
119 lines
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// This file is part of the Essence operating system.
// It is released under the terms of the MIT license -- see
// Written by: nakst.
struct Arena {
// Arenas are not thread-safe!
// You can use different arenas in different threads, though.
void *firstEmptySlot, *firstBlock;
size_t slotsPerBlock, slotSize, blockSize;
void *ArenaAllocate(Arena *arena, bool zero); // Not thread-safe.
void ArenaFree(Arena *arena, void *pointer); // Not thread-safe.
void ArenaInitialise(Arena *arena, size_t blockSize, size_t itemSize);
struct ArenaSlot {
uintptr_t indexInBlock;
ArenaSlot *nextEmpty, **previousEmpty;
struct ArenaBlock {
struct Arena *arena;
size_t usedSlots;
uint8_t *data;
ArenaBlock *nextBlock;
void ArenaFree(Arena *arena, void *pointer) {
if (!pointer) return;
ArenaBlock **blockReference = (ArenaBlock **) &arena->firstBlock;
ArenaBlock *block = (ArenaBlock *) arena->firstBlock;
while (true) {
if (block->data <= (uint8_t *) pointer && block->data + arena->blockSize > (uint8_t *) pointer) {
blockReference = &block->nextBlock;
block = block->nextBlock;
uintptr_t indexInBlock = ((uint8_t *) pointer - block->data) / arena->slotSize;
EsAssert(indexInBlock < arena->slotsPerBlock);
ArenaSlot *slot = (ArenaSlot *) (block + 1) + indexInBlock;
EsAssert(slot->indexInBlock == indexInBlock);
slot->nextEmpty = (ArenaSlot *) arena->firstEmptySlot;
if (arena->firstEmptySlot) ((ArenaSlot *) arena->firstEmptySlot)->previousEmpty = &slot->nextEmpty;
arena->firstEmptySlot = slot;
slot->previousEmpty = (ArenaSlot **) &arena->firstEmptySlot;
if (!(--block->usedSlots)) {
ArenaSlot *slot = (ArenaSlot *) (block + 1);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < arena->slotsPerBlock; i++, slot++) {
if (slot->nextEmpty) slot->nextEmpty->previousEmpty = slot->previousEmpty;
*slot->previousEmpty = slot->nextEmpty;
*blockReference = block->nextBlock;
#ifdef KERNEL
MMFree(kernelMMSpace, block->data);
EsHeapFree(block, 0, K_FIXED);
void *ArenaAllocate(Arena *arena, bool zero) {
if (!arena->firstEmptySlot) {
#ifdef KERNEL
ArenaBlock *block = (ArenaBlock *) EsHeapAllocate(arena->slotsPerBlock * sizeof(ArenaSlot) + sizeof(ArenaBlock), false, K_FIXED);
block->data = (uint8_t *) MMStandardAllocate(kernelMMSpace, arena->blockSize, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT, nullptr, true /* commitAll */);
ArenaBlock *block = (ArenaBlock *) EsHeapAllocate(arena->slotsPerBlock * sizeof(ArenaSlot) + sizeof(ArenaBlock), false);
block->data = (uint8_t *) EsMemoryReserve(arena->blockSize, ES_MEMORY_PROTECTION_READ_WRITE);
ArenaSlot *slots = (ArenaSlot *) (block + 1);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < arena->slotsPerBlock; i++) {
ArenaSlot *slot = slots + i;
slot->indexInBlock = i;
slot->nextEmpty = i == arena->slotsPerBlock - 1 ? (ArenaSlot *) arena->firstEmptySlot : (slot + 1);
slot->previousEmpty = i ? &slot[-1].nextEmpty : (ArenaSlot **) &arena->firstEmptySlot;
block->arena = arena;
block->usedSlots = 0;
block->nextBlock = (ArenaBlock *) arena->firstBlock;
arena->firstEmptySlot = slots;
arena->firstBlock = block;
ArenaSlot *slot = (ArenaSlot *) arena->firstEmptySlot;
arena->firstEmptySlot = slot->nextEmpty;
if (arena->firstEmptySlot) ((ArenaSlot *) arena->firstEmptySlot)->previousEmpty = (ArenaSlot **) &arena->firstEmptySlot;
EsAssert(slot->previousEmpty == (ArenaSlot **) &arena->firstEmptySlot); // Incorrect first empty slot back link.
ArenaBlock *block = (ArenaBlock *) (slot - slot->indexInBlock) - 1;
void *pointer = block->data + arena->slotSize * slot->indexInBlock;
if (zero) EsMemoryZero(pointer, arena->slotSize);
return pointer;
void ArenaInitialise(Arena *arena, size_t blockSize, size_t itemSize) {
EsAssert(!arena->slotSize && itemSize);
arena->slotSize = itemSize;
arena->slotsPerBlock = blockSize / arena->slotSize;
if (arena->slotsPerBlock < 32) arena->slotsPerBlock = 32;
arena->blockSize = arena->slotsPerBlock * arena->slotSize;