
508 lines
17 KiB

// This file is part of the Essence operating system.
// It is released under the terms of the MIT license -- see
// Written by: nakst.
// TODO Initialise on a separate thread.
// TODO Checksum off-loading.
#include <module.h>
#define RD_REGISTER_CTRL() Read(0x00) // Device control.
#define WR_REGISTER_CTRL(x) Write(0x00, (x) & ~0x20000416)
#define RD_REGISTER_STATUS() Read(0x08) // Device status.
#define RD_REGISTER_EECD() Read(0x10) // EEPROM data.
#define RD_REGISTER_EERD() Read(0x14) // EEPROM read.
#define WR_REGISTER_EERD(x) Write(0x14, x)
#define WR_REGISTER_FCAL(x) Write(0x28, x) // Flow control low.
#define WR_REGISTER_FCAH(x) Write(0x2C, x) // Flow control high.
#define WR_REGISTER_FCT(x) Write(0x30, x) // Flow control type.
#define RD_REGISTER_ICR() Read(0xC0) // Interrupt cause read.
#define RD_REGISTER_IMS() Read(0xD0) // Interrupt mask set/read.
#define WR_REGISTER_IMS(x) Write(0xD0, x)
#define WR_REGISTER_IMC(x) Write(0xD8, x) // Interrupt mask clear.
#define RD_REGISTER_RCTL() Read(0x100) // Receive control.
#define WR_REGISTER_RCTL(x) Write(0x100, (x) & ~0xF9204C01)
#define RD_REGISTER_RDBAL() Read(0x2800) // Receive descriptor base address low.
#define WR_REGISTER_RDBAL(x) Write(0x2800, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_RDBAH() Read(0x2804) // Receive descriptor base address high.
#define WR_REGISTER_RDBAH(x) Write(0x2804, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_RDLEN() Read(0x2808) // Receive descriptor length.
#define WR_REGISTER_RDLEN(x) Write(0x2808, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_RDH() Read(0x2810) // Receive descriptor head.
#define WR_REGISTER_RDH(x) Write(0x2810, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_RDT() Read(0x2818) // Receive descriptor tail.
#define WR_REGISTER_RDT(x) Write(0x2818, x)
#define WR_REGISTER_MTA(x, y) Write(0x5200 + x * 4, y) // Multicast table array.
#define RD_REGISTER_RAL() Read(0x5400) // Receive address low.
#define WR_REGISTER_RAL(x) Write(0x5400, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_RAH() Read(0x5404) // Receive address high.
#define WR_REGISTER_RAH(x) Write(0x5404, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_TCTL() Read(0x400) // Transmit control.
#define WR_REGISTER_TCTL(x) Write(0x400, (x) & ~0xFC800005)
#define RD_REGISTER_TDBAL() Read(0x3800) // Transmit descriptor base address low.
#define WR_REGISTER_TDBAL(x) Write(0x3800, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_TDBAH() Read(0x3804) // Transmit descriptor base address high.
#define WR_REGISTER_TDBAH(x) Write(0x3804, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_TDLEN() Read(0x3808) // Transmit descriptor length.
#define WR_REGISTER_TDLEN(x) Write(0x3808, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_TDH() Read(0x3810) // Transmit descriptor head.
#define WR_REGISTER_TDH(x) Write(0x3810, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_TDT() Read(0x3818) // Transmit descriptor tail.
#define WR_REGISTER_TDT(x) Write(0x3818, x)
#define RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE (8192)
#define TRANSFER_BUFFER_EXTRA (16) // TODO What are these for?
struct ReceiveDescriptor {
uint64_t address;
uint16_t length;
uint16_t checksum;
uint8_t status, errors;
uint16_t special;
struct TransmitDescriptor {
uint64_t address;
uint16_t length;
uint8_t checksumOffset;
uint8_t command;
uint8_t status;
uint8_t checksumStartField;
uint16_t special;
struct Controller : NetInterface {
KPCIDevice *pci;
bool hasEEPROM;
ReceiveDescriptor *receiveDescriptors;
TransmitDescriptor *transmitDescriptors;
uint8_t *receiveBuffers[RECEIVE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT];
void *transmitBuffers[TRANSMIT_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT];
uintptr_t receiveTail;
uintptr_t transmitTail;
// Used by the dispatch thread.
uint8_t *dispatchBuffers[RECEIVE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT];
size_t dispatchByteCounts[RECEIVE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT];
uintptr_t dispatchPhysicalAddresses[RECEIVE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT];
KMutex transmitMutex;
KEvent receiveEvent;
uint32_t Read(uintptr_t offset);
void Write(uintptr_t offset, uint32_t value);
bool ReadEEPROM(uint8_t address, uint16_t *data);
void Initialise();
bool Transmit(void *dataVirtual, uintptr_t dataPhysical, size_t dataBytes);
bool HandleIRQ();
void DispatchThread();
void DumpState();
void Controller::DumpState() {
EsPrint("I8254x controller state:\n");
EsPrint("\t--- Internal ---\n");
EsPrint("\t\tHas EEPROM: %z.\n", hasEEPROM ? "yes" : "no");
EsPrint("\t\tMAC address: %X:%X:%X:%X:%X:%X.\n", macAddress.d[0], macAddress.d[1], macAddress.d[2],
macAddress.d[3], macAddress.d[4], macAddress.d[5]);
EsPrint("\t--- Registers ---\n");
EsPrint("\t\tDevice control: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_CTRL());
EsPrint("\t\tDevice status: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_STATUS());
EsPrint("\t\tEEPROM data: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_EECD());
EsPrint("\t\tEEPROM read: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_EERD());
EsPrint("\t\tReceive descriptor base address: %x.\n", (uint64_t) RD_REGISTER_RDBAL() | ((uint64_t) RD_REGISTER_RDBAH() << 32));
EsPrint("\t\tReceive descriptor length: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_RDLEN());
EsPrint("\t\tReceive descriptor head: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_RDH());
EsPrint("\t\tReceive descriptor tail: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_RDT());
EsPrint("\t\tReceive control: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_RCTL());
EsPrint("\t\tReceive MAC address: %x.\n", (uint64_t) RD_REGISTER_RAL() | ((uint64_t) RD_REGISTER_RAH() << 32));
EsPrint("\t\tTransmit descriptor base address: %x.\n", (uint64_t) RD_REGISTER_TDBAL() | ((uint64_t) RD_REGISTER_TDBAH() << 32));
EsPrint("\t\tTransmit descriptor length: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_TDLEN());
EsPrint("\t\tTransmit descriptor head: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_TDH());
EsPrint("\t\tTransmit descriptor tail: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_TDT());
EsPrint("\t\tTransmit control: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_TCTL());
bool Controller::Transmit(void *dataVirtual, uintptr_t dataPhysical, size_t dataBytes) {
if (!dataBytes) {
KernelPanic("Controller::Transmit - dataBytes is zero.\n");
// Get a next index to use for the transmit descriptor.
uint32_t head = RD_REGISTER_TDH();
uint32_t index = transmitTail;
uint32_t tail = (index + 1) % TRANSMIT_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT;
if (head == tail) {
// Wait upto 20ms for the head to move.
KTimeout timeout(20);
while (!timeout.Hit() && (RD_REGISTER_TDH() == tail));
if (head == tail) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "I8254x", "transmit overrun", "Attempting to transmit a packet with the head at the same position as the tail.\n");
return false;
// Free any unused transmit buffers.
if (transmitBuffers[index]) {
for (uintptr_t i = tail; i != head; i = (i + 1) % TRANSMIT_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT) {
if (transmitBuffers[i]) {
transmitBuffers[i] = nullptr;
// Set up transmit descriptor.
transmitDescriptors[index].length = dataBytes;
transmitDescriptors[index].status = 0;
transmitDescriptors[index].address = dataPhysical;
transmitDescriptors[index].command = (1 << 0 /* end of packet */) | (1 << 1 /* insert CRC in Ethernet packet */) | (1 << 3 /* report status */);
transmitBuffers[index] = dataVirtual;
if ((dataPhysical >> K_PAGE_BITS) != ((dataPhysical + dataBytes - 1) >> K_PAGE_BITS)) {
KernelPanic("Controller::Transmit - Data spanned over page boundary.\n");
// Submit the transmit descriptor to the controller.
transmitTail = tail;
return true;
void Controller::DispatchThread() {
while (true) {
KEvent *events[] = { &receiveEvent };
KEventWaitMultiple(events, 1);
NetInterfaceSetConnected(this, RD_REGISTER_STATUS() & (1 << 1));
uint32_t tail = receiveTail, head = RD_REGISTER_RDH();
uintptr_t dispatchCount = 0;
while (true) {
uint32_t nextTail = (tail + 1) % RECEIVE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT;
if (nextTail == head) {
// Keep the tail one behind the head, otherwise controller assumes queue is empty of usable slots.
if (~receiveDescriptors[nextTail].status & (1 << 0 /* descriptor done */)) {
tail = nextTail;
uint16_t status = receiveDescriptors[tail].status;
receiveDescriptors[tail].status = 0;
if (~status & (1 << 1 /* end of packet */)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "I8254x", "clear EOP bit", "Received descriptor with clear end of packet bit; this is unsupported.\n");
goto next;
if (receiveDescriptors[tail].errors) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "I8254x", "received error", "Received descriptor with error bits %X set.\n", receiveDescriptors[tail].errors);
goto next;
if (receiveDescriptors[tail].length < 60) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "I8254x", "short packet", "Received descriptor with packet less than 60 bytes; this is unsupported.\n");
goto next;
KernelLog(LOG_VERBOSE, "I8254x", "received packet", "Received packet at index %d with length %D.\n", tail, receiveDescriptors[tail].length);
uint8_t *newVirtualAddress;
uintptr_t newPhysicalAddress;
16, 64, false, 0, &newVirtualAddress, &newPhysicalAddress)) {
// If we couldn't allocate memory, dispatch the buffer immediately.
NetInterfaceReceive(this, receiveBuffers[tail], receiveDescriptors[tail].length, NET_PACKET_ETHERNET);
} else {
// Queue the buffer to be dispatched.
dispatchBuffers[dispatchCount] = receiveBuffers[tail];
dispatchByteCounts[dispatchCount] = receiveDescriptors[tail].length;
dispatchPhysicalAddresses[dispatchCount] = receiveDescriptors[tail].address;
receiveBuffers[tail] = newVirtualAddress;
receiveDescriptors[tail].address = newPhysicalAddress;
receiveTail = tail;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < dispatchCount; i++) {
NetInterfaceReceive(this, dispatchBuffers[i], dispatchByteCounts[i], NET_PACKET_ETHERNET);
MMFree(MMGetKernelSpace(), dispatchBuffers[i], RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE + TRANSFER_BUFFER_EXTRA);
MMPhysicalFree(dispatchPhysicalAddresses[i], false, (RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE + TRANSFER_BUFFER_EXTRA + K_PAGE_SIZE - 1) / K_PAGE_SIZE);
bool Controller::HandleIRQ() {
uint32_t cause = RD_REGISTER_ICR();
if (!cause) {
return false;
KernelLog(LOG_VERBOSE, "I8254x", "received IRQ", "Received IRQ with cause %x.\n", cause);
if (cause & (1 << 2)) {
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "I8254x", "link status change", "Link is now %z.\n",
(RD_REGISTER_STATUS() & (1 << 1)) ? "up" : "down");
KEventSet(&receiveEvent, true);
if (cause & (1 << 6)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "I8254x", "receive underrun", "Controller reported receive underrun; packets have been lost.\n");
if (cause & ((1 << 6) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 4))) {
KEventSet(&receiveEvent, true);
return true;
uint32_t Controller::Read(uintptr_t offset) {
if (pci->baseAddresses[0] & 1) {
pci->WriteBAR32(0, 0, offset);
return pci->ReadBAR32(0, 4);
} else {
return pci->ReadBAR32(0, offset);
void Controller::Write(uintptr_t offset, uint32_t value) {
if (pci->baseAddresses[0] & 1) {
pci->WriteBAR32(0, 0, offset);
pci->WriteBAR32(0, 4, value);
} else {
pci->WriteBAR32(0, offset, value);
bool Controller::ReadEEPROM(uint8_t address, uint16_t *data) {
if (!hasEEPROM) {
KernelPanic("Controller::ReadEEPROM - EEPROM not present.\n");
WR_REGISTER_EERD(1 | ((uint32_t) address << 8));
KTimeout timeout(20);
while (!timeout.Hit() && (RD_REGISTER_EERD() & (1 << 4)));
if (data) *data = RD_REGISTER_EERD() >> 16;
return RD_REGISTER_EERD() & (1 << 4);
void Controller::Initialise() {
KEvent wait = {};
// Create a thread for dispatching received packets.
receiveEvent.autoReset = true;
if (!KThreadCreate("I8254xDispatch", [] (uintptr_t self) { ((Controller *) self)->DispatchThread(); }, (uintptr_t) this)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "I8254x", "thread error", "Could not create the dispatch thread.\n");
// Detect the EEPROM.
hasEEPROM = true;
hasEEPROM = ReadEEPROM(0, nullptr);
// Reset the controller.
uint32_t controlReset = RD_REGISTER_CTRL();
WR_REGISTER_CTRL(controlReset | (1 << 31 /* PHY_RST */));
KEventWait(&wait, 20 /* specification says minimum time is 10ms, double for safety */);
WR_REGISTER_CTRL(controlReset | (1 << 26 /* RST */));
KEventWait(&wait, 20);
if (RD_REGISTER_CTRL() & (1 << 26)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "I8254x", "reset timeout", "Reset bit in control register did not clear after 20ms.\n");
// Configure the control register.
uint32_t controlClearBits = (1 << 3 /* LRST */) | (1 << 31 /* PHY_RST */) | (1 << 7 /* ILOS */) | (1 << 30 /* VME */);
uint32_t controlSetBits = (1 << 5 /* ASDE */) | (1 << 6 /* SLU */);
WR_REGISTER_CTRL((RD_REGISTER_CTRL() & ~controlClearBits) | controlSetBits);
// Allocate receive and transmit descriptors and their buffers.
uintptr_t receiveDescriptorsPhysical, transmitDescriptorsPhysical;
if (!MMPhysicalAllocateAndMap(sizeof(ReceiveDescriptor) * RECEIVE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT, 16, 64, true,
0, (uint8_t **) &receiveDescriptors, &receiveDescriptorsPhysical)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "I8254x", "allocation failure", "Could not allocate receive descriptors.\n");
if (!MMPhysicalAllocateAndMap(sizeof(TransmitDescriptor) * TRANSMIT_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT, 16, 64, true,
0, (uint8_t **) &transmitDescriptors, &transmitDescriptorsPhysical)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "I8254x", "allocation failure", "Could not allocate transmit descriptors.\n");
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < RECEIVE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT; i++) {
uintptr_t address;
16, 64, false, 0, receiveBuffers + i, &address)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "I8254x", "allocation failure", "Could not allocate receive buffers.\n");
receiveDescriptors[i].address = address;
// Disable flow control.
// Get the MAC address.
if (hasEEPROM) {
if (!ReadEEPROM(0, (uint16_t *) &macAddress.d[0])
|| !ReadEEPROM(1, (uint16_t *) &macAddress.d[2])
|| !ReadEEPROM(2, (uint16_t *) &macAddress.d[4])) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "I8254x", "EEPROM error", "Could not read the MAC address from the EEPROM.\n");
} else {
macAddress64 = ((uint64_t) RD_REGISTER_RAL() | ((uint64_t) RD_REGISTER_RAH() << 32)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF;
// Enable interrupts and the register the handler.
WR_REGISTER_IMC((1 << 17) - 1);
WR_REGISTER_IMS((1 << 6 /* RXO */) | (1 << 7 /* RXT */) | (1 << 4 /* RXDMT */) | (1 << 2 /* LSC */));
if (!pci->EnableSingleInterrupt([] (uintptr_t, void *context) { return ((Controller *) context)->HandleIRQ(); }, this, "I8254x")) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "I8254x", "IRQ registration failure", "Could not register IRQ %d.\n", pci->interruptLine);
// Setup receive registers.
WR_REGISTER_RAH(((macAddress64 >> 32) & 0xFFFF) | (1 << 31 /* AV */));
WR_REGISTER_RDBAL(receiveDescriptorsPhysical & 0xFFFFFFFF);
WR_REGISTER_RDBAH(receiveDescriptorsPhysical >> 32);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
// Clear the multicast table array.
uint32_t receiveControlClearBits = (1 << 2) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 16) | (1 << 17) | (1 << 25) | (1 << 26);
uint32_t receiveControlSetBits = (1 << 1) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 15);
WR_REGISTER_RCTL((RD_REGISTER_RCTL() & ~receiveControlClearBits) | receiveControlSetBits);
// Setup transmit registers.
WR_REGISTER_TDBAL(transmitDescriptorsPhysical & 0xFFFFFFFF);
WR_REGISTER_TDBAH(transmitDescriptorsPhysical >> 32);
transmitTail = 0;
// TODO Is the TCTL.COLD value correct?
WR_REGISTER_TCTL((1 << 1) | (1 << 3) | (0x0F << 4) | (0x40 << 12));
// Register the device.
transmit = [] (NetInterface *self, void *dataVirtual, uintptr_t dataPhysical, size_t dataBytes) {
return ((Controller *) self)->Transmit(dataVirtual, dataPhysical, dataBytes);
if (RD_REGISTER_STATUS() & (1 << 1 /* link up */)) {
NetInterfaceSetConnected(this, true);
static void DeviceAttach(KDevice *_parent) {
KPCIDevice *parent = (KPCIDevice *) _parent;
Controller *device = (Controller *) KDeviceCreate("I8254x", parent, sizeof(Controller));
if (!device) return;
device->shutdown = [] (KDevice *device) {
NetInterfaceShutdown((Controller *) device);
// Wait a little bit for the transmit descriptors to be processed.
// TODO Can this be done asynchronously?
KEvent wait = {};
KEventWait(&wait, 50);
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "I8254x", "found controller", "Found I8254x controller with ID %x.\n", parent->deviceID);
device->pci = parent;
// device->DumpState();
KDriver driverI8254x = {
.attach = DeviceAttach,