE("uintptr_t", "usize");
else if REPLACE("(_EsLongConstant)", "");
else if REPLACE("unsigned", "u32");
else if REPLACE("int", "i32");
else if REPLACE("long", "i64");
else if REPLACE("double", "f64");
else if REPLACE("float", "f32");
else if REPLACE("EsCString", "?*u8");
while REPLACE("Es", "");
while REPLACE("ES_", "");
while REPLACE("\t", " ");
return TrimPrefix(copy);
char *ZigRemoveTabs(const char *string) {
bool exact = false;
char *copy = (char *) malloc(strlen(string) + 1);
strcpy(copy, string);
while REPLACE("\t", " ");
return copy;
void OutputZigType(Entry *entry) {
if (0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "void") && entry->variable.pointer) {
entry->variable.type = (char *) "u8";
FilePrintFormat(output, "%c%.*s%s%s",
entry->variable.pointer ? '?' : ' ',
entry->variable.pointer, "***************",
entry->variable.isConst && entry->variable.pointer ? "const " : "",
ZigReplaceTypes(entry->variable.type, true));
void OutputZigVariable(Entry *entry, bool expandStrings, const char *nameSuffix) {
(void) expandStrings;
if (0 == strcmp(entry->name, "error")) {
entry->name[3] = ' ';
entry->name[4] = ' ';
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s%s : ", entry->name, nameSuffix);
void OutputZigRecord(Entry *record, int indent, bool inUnion) {
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(record->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = record->children + i;
for (int i = 0; i < indent + 1; i++) FilePrintFormat(output, " ");
if (entry->type == ENTRY_VARIABLE) {
OutputZigVariable(entry, false, "");
if (!inUnion) {
if (entry->variable.pointer) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "= null");
} else if (0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "uint64_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "int64_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "uint32_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "int32_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "uint16_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "int16_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "uint8_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "int8_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "char")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "intptr_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "size_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "ptrdiff_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "uintptr_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "unsigned")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "int")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "long")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "double")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "float")) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "= 0");
} else if (0 == strcmp(entry->variable.type, "bool")) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "= false");
} else {
FilePrintFormat(output, "= %s {}", TrimPrefix(entry->variable.type));
FilePrintFormat(output, ",\n");
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_UNION) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "_unnamed : extern union {\n");
OutputZigRecord(entry, indent + 1, true);
for (int i = 0; i < indent + 1; i++) FilePrintFormat(output, " ");
FilePrintFormat(output, "},\n");
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s : extern struct {\n", entry->name ?: "_unnamed ");
OutputZigRecord(entry, indent + 1, false);
for (int i = 0; i < indent + 1; i++) FilePrintFormat(output, " ");
FilePrintFormat(output, "},\n");
void OutputZigFunction(Entry *entry) {
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
if (!entry->children[i].variable.type || strstr(entry->children[i].variable.type, "va_list")) {
if (entry->function.functionPointer) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "const %s = fn (", TrimPrefix(entry->children[0].name));
for (int i = 1; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
FilePrintFormat(output, ") callconv(.C)");
OutputZigType(entry->children + 0);
FilePrintFormat(output, ";\n");
bool hasReturnValue = strcmp(entry->children[0].variable.type, "void") || entry->children[0].variable.pointer;
FilePrintFormat(output, "pub fn %s(", TrimPrefix(entry->children[0].name));
for (int i = 1; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
OutputZigVariable(variable, false, "_");
FilePrintFormat(output, ") ");
OutputZigType(entry->children + 0);
FilePrintFormat(output, "{ ");
if (hasReturnValue) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "return ");
FilePrintFormat(output, "((@intToPtr(*fn (");
for (int i = 1; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
OutputZigVariable(variable, false, "_");
FilePrintFormat(output, ") callconv(.C) ");
OutputZigType(entry->children + 0);
FilePrintFormat(output, ", 0x1000 + %d * 8)).*)(", entry->function.apiArrayIndex);
for (int i = 1; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *variable = entry->children + i;
if (i >= 2) FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s_", variable->name ?: "_varargs");
FilePrintFormat(output, "); }\n");
void OutputZig(Entry *root) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "pub const Generic = ?*u8;\n");
FilePrintFormat(output, "const INSTANCE_TYPE = Instance;\n");
FilePrintFormat(output, "pub const STRING = extern struct { ptr : [*] const u8, len : usize, };\n");
FilePrintFormat(output, "pub fn Str(x : [] const u8) STRING { return STRING { .ptr = x.ptr, .len = x.len }; }\n");
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = root->children + i;
if (entry->isPrivate) continue;
if (entry->type == ENTRY_DEFINE) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "pub const %s = %s;\n", TrimPrefix(entry->name), ZigReplaceTypes(entry->define.value, false));
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "pub const %s = extern struct {\n", TrimPrefix(entry->name));
OutputZigRecord(entry, 0, false);
FilePrintFormat(output, "};\n");
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_API_TYPE) {
bool hasParent = 0 != strcmp(entry->apiType.parent, "none");
FilePrintFormat(output, "pub const %s = %s;\n", TrimPrefix(entry->name), hasParent ? TrimPrefix(entry->apiType.parent) : "?*u8");
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_FUNCTION) {
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_TYPE_NAME) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "pub const %s = %s;\n", TrimPrefix(entry->name), TrimPrefix(ZigReplaceTypes(entry->oldTypeName, true)));
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_INTTYPE) {
uint32_t autoIndex = 0;
FilePrintFormat(output, "pub const %s = %s;\n", TrimPrefix(entry->name),
0 == strcmp(entry->inttype.storageType, "enum") ? "i32"
: TrimPrefix(ZigReplaceTypes(entry->inttype.storageType, true)));
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
if (!entry->children[i].define.value) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "pub const %s = %d;\n",
TrimPrefix(entry->children[i].name), autoIndex++);
} else if (0 == memcmp(entry->children[i].define.value, "bit ", 4)) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "pub const %s = 1 << %s;\n",
TrimPrefix(entry->children[i].name), entry->children[i].define.value + 4);
} else if (entry->children[i].define.value) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "pub const %s = %s;\n",
TrimPrefix(entry->children[i].name), entry->children[i].define.value);
bool ScriptWriteBasicType(const char *type) {
if (0 == strcmp(type, "uint64_t")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "int64_t")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "uint32_t")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "int32_t")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "uint16_t")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "int16_t")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "uint8_t")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "int8_t")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "char")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "size_t")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "intptr_t")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "uintptr_t")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "ptrdiff_t")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "unsigned")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "int")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "long")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "EsGeneric")) FilePrintFormat(output, "int"); // TODO any type.
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "double")) FilePrintFormat(output, "float");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "float")) FilePrintFormat(output, "float");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "bool")) FilePrintFormat(output, "bool");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "EsCString")) FilePrintFormat(output, "str");
else if (0 == strcmp(type, "STRING")) FilePrintFormat(output, "str");
else return false;
return true;
void OutputScript(Entry *root) {
// TODO Return values.
// TODO Structs, enums, etc.
// TODO matrix_shared
int skippedFunctions = 0, totalFunctions = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = &root->children[i];
if (entry->isPrivate) continue;
if (entry->type == ENTRY_FUNCTION && !entry->function.functionPointer) {
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->annotations); i++) {
Entry *annotation = entry->annotations + i;
if (0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "native")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "matrix_shared")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "todo")) {
goto skipRootEntry;
uintptr_t returnValueCount = 0;
for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
if (pass == 1 && returnValueCount > 1) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "tuple[");
returnValueCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry argument = entry->children[i];
assert(argument.type == ENTRY_VARIABLE);
bool isVoidReturn = 0 == strcmp(argument.variable.type, "void") && !argument.variable.pointer;
bool isOutput = i == 0 && !isVoidReturn;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->annotations); i++) {
if ((0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "out")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "buffer_out"))
&& 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].children[0].name, argument.name)) {
isOutput = true;
char nameWithAsteriskSuffix[256];
assert(strlen(argument.name) < sizeof(nameWithAsteriskSuffix) - 2);
strcpy(nameWithAsteriskSuffix, argument.name);
strcat(nameWithAsteriskSuffix, "*");
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->annotations); i++) {
if ((0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "heap_array_out")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "heap_buffer_out"))
&& 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].children[1].name, nameWithAsteriskSuffix)) {
isOutput = false;
if (!isOutput) {
if (pass == 0) {
if (returnValueCount > 1) {
FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
bool foundType = false;
int pointer = argument.variable.pointer;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->annotations); i++) {
if ((0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "heap_array_out")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "heap_buffer_out"))
&& 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].children[1].name, nameWithAsteriskSuffix)) {
isOutput = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->annotations); i++) {
if ((0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "out"))
&& 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].children[0].name, argument.name)) {
bool isArray = false;
const char *argumentName = i ? argument.name : "return";
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->annotations); i++) {
if ((0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "heap_array_out")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "heap_matrix_out")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "heap_buffer_out")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "fixed_buffer_out")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "buffer_out"))
&& 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].children[0].name, argumentName)) {
isArray = 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "heap_array_out");
if (isArray) {
} else {
foundType = true;
FilePrintFormat(output, "str");
if (foundType) {
} else if (pointer == 0) {
if (ScriptWriteBasicType(argument.variable.type)) {
foundType = true;
} else {
for (int k = 0; k < arrlen(root->children); k++) {
if (!root->children[k].name) continue;
if (strcmp(argument.variable.type, root->children[k].name)) continue;
if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_TYPE_NAME) {
if (ScriptWriteBasicType(root->children[k].variable.type)) {
foundType = true;
} else if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s", root->children[k].name);
foundType = true;
} else if (pointer == 1) {
for (int k = 0; k < arrlen(root->children); k++) {
if (!root->children[k].name) continue;
if (strcmp(argument.variable.type, root->children[k].name)) continue;
if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_API_TYPE) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s", root->children[k].name);
foundType = true;
} else if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s", root->children[k].name);
foundType = true;
if (!foundType && 0 == strcmp(argument.variable.type, "ES_INSTANCE_TYPE")) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "EsInstance");
foundType = true;
if (isArray) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "[]");
if (!foundType) {
if (pass == 1 && returnValueCount > 1) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "]");
if (returnValueCount == 0) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "void");
FilePrintFormat(output, " %s(", entry->children[0].name);
bool firstArgument = true;
for (int i = 1; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry *argument = &entry->children[i];
assert(argument->type == ENTRY_VARIABLE);
bool bufferIn = false;
bool arrayIn = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->annotations); i++) {
if ((0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "out")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "buffer_out"))
&& 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].children[0].name, argument->name)) {
goto skipArgument;
} else if ((0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "array_in")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "buffer_in"))
&& 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].children[1].name, argument->name)) {
goto skipArgument;
} else if ((0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "buffer_in")
|| 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "matrix_in"))
&& 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].children[0].name, argument->name)) {
bufferIn = true;
} else if (0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "array_in")
&& 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].children[0].name, argument->name)) {
arrayIn = true;
if (!firstArgument) {
FilePrintFormat(output, ", ");
} else {
firstArgument = false;
bool foundType = false;
int pointer = argument->variable.pointer;
if (arrayIn) {
if (bufferIn) {
assert(pointer == 1);
FilePrintFormat(output, "str");
foundType = true;
} else if (pointer == 0) {
if (ScriptWriteBasicType(argument->variable.type)) {
foundType = true;
} else {
for (int k = 0; k < arrlen(root->children); k++) {
if (!root->children[k].name) continue;
if (strcmp(argument->variable.type, root->children[k].name)) continue;
if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_TYPE_NAME) {
if (ScriptWriteBasicType(root->children[k].variable.type)) {
foundType = true;
} else if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s", root->children[k].name);
foundType = true;
} else if (pointer == 1) {
for (int k = 0; k < arrlen(root->children); k++) {
if (!root->children[k].name) continue;
if (strcmp(argument->variable.type, root->children[k].name)) continue;
if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_API_TYPE) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s", root->children[k].name);
foundType = true;
} else if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s", root->children[k].name);
foundType = true;
if (!foundType && 0 == strcmp(argument->variable.type, "ES_INSTANCE_TYPE")) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "EsInstance");
foundType = true;
if (arrayIn) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "[]");
FilePrintFormat(output, " %s", argument->name);
FilePrintFormat(output, ") #extcall;\n");
} else if (entry->type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->annotations); i++) {
Entry *annotation = entry->annotations + i;
if (0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "opaque")) {
goto skipRootEntry;
FilePrintFormat(output, "struct %s {\n", entry->name);
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry e = entry->children[i];
assert(e.type == ENTRY_VARIABLE);
bool isArray = false;
bool isArrayLength = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->annotations); i++) {
if (0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "array_in")
&& 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].children[0].name, e.name)) {
isArray = true;
} else if (0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].name, "array_in")
&& 0 == strcmp(entry->annotations[i].children[1].name, e.name)) {
isArrayLength = true;
if (isArrayLength) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "\t");
bool foundType = false;
if (e.variable.pointer == 0 && ScriptWriteBasicType(e.variable.type)) {
foundType = true;
if (!foundType) {
for (int k = 0; k < arrlen(root->children); k++) {
if (!root->children[k].name) continue;
if (strcmp(e.variable.type, root->children[k].name)) continue;
if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_TYPE_NAME && e.variable.pointer == 0) {
if (ScriptWriteBasicType(root->children[k].variable.type)) {
foundType = true;
} else if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_API_TYPE && e.variable.pointer == 1) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s", root->children[k].name);
foundType = true;
} else if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_STRUCT && e.variable.pointer == 0) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s", root->children[k].name);
foundType = true;
} else if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_STRUCT && e.variable.pointer == 1) {
bool isOpaque = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children[k].annotations); i++) {
if (0 == strcmp(root->children[k].annotations[i].name, "opaque")) {
isOpaque = true;
if (isOpaque) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "%s", root->children[k].name);
foundType = true;
if (!foundType) {
FilePrintFormat(output, "??");
if (e.variable.isArray) FilePrintFormat(output, "[]");
if (isArray) FilePrintFormat(output, "[]");
FilePrintFormat(output, " %s;\n", e.name);
FilePrintFormat(output, "};\n\n");
Log("Skipped %d/%d functions.\n", skippedFunctions, totalFunctions);
int AnalysisResolve(Entry *root, Entry e, Entry **unresolved, Entry *resolved, Entry *annotations) {
assert(e.type == ENTRY_VARIABLE);
if (e.variable.pointer == 0 && (0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "uint64_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "int64_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "uint32_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "int32_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "uint16_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "int16_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "uint8_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "int8_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "char")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "size_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "intptr_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "uintptr_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "ptrdiff_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "unsigned")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "int")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "long")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "double")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "float")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "void")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "bool")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "EsCString")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "EsGeneric")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "STRING"))) {
return 1;
if (e.variable.pointer == 1 && !e.variable.isConst && (0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "ES_INSTANCE_TYPE"))) {
return 1;
for (int k = 0; k < arrlen(root->children); k++) {
if (!root->children[k].name) continue;
if (strcmp(e.variable.type, root->children[k].name)) continue;
if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_TYPE_NAME && e.variable.pointer == 0) {
return 1;
} else if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_INTTYPE && e.variable.pointer == 0) {
return 1;
} else if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_API_TYPE && e.variable.pointer == 1) {
return 1;
} else if (root->children[k].type == ENTRY_STRUCT) {
bool selfOpaque = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children[k].annotations); i++) {
if (0 == strcmp(root->children[k].annotations[i].name, "opaque")) {
selfOpaque = true;
if (selfOpaque && e.variable.pointer == 1) {
return 1;
} else if (!selfOpaque && e.variable.pointer == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children[k].children); i++) {
Entry f = root->children[k].children[i];
assert(f.type == ENTRY_VARIABLE);
char *old = f.name;
f.name = malloc(strlen(e.name) + 1 + strlen(old) + 1);
strcpy(f.name, e.name);
strcat(f.name, "*");
strcat(f.name, old);
arrput(*unresolved, f);
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(annotations); i++) {
Entry *annotation = annotations + i;
if (0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "in")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "out")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "in_out")) {
assert(1 == arrlen(annotation->children));
if (0 == strcmp(annotation->children[0].name, e.name)) {
assert(e.variable.isConst == (0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "in")));
Entry f = e;
f.name = malloc(strlen(e.name) + 1 + 1);
strcpy(f.name, e.name);
strcat(f.name, "*");
arrput(*unresolved, f);
return 1;
} else if (0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "buffer_out")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "heap_buffer_out")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "fixed_buffer_out")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "buffer_in")) {
assert(2 == arrlen(annotation->children));
if (0 == strcmp(annotation->children[0].name, e.name)) {
assert(e.variable.pointer && (0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "void")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "uint8_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(e.variable.type, "char")));
assert(e.variable.isConst == (0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "buffer_in")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "fixed_buffer_out")));
bool foundSize = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(resolved); i++) {
if (0 == strcmp(resolved[i].name, annotation->children[1].name)) {
assert(!resolved[i].variable.pointer && (0 == strcmp(resolved[i].variable.type, "size_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(resolved[i].variable.type, "ptrdiff_t")));
foundSize = true;
if (!foundSize) {
arrins(*unresolved, 0, e);
return 2;
return 1;
} else if (0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "heap_array_out")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "heap_matrix_out")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "array_in")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "matrix_in")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "matrix_shared")) {
bool matrix = 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "heap_matrix_out")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "matrix_in")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "matrix_shared");
bool input = 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "array_in")
|| 0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "matrix_in");
int children = arrlen(annotation->children);
if (matrix) assert(children == 3 || children == 4); // (width, height) or (width, height, stride) or (rectangle, stride)
else assert(children == 2);
if (0 == strcmp(annotation->children[0].name, e.name)) {
assert(e.variable.isConst == input);
int foundSize = 1;
for (int j = 1; j < children; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(resolved); i++) {
if (0 == strcmp(resolved[i].name, annotation->children[j].name)) {
assert(!resolved[i].variable.pointer && (0 == strcmp(resolved[i].variable.type, "size_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(resolved[i].variable.type, "ptrdiff_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(resolved[i].variable.type, "uintptr_t")
|| 0 == strcmp(resolved[i].variable.type, "uint32_t")
|| (0 == strcmp(resolved[i].variable.type, "EsRectangle") && matrix && j == 1)));
if (foundSize != children) {
arrins(*unresolved, 0, e);
return 2;
Entry f = e;
f.name = malloc(strlen(e.name) + 2 + 1);
strcpy(f.name, e.name);
strcat(f.name, "[]");
arrput(*unresolved, f);
return 1;
return 0;
void Analysis(Entry *root) {
// TODO @optional() annotation.
// TODO Smarter errors.
// TODO Fixed sized array based strings in structs.
// TODO Callbacks.
// TODO Array size computation: text run arrays, EsFileWriteAllGather, EsConstantBufferRead.
// TODO Generating constructors, getters and setters for @opaque() types like EsMessage, EsINIState, EsConnection, etc.
// TODO Check all the annotations have been used.
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = root->children + i;
if (entry->type != ENTRY_INTTYPE) continue;
if (!entry->inttype.parent) continue;
bool foundParent = false;
for (int j = 0; j < arrlen(root->children); j++) {
if (root->children[j].name && 0 == strcmp(root->children[j].name, entry->inttype.parent)) {
assert(root->children[j].type == ENTRY_INTTYPE);
assert(0 == strcmp(root->children[j].inttype.storageType, entry->inttype.storageType));
foundParent = true;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = root->children + i;
if (entry->isPrivate || entry->type != ENTRY_STRUCT) continue;
Entry *resolved = NULL;
Entry *unresolved = NULL;
bool understood = true;
const char *unresolvableName = NULL;
bool selfOpaque = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->annotations); i++) {
Entry *annotation = entry->annotations + i;
if (0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "opaque")) {
// Managed languages should treat this structure as opaque.
selfOpaque = true;
if (!selfOpaque) {
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry e = entry->children[i];
if (e.type != ENTRY_VARIABLE) {
assert(e.type == ENTRY_UNION);
unresolvableName = "(union)";
understood = false;
arrput(unresolved, e);
while (understood && arrlen(unresolved)) {
Entry e = arrpop(unresolved);
int result = AnalysisResolve(root, e, &unresolved, resolved, entry->annotations);
if (result == 1) {
arrput(resolved, e);
} else if (result == 0) {
unresolvableName = e.name;
understood = false;
if (!understood) {
Log("Insufficient annotations to understand '%s': '%s' could not be resolved.\n", entry->name, unresolvableName);
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root->children); i++) {
Entry *entry = root->children + i;
if (entry->isPrivate || entry->type != ENTRY_FUNCTION || entry->function.functionPointer) continue;
Entry *resolved = NULL;
Entry *unresolved = NULL;
bool understood = false;
const char *unresolvableName = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->annotations); i++) {
Entry *annotation = entry->annotations + i;
if (0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "native")) {
assert(0 == arrlen(annotation->children));
understood = true;
goto end;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->children); i++) {
Entry e = entry->children[i];
if (!i) e.name = "return";
arrput(unresolved, e);
while (arrlen(unresolved)) {
Entry e = arrpop(unresolved);
int result = AnalysisResolve(root, e, &unresolved, resolved, entry->annotations);
if (result == 1) {
arrput(resolved, e);
} else if (result == 0) {
unresolvableName = e.name;
goto end;
understood = true;
bool hasTODOMarker = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entry->annotations); i++) {
Entry *annotation = entry->annotations + i;
if (0 == strcmp(annotation->name, "todo")) {
assert(0 == arrlen(annotation->children));
hasTODOMarker = true;
if (hasTODOMarker == understood) {
Log("Insufficient annotations to understand '%s': '%s' could not be resolved.\n", entry->children[0].name, unresolvableName);
Log("Add the @todo() annotation to silence this error.\n");
void UpdateAPITable(Entry root) {
EsINIState s = { (char *) LoadFile("util/api_table.ini", &s.bytes) };
int32_t highestIndex = -1;
struct {
const char *cName;
int32_t index;
} *entries = NULL;
while (EsINIParse(&s)) {
int32_t index = atoi(s.value);
if (index < 0 || !s.key[0]) goto done;
if (index > highestIndex) highestIndex = index;
arraddn(entries, 1);
char *copy = (char *) malloc(strlen(s.key) + 1);
arrlast(entries).cName = copy;
strcpy(copy, s.key);
arrlast(entries).index = index;
arrsetlen(apiTableEntries, (size_t) (highestIndex + 1));
for (int i = 0; i < highestIndex + 1; i++) {
apiTableEntries[i] = "EsUnimplemented";
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(entries); i++) {
apiTableEntries[entries[i].index] = entries[i].cName;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root.children); i++) {
Entry *entry = root.children + i;
if (entry->type != ENTRY_FUNCTION || entry->function.functionPointer) continue;
const char *name = entry->children[0].name;
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(apiTableEntries); i++) {
if (0 == strcmp(apiTableEntries[i], name)) {
entry->function.apiArrayIndex = i;
found = true;
if (!found) {
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(apiTableEntries); i++) {
if (0 == strcmp(apiTableEntries[i], "EsUnimplemented")) {
apiTableEntries[i] = name;
entry->function.apiArrayIndex = i;
found = true;
if (!found) {
entry->function.apiArrayIndex = arrlen(apiTableEntries);
arrput(apiTableEntries, name);
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(apiTableEntries); i++) {
apiTableEntries[i] = "EsUnimplemented";
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(root.children); i++) {
Entry *entry = root.children + i;
if (entry->type != ENTRY_FUNCTION || entry->function.functionPointer) continue;
const char *name = entry->children[0].name;
apiTableEntries[entry->function.apiArrayIndex] = name;
if (outputAPIArray.ready) {
File f = FileOpen("util/api_table.ini", 'w');
for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(apiTableEntries); i++) {
FilePrintFormat(outputAPIArray, "(void *) %s,\n", apiTableEntries[i]);
if (strcmp(apiTableEntries[i], "EsUnimplemented")) {
FilePrintFormat(f, "%s=%d\n", apiTableEntries[i], i);
int HeaderGeneratorMain(int argc, char **argv) {
bool system = argc == 3 && 0 == strcmp(argv[1], "system");
if (system) {
outputDependencies = FileOpen(DEST_DEPENDENCIES ".tmp", 'w');
FilePrintFormat(outputDependencies, ": \n");
Entry root = {};
ParseFile(&root, "desktop/os.header");
const char *language = "c";
if (argc == 3) {
language = argv[1];
output = FileOpen(argv[2], 'w');
if (system) {
outputAPIArray = FileOpen(DEST_API_ARRAY, 'w');
outputSyscallArray = FileOpen(DEST_SYSCALL_ARRAY, 'w');
outputEnumStringsArray = FileOpen(DEST_ENUM_STRINGS_ARRAY, 'w');
} else {
Log("Usage: %s <language> <path-to-output-file>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
if (0 == strcmp(language, "c") || 0 == strcmp(language, "system")) {
} else if (0 == strcmp(language, "odin")) {
} else if (0 == strcmp(language, "zig")) {
} else if (0 == strcmp(language, "script")) {
} else {
Log("Unsupported language '%s'.\nLanguage must be one of: 'c', 'odin'.\n", language);
if (system) rename(DEST_DEPENDENCIES ".tmp", DEST_DEPENDENCIES);
if (outputDependencies.ready) FileClose(outputDependencies);
if (output.ready) FileClose(output);
if (outputAPIArray.ready) FileClose(outputAPIArray);
if (outputSyscallArray.ready) FileClose(outputSyscallArray);
if (outputEnumStringsArray.ready) FileClose(outputEnumStringsArray);
return 0;