mirror of https://gitlab.com/nakst/essence
891 lines
32 KiB
891 lines
32 KiB
// This file is part of the Essence operating system.
// It is released under the terms of the MIT license -- see LICENSE.md.
// Written by: nakst.
#include <module.h>
// TODO Inserting/removing CDs.
#define GENERAL_TIMEOUT (5000)
#define COMMAND_LIST_SIZE (0x400)
#define RECEIVED_FIS_SIZE (0x100)
#define PRDT_ENTRY_COUNT (0x48) // If one page each, this covers more than CC_ACTIVE_SECTION_SIZE. This must be a multiple of 8.
// Global registers.
#define RD_REGISTER_CAP() pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x00) // HBA capababilities.
#define RD_REGISTER_GHC() pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x04) // Global host control.
#define WR_REGISTER_GHC(x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x04, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_IS() pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x08) // Interrupt status.
#define WR_REGISTER_IS(x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x08, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_PI() pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x0C) // Ports implemented.
#define RD_REGISTER_CAP2() pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x24) // HBA capababilities extended.
#define RD_REGISTER_BOHC() pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x28) // BIOS/OS handoff control and status.
#define WR_REGISTER_BOHC(x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x28, x)
// Port-specific registers.
#define RD_REGISTER_PCLB(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x100 + (p) * 0x80) // Command list base address (low DWORD).
#define WR_REGISTER_PCLB(p, x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x100 + (p) * 0x80, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_PCLBU(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x104 + (p) * 0x80) // Command list base address (high DWORD).
#define WR_REGISTER_PCLBU(p, x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x104 + (p) * 0x80, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_PFB(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x108 + (p) * 0x80) // FIS base address (low DWORD).
#define WR_REGISTER_PFB(p, x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x108 + (p) * 0x80, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_PFBU(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x10C + (p) * 0x80) // FIS base address (high DWORD).
#define WR_REGISTER_PFBU(p, x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x10C + (p) * 0x80, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_PIS(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x110 + (p) * 0x80) // Interrupt status.
#define WR_REGISTER_PIS(p, x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x110 + (p) * 0x80, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_PIE(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x114 + (p) * 0x80) // Interrupt enable.
#define WR_REGISTER_PIE(p, x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x114 + (p) * 0x80, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_PCMD(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x118 + (p) * 0x80) // Command and status.
#define WR_REGISTER_PCMD(p, x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x118 + (p) * 0x80, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_PTFD(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x120 + (p) * 0x80) // Task file data.
#define RD_REGISTER_PSIG(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x124 + (p) * 0x80) // Signature.
#define RD_REGISTER_PSSTS(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x128 + (p) * 0x80) // SATA status.
#define RD_REGISTER_PSCTL(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x12C + (p) * 0x80) // SATA control.
#define WR_REGISTER_PSCTL(p, x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x12C + (p) * 0x80, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_PSERR(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x130 + (p) * 0x80) // SATA error.
#define WR_REGISTER_PSERR(p, x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x130 + (p) * 0x80, x)
#define RD_REGISTER_PCI(p) pci->ReadBAR32(5, 0x138 + (p) * 0x80) // Command issue.
#define WR_REGISTER_PCI(p, x) pci->WriteBAR32(5, 0x138 + (p) * 0x80, x)
struct AHCIPort {
bool connected, atapi, ssd;
uint32_t *commandList;
uint8_t *commandTables;
size_t sectorBytes;
uint64_t sectorCount;
KWorkGroup *commandContexts[32]; // Set to indicate command in use.
uint64_t commandStartTimeStamps[32];
uint32_t runningCommands;
KSpinlock commandSpinlock;
KEvent commandSlotsAvailable;
char model[41];
struct AHCIController : KDevice {
KPCIDevice *pci;
uint32_t capabilities, capabilities2;
bool dma64Supported;
size_t commandSlotCount;
KTimer timeoutTimer;
#define MAX_PORTS (32)
AHCIPort ports[MAX_PORTS];
void Initialise();
bool Access(uintptr_t port, uint64_t offsetBytes, size_t countBytes, int operation,
KDMABuffer *buffer, uint64_t flags, KWorkGroup *dispatchGroup);
bool HandleIRQ();
bool SendSingleCommand(uintptr_t port);
void DumpState();
struct AHCIDrive : KBlockDevice {
AHCIController *controller;
uintptr_t port;
struct InterruptEvent {
uint64_t timeStamp;
uint32_t globalInterruptStatus;
uint32_t port0CommandsRunning;
uint32_t port0CommandsIssued;
bool complete;
volatile uintptr_t recentInterruptEventsPointer;
volatile InterruptEvent recentInterruptEvents[64];
void AHCIController::DumpState() {
uint64_t timeStamp = KGetTimeInMs();
EsPrint("AHCI controller state:\n");
EsPrint("\t--- Registers ---\n");
EsPrint("\t\tHBA capabilities: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_CAP());
EsPrint("\t\tGlobal host control: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_GHC());
EsPrint("\t\tInterrupt status: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_IS());
EsPrint("\t\tPorts implemented: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PI());
EsPrint("\t\tHBA capabilities extended: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_CAP2());
EsPrint("\t\tBIOS/OS handoff control and status: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_BOHC());
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS; i++) {
AHCIPort *port = ports + i;
if (!port->connected) {
EsPrint("\t--- Port %d ---\n", i);
EsPrint("\t\tCommand list base address (low DWORD): %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PCLB(i));
EsPrint("\t\tCommand list base address (high DWORD): %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PCLBU(i));
EsPrint("\t\tFIS base address (low DWORD): %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PFB(i));
EsPrint("\t\tFIS base address (high DWORD): %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PFBU(i));
EsPrint("\t\tInterrupt status: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PIS(i));
EsPrint("\t\tInterrupt enable: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PIE(i));
EsPrint("\t\tCommand and status: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PCMD(i));
EsPrint("\t\tTask file data: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PTFD(i));
EsPrint("\t\tSignature: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PSIG(i));
EsPrint("\t\tSATA status: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PSSTS(i));
EsPrint("\t\tSATA error: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PSERR(i));
EsPrint("\t\tCommand issue: %x.\n", RD_REGISTER_PCI(i));
EsPrint("\t\tATAPI: %d.\n", port->atapi);
EsPrint("\t\tBytes per sector: %D.\n", port->sectorBytes);
EsPrint("\t\tTotal capacity: %D.\n", port->sectorBytes * port->sectorCount);
EsPrint("\t\tCommand slots available: %d.\n", port->commandSlotsAvailable.state);
EsPrint("\t\tRunning commands: %x.\n", port->runningCommands);
uint8_t *receivedFIS = (uint8_t *) port->commandList + 0x400;
EsPrint("\t\tReceived FIS D2H register: type %X, interrupt %X, status %X, error %X, device/head %X, sector %x, sector count %x.\n",
receivedFIS[0x40 + 0], receivedFIS[0x40 + 1], receivedFIS[0x40 + 2], receivedFIS[0x40 + 3], receivedFIS[0x40 + 7],
(uint64_t) receivedFIS[0x40 + 4] | ((uint64_t) receivedFIS[0x40 + 5] << 8) | ((uint64_t) receivedFIS[0x40 + 6] << 16)
| ((uint64_t) receivedFIS[0x40 + 8] << 24) | ((uint64_t) receivedFIS[0x40 + 9] << 32) | ((uint64_t) receivedFIS[0x40 + 10] << 40),
(uint64_t) receivedFIS[0x40 + 12] | ((uint64_t) receivedFIS[0x40 + 13] << 8));
EsPrint("\t\tReceived FIS set device bits: type %X, interrupt %X, status %X, error %X.\n",
receivedFIS[0x58 + 0], receivedFIS[0x58 + 1], receivedFIS[0x58 + 2], receivedFIS[0x58 + 3]);
EsPrint("\t\tReceived FIS DMA setup: type %X, flags %X, buffer identifier low %x, buffer identifier high %x, buffer offset %x, transfer count %x.\n",
receivedFIS[0], receivedFIS[1], ((uint32_t *) receivedFIS)[1],
((uint32_t *) receivedFIS)[2], ((uint32_t *) receivedFIS)[4], ((uint32_t *) receivedFIS)[5]);
for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
if (~port->runningCommands & (1 << j)) continue;
EsPrint("\t\tCommand %d: started %dms ago for dispatch group %x.\n", j,
timeStamp - port->commandStartTimeStamps[j], port->commandContexts[j]);
EsPrint("\t\t\tDW0 %x: %d FIS bytes, %z, %z, %d PRDT entries.\n",
port->commandList[j * 8 + 0], (port->commandList[j * 8 + 0]) & 31,
((port->commandList[j * 8 + 0]) & (1 << 5)) ? "SATAPI" : "SATA",
((port->commandList[j * 8 + 0]) & (1 << 6)) ? "write" : "read",
port->commandList[j * 8 + 0] >> 16);
EsPrint("\t\t\tDW1 transferring %D.\n", port->commandList[j * 8 + 1]);
EsPrint("\t\t\tDW2/3 command table base address: %x.\n", *(uint64_t *) &port->commandList[j * 8 + 2]);
uint8_t *commandFIS = port->commandTables + COMMAND_TABLE_SIZE * j;
EsPrint("\t\t\tH2D FIS: type %X, command %X, features %X, device/head %X, features 2 %X, control %X, sector %x, sector count %x.\n",
commandFIS[0], commandFIS[2], commandFIS[3], commandFIS[7], commandFIS[11], commandFIS[15],
(uint64_t) commandFIS[4] | ((uint64_t) commandFIS[5] << 8) | ((uint64_t) commandFIS[6] << 16)
| ((uint64_t) commandFIS[8] << 24) | ((uint64_t) commandFIS[9] << 32) | ((uint64_t) commandFIS[10] << 40),
(uint64_t) commandFIS[12] | ((uint64_t) commandFIS[13] << 8));
uint8_t *atapiCommand = commandFIS + 64;
if (((port->commandList[j * 8 + 0]) & (1 << 5))) {
EsPrint("\t\t\tATAPI command: %X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X %X.\n",
atapiCommand[0], atapiCommand[1], atapiCommand[2], atapiCommand[3],
atapiCommand[4], atapiCommand[5], atapiCommand[6], atapiCommand[7],
atapiCommand[8], atapiCommand[9], atapiCommand[10], atapiCommand[11],
atapiCommand[12], atapiCommand[13], atapiCommand[14], atapiCommand[15]);
uint32_t *prdt = (uint32_t *) (commandFIS + 128);
for (uintptr_t k = 0; k < (port->commandList[j * 8 + 0] >> 16); k++) {
EsPrint("\t\t\tPRDT entry %d: base address %x, byte count %x%z.\n",
k, *(uint64_t *) (prdt + k * 4), (prdt[k * 4 + 3] & 0xFFFFFFF) + 1,
(prdt[k * 4 + 3] & 0x80000000) ? ", interrupt on completion" : "");
EsPrint("\t--- Most recent interrupts ---\n");
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < sizeof(recentInterruptEvents) / sizeof(recentInterruptEvents[0]); i++) {
if (recentInterruptEventsPointer) recentInterruptEventsPointer--;
else recentInterruptEventsPointer = sizeof(recentInterruptEvents) / sizeof(recentInterruptEvents[0]) - 1;
volatile InterruptEvent *event = recentInterruptEvents + recentInterruptEventsPointer;
EsPrint("\t\tEvent %d: fired %dms ago, GIS %x, CI0 %x, CR0 %x%z.\n",
i, timeStamp - event->timeStamp,
event->globalInterruptStatus, event->port0CommandsIssued,
event->port0CommandsRunning, event->complete ? "" : ", incomplete");
bool AHCIController::Access(uintptr_t portIndex, uint64_t offsetBytes, size_t countBytes, int operation,
KDMABuffer *buffer, uint64_t, KWorkGroup *dispatchGroup) {
AHCIPort *port = ports + portIndex;
#if 0
if (operation == K_ACCESS_WRITE) {
KernelPanic("AHCIController::Access - Attempted write.\n");
// Find a command slot to use.
uintptr_t commandIndex = 0;
while (true) {
uint32_t commandsAvailable = ~RD_REGISTER_PCI(portIndex);
bool found = false;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < commandSlotCount; i++) {
if ((commandsAvailable & (1 << i)) && !port->commandContexts[i]) {
commandIndex = i;
found = true;
if (!found) {
} else {
port->commandContexts[commandIndex] = dispatchGroup;
if (!found) {
} else {
// Setup the command FIS.
uint32_t countSectors = countBytes / port->sectorBytes;
uint64_t offsetSectors = offsetBytes / port->sectorBytes;
if (countSectors & ~0xFFFF) {
KernelPanic("AHCIController::Access - Too many sectors to read.\n");
uint32_t *commandFIS = (uint32_t *) (port->commandTables + COMMAND_TABLE_SIZE * commandIndex);
commandFIS[0] = 0x27 /* H2D */ | (1 << 15) /* command */ | ((operation == K_ACCESS_WRITE ? 0x35 /* write DMA 48 */ : 0x25 /* read DMA 48 */) << 16);
commandFIS[1] = (offsetSectors & 0xFFFFFF) | (1 << 30);
commandFIS[2] = (offsetSectors >> 24) & 0xFFFFFF;
commandFIS[3] = countSectors & 0xFFFF;
commandFIS[4] = 0;
// Setup the PRDT.
size_t prdtEntryCount = 0;
uint32_t *prdt = (uint32_t *) (port->commandTables + COMMAND_TABLE_SIZE * commandIndex + 0x80);
while (!KDMABufferIsComplete(buffer)) {
if (prdtEntryCount == PRDT_ENTRY_COUNT) {
KernelPanic("AHCIController::Access - Too many PRDT entries.\n");
KDMASegment segment = KDMABufferNextSegment(buffer);
prdt[0 + 4 * prdtEntryCount] = ES_PTR64_LS32(segment.physicalAddress);
prdt[1 + 4 * prdtEntryCount] = ES_PTR64_MS32(segment.physicalAddress);
prdt[2 + 4 * prdtEntryCount] = 0;
prdt[3 + 4 * prdtEntryCount] = (segment.byteCount - 1) | (segment.isLast ? (1 << 31) /* IRQ when done */ : 0);
// Setup the command list entry, and issue the command.
port->commandList[commandIndex * 8 + 0] = 5 /* FIS is 5 DWORDs */ | (prdtEntryCount << 16) | (operation == K_ACCESS_WRITE ? (1 << 6) : 0);
port->commandList[commandIndex * 8 + 1] = 0;
// Setup SCSI command if ATAPI.
if (port->atapi) {
port->commandList[commandIndex * 8 + 0] |= (1 << 5) /* ATAPI */;
commandFIS[0] = 0x27 /* H2D */ | (1 << 15) /* command */ | (0xA0 /* packet */ << 16);
commandFIS[1] = countBytes << 8;
uint8_t *scsiCommand = (uint8_t *) commandFIS + 0x40;
EsMemoryZero(scsiCommand, 10);
scsiCommand[0] = 0xA8 /* READ (12) */;
scsiCommand[2] = (offsetSectors >> 0x18) & 0xFF;
scsiCommand[3] = (offsetSectors >> 0x10) & 0xFF;
scsiCommand[4] = (offsetSectors >> 0x08) & 0xFF;
scsiCommand[5] = (offsetSectors >> 0x00) & 0xFF;
scsiCommand[9] = countSectors;
// Start executing the command.
port->runningCommands |= 1 << commandIndex;
WR_REGISTER_PCI(portIndex, 1 << commandIndex);
port->commandStartTimeStamps[commandIndex] = KGetTimeInMs();
return true;
bool AHCIController::HandleIRQ() {
uint32_t globalInterruptStatus = RD_REGISTER_IS();
KernelLog(LOG_VERBOSE, "AHCI", "received IRQ", "Received IRQ with status: %x.\n", globalInterruptStatus);
if (!globalInterruptStatus) return false;
volatile InterruptEvent *event = recentInterruptEvents + recentInterruptEventsPointer;
event->timeStamp = KGetTimeInMs();
event->globalInterruptStatus = globalInterruptStatus;
event->complete = false;
recentInterruptEventsPointer = (recentInterruptEventsPointer + 1) % (sizeof(recentInterruptEvents) / sizeof(recentInterruptEvents[0]));
bool commandCompleted = false;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS; i++) {
if (~globalInterruptStatus & (1 << i)) continue;
uint32_t interruptStatus = RD_REGISTER_PIS(i);
if (!interruptStatus) continue;
WR_REGISTER_PIS(i, interruptStatus);
AHCIPort *port = ports + i;
if (interruptStatus & ((1 << 30) | (1 << 29) | (1 << 28) | (1 << 27) | (1 << 26) | (1 << 24) | (1 << 23))) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "error IRQ", "Received IRQ error interrupt status bit set: %x.\n", interruptStatus);
// Stop command processing.
// Fail all outstanding commands.
for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
if (port->runningCommands & (1 << j)) {
port->commandContexts[j]->End(false /* failed */);
port->commandContexts[j] = nullptr;
port->runningCommands = 0;
KEventSet(&port->commandSlotsAvailable, true /* maybe already set */);
// Restart command processing.
KTimeout timeout(5);
while ((RD_REGISTER_PCMD(i) & (1 << 15)) && !timeout.Hit());
uint32_t commandsIssued = RD_REGISTER_PCI(i);
if (i == 0) event->port0CommandsIssued = commandsIssued, event->port0CommandsRunning = port->runningCommands;
for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
if (~port->runningCommands & (1 << j)) continue; // Command not started.
if (commandsIssued & (1 << j)) continue; // Command still running.
// The command has completed.
port->commandContexts[j]->End(true /* success */);
port->commandContexts[j] = nullptr;
KEventSet(&port->commandSlotsAvailable, true /* maybe already set */);
port->runningCommands &= ~(1 << j);
commandCompleted = true;
if (commandCompleted) {
event->complete = true;
return true;
void TimeoutTimerHit(KAsyncTask *task) {
AHCIController *controller = EsContainerOf(AHCIController, timeoutTimer.asyncTask, task);
uint64_t currentTimeStamp = KGetTimeInMs();
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS; i++) {
AHCIPort *port = controller->ports + i;
for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < controller->commandSlotCount; j++) {
if ((port->runningCommands & (1 << j))
&& port->commandStartTimeStamps[j] + GENERAL_TIMEOUT < currentTimeStamp) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "command timeout", "Command %d on port %d timed out.\n", j, i);
port->commandContexts[j]->End(false /* failure */);
port->commandContexts[j] = nullptr;
port->runningCommands &= ~(1 << j);
// Don't set the commandSlotsAvailable event, since the controller still thinks the command is in use.
// TODO What happens if there are no commands left?
KTimerSet(&controller->timeoutTimer, GENERAL_TIMEOUT, TimeoutTimerHit, controller);
bool AHCIController::SendSingleCommand(uintptr_t port) {
KTimeout timeout(GENERAL_TIMEOUT);
// Wait for the port to be ready, then issue the command.
while ((RD_REGISTER_PTFD(port) & ((1 << 7) | (1 << 3))) && !timeout.Hit());
if (timeout.Hit()) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "port hung", "Port %d bits DRQ/BSY won't clear.\n", port);
return false;
WR_REGISTER_PCI(port, 1 << 0);
// Wait for command to complete.
bool complete = false;
while (!timeout.Hit()) {
if (~RD_REGISTER_PCI(port) & (1 << 0)) {
complete = true;
return complete;
void AHCIController::Initialise() {
// Perform BIOS/OS handoff, if necessary.
if (RD_REGISTER_CAP2() & (1 << 0)) {
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "AHCI", "perform handoff", "Performing BIOS/OS handoff...\n");
KTimeout timeout(25 /* ms */);
uint32_t status;
while (true) {
status = RD_REGISTER_BOHC();
if (~status & (1 << 0)) break;
if (timeout.Hit()) break;
if (status & (1 << 0)) {
KEvent event = {};
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "handoff error", "BIOS/OS handoff did not succeed, waiting 2 seconds to proceed...\n");
KEventWait(&event, 2000 /* ms */);
// Reset controller.
KTimeout timeout(GENERAL_TIMEOUT);
while ((RD_REGISTER_GHC() & (1 << 0)) && !timeout.Hit());
if (timeout.Hit()) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "reset controller timeout", "The controller did not reset within the timeout.\n");
// Register IRQ handler.
KIRQHandler handler = [] (uintptr_t, void *context) { return ((AHCIController *) context)->HandleIRQ(); };
if (!pci->EnableSingleInterrupt(handler, this, "AHCI")) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "IRQ registration failure", "Could not register intrrupt handler.\n");
// Enable AHCI mode and interrupts.
WR_REGISTER_GHC(RD_REGISTER_GHC() | (1 << 31) | (1 << 1));
capabilities = RD_REGISTER_CAP();
capabilities2 = RD_REGISTER_CAP2();
commandSlotCount = ((capabilities >> 8) & 31) + 1;
dma64Supported = capabilities & (1 << 31);
#ifdef ES_BITS_64
if (!dma64Supported) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "controller cannot DMA", "The controller reports it cannot use 64-bit addresses in DMA transfer.\n");
// Work out which ports have drives connected.
size_t maximumNumberOfPorts = (capabilities & 31) + 1;
size_t portsFound = 0;
uint32_t portsImplemented = RD_REGISTER_PI();
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS; i++) {
if (portsImplemented & (1 << i)) {
if (portsFound <= maximumNumberOfPorts) {
ports[i].connected = true;
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "AHCI", "information", "Capabilities: %x, %x. Command slot count: %d. Implemented ports: %x.\n",
capabilities, capabilities2, commandSlotCount, portsImplemented);
// Setup the command lists, FISes and command tables.
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS; i++) {
if (!ports[i].connected) continue;
size_t bytesNeeded = COMMAND_LIST_SIZE + RECEIVED_FIS_SIZE + COMMAND_TABLE_SIZE * commandSlotCount;
uint8_t *virtualAddress;
uintptr_t physicalAddress;
if (!MMPhysicalAllocateAndMap(bytesNeeded, K_PAGE_SIZE, dma64Supported ? 64 : 32, true, MM_REGION_NOT_CACHEABLE, &virtualAddress, &physicalAddress)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "allocation failure", "Could not allocate physical memory for port %d.\n", i);
ports[i].commandList = (uint32_t *) virtualAddress;
ports[i].commandTables = virtualAddress + COMMAND_LIST_SIZE + RECEIVED_FIS_SIZE;
// Set the registers to the physical addresses.
WR_REGISTER_PCLB(i, ES_PTR64_LS32(physicalAddress));
WR_REGISTER_PFB(i, ES_PTR64_LS32(physicalAddress + 0x400));
if (dma64Supported) WR_REGISTER_PCLBU(i, ES_PTR64_MS32(physicalAddress));
if (dma64Supported) WR_REGISTER_PFBU(i, ES_PTR64_MS32(physicalAddress + 0x400));
// Point each command list entry to the corresponding command table.
uint32_t *commandList = ports[i].commandList;
for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < commandSlotCount; j++) {
uintptr_t address = physicalAddress + COMMAND_LIST_SIZE + RECEIVED_FIS_SIZE + COMMAND_TABLE_SIZE * j;
commandList[j * 8 + 2] = ES_PTR64_LS32(address);
commandList[j * 8 + 3] = ES_PTR64_MS32(address);
// Reset the port.
KTimeout timeout(GENERAL_TIMEOUT);
const uint32_t runningBits = ((1 << 0 /* start */) | (1 << 4 /* receive FIS enable */)
| (1 << 15 /* command list running */) | (1 << 14 /* receive FIS running */));
while (true) {
uint32_t status = RD_REGISTER_PCMD(i);
if (!(status & runningBits) || timeout.Hit()) {
// Stop command list processing and receive FIS.
WR_REGISTER_PCMD(i, status & ~((1 << 0) | (1 << 4)));
if (RD_REGISTER_PCMD(i) & runningBits) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "reset port timeout", "Resetting port %d timed out. PCMD: %x.\n",
ports[i].connected = false;
// Clear IRQs.
// Enable receive FIS and activate the drive.
WR_REGISTER_PSCTL(i, RD_REGISTER_PSCTL(i) | (3 << 8)); // Disable transitions to partial and slumber states.
| (1 << 1 /* spin up */) | (1 << 2 /* power on */) | (1 << 4 /* FIS receive */) | (1 << 28 /* activate */));
KTimeout linkTimeout(10);
while ((RD_REGISTER_PSSTS(i) & 0x0F) != 3 && !linkTimeout.Hit());
if ((RD_REGISTER_PSSTS(i) & 0x0F) != 3) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "activate port timeout", "Activating port %d timed out. PSSTS: %x.\n",
ports[i].connected = false;
// Clear errors.
// Wait for device to be ready.
while ((RD_REGISTER_PTFD(i) & 0x88 /* BSY and DRQ */) && !timeout.Hit());
if (RD_REGISTER_PTFD(i) & 0x88) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "port ready timeout", "Port %d hung at busy state. PTFD: %x.\n",
ports[i].connected = false;
// Start command list processing.
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "AHCI", "start command processing", "Starting command processing for port %d...\n", i);
// Enable interrupts.
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "AHCI", "enable interrupts", "Enabling interrupts for port %d...\n", i);
WR_REGISTER_PIE(i, RD_REGISTER_PIE(i) | (1 << 5) /* descriptor complete */ | (1 << 0) /* D2H */
| (1 << 30) | (1 << 29) | (1 << 28) | (1 << 27) | (1 << 26) | (1 << 24) | (1 << 23) /* errors */);
// Read the status and signature for each implemented port to work out if it is connected.
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS; i++) {
if (!ports[i].connected) continue;
uint32_t status = RD_REGISTER_PSSTS(i);
if ((status & 0x00F) != 0x003 || (status & 0x0F0) == 0x000 || (status & 0xF00) != 0x100) {
ports[i].connected = false;
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "AHCI", "no drive", "No drive connected to port %d (1).\n", i);
uint32_t signature = RD_REGISTER_PSIG(i);
if (signature == 0x00000101) {
// SATA drive.
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "AHCI", "found drive", "Found SATA drive on port %d.\n", i);
} else if (signature == 0xEB140101) {
// SATAPI drive.
ports[i].atapi = true;
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "AHCI", "found drive", "Found SATAPI drive on port %d.\n", i);
} else if (!signature) {
// No drive connected.
ports[i].connected = false;
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "AHCI", "no drive", "No drive connected to port %d (2).\n", i);
} else {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "unrecognised drive signature", "Unrecognised drive signature %x on port %d.\n", signature, i);
ports[i].connected = false;
// Identify each connected drive.
uint16_t *identifyData;
uintptr_t identifyDataPhysical;
if (!MMPhysicalAllocateAndMap(0x200, K_PAGE_SIZE, dma64Supported ? 64 : 32, true, MM_REGION_NOT_CACHEABLE, (uint8_t **) &identifyData, &identifyDataPhysical)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "allocation failure", "Could not allocate physical memory for identify data buffer.\n");
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "AHCI", "identify data", "Identify data buffer allocated at physical address %x.\n", identifyDataPhysical);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS; i++) {
if (!ports[i].connected) continue;
EsMemoryZero(identifyData, 0x200);
// Setup the command list entry.
ports[i].commandList[0] = 5 /* FIS is 5 DWORDs */ | (1 << 16) /* 1 PRDT entry */;
ports[i].commandList[1] = 0;
// Setup the command FIS.
uint8_t opcode = ports[i].atapi ? 0xA1 /* IDENTIFY PACKET */ : 0xEC /* IDENTIFY */;
uint32_t *commandFIS = (uint32_t *) ports[i].commandTables;
commandFIS[0] = 0x27 /* H2D */ | (1 << 15) /* command */ | (opcode << 16);
commandFIS[1] = commandFIS[2] = commandFIS[3] = commandFIS[4] = 0;
// Setup the PRDT.
uint32_t *prdt = (uint32_t *) (ports[i].commandTables + 0x80);
prdt[0] = ES_PTR64_LS32(identifyDataPhysical);
prdt[1] = ES_PTR64_MS32(identifyDataPhysical);
prdt[2] = 0;
prdt[3] = 0x200 - 1;
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "AHCI", "identifying drive", "Sending IDENTIFY command to port %d...\n", i);
if (!SendSingleCommand(i)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "identify failure", "Could not read identify data for port %d.\n", i);
WR_REGISTER_PCMD(i, RD_REGISTER_PCMD(i) & ~(1 << 0)); // Stop command processing.
ports[i].connected = false;
ports[i].sectorBytes = 0x200;
if ((identifyData[106] & (1 << 14)) && (~identifyData[106] & (1 << 15)) && (identifyData[106] & (1 << 12))) {
// Device has a logical sector size larger than 0x200 bytes.
ports[i].sectorBytes = (uint32_t) identifyData[117] | ((uint32_t) identifyData[118] << 16);
ports[i].sectorCount = ((uint64_t) identifyData[100] << 0) + ((uint64_t) identifyData[101] << 16)
+ ((uint64_t) identifyData[102] << 32) + ((uint64_t) identifyData[103] << 48);
if (!((identifyData[49] & (1 << 9)) && (identifyData[49] & (1 << 8)))) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "unsupported feature", "Drive on port %d does not support a required feature.\n", i);
ports[i].connected = false;
if (ports[i].atapi) {
// Send a read capacity command.
ports[i].commandList[0] = 5 /* FIS is 5 DWORDs */ | (1 << 16) /* 1 PRDT entry */ | (1 << 5) /* ATAPI */;
commandFIS[0] = 0x27 /* H2D */ | (1 << 15) /* command */ | (0xA0 /* packet */ << 16);
commandFIS[1] = 8 /* maximum byte count transfer */ << 8;
prdt[3] = 8 - 1;
uint8_t *scsiCommand = (uint8_t *) commandFIS + 0x40;
EsMemoryZero(scsiCommand, 10);
scsiCommand[0] = 0x25 /* READ CAPACITY (10) */;
if (!SendSingleCommand(i)) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "identify failure", "Could not read SCSI read capacity data for port %d.\n", i);
WR_REGISTER_PCMD(i, RD_REGISTER_PCMD(i) & ~(1 << 0)); // Stop command processing.
ports[i].connected = false;
uint8_t *capacity = (uint8_t *) identifyData;
ports[i].sectorCount = (((uint64_t) capacity[3] << 0) + ((uint64_t) capacity[2] << 8)
+ ((uint64_t) capacity[1] << 16) + ((uint64_t) capacity[0] << 24)) + 1;
ports[i].sectorBytes = ((uint64_t) capacity[7] << 0) + ((uint64_t) capacity[6] << 8)
+ ((uint64_t) capacity[5] << 16) + ((uint64_t) capacity[4] << 24);
if (ports[i].sectorCount <= 128 || (ports[i].sectorBytes & 0x1FF) || !ports[i].sectorBytes || ports[i].sectorBytes > 0x1000) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "unsupported feature", "Drive on port %d has invalid sector configuration (count: %d, size: %D).\n",
i, ports[i].sectorCount, ports[i].sectorBytes);
ports[i].connected = false;
for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
ports[i].model[j * 2 + 0] = identifyData[27 + j] >> 8;
ports[i].model[j * 2 + 1] = identifyData[27 + j] & 0xFF;
ports[i].model[40] = 0;
for (uintptr_t j = 39; j > 0; j--) {
if (ports[i].model[j] == ' ') {
ports[i].model[j] = 0;
} else {
ports[i].ssd = identifyData[217] == 1;
for (uintptr_t i = 10; i < 20; i++) identifyData[i] = (identifyData[i] >> 8) | (identifyData[i] << 8);
for (uintptr_t i = 23; i < 27; i++) identifyData[i] = (identifyData[i] >> 8) | (identifyData[i] << 8);
for (uintptr_t i = 27; i < 47; i++) identifyData[i] = (identifyData[i] >> 8) | (identifyData[i] << 8);
KernelLog(LOG_INFO, "AHCI", "identified drive", "Identified drive on port %d; serial - '%s', firmware - '%s', model - '%s', sector size - %D, sector count - %d.\n",
i, 20, identifyData + 10, 8, identifyData + 23, 40, identifyData + 27, ports[i].sectorBytes, ports[i].sectorCount);
MMFree(MMGetKernelSpace(), identifyData);
// Start the timeout timer.
KTimerSet(&timeoutTimer, GENERAL_TIMEOUT, TimeoutTimerHit, this);
// Register drives.
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS; i++) {
if (!ports[i].connected) continue;
AHCIDrive *device = (AHCIDrive *) KDeviceCreate("AHCI drive", this, sizeof(AHCIDrive));
if (!device) {
KernelLog(LOG_ERROR, "AHCI", "allocation failure", "Could not create device for port %d.\n", i);
device->controller = this;
device->port = i;
device->information.sectorSize = ports[i].sectorBytes;
device->information.sectorCount = ports[i].sectorCount;
device->maxAccessSectorCount = ports[i].atapi ? (65535 / device->information.sectorSize)
: ((PRDT_ENTRY_COUNT - 1 /* need one extra if not page aligned */) * K_PAGE_SIZE / device->information.sectorSize);
device->information.readOnly = ports[i].atapi;
EsAssert(sizeof(ports[i].model) <= sizeof(device->information.model));
EsMemoryCopy(device->information.model, ports[i].model, sizeof(ports[i].model));
device->information.modelBytes = sizeof(ports[i].model);
device->information.driveType = ports[i].atapi ? ES_DRIVE_TYPE_CDROM : ports[i].ssd ? ES_DRIVE_TYPE_SSD : ES_DRIVE_TYPE_HDD;
device->access = [] (KBlockDeviceAccessRequest request) {
AHCIDrive *drive = (AHCIDrive *) request.device;
if (!drive->controller->Access(drive->port, request.offset, request.count, request.operation,
request.buffer, request.flags, request.dispatchGroup)) {
static void DeviceAttach(KDevice *_parent) {
KPCIDevice *parent = (KPCIDevice *) _parent;
AHCIController *device = (AHCIController *) KDeviceCreate("AHCI controller", parent, sizeof(AHCIController));
if (!device) return;
device->pci = parent;
device->dumpState = [] (KDevice *device) {
((AHCIController *) device)->DumpState();
// Enable PCI features.
// Initialise the controller.
KDriver driverAHCI = {
.attach = DeviceAttach,