mirror of https://gitlab.com/nakst/essence
448 lines
16 KiB
448 lines
16 KiB
// This file is part of the Essence operating system.
// It is released under the terms of the MIT license -- see LICENSE.md.
// Written by: nakst.
// TODO Validation of all fields.
// TODO Don't load entire FAT in memory.
// TODO Long file names.
#include <module.h>
#include <shared/fat.cpp>
#define SECTOR_SIZE (512)
struct Volume : KFileSystem {
union {
char _unused0[SECTOR_SIZE];
SuperBlock16 sb16;
SuperBlock32 sb32;
SuperBlockCommon superBlock;
KNode *root;
uint8_t *fat;
uintptr_t sectorOffset;
uint32_t terminateCluster;
#define TYPE_FAT12 (12)
#define TYPE_FAT16 (16)
#define TYPE_FAT32 (32)
int type;
FATDirectoryEntry *rootDirectoryEntries;
struct DirectoryEntryReference {
uint32_t cluster, offset;
struct FSNode {
Volume *volume;
FATDirectoryEntry entry;
// The root directory is loaded during fileSystem mount.
// If this is non-null, run directory data from here.
FATDirectoryEntry *rootDirectory;
static uint32_t NextCluster(Volume *volume, uint32_t currentCluster) {
if (volume->type == TYPE_FAT12) {
uint8_t byte1 = volume->fat[currentCluster * 3 / 2 + 0],
byte2 = volume->fat[currentCluster * 3 / 2 + 1];
if (currentCluster & 1) currentCluster = (byte2 << 4) + (byte1 >> 4);
else currentCluster = (byte2 << 8) + (byte1 >> 0);
return currentCluster & 0xFFF;
} else if (volume->type == TYPE_FAT16) {
return ((uint16_t *) volume->fat)[currentCluster];
} else if (volume->type == TYPE_FAT32) {
return ((uint32_t *) volume->fat)[currentCluster];
} else {
KernelPanic("[FAT] NextCluster - Unsupported FAT type.\n");
return 0;
static uint32_t CountUsedClusters(Volume *volume) {
size_t total = 0;
if (volume->type == TYPE_FAT12) {
total = volume->sb16.sectorsPerFAT16 * volume->superBlock.bytesPerSector * 2 / 3;
} else if (volume->type == TYPE_FAT16) {
total = volume->sb16.sectorsPerFAT16 * volume->superBlock.bytesPerSector / 2;
} else if (volume->type == TYPE_FAT32) {
total = volume->sb16.sectorsPerFAT16 * volume->superBlock.bytesPerSector / 4;
size_t count = 0;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < total; i++) {
if (NextCluster(volume, i)) {
return count;
static EsError Load(KNode *_directory, KNode *_node, KNodeMetadata *, const void *entryData) {
FSNode *directory = (FSNode *) _directory->driverNode;
Volume *volume = directory->volume;
SuperBlockCommon *superBlock = &volume->superBlock;
uint8_t *clusterBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE, false, K_FIXED);
if (!clusterBuffer) return ES_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(clusterBuffer, 0, K_FIXED));
DirectoryEntryReference reference = *(DirectoryEntryReference *) entryData;
FATDirectoryEntry entry;
if (!directory->rootDirectory) {
EsError error = volume->Access((reference.cluster * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster + volume->sectorOffset) * SECTOR_SIZE,
superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE, K_ACCESS_READ, (uint8_t *) clusterBuffer, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
entry = ((FATDirectoryEntry *) clusterBuffer)[reference.offset];
} else {
entry = directory->rootDirectory[reference.offset];
FSNode *node = (FSNode *) EsHeapAllocate(sizeof(FSNode), true, K_FIXED);
if (!node) {
EsHeapFree(node, 0, K_FIXED);
_node->driverNode = node;
node->volume = volume;
node->entry = entry;
return ES_SUCCESS;
static size_t Read(KNode *node, void *_buffer, EsFileOffset offset, EsFileOffset count) {
#define READ_FAILURE(message, error) do { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "FAT", "read failure", "Read - " message); return error; } while (0)
FSNode *file = (FSNode *) node->driverNode;
Volume *volume = file->volume;
SuperBlockCommon *superBlock = &volume->superBlock;
uint8_t *clusterBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE, false, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(clusterBuffer, 0, K_FIXED));
if (!clusterBuffer) READ_FAILURE("Could not allocate cluster buffer.\n", ES_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES);
uint8_t *outputBuffer = (uint8_t *) _buffer;
uint64_t firstCluster = offset / (SECTOR_SIZE * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster);
uint32_t currentCluster = file->entry.firstClusterLow + (file->entry.firstClusterHigh << 16);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < firstCluster; i++) currentCluster = NextCluster(volume, currentCluster);
offset %= (SECTOR_SIZE * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster);
while (count) {
uint32_t bytesFromThisCluster = superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE - offset;
if (bytesFromThisCluster > count) bytesFromThisCluster = count;
EsError error = volume->Access((currentCluster * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster + volume->sectorOffset) * SECTOR_SIZE,
superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE, K_ACCESS_READ,
(uint8_t *) clusterBuffer, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) READ_FAILURE("Could not read cluster.\n", error);
EsMemoryCopy(outputBuffer, clusterBuffer + offset, bytesFromThisCluster);
count -= bytesFromThisCluster, outputBuffer += bytesFromThisCluster, offset = 0;
currentCluster = NextCluster(volume, currentCluster);
return true;
static EsError Scan(const char *_name, size_t nameLength, KNode *node) {
#define SCAN_FAILURE(message, error) do { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "FAT", "scan failure", "Scan - " message); return error; } while (0)
uint8_t name[] = " ";
uintptr_t i = 0, j = 0;
bool inExtension = false;
while (i < nameLength) {
if (j == 11) return ES_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; // Name too long.
uint8_t c = _name[i++];
if (c == '.' && !inExtension) j = 8, inExtension = true;
else name[j++] = (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ? (c + 'A' - 'a') : c;
FSNode *directory = (FSNode *) node->driverNode;
Volume *volume = directory->volume;
SuperBlockCommon *superBlock = &volume->superBlock;
uint8_t *clusterBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE, false, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(clusterBuffer, 0, K_FIXED));
if (!clusterBuffer) SCAN_FAILURE("Could not allocate cluster buffer.\n", ES_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES);
uint32_t currentCluster = directory->entry.firstClusterLow + (directory->entry.firstClusterHigh << 16);
uintptr_t directoryPosition = 0;
while (currentCluster < volume->terminateCluster) {
if (!directory->rootDirectory) {
EsError error = volume->Access((currentCluster * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster + volume->sectorOffset) * SECTOR_SIZE,
superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE, K_ACCESS_READ, (uint8_t *) clusterBuffer, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) SCAN_FAILURE("Could not read cluster.\n", error);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE / sizeof(FATDirectoryEntry); i++, directoryPosition++) {
FATDirectoryEntry *entry = directory->rootDirectory ? (directory->rootDirectory + directoryPosition) : ((FATDirectoryEntry *) clusterBuffer + i);
if (entry->name[0] == 0xE5 || entry->attributes == 0x0F || (entry->attributes & 8)) goto nextEntry;
if (!entry->name[0]) return ES_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < 11; j++) {
uint8_t c = entry->name[j];
if (name[j] != ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ? (c + 'A' - 'a') : c)) {
goto nextEntry;
KNodeMetadata metadata = {};
metadata.type = (entry->attributes & 0x10) ? ES_NODE_DIRECTORY : ES_NODE_FILE;
if (metadata.type == ES_NODE_FILE) {
metadata.totalSize = entry->fileSizeBytes;
} else if (metadata.type == ES_NODE_DIRECTORY) {
uint32_t currentCluster = entry->firstClusterLow + (entry->firstClusterHigh << 16);
while (currentCluster < volume->terminateCluster) {
currentCluster = NextCluster(volume, currentCluster);
metadata.directoryChildren += SECTOR_SIZE * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster / sizeof(FATDirectoryEntry);
DirectoryEntryReference reference = {};
reference.cluster = directory->rootDirectory ? 0 : currentCluster;
reference.offset = directory->rootDirectory ? directoryPosition : i;
return FSDirectoryEntryFound(node, &metadata, &reference, _name, nameLength, false);
if (!directory->rootDirectory) {
currentCluster = NextCluster(volume, currentCluster);
static EsError Enumerate(KNode *node) {
#define ENUMERATE_FAILURE(message, error) do { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "FAT", "enumerate failure", "Enumerate - " message); return error; } while (0)
FSNode *directory = (FSNode *) node->driverNode;
Volume *volume = directory->volume;
SuperBlockCommon *superBlock = &volume->superBlock;
uint8_t *clusterBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE, false, K_FIXED);
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(clusterBuffer, 0, K_FIXED));
if (!clusterBuffer) ENUMERATE_FAILURE("Could not allocate cluster buffer.\n", ES_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES);
uint32_t currentCluster = directory->entry.firstClusterLow + (directory->entry.firstClusterHigh << 16);
uint64_t directoryPosition = 0;
while (currentCluster < volume->terminateCluster) {
if (!directory->rootDirectory) {
EsError error = volume->Access((currentCluster * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster + volume->sectorOffset) * SECTOR_SIZE,
superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE, K_ACCESS_READ, (uint8_t *) clusterBuffer, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) ENUMERATE_FAILURE("Could not read cluster.\n", error);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE / sizeof(FATDirectoryEntry); i++, directoryPosition++) {
FATDirectoryEntry *entry = directory->rootDirectory ? (directory->rootDirectory + directoryPosition) : ((FATDirectoryEntry *) clusterBuffer + i);
if (entry->name[0] == 0xE5 || entry->attributes == 0x0F || (entry->attributes & 8)) continue;
if (!entry->name[0]) {
return ES_SUCCESS;
uint8_t name[12];
size_t nameLength = 0;
bool hasExtension = entry->name[8] != ' ' || entry->name[9] != ' ' || entry->name[10] != ' ';
if (entry->name[0] == '.' && (entry->name[1] == '.' || entry->name[1] == ' ') && entry->name[2] == ' ') {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
if (i == 8 && hasExtension) name[nameLength++] = '.';
if (entry->name[i] != ' ') name[nameLength++] = entry->name[i];
KNodeMetadata metadata = {};
metadata.type = (entry->attributes & 0x10) ? ES_NODE_DIRECTORY : ES_NODE_FILE;
if (metadata.type == ES_NODE_DIRECTORY) {
metadata.directoryChildren = ES_DIRECTORY_CHILDREN_UNKNOWN;
} else if (metadata.type == ES_NODE_FILE) {
metadata.totalSize = entry->fileSizeBytes;
DirectoryEntryReference reference = {};
reference.cluster = directory->rootDirectory ? 0 : currentCluster;
reference.offset = directory->rootDirectory ? directoryPosition : i;
EsError error = FSDirectoryEntryFound(node, &metadata, &reference,
(const char *) name, nameLength, false);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) {
return error;
if (!directory->rootDirectory) {
currentCluster = NextCluster(volume, currentCluster);
return ES_SUCCESS;
static bool Mount(Volume *volume) {
#define MOUNT_FAILURE(message) do { KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "FAT", "mount failure", "Mount - " message); goto failure; } while (0)
EsError error;
SuperBlockCommon *superBlock = &volume->superBlock;
error = volume->Access(0, SECTOR_SIZE, K_ACCESS_READ, (uint8_t *) superBlock, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) MOUNT_FAILURE("Could not read super block.\n");
uint32_t sectorCount = superBlock->totalSectors ?: superBlock->largeSectorCount;
uint32_t clusterCount = sectorCount / superBlock->sectorsPerCluster;
uint32_t sectorsPerFAT = 0;
if (clusterCount < 0x00000FF5) {
volume->type = TYPE_FAT12;
volume->terminateCluster = 0xFF8;
sectorsPerFAT = volume->sb16.sectorsPerFAT16;
} else if (clusterCount < 0x0000FFF5) {
volume->type = TYPE_FAT16;
volume->terminateCluster = 0xFFF8;
sectorsPerFAT = volume->sb16.sectorsPerFAT16;
} else if (clusterCount < 0x0FFFFFF5) {
volume->type = TYPE_FAT32;
volume->terminateCluster = 0xFFFFFF8;
sectorsPerFAT = volume->sb32.sectorsPerFAT32;
} else {
MOUNT_FAILURE("Unsupported cluster count. Maybe ExFAT?\n");
uint32_t rootDirectoryOffset = superBlock->reservedSectors + superBlock->fatCount * sectorsPerFAT;
uint32_t rootDirectorySectors = (superBlock->rootDirectoryEntries * sizeof(FATDirectoryEntry) + (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) / SECTOR_SIZE;
volume->sectorOffset = rootDirectoryOffset + rootDirectorySectors - 2 * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster;
volume->fat = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(sectorsPerFAT * SECTOR_SIZE, true, K_FIXED);
if (!volume->fat) MOUNT_FAILURE("Could not allocate FAT.\n");
error = volume->Access(superBlock->reservedSectors * SECTOR_SIZE, sectorsPerFAT * SECTOR_SIZE, K_ACCESS_READ, volume->fat, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) MOUNT_FAILURE("Could not read FAT.\n");
volume->spaceUsed = CountUsedClusters(volume) * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * superBlock->bytesPerSector;
volume->spaceTotal = volume->block->information.sectorSize * volume->block->information.sectorCount;
volume->rootDirectory->driverNode = EsHeapAllocate(sizeof(FSNode), true, K_FIXED);
if (!volume->rootDirectory->driverNode) MOUNT_FAILURE("Could not allocate root node.\n");
FSNode *root = (FSNode *) volume->rootDirectory->driverNode;
root->volume = volume;
if (volume->type == TYPE_FAT32) {
root->entry.firstClusterLow = volume->sb32.rootDirectoryCluster & 0xFFFF;
root->entry.firstClusterHigh = (volume->sb32.rootDirectoryCluster >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
uint32_t currentCluster = volume->sb32.rootDirectoryCluster;
while (currentCluster < volume->terminateCluster) {
currentCluster = NextCluster(volume, currentCluster);
volume->rootDirectoryInitialChildren += SECTOR_SIZE * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster / sizeof(FATDirectoryEntry);
} else {
root->rootDirectory = (FATDirectoryEntry *) EsHeapAllocate(rootDirectorySectors * SECTOR_SIZE, true, K_FIXED);
volume->rootDirectoryEntries = root->rootDirectory;
error = volume->Access(rootDirectoryOffset * SECTOR_SIZE, rootDirectorySectors * SECTOR_SIZE,
K_ACCESS_READ, (uint8_t *) root->rootDirectory, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) MOUNT_FAILURE("Could not read root directory.\n");
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < superBlock->rootDirectoryEntries; i++) {
if (root->rootDirectory[i].name[0] == 0xE5 || root->rootDirectory[i].attributes == 0x0F || (root->rootDirectory[i].attributes & 0x08)) continue;
else if (root->rootDirectory[i].name[0] == 0x00) break;
else volume->rootDirectoryInitialChildren++;
return true;
if (volume->root && volume->root->driverNode) EsHeapFree(((FSNode *) volume->root->driverNode)->rootDirectory, 0, K_FIXED);
if (volume->root) EsHeapFree(volume->root->driverNode, 0, K_FIXED);
EsHeapFree(volume->root, 0, K_FIXED);
EsHeapFree(volume->fat, 0, K_FIXED);
return false;
static void Close(KNode *node) {
EsHeapFree(node->driverNode, sizeof(FSNode), K_FIXED);
static void DeviceAttach(KDevice *parent) {
Volume *volume = (Volume *) KDeviceCreate("FAT", parent, sizeof(Volume));
if (!volume || !FSFileSystemInitialise(volume)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "FAT", "allocate error", "DeviceAttach - Could not initialise volume.\n");
if (volume->block->information.sectorSize != SECTOR_SIZE) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "FAT", "mount failure", "DeviceAttach - Unsupported sector size.\n");
if (!Mount(volume)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "FAT", "mount failure", "DeviceAttach - Could not mount FAT volume.\n");
volume->read = Read;
volume->load = Load;
volume->scan = Scan;
volume->enumerate = Enumerate;
volume->close = Close;
if (volume->type == TYPE_FAT32) {
volume->nameBytes = sizeof(volume->sb32.label);
EsMemoryCopy(volume->name, volume->sb32.label, volume->nameBytes);
} else {
if ((volume->rootDirectoryEntries[0].attributes & 8) && (volume->rootDirectoryEntries[0].attributes != 0x0F)) {
volume->nameBytes = sizeof(volume->rootDirectoryEntries[0].name);
EsMemoryCopy(volume->name, volume->rootDirectoryEntries[0].name, volume->nameBytes);
} else {
volume->nameBytes = sizeof(volume->sb16.label);
EsMemoryCopy(volume->name, volume->sb16.label, volume->nameBytes);
volume->directoryEntryDataBytes = sizeof(DirectoryEntryReference);
volume->nodeDataBytes = sizeof(FSNode);
EsMemoryCopy(&volume->identifier, volume->type == TYPE_FAT32 ? &volume->sb32.serial : &volume->sb16.serial, sizeof(uint32_t));
KDriver driverFAT = {
.attach = DeviceAttach,