
396 lines
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// This file is part of the Essence operating system.
// It is released under the terms of the MIT license -- see
// Written by: nakst.
enum TreeSearchMode {
template <class T>
struct AVLTree;
struct AVLKey {
union {
uintptr_t shortKey;
struct {
void *longKey;
size_t longKeyBytes;
inline AVLKey MakeShortKey(uintptr_t shortKey) {
AVLKey key = {};
key.shortKey = shortKey;
return key;
inline AVLKey MakeLongKey(const void *longKey, size_t longKeyBytes) {
AVLKey key = {};
key.longKey = (void *) longKey;
key.longKeyBytes = longKeyBytes;
return key;
inline AVLKey MakeCStringKey(const char *cString) {
return MakeLongKey(cString, EsCStringLength(cString) + 1);
template <class T>
struct AVLItem {
T *thisItem;
AVLItem<T> *children[2], *parent;
AVLTree<T> *tree;
AVLKey key;
int height;
template <class T>
struct AVLTree {
AVLItem<T> *root;
bool modCheck;
bool longKeys;
template <class T>
void TreeRelink(AVLItem<T> *item, AVLItem<T> *newLocation) {
item->parent->children[item->parent->children[1] == item] = newLocation;
if (item->children[0]) item->children[0]->parent = newLocation;
if (item->children[1]) item->children[1]->parent = newLocation;
template <class T>
void TreeSwapItems(AVLItem<T> *a, AVLItem<T> *b) {
// Set the parent of each item to point to the opposite one.
a->parent->children[a->parent->children[1] == a] = b;
b->parent->children[b->parent->children[1] == b] = a;
// Swap the data between items.
AVLItem<T> ta = *a, tb = *b;
a->parent = tb.parent;
b->parent = ta.parent;
a->height = tb.height;
b->height = ta.height;
a->children[0] = tb.children[0];
a->children[1] = tb.children[1];
b->children[0] = ta.children[0];
b->children[1] = ta.children[1];
// Make all the children point to the correct item.
if (a->children[0]) a->children[0]->parent = a;
if (a->children[1]) a->children[1]->parent = a;
if (b->children[0]) b->children[0]->parent = b;
if (b->children[1]) b->children[1]->parent = b;
template <class T>
inline int TreeCompare(AVLTree<T> *tree, AVLKey *key1, AVLKey *key2) {
if (tree->longKeys) {
if (!key1->longKey && !key2->longKey) return 0;
if (!key2->longKey) return 1;
if (!key1->longKey) return -1;
return EsStringCompareRaw((const char *) key1->longKey, key1->longKeyBytes, (const char *) key2->longKey, key2->longKeyBytes);
} else {
if (key1->shortKey < key2->shortKey) return -1;
if (key1->shortKey > key2->shortKey) return 1;
return 0;
template <class T>
int TreeValidate(AVLItem<T> *root, bool before, AVLTree<T> *tree, AVLItem<T> *parent = nullptr, int depth = 0) {
if (!root) return 0;
if (root->parent != parent) EsPanic("TreeValidate - Invalid binary tree 1 (%d).\n", before);
if (root->tree != tree) EsPanic("TreeValidate - Invalid binary tree 4 (%d).\n", before);
AVLItem<T> *left = root->children[0];
AVLItem<T> *right = root->children[1];
if (left && TreeCompare(tree, &left->key, &root->key) > 0) EsPanic("TreeValidate - Invalid binary tree 2 (%d).\n", before);
if (right && TreeCompare(tree, &right->key, &root->key) < 0) EsPanic("TreeValidate - Invalid binary tree 3 (%d).\n", before);
int leftHeight = TreeValidate(left, before, tree, root, depth + 1);
int rightHeight = TreeValidate(right, before, tree, root, depth + 1);
int height = (leftHeight > rightHeight ? leftHeight : rightHeight) + 1;
if (height != root->height) EsPanic("TreeValidate - Invalid AVL tree 1 (%d).\n", before);
#if 0
static int maxSeenDepth = 0;
if (maxSeenDepth < depth) {
maxSeenDepth = depth;
EsPrint("New depth reached! %d\n", maxSeenDepth);
return height;
(void) root;
(void) before;
(void) tree;
(void) parent;
(void) depth;
return 0;
template <class T>
AVLItem<T> *TreeRotateLeft(AVLItem<T> *x) {
AVLItem<T> *y = x->children[1], *t = y->children[0];
y->children[0] = x, x->children[1] = t;
if (x) x->parent = y;
if (t) t->parent = x;
int leftHeight, rightHeight, balance;
leftHeight = x->children[0] ? x->children[0]->height : 0;
rightHeight = x->children[1] ? x->children[1]->height : 0;
balance = leftHeight - rightHeight;
x->height = (balance > 0 ? leftHeight : rightHeight) + 1;
leftHeight = y->children[0] ? y->children[0]->height : 0;
rightHeight = y->children[1] ? y->children[1]->height : 0;
balance = leftHeight - rightHeight;
y->height = (balance > 0 ? leftHeight : rightHeight) + 1;
return y;
template <class T>
AVLItem<T> *TreeRotateRight(AVLItem<T> *y) {
AVLItem<T> *x = y->children[0], *t = x->children[1];
x->children[1] = y, y->children[0] = t;
if (y) y->parent = x;
if (t) t->parent = y;
int leftHeight, rightHeight, balance;
leftHeight = y->children[0] ? y->children[0]->height : 0;
rightHeight = y->children[1] ? y->children[1]->height : 0;
balance = leftHeight - rightHeight;
y->height = (balance > 0 ? leftHeight : rightHeight) + 1;
leftHeight = x->children[0] ? x->children[0]->height : 0;
rightHeight = x->children[1] ? x->children[1]->height : 0;
balance = leftHeight - rightHeight;
x->height = (balance > 0 ? leftHeight : rightHeight) + 1;
return x;
enum AVLDuplicateKeyPolicy {
template <class T>
bool TreeInsert(AVLTree<T> *tree, AVLItem<T> *item, T *thisItem, AVLKey key, AVLDuplicateKeyPolicy duplicateKeyPolicy = AVL_DUPLICATE_KEYS_PANIC) {
if (tree->modCheck) EsPanic("TreeInsert - Concurrent modification\n");
tree->modCheck = true; EsDefer({tree->modCheck = false;});
TreeValidate(tree->root, true, tree);
if (item->tree) {
EsPanic("TreeInsert - Item %x already in tree %x (adding to %x).\n", item, item->tree, tree);
item->tree = tree;
item->key = key;
item->children[0] = item->children[1] = nullptr;
item->thisItem = thisItem;
item->height = 1;
AVLItem<T> **link = &tree->root, *parent = nullptr;
while (true) {
AVLItem<T> *node = *link;
if (!node) {
*link = item;
item->parent = parent;
if (TreeCompare(tree, &item->key, &node->key) == 0) {
if (duplicateKeyPolicy == AVL_DUPLICATE_KEYS_PANIC) {
EsPanic("TreeInsertRecursive - Duplicate keys: %x and %x both have key %x.\n", item, node, node->key);
} else if (duplicateKeyPolicy == AVL_DUPLICATE_KEYS_FAIL) {
return false;
link = node->children + (TreeCompare(tree, &item->key, &node->key) > 0);
parent = node;
AVLItem<T> fakeRoot = {};
tree->root->parent = &fakeRoot;
fakeRoot.tree = tree;
fakeRoot.key = {};
fakeRoot.children[0] = tree->root;
item = item->parent;
while (item != &fakeRoot) {
int leftHeight = item->children[0] ? item->children[0]->height : 0;
int rightHeight = item->children[1] ? item->children[1]->height : 0;
int balance = leftHeight - rightHeight;
item->height = (balance > 0 ? leftHeight : rightHeight) + 1;
AVLItem<T> *newRoot = nullptr;
AVLItem<T> *oldParent = item->parent;
if (balance > 1 && TreeCompare(tree, &key, &item->children[0]->key) <= 0) {
oldParent->children[oldParent->children[1] == item] = newRoot = TreeRotateRight(item);
} else if (balance > 1 && TreeCompare(tree, &key, &item->children[0]->key) > 0 && item->children[0]->children[1]) {
item->children[0] = TreeRotateLeft(item->children[0]);
item->children[0]->parent = item;
oldParent->children[oldParent->children[1] == item] = newRoot = TreeRotateRight(item);
} else if (balance < -1 && TreeCompare(tree, &key, &item->children[1]->key) > 0) {
oldParent->children[oldParent->children[1] == item] = newRoot = TreeRotateLeft(item);
} else if (balance < -1 && TreeCompare(tree, &key, &item->children[1]->key) <= 0 && item->children[1]->children[0]) {
item->children[1] = TreeRotateRight(item->children[1]);
item->children[1]->parent = item;
oldParent->children[oldParent->children[1] == item] = newRoot = TreeRotateLeft(item);
if (newRoot) newRoot->parent = oldParent;
item = oldParent;
tree->root = fakeRoot.children[0];
tree->root->parent = nullptr;
TreeValidate(tree->root, false, tree);
return true;
template <class T>
AVLItem<T> *TreeFindRecursive(AVLTree<T> *tree, AVLItem<T> *root, AVLKey *key, TreeSearchMode mode) {
if (!root) return nullptr;
if (TreeCompare(tree, &root->key, key) == 0) return root;
if (mode == TREE_SEARCH_EXACT) {
return TreeFindRecursive(tree, root->children[TreeCompare(tree, &root->key, key) < 0], key, mode);
if (TreeCompare(tree, &root->key, key) > 0) {
AVLItem<T> *item = TreeFindRecursive(tree, root->children[0], key, mode);
if (item) return item; else return root;
} else {
return TreeFindRecursive(tree, root->children[1], key, mode);
if (TreeCompare(tree, &root->key, key) < 0) {
AVLItem<T> *item = TreeFindRecursive(tree, root->children[1], key, mode);
if (item) return item; else return root;
} else {
return TreeFindRecursive(tree, root->children[0], key, mode);
} else {
EsPanic("TreeFindRecursive - Invalid search mode.\n");
return nullptr;
template <class T>
AVLItem<T> *TreeFind(AVLTree<T> *tree, AVLKey key, TreeSearchMode mode) {
if (tree->modCheck) EsPanic("TreeFind - Concurrent access\n");
TreeValidate(tree->root, true, tree);
return TreeFindRecursive(tree, tree->root, &key, mode);
template <class T>
int TreeGetBalance(AVLItem<T> *item) {
if (!item) return 0;
int leftHeight = item->children[0] ? item->children[0]->height : 0;
int rightHeight = item->children[1] ? item->children[1]->height : 0;
return leftHeight - rightHeight;
template <class T>
void TreeRemove(AVLTree<T> *tree, AVLItem<T> *item) {
if (tree->modCheck) EsPanic("TreeRemove - Concurrent modification\n");
tree->modCheck = true; EsDefer({tree->modCheck = false;});
TreeValidate(tree->root, true, tree);
if (item->tree != tree) EsPanic("TreeRemove - Item %x not in tree %x (in %x).\n", item, tree, item->tree);
AVLItem<T> fakeRoot = {};
tree->root->parent = &fakeRoot;
fakeRoot.tree = tree;
fakeRoot.key = {};
fakeRoot.children[0] = tree->root;
if (item->children[0] && item->children[1]) {
// Swap the item we're removing with the smallest item on its right side.
AVLKey smallest = {};
TreeSwapItems(TreeFindRecursive(tree, item->children[1], &smallest, TREE_SEARCH_SMALLEST_ABOVE_OR_EQUAL), item);
AVLItem<T> **link = item->parent->children + (item->parent->children[1] == item);
*link = item->children[0] ? item->children[0] : item->children[1];
if (*link) (*link)->parent = item->parent;
item->tree = nullptr;
if (*link) item = *link; else item = item->parent;
while (item != &fakeRoot) {
int leftHeight = item->children[0] ? item->children[0]->height : 0;
int rightHeight = item->children[1] ? item->children[1]->height : 0;
int balance = leftHeight - rightHeight;
item->height = (balance > 0 ? leftHeight : rightHeight) + 1;
AVLItem<T> *newRoot = nullptr;
AVLItem<T> *oldParent = item->parent;
if (balance > 1 && TreeGetBalance(item->children[0]) >= 0) {
oldParent->children[oldParent->children[1] == item] = newRoot = TreeRotateRight(item);
} else if (balance > 1 && TreeGetBalance(item->children[0]) < 0) {
item->children[0] = TreeRotateLeft(item->children[0]);
item->children[0]->parent = item;
oldParent->children[oldParent->children[1] == item] = newRoot = TreeRotateRight(item);
} else if (balance < -1 && TreeGetBalance(item->children[1]) <= 0) {
oldParent->children[oldParent->children[1] == item] = newRoot = TreeRotateLeft(item);
} else if (balance < -1 && TreeGetBalance(item->children[1]) > 0) {
item->children[1] = TreeRotateRight(item->children[1]);
item->children[1]->parent = item;
oldParent->children[oldParent->children[1] == item] = newRoot = TreeRotateLeft(item);
if (newRoot) newRoot->parent = oldParent;
item = oldParent;
tree->root = fakeRoot.children[0];
if (tree->root) {
if (tree->root->parent != &fakeRoot) EsPanic("TreeRemove - Incorrect root parent.\n");
tree->root->parent = nullptr;
TreeValidate(tree->root, false, tree);