
2872 lines
90 KiB

// This file is part of the Essence operating system.
// It is released under the terms of the MIT license -- see
// Written by: nakst.
// TODO If the font size is sufficiently large disable subpixel anti-aliasing.
// TODO Variable font support.
#include <shared/bitmap_font.h>
#include <harfbuzz/hb.h>
#include <harfbuzz/hb-ft.h>
#ifndef FT_EXPORT
#define FT_EXPORT(x) extern "C" x
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include <freetype/ftoutln.h>
#define CHARACTER_SUBPIXEL (1) // 24 bits per pixel; each byte specifies the alpha of each RGB channel.
#define CHARACTER_IMAGE (2) // 32 bits per pixel, ARGB.
#define CHARACTER_RECOLOR (3) // 32 bits per pixel, AXXX.
#define FALLBACK_SCRIPT (0x4C61746E) // "Latn"
struct Font {
#define FONT_TYPE_BITMAP (1)
uintptr_t type;
union {
const void *bitmapData; // All data has been validated to load the font.
struct {
FT_Face ft;
hb_font_t *hb;
struct GlyphCacheKey {
uint32_t glyphIndex;
uint16_t size;
uint16_t fractionalPosition;
Font font;
struct GlyphCacheEntry {
uint8_t *data;
size_t dataBytes;
int width, height, xoff, yoff;
int type;
LinkedItem<GlyphCacheEntry> itemLRU;
GlyphCacheKey key;
struct FontSubstitutionKey {
EsFontFamily family;
uint16_t _unused0;
uint32_t script;
struct FontDatabaseEntry : EsFontInformation {
EsFileStore *files[18];
char *scripts;
size_t scriptsBytes;
enum TextStyleDifference {
TEXT_STYLE_NEW_FONT, // A new font is selected.
TEXT_STYLE_NEW_SHAPE, // Shaping parameters have changed.
TEXT_STYLE_NEW_RENDER, // Render-only properties have changed.
TEXT_STYLE_IDENTICAL, // The styles are the same.
struct TextPiece {
// Shaped glyphs, on the same line, and with constant style and script.
int32_t ascent, descent, width;
const EsTextStyle *style;
uintptr_t glyphOffset;
size_t glyphCount;
uintptr_t start, end;
bool isTabPiece, isEllipsisPiece;
struct TextLine {
int32_t ascent, descent, width;
bool hasEllipsis;
uintptr_t ellipsisPieceIndex;
uintptr_t pieceOffset;
size_t pieceCount;
struct TextRun {
EsTextStyle style;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t script;
typedef hb_glyph_info_t TextGlyphInfo;
typedef hb_glyph_position_t TextGlyphPosition;
typedef hb_segment_properties_t TextSegmentProperties;
typedef hb_buffer_t TextShapeBuffer;
typedef hb_feature_t TextFeature;
typedef hb_script_t TextScript;
struct TextGlyphInfo {
uint32_t codepoint;
uint32_t cluster;
struct TextGlyphPosition {
int32_t x_advance;
int32_t y_advance;
int32_t x_offset;
int32_t y_offset;
struct TextSegmentProperties {
uint32_t direction;
uint32_t script;
uint32_t language;
struct TextShapeBuffer {
uint8_t _unused0;
struct TextFeature {
uint8_t _unused0;
typedef uint32_t TextScript;
struct EsTextPlan {
TextShapeBuffer *buffer;
TextSegmentProperties segmentProperties;
const char *string;
Array<TextRun> textRuns;
uintptr_t textRunPosition;
const EsTextStyle *currentTextStyle;
Font font;
BreakState breaker;
Array<TextGlyphInfo> glyphInfos;
Array<TextGlyphPosition> glyphPositions;
Array<TextPiece> pieces;
Array<TextLine> lines;
int32_t totalHeight, totalWidth;
bool singleUse;
EsTextPlanProperties properties;
struct {
// Database.
HashStore<FontSubstitutionKey, EsFontFamily> substitutions;
Array<FontDatabaseEntry> database;
uintptr_t sans, serif, monospaced, fallback;
char *sansName, *serifName, *monospacedName, *fallbackName;
// Rendering.
FT_Library freetypeLibrary;
// Caching.
HashStore<EsFont, Font> loaded; // TODO How many fonts to keep loaded? Reference counting?
#define GLYPH_CACHE_MAX_SIZE (4194304)
HashStore<GlyphCacheKey, GlyphCacheEntry *> glyphCache;
LinkedList<GlyphCacheEntry> glyphCacheLRU;
size_t glyphCacheBytes;
} fontManagement;
struct {
EsBuffer pack;
const uint8_t *standardPack;
size_t standardPackSize;
char *buffer;
size_t bufferPosition, bufferAllocated;
} iconManagement;
// --------------------------------- Glyph cache.
void GlyphCacheFreeEntry() {
GlyphCacheEntry *entry = fontManagement.glyphCacheLRU.lastItem->thisItem;
EsAssert(fontManagement.glyphCacheBytes >= entry->dataBytes);
fontManagement.glyphCacheBytes -= entry->dataBytes;
void RegisterGlyphCacheEntry(GlyphCacheKey key, GlyphCacheEntry *entry) {
// Free space in the glyph cache.
// Do this before adding the new glyph to the cache,
// in case the new glyph doesn't fit in the cache at all.
while (fontManagement.glyphCacheBytes > GLYPH_CACHE_MAX_SIZE) {
entry->itemLRU.thisItem = entry;
entry->key = key;
*fontManagement.glyphCache.Put(&key) = entry;
fontManagement.glyphCacheBytes += entry->dataBytes;
GlyphCacheEntry *LookupGlyphCacheEntry(GlyphCacheKey key) {
GlyphCacheEntry *entry = fontManagement.glyphCache.Get1(&key);
if (!entry) {
return (GlyphCacheEntry *) EsHeapAllocate(sizeof(GlyphCacheEntry), true);
} else {
return entry;
// --------------------------------- Font backend abstraction layer.
bool FontLoad(Font *font, const void *data, size_t dataBytes) {
if (dataBytes > sizeof(BitmapFontHeader)) {
const BitmapFontHeader *header = (const BitmapFontHeader *) data;
if (header->signature == BITMAP_FONT_SIGNATURE && (size_t) header->headerBytes >= sizeof(BitmapFontHeader)
&& (size_t) header->headerBytes < 0x80 && (size_t) header->glyphBytes < 0x80 && (size_t) header->glyphCount < 0x8000
&& dataBytes > (size_t) header->headerBytes + (size_t) header->glyphCount * (size_t) header->glyphBytes
&& header->glyphCount >= 1 /* index 0 is used as a fallback glyph, which must be present */) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < header->glyphCount; i++) {
const BitmapFontGlyph *glyph = ((const BitmapFontGlyph *) ((const uint8_t *) data + header->headerBytes + i * header->glyphBytes));
size_t bytesPerRow = (glyph->bitsWidth + 7) / 8;
size_t bitsStorage = (size_t) glyph->bitsHeight * bytesPerRow;
size_t kerningStorage = (size_t) glyph->kerningEntryCount * sizeof(BitmapFontKerningEntry);
if (glyph->bitsWidth > 0x4000 || glyph->bitsHeight > 0x4000 || glyph->kerningEntryCount > 0x4000
|| glyph->bitsOffset >= dataBytes
|| bitsStorage > dataBytes - glyph->bitsOffset
|| kerningStorage > dataBytes - glyph->bitsOffset - bitsStorage) {
return false;
font->bitmapData = data;
font->type = FONT_TYPE_BITMAP;
return true;
if (!fontManagement.freetypeLibrary) {
if (!FT_New_Memory_Face(fontManagement.freetypeLibrary, (uint8_t *) data, dataBytes, 0, &font->ft)) {
font->hb = hb_ft_font_create(font->ft, nullptr);
if (font->hb) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void FontSetSize(Font *font, uint32_t size) {
if (font->type == FONT_TYPE_BITMAP) {
(void) size;
// Ignored.
FT_Set_Char_Size(font->ft, 0, size * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE, 100, 100);
int32_t FontGetAscent(Font *font) {
if (font->type == FONT_TYPE_BITMAP) {
const BitmapFontHeader *header = (const BitmapFontHeader *) font->bitmapData;
return header->yAscent * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
return font->ft->size->metrics.ascender;
return 0;
int32_t FontGetDescent(Font *font) {
if (font->type == FONT_TYPE_BITMAP) {
const BitmapFontHeader *header = (const BitmapFontHeader *) font->bitmapData;
return header->yDescent * -FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
return font->ft->size->metrics.descender;
return 0;
int32_t FontGetEmWidth(Font *font) {
if (font->type == FONT_TYPE_BITMAP) {
const BitmapFontHeader *header = (const BitmapFontHeader *) font->bitmapData;
return header->xEmWidth;
return font->ft->size->metrics.x_ppem;
return 0;
bool FontRenderGlyph(GlyphCacheKey key, GlyphCacheEntry *entry) {
if (key.font.type == FONT_TYPE_BITMAP) {
const BitmapFontHeader *header = (const BitmapFontHeader *) key.font.bitmapData;
const BitmapFontGlyph *glyph = ((const BitmapFontGlyph *) ((const uint8_t *) key.font.bitmapData + header->headerBytes + key.glyphIndex * header->glyphBytes));
entry->width = glyph->bitsWidth;
entry->height = glyph->bitsHeight;
entry->xoff = -glyph->xOrigin;
entry->yoff = -glyph->yOrigin;
entry->dataBytes = sizeof(uint8_t) * 4 * glyph->bitsWidth * glyph->bitsHeight;
entry->data = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(entry->dataBytes, false);
if (!entry->data) {
return false;
size_t bytesPerRow = (glyph->bitsWidth + 7) / 8;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < glyph->bitsHeight; i++) {
const uint8_t *row = (const uint8_t *) key.font.bitmapData + glyph->bitsOffset + bytesPerRow * i;
for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < glyph->bitsWidth; j++) {
// TODO More efficient storage.
uint8_t byte = (row[j / 8] & (1 << (j % 8))) ? 0xFF : 0x00;
uint32_t copy = (byte << 24) | (byte << 16) | (byte << 8) | byte;
((uint32_t *) entry->data)[i * entry->width + j] = copy;
return true;
if (key.font.type == FONT_TYPE_FREETYPE_AND_HARFBUZZ) {
FT_Load_Glyph(key.font.ft, key.glyphIndex, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
FT_Outline_Translate(&key.font.ft->glyph->outline, key.fractionalPosition, 0);
int width;
int height;
int xoff;
int yoff;
uint8_t *output;
FT_Render_Glyph(key.font.ft->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD);
FT_Bitmap *bitmap = &key.font.ft->glyph->bitmap;
width = bitmap->width / 3;
height = bitmap->rows;
xoff = key.font.ft->glyph->bitmap_left;
yoff = -key.font.ft->glyph->bitmap_top;
entry->dataBytes = 1 /*stupid hack for whitespace*/ + width * height * 4;
output = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(entry->dataBytes, false);
if (!output) {
return false;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int32_t r = (int32_t) ((uint8_t *) bitmap->buffer)[x * 3 + y * bitmap->pitch + 0];
int32_t g = (int32_t) ((uint8_t *) bitmap->buffer)[x * 3 + y * bitmap->pitch + 1];
int32_t b = (int32_t) ((uint8_t *) bitmap->buffer)[x * 3 + y * bitmap->pitch + 2];
// Reduce how noticible the colour fringes are.
// TODO Make this adjustable?
int32_t average = (r + g + b) / 3;
r -= (r - average) / 3;
g -= (g - average) / 3;
b -= (b - average) / 3;
output[(x + y * width) * 4 + 0] = (uint8_t) r;
output[(x + y * width) * 4 + 1] = (uint8_t) g;
output[(x + y * width) * 4 + 2] = (uint8_t) b;
output[(x + y * width) * 4 + 3] = 0xFF;
// EsPrint("\tPixel %d, %d: red %X, green %X, blue %X\n", x, y, r, g, b);
if (output) {
entry->data = output;
entry->width = width;
entry->height = height;
entry->xoff = xoff;
entry->yoff = yoff;
return true;
return false;
return false;
void FontShapeTextDone(EsTextPlan *plan, uint32_t glyphCount, TextGlyphInfo *_glyphInfos, TextGlyphPosition *_glyphPositions) {
if (plan->font.type == FONT_TYPE_BITMAP) {
(void) glyphCount;
Array<TextGlyphInfo> glyphInfos = { .array = _glyphInfos };
Array<TextGlyphPosition> glyphPositions = { .array = _glyphPositions };
void FontShapeText(EsTextPlan *plan, const char *string, size_t stringBytes,
uintptr_t sectionOffsetBytes, size_t sectionCountBytes,
TextFeature *features, size_t featureCount,
uint32_t *glyphCount, TextGlyphInfo **_glyphInfos, TextGlyphPosition **_glyphPositions) {
if (plan->font.type == FONT_TYPE_BITMAP) {
(void) features;
(void) featureCount;
(void) stringBytes;
Array<TextGlyphInfo> glyphInfos = {};
Array<TextGlyphPosition> glyphPositions = {};
Font *font = &plan->font;
const BitmapFontHeader *header = (const BitmapFontHeader *) font->bitmapData;
const char *text = string + sectionOffsetBytes;
while (text < string + sectionOffsetBytes + sectionCountBytes) {
TextGlyphInfo info = {};
TextGlyphPosition position = {};
info.cluster = text - (string + sectionOffsetBytes);
uint32_t codepoint = utf8_value(text, string + sectionOffsetBytes + sectionCountBytes - text, nullptr);
if (!codepoint) break;
text = utf8_advance(text);
bool glyphFound = false;
uint32_t glyphIndex = 0;
ES_MACRO_SEARCH(header->glyphCount, result = codepoint - ((const BitmapFontGlyph *) ((const uint8_t *)
font->bitmapData + header->headerBytes + index * header->glyphBytes))->codepoint;, glyphIndex, glyphFound);
info.codepoint = glyphFound ? glyphIndex : 0;
const BitmapFontGlyph *glyph = ((const BitmapFontGlyph *) ((const uint8_t *)
font->bitmapData + header->headerBytes + info.codepoint * header->glyphBytes));
size_t bytesPerRow = (glyph->bitsWidth + 7) / 8;
position.x_advance = glyph->xAdvance * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
if (glyph->kerningEntryCount && text < string + sectionOffsetBytes + sectionCountBytes) {
uint32_t nextCodepoint = utf8_value(text, string + sectionOffsetBytes + sectionCountBytes - text, nullptr);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < glyph->kerningEntryCount; i++) {
BitmapFontKerningEntry entry;
EsMemoryCopy(&entry, (const uint8_t *) font->bitmapData + glyph->bitsOffset
+ bytesPerRow * glyph->bitsHeight + sizeof(BitmapFontKerningEntry) * i, sizeof(BitmapFontKerningEntry));
if (entry.rightCodepoint == nextCodepoint) {
position.x_advance += entry.xOffset * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
*glyphCount = glyphInfos.Length();
*_glyphInfos = &glyphInfos[0];
*_glyphPositions = &glyphPositions[0];
if (plan->font.type == FONT_TYPE_FREETYPE_AND_HARFBUZZ) {
hb_buffer_set_segment_properties(plan->buffer, &plan->segmentProperties);
hb_buffer_add_utf8(plan->buffer, string, stringBytes, sectionOffsetBytes, sectionCountBytes);
hb_shape(plan->font.hb, plan->buffer, features, featureCount);
*_glyphInfos = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(plan->buffer, glyphCount);
*_glyphPositions = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(plan->buffer, glyphCount);
uint32_t FontGetScriptFromCodepoint(uint32_t codepoint, bool *inheritingScript) {
static hb_unicode_funcs_t *unicodeFunctions = nullptr;
if (!unicodeFunctions) {
// Multiple threads could call this at the same time, but it doesn't matter,
// since they should always return the same thing anyway...
unicodeFunctions = hb_unicode_funcs_get_default();
uint32_t script = hb_unicode_script(unicodeFunctions, codepoint);
*inheritingScript = script == HB_SCRIPT_COMMON || script == HB_SCRIPT_INHERITED;
return script;
(void) codepoint;
*inheritingScript = false;
void FontInitialiseShaping(EsTextPlan *plan) {
plan->buffer = hb_buffer_create();
hb_buffer_set_cluster_level(plan->buffer, HB_BUFFER_CLUSTER_LEVEL_MONOTONE_CHARACTERS);
plan->segmentProperties.direction = (plan->properties.flags & ES_TEXT_PLAN_RTL) ? HB_DIRECTION_RTL : HB_DIRECTION_LTR;
plan->segmentProperties.script = (TextScript) FALLBACK_SCRIPT;
plan->segmentProperties.language = hb_language_from_string(plan->properties.cLanguage ?: FALLBACK_SCRIPT_LANGUAGE, -1);
(void) plan;
void FontDestroyShaping(EsTextPlan *plan) {
plan->buffer = nullptr;
(void) plan;
// --------------------------------- Font management.
void FontInitialise() {
if (fontManagement.database.Length()) {
fontManagement.sansName = EsSystemConfigurationReadString(EsLiteral("ui_fonts"), EsLiteral("sans"));
fontManagement.serifName = EsSystemConfigurationReadString(EsLiteral("ui_fonts"), EsLiteral("serif"));
fontManagement.monospacedName = EsSystemConfigurationReadString(EsLiteral("ui_fonts"), EsLiteral("mono"));
fontManagement.fallbackName = EsSystemConfigurationReadString(EsLiteral("ui_fonts"), EsLiteral("fallback"));
FontDatabaseEntry nullFont = {};
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < api.systemConfigurationGroups.Length(); i++) {
SystemConfigurationGroup *g = &api.systemConfigurationGroups[i];
if (0 == EsStringCompareRaw(g->section, g->sectionBytes, EsLiteral("font"))) {
FontDatabaseEntry entry = {};
const char *name = nullptr;
size_t nameBytes = 0;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < g->itemCount; i++) {
SystemConfigurationItem *item = g->items + i;
if (0 == EsStringCompareRaw(item->key, item->keyBytes, EsLiteral("name"))) {
name = item->value, nameBytes = item->valueBytes;
} else if (0 == EsStringCompareRaw(item->key, item->keyBytes, EsLiteral("category"))) {
entry.categoryBytes = MinimumInteger(item->valueBytes, sizeof(entry.category));
EsMemoryCopy(entry.category, item->value, entry.categoryBytes);
} else if (0 == EsStringCompareRaw(item->key, item->keyBytes, EsLiteral("scripts"))) {
entry.scripts = item->value;
entry.scriptsBytes = item->valueBytes;
} else if ((item->keyBytes == 2 && item->key[0] == '.' && EsCRTisdigit(item->key[1]))
|| (item->keyBytes == 3 && item->key[0] == '.' && EsCRTisdigit(item->key[1]) && item->key[2] == 'i') ) {
int weight = item->key[1] - '0';
bool italic = item->keyBytes == 3;
if (italic) {
entry.availableWeightsItalic |= 1 << weight;
} else {
entry.availableWeightsNormal |= 1 << weight;
size_t fileIndex = weight - 1 + italic * 9;
if (item->valueBytes && item->value[0] == ':') {
entry.files[fileIndex] = FileStoreCreateFromEmbeddedFile(&bundleDesktop, item->value + 1, item->valueBytes - 1);
} else {
entry.files[fileIndex] = FileStoreCreateFromPath(item->value, item->valueBytes);
if (0 == EsStringCompareRaw(name, nameBytes, EsLiteral(fontManagement.sansName))) {
fontManagement.sans = fontManagement.database.Length();
if (0 == EsStringCompareRaw(name, nameBytes, EsLiteral(fontManagement.serifName))) {
fontManagement.serif = fontManagement.database.Length();
if (0 == EsStringCompareRaw(name, nameBytes, EsLiteral(fontManagement.monospacedName))) {
fontManagement.monospaced = fontManagement.database.Length();
if (0 == EsStringCompareRaw(name, nameBytes, EsLiteral(fontManagement.fallbackName))) {
fontManagement.fallback = fontManagement.database.Length();
entry.nameBytes = MinimumInteger(nameBytes, sizeof(;
EsMemoryCopy(, name, entry.nameBytes); = fontManagement.database.Length();
EsFontFamily FontGetStandardFamily(EsFontFamily family) {
if (family == 0 || family == ES_FONT_SANS) {
return fontManagement.sans ?: fontManagement.fallback;
} else if (family == ES_FONT_SERIF) {
return fontManagement.serif ?: fontManagement.fallback;
} else if (family == ES_FONT_MONOSPACED) {
return fontManagement.monospaced ?: fontManagement.fallback;
} else {
return family;
bool EsFontDatabaseLookupByName(const char *name, ptrdiff_t nameBytes, EsFontInformation *information) {
EsMemoryZero(information, sizeof(EsFontInformation));
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < fontManagement.database.Length(); i++) {
if (0 == EsStringCompare(name, nameBytes, fontManagement.database[i].name, fontManagement.database[i].nameBytes)) {
EsMemoryCopy(information, &fontManagement.database[i], sizeof(EsFontInformation));
return true;
return false;
bool EsFontDatabaseLookupByID(EsFontFamily id, EsFontInformation *information) {
EsMemoryZero(information, sizeof(EsFontInformation));
id = FontGetStandardFamily(id);
if (id >= fontManagement.database.Length()) {
return false;
EsMemoryCopy(information, &fontManagement.database[id], sizeof(EsFontInformation));
return true;
EsFontFamily EsFontDatabaseInsertFile(const EsFontInformation *information, EsFileStore *store) {
// TODO Locking.
FontDatabaseEntry *entry = nullptr;
if (information->nameBytes) {
for (uintptr_t i = 1; i < fontManagement.database.Length(); i++) {
FontDatabaseEntry *entry = &fontManagement.database[i];
EsAssert(entry->id == i);
if (0 == EsStringCompareRaw(information->name, information->nameBytes,
fontManagement.database[i].name, fontManagement.database[i].nameBytes)) {
if ((information->availableWeightsItalic & entry->availableWeightsItalic)
|| (information->availableWeightsNormal & entry->availableWeightsNormal)) {
// The variant is already in the database.
return entry->id;
goto addFileToFamily;
// The family is not yet in the database; add it.
FontDatabaseEntry e = {};
EsMemoryCopy(&e, information, sizeof(EsFontInformation)); = fontManagement.database.Length();
if (fontManagement.database.Add(e)) {
entry = &fontManagement.database.Last();
} else {
return 0;
entry->availableWeightsNormal |= information->availableWeightsNormal;
entry->availableWeightsItalic |= information->availableWeightsItalic;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
if ((i < 9 && (information->availableWeightsNormal & (1 << i)))
|| (i >= 9 && (information->availableWeightsItalic & (1 << i)))) {
entry->files[i] = store;
return entry->id;
return 0;
EsFontInformation *EsFontDatabaseEnumerate(size_t *count) {
// TODO Locking.
*count = 0;
EsFontInformation *result = (EsFontInformation *) EsHeapAllocate(sizeof(EsFontInformation) * (fontManagement.database.Length() - 1), true);
if (!result) return nullptr;
*count = fontManagement.database.Length() - 1;
for (uintptr_t i = 1; i <= *count; i++) EsFontDatabaseLookupByID(i, &result[i - 1]);
return result;
bool FontSupportsScript(FontDatabaseEntry *entry, uint32_t _script, bool first) {
if (!entry->scriptsBytes) {
return first;
char script[4];
script[0] = (char) (_script >> 24);
script[1] = (char) (_script >> 16);
script[2] = (char) (_script >> 8);
script[3] = (char) (_script >> 0);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i <= entry->scriptsBytes - 4; i += 5) {
if (script[0] == entry->scripts[i + 0]
&& script[1] == entry->scripts[i + 1]
&& script[2] == entry->scripts[i + 2]
&& script[3] == entry->scripts[i + 3]) {
return true;
return false;
EsFontFamily FontApplySubstitution(EsTextPlanProperties *properties, EsFontFamily family, uint32_t script) {
if (properties->flags & ES_TEXT_PLAN_NO_FONT_SUBSTITUTION) {
return family;
FontSubstitutionKey key = {}; = FontGetStandardFamily(family);
key.script = script;
EsFontFamily result = fontManagement.substitutions.Get1(&key);
if (result) return result;
EsAssert( < fontManagement.database.Length());
FontDatabaseEntry *entry = &fontManagement.database[];
if (FontSupportsScript(entry, script, true)) {
*fontManagement.substitutions.Put(&key) =;
EsFontFamily firstMatch = (EsFontFamily) -1;
for (uintptr_t i = 1; i < fontManagement.database.Length(); i++) {
if (&fontManagement.database[i] == entry) continue;
if (!FontSupportsScript(&fontManagement.database[i], script, false)) continue;
if (firstMatch == (EsFontFamily) -1) {
firstMatch = i;
if (0 == EsStringCompareRaw(fontManagement.database[i].category, fontManagement.database[i].categoryBytes,
entry->category, entry->categoryBytes)) {
*fontManagement.substitutions.Put(&key) = i;
return i;
if (firstMatch != (EsFontFamily) -1) {
*fontManagement.substitutions.Put(&key) = firstMatch;
return firstMatch;
} else {
// No installed font supports the script.
*fontManagement.substitutions.Put(&key) =;
return result;
Font FontGet(EsFont key) {
if (key.weight == 0) {
key.weight = ES_FONT_REGULAR;
} = FontGetStandardFamily(;
Font *_font = fontManagement.loaded.Get(&key);
if (_font) return *_font;
EsFileStore *file = nullptr;
int matchDistance = 1000;
EsAssert( < fontManagement.database.Length());
FontDatabaseEntry *entry = &fontManagement.database[];
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
if (entry->files[i]) {
int weight = (i % 9) + 1;
bool italic = i >= 9;
int distance = ((italic != ((key.flags & ES_FONT_ITALIC) ? true : false)) ? 10 : 0) + AbsoluteInteger(weight - key.weight);
if (distance < matchDistance) {
matchDistance = distance;
file = entry->files[i];
if (!file) {
// EsPrint("Could not load font (f%d/w%d/%X).\n",, key.weight, key.flags); = fontManagement.fallback;
return FontGet(key);
// EsPrint("Loading font from '%z' (f%d/w%d/i%d).\n", file,, key.weight, key.italic);
size_t size;
void *data = EsFileStoreMap(file, &size, ES_MEMORY_MAP_OBJECT_READ_ONLY);
if (!data) {
// EsPrint("Could not load font (f%d/w%d/%X).\n",, key.weight, key.flags); = fontManagement.fallback;
return FontGet(key);
Font font = {};
if (!FontLoad(&font, data, size)) {
// EsPrint("Could not load font (f%d/w%d/%X).\n",, key.weight, key.flags); = fontManagement.fallback;
return FontGet(key);
*fontManagement.loaded.Put(&key) = font;
return font;
void FontDatabaseFree() {
while (fontManagement.glyphCacheLRU.count) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < fontManagement.loaded.Count(); i++) {
// TODO Unmap file store data.
Font font = fontManagement.loaded[i];
if (font.type == FONT_TYPE_BITMAP) {
// Nothing to be done.
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < fontManagement.database.Length(); i++) {
FontDatabaseEntry *entry = &fontManagement.database[i];
for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < sizeof(entry->files) / sizeof(entry->files[0]); j++) {
if (entry->files[j]) {
EsAssert(fontManagement.glyphCache.Count() == 0);
EsAssert(fontManagement.glyphCacheBytes == 0);
// --------------------------------- Blitting rendered glyphs.
inline static void DrawStringPixel(int oX, int oY, void *bitmap, size_t stride, uint32_t textColor,
uint32_t selectionColor, int32_t backgroundColor, uint32_t pixel, bool selected, bool fullAlpha) {
uint32_t *destination = (uint32_t *) ((uint8_t *) bitmap + (oX) * 4 + (oY) * stride);
uint8_t alpha = (textColor & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
if (pixel == 0xFFFFFF && alpha == 0xFF) {
*destination = 0xFF000000 | textColor;
} else if (pixel && fullAlpha) {
uint32_t original;
if (selected) {
original = selectionColor;
} else if (backgroundColor < 0) {
original = *destination;
} else {
original = backgroundColor;
uint32_t ga = (((pixel & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) * alpha) >> 8;
uint32_t alphaD2 = (255 - ga) * ((original & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
uint32_t alphaOut = ga + (alphaD2 >> 8);
if (alphaOut) {
uint32_t m2 = alphaD2 / alphaOut;
uint32_t m1 = (ga << 8) / alphaOut;
if (m2 == 0x100) m2--;
if (m1 == 0x100) m1--;
uint32_t r2 = m2 * ((original & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
uint32_t g2 = m2 * ((original & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
uint32_t b2 = m2 * ((original & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
uint32_t r1 = m1 * ((textColor & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
uint32_t g1 = m1 * ((textColor & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
uint32_t b1 = m1 * ((textColor & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
uint32_t result =
(0x00FF0000 & ((b1 + b2) << 8))
| (0x0000FF00 & ((g1 + g2) << 0))
| (0x000000FF & ((r1 + r2) >> 8))
| (alphaOut << 24);
*destination = result;
} else if (pixel) {
uint32_t original;
if (selected) {
original = selectionColor;
} else if (backgroundColor < 0) {
original = *destination;
} else {
original = backgroundColor;
uint32_t ra = (((pixel & 0x000000FF) >> 0) * alpha) >> 8;
uint32_t ga = (((pixel & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) * alpha) >> 8;
uint32_t ba = (((pixel & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) * alpha) >> 8;
uint32_t r2 = (255 - ra) * ((original & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
uint32_t g2 = (255 - ga) * ((original & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
uint32_t b2 = (255 - ba) * ((original & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
uint32_t r1 = ra * ((textColor & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
uint32_t g1 = ga * ((textColor & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
uint32_t b1 = ba * ((textColor & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
uint32_t result = 0xFF000000 | (0x00FF0000 & ((b1 + b2) << 8))
| (0x0000FF00 & ((g1 + g2) << 0))
| (0x000000FF & ((r1 + r2) >> 8));
*destination = result;
void DrawSingleCharacter(int width, int height, int xoff, int yoff,
EsPoint outputPosition, EsRectangle region, EsPaintTarget *target,
int blur, int type, bool selected, uint8_t *output,
uint32_t color, uint32_t selectionColor, int32_t backgroundColor, bool fullAlpha) {
// TODO Rewrite.
blur = 0;
uint8_t alpha = color >> 24;
int xOut = outputPosition.x + xoff;
int yOut = outputPosition.y + yoff;
int xFrom = xOut, xTo = xOut + width;
int yFrom = yOut, yTo = yOut + height;
if (blur) {
xFrom -= blur;
yFrom -= blur;
xTo += blur;
yTo += blur;
if (xFrom < region.l) xFrom = region.l; else if (xFrom >= region.r) xFrom = region.r;
if (xFrom < 0) xFrom = 0; else if (xFrom >= (int) target->width) xFrom = target->width;
if (xTo < region.l) xTo = region.l; else if (xTo >= region.r) xTo = region.r;
if (xTo < 0) xTo = 0; else if (xTo >= (int) target->width) xTo = target->width;
if (yFrom < region.t) yFrom = region.t; else if (yFrom >= region.b) yFrom = region.b;
if (yFrom < 0) yFrom = 0; else if (yFrom >= (int) target->height) yFrom = target->height;
if (yTo < region.t) yTo = region.t; else if (yTo >= region.b) yTo = region.b;
if (yTo < 0) yTo = 0; else if (yTo >= (int) target->height) yTo = target->height;
float blurExponentDenominator = -1.0f / (2.0f * (blur / 3.0f) * (blur / 3.0f));
for (int oY = yFrom; oY < yTo; oY++) {
int y = oY - yOut;
for (int oX = xFrom; oX < xTo; oX++) {
int x = oX - xOut;
if (blur) {
float c = 0, d = 0;
for (int i = y - blur; i <= y + blur; i++) {
for (int j = x - blur; j <= x + blur; j++) {
float weight = EsCRTexpf(blurExponentDenominator * ((i - y) * (i - y) + (j - x) * (j - x)));
d += weight;
if (i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < height && j < width) {
uint32_t pixel = *((uint32_t *) (output + (j * 4 + i * width * 4)));
c += (pixel & 0xFF00) * weight;
uint32_t a = c / (d * 256.0f);
DrawStringPixel(oX, oY, target->bits, target->stride, color, selectionColor, backgroundColor,
a | (a << 8) | (a << 16), selected, fullAlpha);
} else if (type == CHARACTER_IMAGE || type == CHARACTER_RECOLOR) {
uint32_t pixel = *((uint32_t *) (output + (x * 4 + y * width * 4)));
uint32_t *destination = (uint32_t *) ((uint8_t *) target->bits + (oX) * 4 + (oY) * target->stride);
if (type == CHARACTER_RECOLOR) {
pixel = (pixel & 0xFF000000) | (color & 0x00FFFFFF);
if ((pixel >> 24) == 0xFF && alpha == 0xFF) {
*destination = pixel;
} else if (pixel && fullAlpha) {
uint32_t original = *destination;
uint32_t alphaSource = ((pixel >> 24) * alpha) >> 8;
uint32_t alphaDestination = ((original & 0xFF000000) >> 24) * (255 - alphaSource);
uint32_t alphaOut = alphaSource + (alphaDestination >> 8);
if (alphaOut) {
uint32_t m2 = alphaDestination / alphaOut;
uint32_t m1 = (alphaSource << 8) / alphaOut;
if (m2 == 0x100) m2--;
if (m1 == 0x100) m1--;
uint32_t r2 = m2 * ((original & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
uint32_t g2 = m2 * ((original & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
uint32_t b2 = m2 * ((original & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
uint32_t r1 = m1 * ((pixel & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
uint32_t g1 = m1 * ((pixel & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
uint32_t b1 = m1 * ((pixel & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
uint32_t result = (alphaOut << 24) | (0x00FF0000 & ((b1 + b2) << 8))
| (0x0000FF00 & ((g1 + g2) << 0))
| (0x000000FF & ((r1 + r2) >> 8));
*destination = result;
} else if (pixel) {
uint32_t original = *destination;
uint32_t a = ((pixel >> 24) * alpha) >> 8;
uint32_t r2 = (255 - a) * ((original & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
uint32_t g2 = (255 - a) * ((original & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
uint32_t b2 = (255 - a) * ((original & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
uint32_t r1 = a * ((pixel & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
uint32_t g1 = a * ((pixel & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
uint32_t b1 = a * ((pixel & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
uint32_t result = 0xFF000000
| (0x00FF0000 & ((b1 + b2) << 8))
| (0x0000FF00 & ((g1 + g2) << 0))
| (0x000000FF & ((r1 + r2) >> 8));
*destination = result;
} else if (type == CHARACTER_SUBPIXEL) {
uint32_t pixel = *((uint32_t *) (output + (x * 4 + y * width * 4)));
DrawStringPixel(oX, oY, target->bits, target->stride, color, selectionColor, backgroundColor, pixel, selected, fullAlpha);
// --------------------------------- Icons.
struct IconPackGradientStop {
uint32_t color;
float offset;
struct IconPackGradient {
float transform[6];
uint8_t repeatMode, stopCount;
float fx, fy;
IconPackGradientStop stops[1];
struct IconPackPaint {
uint8_t type;
union {
uint32_t color;
IconPackGradient *gradient;
struct IconPackPath {
IconPackPath *next;
float *points;
int pointCount;
bool closed;
struct IconPackShape {
IconPackShape *next;
IconPackPath *paths;
IconPackPaint fill, stroke;
bool evenOddRule;
float opacity;
float strokeWidth, strokeDashOffset, strokeDashArray[8], miterLimit;
uint8_t strokeLineJoin, strokeLineCap, strokeDashCount;
struct IconPackImage {
IconPackShape *shapes;
float width, height;
void *IconBufferAllocate(size_t size) {
// Must allocate adjacent to the previous allocation.
void *memory = iconManagement.buffer + iconManagement.bufferPosition;
iconManagement.bufferPosition += size;
EsAssert(iconManagement.bufferAllocated > iconManagement.bufferPosition); // Icon required more space than is available in iconBuffer.
EsMemoryZero(memory, size);
return memory;
void IconPackReadPaint(IconPackPaint *paint) {
paint->type = EsBufferReadByte(&iconManagement.pack);
if (paint->type == ICON_PACK_PAINT_SOLID) {
paint->color = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
} else if (paint->type == ICON_PACK_PAINT_LINEAR_GRADIENT || paint->type == ICON_PACK_PAINT_RADIAL_GRADIENT) {
paint->gradient = (IconPackGradient *) IconBufferAllocate(sizeof(IconPackGradient));
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) paint->gradient->transform[i] = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
paint->gradient->repeatMode = EsBufferReadByte(&iconManagement.pack);
paint->gradient->fx = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
paint->gradient->fy = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
paint->gradient->stopCount = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
IconBufferAllocate(8 * paint->gradient->stopCount);
for (int i = 0; i < paint->gradient->stopCount; i++) {
paint->gradient->stops[i].color = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
paint->gradient->stops[i].offset = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
void IconPackReadPaint(IconPackPath **link) {
if (EsBufferReadByte(&iconManagement.pack) != 0x34) return;
IconPackPath *path = *link = (IconPackPath *) IconBufferAllocate(sizeof(IconPackPath));
path->pointCount = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
path->closed = EsBufferReadByte(&iconManagement.pack);
path->points = (float *) IconBufferAllocate(sizeof(float) * 2 * path->pointCount);
link = &path->next;
for (int i = 0; i < path->pointCount; i++) {
path->points[i * 2 + 0] = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
path->points[i * 2 + 1] = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
if (EsBufferReadByte(&iconManagement.pack)) goto next;
void IconPackReadShape(IconPackShape **link) {
if (EsBufferReadByte(&iconManagement.pack) != 0x12) return;
IconPackShape *shape = *link = (IconPackShape *) IconBufferAllocate(sizeof(IconPackShape));
shape->opacity = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
shape->strokeWidth = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
shape->strokeDashOffset = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) shape->strokeDashArray[i] = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
shape->strokeDashCount = EsBufferReadByte(&iconManagement.pack);
shape->strokeLineJoin = EsBufferReadByte(&iconManagement.pack);
shape->strokeLineCap = EsBufferReadByte(&iconManagement.pack);
shape->miterLimit = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
shape->evenOddRule = EsBufferReadByte(&iconManagement.pack);
link = &shape->next;
if (EsBufferReadByte(&iconManagement.pack)) goto next;
IconPackImage *IconPackReadImage(uint32_t id, uint32_t size, int *type) {
iconManagement.bufferPosition = 0;
iconManagement.pack.position = 0;
uint32_t count = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
if (id >= count) return nullptr;
iconManagement.pack.position = (id + 1) * 4;
uint32_t start = iconManagement.pack.position = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
*type = (EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack) == 1) ? CHARACTER_RECOLOR : CHARACTER_IMAGE;
iconManagement.pack.position = start;
// bool rtl = api.systemConstants[ES_SYSTEM_CONSTANT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT];
bool rtl = false;
bool found = false;
uint32_t variant = 0;
// TODO Clean this up!
while (true) {
// Look for a perfect match of size and direction.
variant = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
if (!variant) break;
if ((variant == size || variant == 1) && !rtl) { found = true; break; }
iconManagement.pack.position = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
if (!found) {
// Look for the smallest bigger size.
iconManagement.pack.position = start;
while (true) {
variant = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
if (!variant) break;
if ((variant & 0x7FFF) > size && !rtl) { found = true; break; }
iconManagement.pack.position = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
if (!found && rtl) {
iconManagement.pack.position = start;
while (true) {
variant = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
if (!variant) break;
if ((variant == (size | 0x8000)) || variant == 0x8001) { found = true; break; }
iconManagement.pack.position = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
if (!found && rtl) {
iconManagement.pack.position = start;
while (true) {
variant = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
if (!variant) break;
if ((variant & 0x7FFF) > size && (variant & 0x8000)) { found = true; break; }
iconManagement.pack.position = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
if (!found) {
// Look for the biggest size.
iconManagement.pack.position = start;
uintptr_t previous = 0;
while (true) {
variant = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
if (!variant) {
iconManagement.pack.position = previous;
found = previous != 0;
if ((~variant & 0x8000) || rtl) {
previous = iconManagement.pack.position;
iconManagement.pack.position = EsBufferReadInt(&iconManagement.pack);
IconPackImage *image = (IconPackImage *) IconBufferAllocate(sizeof(IconPackImage));
image->width = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
image->height = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
return image;
void DrawIcon(int width, int height, uint8_t *destination, IconPackImage *icon, int stride, float translateX, float translateY, float scaleX, float scaleY) {
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return;
RastVertex scale2 = { scaleX, scaleY };
RastSurface surface = {};
surface.buffer = (uint32_t *) destination;
surface.stride = stride;
if (!RastSurfaceInitialise(&surface, width, height, true)) {
// TODO strokeDashOffset, strokeDashArray, strokeDashCount.
IconPackShape *shape = icon->shapes;
int shapeIndex = 0;
while (shape) {
RastPaint paintFill = {}, paintStroke = {};
RastContourStyle contour = {};
contour.internalWidth = shape->strokeWidth * scaleX * 0.5f;
contour.externalWidth = shape->strokeWidth * scaleX * 0.5f;
contour.joinMode = (RastLineJoinMode) shape->strokeLineJoin;
contour.capMode = (RastLineCapMode) shape->strokeLineCap;
contour.miterLimit = scaleX * shape->strokeWidth * shape->miterLimit;
if (shape->opacity == 0) {
goto nextShape;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
IconPackPaint *p1 = i ? &shape->stroke : &shape->fill;
RastPaint *p2 = i ? &paintStroke : &paintFill;
if (p1->type == ICON_PACK_PAINT_SOLID) {
p2->type = RAST_PAINT_SOLID;
uint32_t color = p1->color;
color = (color & 0xFF00FF00) | ((color & 0xFF) << 16) | ((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
p2->solid.color = 0xFFFFFF & color;
p2->solid.alpha = (float) ((0xFF000000 & color) >> 24) / 255.0f * shape->opacity;
IconPackGradient *gradient = p1->gradient;
p2->gradient.transform[0] = gradient->transform[0] / scale2.x;
p2->gradient.transform[1] = gradient->transform[2] / scale2.y;
p2->gradient.transform[2] = gradient->transform[4] - (p2->gradient.transform[0] * translateX + p2->gradient.transform[1] * translateY);
p2->gradient.transform[3] = gradient->transform[1] / scale2.x;
p2->gradient.transform[4] = gradient->transform[3] / scale2.y;
p2->gradient.transform[5] = gradient->transform[5] - (p2->gradient.transform[3] * translateX + p2->gradient.transform[4] * translateY);
} else {
p2->gradient.transform[0] = gradient->transform[1] / scale2.x;
p2->gradient.transform[1] = gradient->transform[3] / scale2.y;
p2->gradient.transform[2] = gradient->transform[5] - (p2->gradient.transform[0] * translateX + p2->gradient.transform[1] * translateY);
RastGradientStop stops[16];
size_t stopCount = gradient->stopCount;
if (stopCount > 16) stopCount = 16;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < stopCount; i++) {
uint32_t color = gradient->stops[i].color;
color = (color & 0xFF00FF00) | ((color & 0xFF) << 16) | ((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
stops[i].color = (0xFFFFFF & color)
| ((uint32_t) ((float) ((0xFF000000 & color) >> 24) * shape->opacity) << 24);
stops[i].position = gradient->stops[i].offset;
RastGradientInitialise(p2, stops, stopCount, false);
p2->gradient.repeatMode = (RastRepeatMode) gradient->repeatMode;
if (paintFill.type) {
RastPath p = {};
IconPackPath *path = shape->paths;
while (path) {
RastPathAppendBezier(&p, (RastVertex *) path->points, path->pointCount, scale2);
if (path->closed || path->next) RastPathCloseSegment(&p);
path = path->next;
RastPathTranslate(&p, translateX, translateY);
RastShape s = RastShapeCreateSolid(&p);
RastSurfaceFill(surface, s, paintFill, shape->evenOddRule);
if (shape->strokeWidth && paintStroke.type) {
IconPackPath *path = shape->paths;
int pathCount = 0;
while (path) {
RastPath p = {};
RastPathAppendBezier(&p, (RastVertex *) path->points, path->pointCount, scale2);
RastPathTranslate(&p, translateX, translateY);
RastShape s = RastShapeCreateContour(&p, contour, !path->closed);
RastSurfaceFill(surface, s, paintStroke, false);
path = path->next;
shape = shape->next;
bool EsDrawStandardIcon(EsPainter *painter, uint32_t id, int size, EsRectangle region, uint32_t color) {
if (!id) return false;
// Center the icon.
if (region.r - region.l > size) {
int d = region.r - region.l - size;
region.l += d / 2, region.r -= d / 2;
if (region.b - region.t > size) {
int d = region.b - region.t - size;
region.t += d / 2, region.b -= d / 2;
int left = region.l, top = region.t;
EsRectangleClip(region, painter->clip, &region);
GlyphCacheKey key = {};
key.glyphIndex = id;
key.size = size;
GlyphCacheEntry *cacheEntry = LookupGlyphCacheEntry(key);
if (!cacheEntry) {
return false;
if (!cacheEntry->data) {
if (!iconManagement.standardPack) {
iconManagement.standardPack = (const uint8_t *) EsBundleFind(&bundleDesktop, EsLiteral("Icons.dat"), &iconManagement.standardPackSize);
iconManagement.buffer = (char *) EsHeapAllocate((iconManagement.bufferAllocated = 131072), false);
if (!iconManagement.buffer) return false;
iconManagement.pack = { .in = iconManagement.standardPack, .bytes = iconManagement.standardPackSize };
cacheEntry->width = size, cacheEntry->height = size;
cacheEntry->dataBytes = size * size * 4;
cacheEntry->data = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(cacheEntry->dataBytes, true);
if (cacheEntry->data) {
RegisterGlyphCacheEntry(key, cacheEntry);
IconPackImage *image = IconPackReadImage(id, size, &cacheEntry->type);
if (image) {
DrawIcon(size, size, cacheEntry->data, image, size * 4, 0, 0, (float) size / image->width, (float) size / image->height);
} else {
DrawSingleCharacter(cacheEntry->width, cacheEntry->height, 0, 0,
ES_POINT(left, top), region, painter->target,
0, cacheEntry->type, false, cacheEntry->data,
color, 0, 0, painter->target->fullAlpha);
return true;
void EsDrawVectorFile(EsPainter *painter, EsRectangle bounds, const void *data, size_t dataBytes) {
iconManagement.bufferPosition = 0;
iconManagement.buffer = (char *) EsHeapAllocate((iconManagement.bufferAllocated = 131072), false);
iconManagement.pack = { .in = (const uint8_t *) data, .bytes = dataBytes };
if (!iconManagement.buffer) {
IconPackImage *image = (IconPackImage *) IconBufferAllocate(sizeof(IconPackImage));
image->width = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
image->height = EsBufferReadFloat(&iconManagement.pack);
EsRectangle destination = EsRectangleIntersection(bounds, painter->clip);
EsPaintTarget *target = painter->target;
DrawIcon(Width(destination), Height(destination), (uint8_t *) target->bits + destination.l * 4 + destination.t * target->stride, image, target->stride,
bounds.l - destination.l, bounds.t - destination.t, (float) Width(bounds) / image->width, (float) Height(bounds) / image->height);
// --------------------------------- Text shaping.
TextStyleDifference CompareTextStyles(const EsTextStyle *style1, const EsTextStyle *style2) {
if (!style1) return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_FONT;
if (style1-> != style2-> return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_FONT;
if (style1->font.weight != style2->font.weight) return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_FONT;
if (style1->font.flags != style2->font.flags) return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_FONT;
if (style1->size != style2->size) return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_FONT;
if (style1->baselineOffset != style2->baselineOffset) return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_SHAPE;
if (style1->tracking != style2->tracking) return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_SHAPE;
if (style1->figures != style2->figures) return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_SHAPE;
if (style1->alternateDirection != style2->alternateDirection) return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_SHAPE;
if (style1->color != style2->color) return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_RENDER;
if (style1->blur != style2->blur) return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_RENDER;
if (style1->decorations != style2->decorations) return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_RENDER;
if (style1->decorationsColor != style2->decorationsColor) return TEXT_STYLE_NEW_RENDER;
ptrdiff_t TextGetCharacterAtPoint(EsElement *element, const EsTextStyle *textStyle, const char *string, size_t stringBytes, int *_pointX, uint32_t flags) {
// TODO Better integration with the EsTextPlan API.
EsTextPlanProperties properties = {};
EsTextRun textRuns[2] = {};
textRuns[0].style = *textStyle;
textRuns[1].offset = stringBytes;
EsTextPlan *plan = EsTextPlanCreate(element, &properties, {}, string, textRuns, 1);
if (!plan) return 0;
EsAssert(plan->lines.Length() == 1);
bool useMiddle = flags & TEXT_GET_CHARACTER_AT_POINT_MIDDLE;
int pointX = *_pointX;
int currentX = 0, priorMiddle = 0;
ptrdiff_t result = -1;
for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < plan->lines[0].pieceCount; j++) {
TextPiece *piece = &plan->pieces[plan->lines[0].pieceOffset + j];
TextGlyphInfo *glyphs = &plan->glyphInfos[piece->glyphOffset];
TextGlyphPosition *glyphPositions = &plan->glyphPositions[piece->glyphOffset];
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < piece->glyphCount; i++) {
int left = useMiddle ? priorMiddle : currentX;
int right = currentX + glyphPositions[i].x_advance / (useMiddle ? 2 : 1);
priorMiddle = right;
if (pointX >= left && pointX < right) {
result = glyphs[i].cluster;
goto done;
currentX += glyphPositions[i].x_advance;
*_pointX = currentX / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
return result;
int TextGetPartialStringWidth(EsElement *element, const EsTextStyle *textStyle, const char *fullString, size_t fullStringBytes, size_t measureBytes) {
// TODO Better integration with the EsTextPlan API.
EsTextPlanProperties properties = {};
EsTextRun textRuns[3] = {};
textRuns[0].style = *textStyle;
textRuns[1].style = *textStyle;
textRuns[1].offset = measureBytes;
textRuns[2].offset = fullStringBytes;
EsTextPlan *plan = EsTextPlanCreate(element, &properties, {}, fullString, textRuns, 2);
if (!plan) return 0;
int width = 0;
EsAssert(plan->lines.Length() == 1);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < plan->lines[0].pieceCount; i++) {
TextPiece *piece = &plan->pieces[plan->lines[0].pieceOffset + i];
if (piece->start < measureBytes) {
width += piece->width;
return width / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
int TextGetStringWidth(EsElement *element, const EsTextStyle *textStyle, const char *string, size_t stringBytes) {
return TextGetPartialStringWidth(element, textStyle, string, stringBytes, stringBytes);
void TextTrimSpaces(EsTextPlan *plan) {
if (~plan->properties.flags & ES_TEXT_PLAN_TRIM_SPACES) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < plan->lines.Length(); i++) {
TextLine *line = &plan->lines[i];
if (!line->pieceCount) {
TextPiece *firstPiece = &plan->pieces[line->pieceOffset];
TextPiece *lastPiece = &plan->pieces[line->pieceOffset + line->pieceCount - 1];
while (firstPiece->glyphCount && firstPiece->start != firstPiece->end
&& plan->glyphInfos[firstPiece->glyphOffset].cluster == firstPiece->start
&& plan->string[firstPiece->start] == ' ') {
line->width -= plan->glyphPositions[firstPiece->glyphOffset].x_advance;
firstPiece->width -= plan->glyphPositions[firstPiece->glyphOffset].x_advance;
while (lastPiece->glyphCount && lastPiece->start != lastPiece->end
&& plan->glyphInfos[lastPiece->glyphOffset + lastPiece->glyphCount - 1].cluster == lastPiece->end - 1
&& plan->string[lastPiece->end - 1] == ' ') {
line->width -= plan->glyphPositions[lastPiece->glyphOffset + lastPiece->glyphCount - 1].x_advance;
lastPiece->width -= plan->glyphPositions[lastPiece->glyphOffset + lastPiece->glyphCount - 1].x_advance;
void TextPlaceEmergencyBreaks(EsTextPlan *plan, int32_t maximumLineWidth) {
if ((plan->properties.flags & ES_TEXT_PLAN_CLIP_UNBREAKABLE_LINES) || maximumLineWidth == -1) {
TextLine *line = &plan->lines.Last();
if (line->width <= maximumLineWidth) return;
EsAssert(line->pieceCount >= 1);
int32_t x = 0, x0 = 0;
uintptr_t j, piece;
for (piece = 0; piece < line->pieceCount; piece++) {
TextPiece *p = &plan->pieces[line->pieceOffset + piece];
x0 = x;
for (j = 0; j < p->glyphCount; j++) {
int32_t width = plan->glyphPositions[p->glyphOffset + j].x_advance;
if (x + width > maximumLineWidth && (j || piece)) {
goto foundBreakPoint;
x += width;
return; // One glyph on the line; we can't do anything.
// Split the line.
TextPiece *piece0 = &plan->pieces[line->pieceOffset + piece];
TextPiece piece1 = *piece0;
piece1.width = piece0->width - (x - x0);
piece1.glyphOffset += j;
piece1.glyphCount = piece0->glyphCount - j;
piece1.start = plan->glyphInfos[piece0->glyphOffset + j].cluster;
piece0->end = piece1.start;
piece0->width = x - x0;
piece0->glyphCount = j;
plan->pieces.Insert(piece1, line->pieceOffset + piece + 1);
TextLine *line0 = line;
TextLine line1 = *line;
line1.width -= x;
line0->width = x;
line1.pieceOffset += piece + 1;
line1.pieceCount = line0->pieceCount - piece;
line0->pieceCount = piece + 1;
goto repeat;
void TextAddEllipsis(EsTextPlan *plan, int32_t maximumLineWidth, bool needFinalEllipsis, int32_t boundsWidth) {
if (!boundsWidth || (~plan->properties.flags & ES_TEXT_ELLIPSIS)) {
bool needEllipsis = false;
if (maximumLineWidth == -1) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < plan->lines.Length(); i++) {
if (plan->lines[i].width > boundsWidth * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE) {
maximumLineWidth = boundsWidth * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
needEllipsis = true;
} else {
// Word-wrapping was enabled so lines won't exceed the boundary width.
if (!needEllipsis && !needFinalEllipsis) {
uint8_t ellipsisUTF8[3] = { 0xE2, 0x80, 0xA6 };
// Shape and measure the ellipsis character.
unsigned int glyphCount;
TextGlyphInfo *glyphInfos;
TextGlyphPosition *glyphPositions;
FontShapeText(plan, (const char *) ellipsisUTF8, sizeof(ellipsisUTF8), 0, sizeof(ellipsisUTF8), nullptr, 0, &glyphCount, &glyphInfos, &glyphPositions);
int32_t ellipsisWidth = 0;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++) {
ellipsisWidth += glyphPositions[i].x_advance;
for (uintptr_t i = needEllipsis ? 0 : plan->lines.Length() - 1; i < plan->lines.Length(); i++) {
TextLine *line = &plan->lines[i];
if (i == plan->lines.Length() - 1 && needFinalEllipsis) {
// The maximum number of lines was exceeded, and this is the last permitted line, so add an ellipsis.
} else if (line->width > boundsWidth * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE) {
// This line exceeds the width boundary (and hence word-wrapping was disabled), so add an ellipsis.
} else {
// Make space for the ellipsis.
int32_t spaceNeeded = ellipsisWidth - (maximumLineWidth - line->width);
while (line->pieceCount && spaceNeeded > 0) {
TextPiece *piece = &plan->pieces[line->pieceOffset + line->pieceCount - 1];
if (piece->isTabPiece) {
spaceNeeded -= piece->width;
} else if (piece->start == piece->end || !piece->glyphCount) {
} else {
piece->end = plan->glyphInfos[piece->glyphOffset + piece->glyphCount - 1].cluster;
int32_t width = plan->glyphPositions[piece->glyphOffset + piece->glyphCount - 1].x_advance;
spaceNeeded -= width, line->width -= width, piece->width -= width;
while (piece->glyphCount) {
if (plan->glyphInfos[piece->glyphOffset + piece->glyphCount - 1].cluster == piece->end) {
// TODO Test this branch!
int32_t width = plan->glyphPositions[piece->glyphOffset + piece->glyphCount - 1].x_advance;
spaceNeeded -= width, line->width -= width, piece->width -= width;
} else {
// Add the ellipsis.
TextPiece piece = {}; = plan->currentTextStyle;
piece.glyphOffset = plan->glyphInfos.Length();
piece.ascent = FontGetAscent (&plan->font) + plan->currentTextStyle->baselineOffset,
piece.descent = -FontGetDescent(&plan->font) - plan->currentTextStyle->baselineOffset;
piece.isEllipsisPiece = true;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++) {
if (!plan->glyphInfos.Add(glyphInfos[i])) break;
if (!plan->glyphPositions.Add(glyphPositions[i])) break;
int32_t width = glyphPositions[i].x_advance;
piece.width += width, line->width += width;
line->hasEllipsis = true;
line->ellipsisPieceIndex = plan->pieces.Length();
FontShapeTextDone(plan, glyphCount, glyphInfos, glyphPositions);
void TextItemizeByScript(EsTextPlan *plan, const EsTextRun *runs, size_t runCount, float sizeScaleFactor) {
uint32_t lastAssignedScript = FALLBACK_SCRIPT;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < runCount; i++) {
uintptr_t offset = runs[i].offset;
for (uintptr_t j = offset; j < runs[i + 1].offset;) {
uint32_t codepoint = utf8_value(plan->string + j);
uint32_t script;
bool inheritingScript = false;
if (codepoint == '\t') {
// Tab characters should go in their own section.
script = '\t';
} else {
script = FontGetScriptFromCodepoint(codepoint, &inheritingScript);
if (inheritingScript) {
// TODO If this is a closing character, restore the last assigned script before the most recent opening character.
script = lastAssignedScript == '\t' ? FALLBACK_SCRIPT : lastAssignedScript;
if (lastAssignedScript != script && j != runs[i].offset) {
TextRun run = {}; = runs[i].style;
run.offset = offset;
run.script = lastAssignedScript; = FontApplySubstitution(&plan->properties,, run.script); *= sizeScaleFactor;
offset = j;
lastAssignedScript = script;
j = utf8_advance(plan->string + j) - plan->string;
TextRun run = {}; = runs[i].style;
run.offset = offset;
run.script = lastAssignedScript; = FontApplySubstitution(&plan->properties,, run.script); *= sizeScaleFactor;
TextRun run = {};
run.offset = runs[runCount].offset;
void TextUpdateFont(EsTextPlan *plan, const EsTextStyle *style) {
if (TEXT_STYLE_NEW_FONT == CompareTextStyles(plan->currentTextStyle, style)) {
plan->font = FontGet(style->font);
FontSetSize(&plan->font, style->size);
plan->currentTextStyle = style;
int32_t TextExpandTabs(EsTextPlan *plan, uintptr_t pieceOffset, int32_t width) {
int32_t addedWidth = 0;
for (uintptr_t i = pieceOffset; i < plan->pieces.Length(); i++) {
TextPiece *piece = &plan->pieces[i];
if (piece->isTabPiece) {
TextUpdateFont(plan, piece->style);
int32_t emWidth = FontGetEmWidth(&plan->font) * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
int32_t tabWidth = emWidth * 4; // TODO Make spaces-per-tab customizable.
int32_t firstWidth = emWidth + tabWidth - (width + emWidth) % tabWidth;
piece->width = firstWidth + tabWidth * (piece->end - piece->start - 1);
addedWidth += piece->width;
piece->glyphOffset = plan->glyphInfos.Length();
piece->glyphCount = 0;
piece->ascent = FontGetAscent(&plan->font);
piece->descent = -FontGetDescent(&plan->font);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < piece->end - piece->start; i++) {
TextGlyphInfo info = {};
info.cluster = piece->start + i;
info.codepoint = 0xFFFFFFFF;
TextGlyphPosition position = {};
position.x_advance = i ? tabWidth : firstWidth;
if (!plan->glyphInfos.Add(info)) break;
if (!plan->glyphPositions.Add(position)) break;
width += piece->width;
return addedWidth;
int32_t TextBuildTextPieces(EsTextPlan *plan, uintptr_t sectionStart, uintptr_t sectionEnd) {
// Find the first run that contains the section.
for (; plan->textRunPosition < plan->textRuns.Length() - 1; plan->textRunPosition++) {
if (plan->textRuns[plan->textRunPosition].offset <= sectionStart && plan->textRuns[plan->textRunPosition + 1].offset > sectionStart) {
EsAssert(plan->textRunPosition != plan->textRuns.Length() - 1);
// Iterate through each run in the section.
int32_t width = 0;
while (plan->textRunPosition != plan->textRuns.Length() - 1) {
TextRun *run = &plan->textRuns[plan->textRunPosition];
uintptr_t start = sectionStart > run[0].offset ? sectionStart : run[0].offset;
uintptr_t end = sectionEnd < run[1].offset ? sectionEnd : run[1].offset;
if (end <= start) {
// Update the font to match the run.
TextUpdateFont(plan, &run->style);
// Don't shape newline characters.
while (start < end && plan->string[start] == '\n') start++;
while (end - 1 > start && plan->string[end - 1] == '\n') end--;
if (end == start) {
EsAssert(end > start);
// Handle tab characters specially.
if (plan->string[start] == '\t') {
TextPiece _piece = {};
if (plan->pieces.Add(_piece)) {
TextPiece *piece = &plan->pieces.Last();
piece->style = plan->currentTextStyle;
piece->glyphOffset = 0;
piece->glyphCount = 0;
piece->start = start;
piece->end = end;
piece->isTabPiece = true;
// Shape the run.
TextFeature features[4] = {};
size_t featureCount = 0;
if (plan->currentTextStyle->figures == ES_TEXT_FIGURE_OLD) hb_feature_from_string("onum", -1, features + (featureCount++));
if (plan->currentTextStyle->figures == ES_TEXT_FIGURE_TABULAR) hb_feature_from_string("tnum", -1, features + (featureCount++));
plan->segmentProperties.script = (TextScript) run->script;
unsigned int glyphCount;
TextGlyphInfo *glyphInfos;
TextGlyphPosition *glyphPositions;
FontShapeText(plan, plan->string, plan->breaker.bytes, start, end - start, features, featureCount, &glyphCount, &glyphInfos, &glyphPositions);
// Create the text piece.
TextPiece _piece = {};
if (plan->pieces.Add(_piece)) {
TextPiece *piece = &plan->pieces.Last();
piece->style = plan->currentTextStyle;
piece->glyphOffset = plan->glyphInfos.Length();
piece->glyphCount = 0;
piece->ascent = FontGetAscent (&plan->font) + plan->currentTextStyle->baselineOffset;
piece->descent = -FontGetDescent(&plan->font) - plan->currentTextStyle->baselineOffset;
piece->start = start;
piece->end = end;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++) {
if (!plan->glyphInfos.Add(glyphInfos[i])) break;
if (!plan->glyphPositions.Add(glyphPositions[i])) break;
piece->width += glyphPositions[i].x_advance;
if (i == glyphCount - 1 || glyphInfos[i].cluster != glyphInfos[i + 1].cluster) {
piece->width += plan->currentTextStyle->tracking * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
// EsPrint("\t%d\n", glyphInfos[i].codepoint);
width += piece->width;
// Go to the next run.
FontShapeTextDone(plan, glyphCount, glyphInfos, glyphPositions);
return width;
void TextPlanDestroy(EsTextPlan *plan) {
EsTextPlan *EsTextPlanCreate(EsElement *element, EsTextPlanProperties *properties, EsRectangle bounds, const char *string, const EsTextRun *formatRuns, size_t formatRunCount) {
// TODO Bidirectional text (UAX9).
// TODO Vertical text layout (UAX50).
// TODO Supporting arbitrary OpenType features.
// TODO Reshaping lines once word wrapping is applied.
// TODO Don't break lines in the middle of emails/URLs.
// EsPrint("EsTextPlanCreate... width %d\n", Width(bounds) * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE);
float scale = theming.scale; // TODO Get the scale factor from the element's window.
EsTextPlan plan = {};
// Initialise the line breaker.
plan.breaker.string = string;
plan.breaker.bytes = formatRuns[formatRunCount].offset;
EsAssert(plan.breaker.bytes < 0x80000000);
if (!plan.breaker.bytes) {
return nullptr; // Empty input.
// Initialise the plan.
plan.string = string;
plan.singleUse = properties->flags & ES_TEXT_PLAN_SINGLE_USE; = *properties;
TextLine blankLine = {};
if (!plan.lines.Add(blankLine)) {
return nullptr;
// Setup the HarfBuzz buffer.
// Subdivide the runs by character script.
// This is also responsible for scaling the text sizes.
TextItemizeByScript(&plan, formatRuns, formatRunCount, scale);
// Layout the paragraph.
int32_t maximumLineWidth = Width(bounds) && (properties->flags & ES_TEXT_WRAP) ? Width(bounds) * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE : -1;
Break previousBreak = {};
bool needEllipsis = false;
while (previousBreak.position != plan.breaker.bytes) {
// Find the next break opportunity.
Break nextBreak = plan.breaker.Next();
while (!plan.breaker.error && !nextBreak.forced && (~properties->flags & ES_TEXT_WRAP)) {
nextBreak = plan.breaker.Next();
if (plan.breaker.error) {
// Build the text pieces for this section.
uintptr_t pieceOffset = plan.pieces.Length();
int32_t width = TextBuildTextPieces(&plan, previousBreak.position, nextBreak.position);
width += TextExpandTabs(&plan, pieceOffset, plan.lines.Last().width);
// Should we start a new line?
if (previousBreak.forced || (maximumLineWidth != -1 && plan.lines.Last().width + width > maximumLineWidth)) {
if (properties->maxLines == (int32_t) plan.lines.Length()) {
needEllipsis = true;
if (plan.lines.Add(blankLine)) {
plan.lines.Last().pieceOffset = pieceOffset;
#if 0
EsPrint("\tadded section '%s' to line %d (%d pieces) at x=%d\n",
nextBreak.position - previousBreak.position, string + previousBreak.position,
ArrayLength(plan.lines) - 1, ArrayLength(plan.pieces) - pieceOffset,
// Add the pieces to the line.
TextLine *line = &plan.lines.Last();
TextExpandTabs(&plan, pieceOffset, line->width);
for (uintptr_t i = pieceOffset; i < plan.pieces.Length(); i++) {
line->width += plan.pieces[i].width;
TextPlaceEmergencyBreaks(&plan, maximumLineWidth);
// Go to the next section.
previousBreak = nextBreak;
// Calculate the ascent/descent of each line.
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < plan.lines.Length(); i++) {
TextLine *line = &plan.lines[i];
if (!line->pieceCount && i) {
// If the line doesn't have any pieces, it must be from a double newline.
// Inherit the ascent/descent of the previous line.
line->ascent = line[-1].ascent;
line->descent = line[-1].descent;
for (uintptr_t i = line->pieceOffset; i < line->pieceOffset + line->pieceCount; i++) {
if (line->ascent < plan.pieces[i].ascent) line->ascent = plan.pieces[i].ascent;
if (line->descent < plan.pieces[i].descent) line->descent = plan.pieces[i].descent;
// Trim leading and trailing spaces.
// Add a terminating ellipsis.
TextAddEllipsis(&plan, maximumLineWidth, needEllipsis, Width(bounds));
// Calculate the total width and height.
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < plan.lines.Length(); i++) {
plan.totalHeight += plan.lines[i].ascent + plan.lines[i].descent;
if (plan.lines[i].width > plan.totalWidth) {
plan.totalWidth = plan.lines[i].width;
// Destroy the HarfBuzz buffer.
// Return the plan.
EsTextPlan *copy = (EsTextPlan *) EsHeapAllocate(sizeof(EsTextPlan), true);
if (copy) {
*copy = plan;
return copy;
} else {
return nullptr;
void EsTextPlanDestroy(EsTextPlan *plan) {
void EsTextPlanReplaceStyleRenderProperties(EsTextPlan *plan, const EsTextStyle *style) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < plan->textRuns.Length() - 1; i++) {
plan->textRuns[i].style.color = style->color;
plan->textRuns[i].style.blur = style->blur;
plan->textRuns[i].style.decorations = style->decorations;
plan->textRuns[i].style.decorationsColor = style->decorationsColor;
int EsTextPlanGetWidth(EsTextPlan *plan) {
return (plan->totalWidth + FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE - 1) / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
int EsTextPlanGetHeight(EsTextPlan *plan) {
return (plan->totalHeight + FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE - 1) / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
size_t EsTextPlanGetLineCount(EsTextPlan *plan) {
return plan->lines.Length();
EsTextStyle TextPlanGetPrimaryStyle(EsTextPlan *plan) {
return plan->textRuns[0].style;
void DrawTextPiece(EsPainter *painter, EsTextPlan *plan, TextPiece *piece, TextLine *line,
int32_t cursorX, int32_t cursorY,
const EsTextSelection *selection, uintptr_t caret, int32_t selectionBackgroundBottom) {
if (cursorX / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE > painter->clip.r
|| (cursorX + piece->width) / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE < painter->clip.l
|| cursorY > painter->clip.b
|| (cursorY + (piece->ascent + piece->descent) / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE) < painter->clip.t) {
#if 0
EsPrint("\tdrawing piece; '%s' on line %d glyphOffset %d and glyphCount %d at %i, %i with caret %d\n",
piece->end - piece->start, plan->string + piece->start,
line - plan->lines, piece->glyphOffset, piece->glyphCount,
cursorX / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE, cursorY, caret);
// Prevent issues with negative numbers getting rounded differently...
int32_t cursorXIntegerOffset = -(0x40000000 / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE);
cursorX += 0x40000000;
int32_t cursorXStart = cursorX;
TextGlyphInfo *glyphs = &plan->glyphInfos[piece->glyphOffset];
TextGlyphPosition *glyphPositions = &plan->glyphPositions[piece->glyphOffset];
// Update the font to match the piece.
TextUpdateFont(plan, piece->style);
// Draw the selection background.
if (selection->caret0 != selection->caret1 && !selection->hideCaret && !piece->isEllipsisPiece) {
int sCursorX = cursorX, selectionStartX = -1, selectionEndX = -1;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < piece->glyphCount; i++) {
if (selectionStartX == -1 && (int32_t) glyphs[i].cluster >= selection->caret0) {
selectionStartX = sCursorX;
if (selectionEndX == -1 && (int32_t) glyphs[i].cluster >= selection->caret1) {
selectionEndX = sCursorX;
sCursorX += glyphPositions[i].x_advance;
if (i == piece->glyphCount - 1 || glyphs[i].cluster != glyphs[i + 1].cluster) {
sCursorX += plan->currentTextStyle->tracking;
if (selectionStartX == -1 && selection->caret0 >= 0) {
selectionStartX = sCursorX;
if (selectionEndX == -1) {
selectionEndX = sCursorX;
EsRectangle s;
s.l = (selectionStartX + FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE / 2) / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE + cursorXIntegerOffset;
s.t = cursorY;
s.r = (selectionEndX + FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE / 2) / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE + cursorXIntegerOffset;
s.b = selectionBackgroundBottom;
EsDrawBlock(painter, s, selection->background);
// Draw each glyph in the piece.
int32_t caretX = -1, caretY = cursorY;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < piece->glyphCount; i++) {
uint32_t codepoint = glyphs[i].codepoint;
int positionX = (glyphPositions[i].x_offset + cursorX) / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE + cursorXIntegerOffset,
positionY = ((glyphPositions[i].y_offset + FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE / 2) / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE + cursorY);
uint32_t color = plan->currentTextStyle->color;
GlyphCacheKey key = {};
key.glyphIndex = codepoint;
key.size = plan->currentTextStyle->size;
key.font = plan->font;
GlyphCacheEntry *entry = nullptr;
if (codepoint == 0xFFFFFFFF || key.size > 2000) {
goto nextCharacter;
if (key.size > 25) {
key.fractionalPosition = 0;
} else if (key.size > 15) {
key.fractionalPosition = ((glyphPositions[i].x_offset + cursorX) & 0x3F) & 0x20;
} else {
key.fractionalPosition = ((glyphPositions[i].x_offset + cursorX) & 0x3F) & 0x30;
entry = LookupGlyphCacheEntry(key);
if (!entry) {
goto nextCharacter;
if (!entry->data) {
// EsPrint("Rendering '%c' in size %d\n", plan->string[glyphs[i].cluster], key.size);
FontSetSize(&key.font, key.size);
if (!FontRenderGlyph(key, entry)) {
goto nextCharacter;
} else {
RegisterGlyphCacheEntry(key, entry);
EsAssert(0 == EsMemoryCompare(&entry->key, &key, sizeof(GlyphCacheKey)));
if (selection->caret0 != selection->caret1 && !selection->hideCaret
&& (int32_t) glyphs[i].cluster >= selection->caret0 && (int32_t) glyphs[i].cluster < selection->caret1
&& selection->foreground) {
color = selection->foreground;
DrawSingleCharacter(entry->width, entry->height, entry->xoff, entry->yoff,
ES_POINT(positionX, positionY + line->ascent / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE),
painter->clip, painter->target,
false, entry->data,
color, 0, -1, painter->target->fullAlpha);
if (caretX == -1 && glyphs[i].cluster >= caret) {
cursorX += glyphPositions[i].x_advance;
cursorY += (glyphPositions[i].y_advance + FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE / 2) / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
if (i == piece->glyphCount - 1 || glyphs[i].cluster != glyphs[i + 1].cluster) {
cursorX += plan->currentTextStyle->tracking * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
if (caretX == -1) {
// Draw the caret.
if (!selection->hideCaret && caret >= piece->start
&& (caret < piece->end || (caret == piece->end && piece == &plan->pieces[line->pieceOffset + line->pieceCount - 1]))) {
caretX += cursorXIntegerOffset;
if (selection->snapCaretToInsets && selection->caret0 == selection->caret1) {
EsRectangle insets = EsPainterBoundsInset(painter);
// EsPrint("%d, %d, %d\n", caretX + bounds.l, insets.l, insets.r);
if (caretX >= insets.l - 1 && caretX <= insets.l + 1) {
caretX = insets.l;
} else if (caretX >= insets.r - 2 && caretX <= insets.r) {
caretX = insets.r - 1;
int caretWidth = theming.scale; // TODO Make this a system constant.
EsDrawInvert(painter, ES_RECT_4(caretX, caretX + caretWidth, caretY, selectionBackgroundBottom));
// Draw decorations.
int32_t thickness = piece->style->size / 15 + 1;
uint32_t color = piece->style->decorationsColor ?: piece->style->color;
EsRectangle bounds;
bounds.l = cursorXStart / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE + cursorXIntegerOffset;
bounds.r = cursorX / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE + cursorXIntegerOffset;
if (piece->style->decorations & ES_TEXT_DECORATION_STRIKE_THROUGH) {
int32_t center = cursorY + (line->ascent + line->descent) / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE / 2;
bounds.t = center - thickness / 2 + 1;
bounds.b = center + (thickness + 1) / 2 + 1;
EsDrawBlock(painter, bounds, color);
if (piece->style->decorations & ES_TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE) {
int32_t baseline = cursorY + line->ascent / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
bounds.t = baseline + thickness;
bounds.b = baseline + thickness * 2;
EsDrawBlock(painter, bounds, color);
void EsDrawText(EsPainter *painter, EsTextPlan *plan, EsRectangle bounds, const EsRectangle *_clip, const EsTextSelection *_selection) {
if (!plan) return;
// EsPrint("EsDrawText... '%s' in %R\n", plan->textRuns[plan->textRunCount].offset, plan->string, bounds);
// TODO Underlined text.
// TODO Inline images and icons.
// Work out the selection we should display.
EsTextSelection selection = {};
if (_selection) selection = *_selection;
uintptr_t caret = selection.caret1;
if (selection.caret0 > selection.caret1) {
int swap = selection.caret1;
selection.caret1 = selection.caret0;
selection.caret0 = swap;
} else if (!_selection) {
selection.hideCaret = true;
// Calculate the area we're drawing into.
int32_t maximumLineWidth = Width(bounds), maximumHeight = Height(bounds);
EsRectangle oldClip = painter->clip;
if (_clip) EsRectangleClip(*_clip, painter->clip, &painter->clip);
int32_t cursorY = (plan->properties.flags & ES_TEXT_V_CENTER) ? (maximumHeight - EsTextPlanGetHeight(plan)) / 2
: (plan->properties.flags & ES_TEXT_V_BOTTOM) ? maximumHeight - EsTextPlanGetHeight(plan) : 0;
// Iterate through each line.
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < plan->lines.Length(); i++) {
TextLine *line = &plan->lines[i];
int32_t cursorX = (plan->properties.flags & ES_TEXT_H_CENTER) ? ((maximumLineWidth * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE - line->width) / 2)
: (plan->properties.flags & ES_TEXT_H_RIGHT) ? (maximumLineWidth * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE - line->width) : 0;
int32_t selectionBackgroundBottom;
if (plan->lines.Length() == 1 && (plan->properties.flags & ES_TEXT_V_CENTER)) {
// If this is a single, centered line, make sure that the selection background bottom edge
// is the same distance from the destination bounds as it is for the top edge.
selectionBackgroundBottom = bounds.b - cursorY;
} else {
selectionBackgroundBottom = cursorY + bounds.t + (line->ascent + line->descent + FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE / 2) / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
// Draw each text piece on the line.
for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < line->pieceCount; j++) {
TextPiece *piece = &plan->pieces[line->pieceOffset + j];
DrawTextPiece(painter, plan, piece, line, cursorX + bounds.l * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE, cursorY + bounds.t, &selection, caret, selectionBackgroundBottom);
cursorX += piece->width;
if (line->hasEllipsis) {
TextPiece *piece = &plan->pieces[line->ellipsisPieceIndex];
DrawTextPiece(painter, plan, piece, line, cursorX + bounds.l * FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE, cursorY + bounds.t, &selection, caret, selectionBackgroundBottom);
cursorX += piece->width;
cursorY += (line->ascent + line->descent + FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE / 2) / FREETYPE_UNIT_SCALE;
// Destroy the plan if it is single use.
if (plan->singleUse) {
plan->singleUse = false;
painter->clip = oldClip;
void EsDrawTextSimple(EsPainter *painter, EsElement *element, EsRectangle bounds, const char *string, ptrdiff_t stringBytes, EsTextStyle style, uint32_t flags) {
EsTextPlanProperties properties = {};
properties.flags = ES_TEXT_PLAN_SINGLE_USE | flags;
EsTextRun textRuns[2] = {};
textRuns[0].style = style;
textRuns[1].offset = stringBytes == -1 ? EsCStringLength(string) : stringBytes;
if (!textRuns[1].offset) return;
EsDrawText(painter, EsTextPlanCreate(element, &properties, bounds, string, textRuns, 1), bounds);
void EsDrawTextThemed(EsPainter *painter, EsElement *element, EsRectangle bounds, const char *string, ptrdiff_t stringBytes, EsStyleID style, uint32_t flags) {
EsTextStyle textStyle;
GetStyle(MakeStyleKey(style, 0), true)->GetTextStyle(&textStyle);
EsDrawTextSimple(painter, element, bounds, string, stringBytes, textStyle, flags);
// --------------------------------- Markup parsing.
void EsRichTextParse(const char *inString, ptrdiff_t inStringBytes,
char **outString, EsTextRun **outTextRuns, size_t *outTextRunCount,
EsTextStyle *baseStyle) {
// TODO Check that this can be used on untrusted input.
// Specifically, what if textRunCount/stringBytes are calculated incorrectly?
if (inStringBytes == -1) {
inStringBytes = EsCStringLength(inString);
// Step 1: Count the number of runs, and the number of bytes in the actual string.
size_t textRunCount = 1;
size_t stringBytes = 0;
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < inStringBytes; i++) {
if (inString[i] == '\a') {
for (; i < inStringBytes; i++) {
if (inString[i] == ']') {
} else {
// Step 2: Allocate the string and text runs array.
char *string = (char *) EsHeapAllocate(stringBytes, false);
EsTextRun *textRuns = (EsTextRun *) EsHeapAllocate((textRunCount + 1) * sizeof(EsTextRun), false);
textRuns[0].style = *baseStyle;
textRuns[0].offset = 0;
textRuns[textRunCount].offset = stringBytes;
// Step 3: Copy the information.
uintptr_t textRunIndex = 1;
uintptr_t stringIndex = 0;
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < inStringBytes; i++) {
if (inString[i] == '\a') {
EsTextRun *textRun = textRuns + textRunIndex;
textRun->offset = stringIndex;
textRun->style = *baseStyle;
for (; i < inStringBytes; i++) {
char c = inString[i];
if (c == ']') {
} else if (c == 'w' /* weight */) {
if (i >= inStringBytes || inString[i] == ']') {}
else textRun->style.font.weight = inString[i] - '0';
} else if (c == 'i' /* italic */) {
textRun->style.font.flags |= ES_FONT_ITALIC;
} else if (c == 's' /* size */) {
textRun->style.size = 0;
while (true) {
if (i >= inStringBytes || inString[i] == ']') break;
if (inString[i] < '0' || inString[i] > '9') { i--; break; }
textRun->style.size *= 10;
textRun->style.size += inString[i] - '0';
} else if (c == 'm' /* monospaced */) {
} else if (c == '-' /* strike-through */) {
textRun->style.decorations |= ES_TEXT_DECORATION_STRIKE_THROUGH;
} else if (c == '_' /* underline */) {
textRun->style.decorations |= ES_TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE;
} else if (c == '2' /* secondary color */) {
textRun->style.color = GetConstantNumber("textSecondary");
} else if (c == '#' /* custom color */) {
char string[9];
size_t bytes = 0;
while (bytes < sizeof(string)) {
if (i >= inStringBytes || inString[i] == ']') break;
string[bytes++] = inString[i++];
textRun->style.color = EsColorParse(string, bytes);
} else {
string[stringIndex++] = inString[i];
EsAssert(textRunIndex == textRunCount && stringIndex == stringBytes);
// Step 4: Return the parsed information.
*outString = string;
*outTextRuns = textRuns;
*outTextRunCount = textRunCount;
// --------------------------------- Syntax highlighting.
const char *const keywordsC_a[] = { "auto", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_b[] = { "bool", "break", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_c[] = { "case", "char", "const", "continue", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_d[] = { "default", "do", "double", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_e[] = { "else", "enum", "extern", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_f[] = { "float", "for", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_g[] = { "goto", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_h[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_i[] = { "if", "inline", "int", "int16_t", "int32_t", "int64_t", "int8_t", "intptr_t", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_j[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_k[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_l[] = { "long", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_m[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_n[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_o[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_p[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_q[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_r[] = { "register", "restrict", "return", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_s[] = { "short", "signed", "sizeof", "static", "struct", "switch", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_t[] = { "typedef", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_u[] = { "uint16_t", "uint32_t", "uint64_t", "uint8_t", "uintptr_t", "union", "unsigned", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_v[] = { "void", "volatile", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_w[] = { "while", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_x[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_y[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsC_z[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_a[] = { "assert", "await", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_b[] = { "bool", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_c[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_d[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_e[] = { "else", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_f[] = { "false", "float", "for", "functype", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_g[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_h[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_i[] = { "if", "int", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_j[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_k[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_l[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_m[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_n[] = { "new", "null", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_o[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_p[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_q[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_r[] = { "return", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_s[] = { "str", "struct", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_t[] = { "true", "tuple", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_u[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_v[] = { "void", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_w[] = { "while", nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_x[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_y[] = { nullptr };
const char *const keywordsScript_z[] = { nullptr };
const char *const *const keywordsC[] = {
keywordsC_a, keywordsC_b, keywordsC_c, keywordsC_d,
keywordsC_e, keywordsC_f, keywordsC_g, keywordsC_h,
keywordsC_i, keywordsC_j, keywordsC_k, keywordsC_l,
keywordsC_m, keywordsC_n, keywordsC_o, keywordsC_p,
keywordsC_q, keywordsC_r, keywordsC_s, keywordsC_t,
keywordsC_u, keywordsC_v, keywordsC_w, keywordsC_x,
keywordsC_y, keywordsC_z,
const char *const *const keywordsScript[] = {
keywordsScript_a, keywordsScript_b, keywordsScript_c, keywordsScript_d,
keywordsScript_e, keywordsScript_f, keywordsScript_g, keywordsScript_h,
keywordsScript_i, keywordsScript_j, keywordsScript_k, keywordsScript_l,
keywordsScript_m, keywordsScript_n, keywordsScript_o, keywordsScript_p,
keywordsScript_q, keywordsScript_r, keywordsScript_s, keywordsScript_t,
keywordsScript_u, keywordsScript_v, keywordsScript_w, keywordsScript_x,
keywordsScript_y, keywordsScript_z,
const char *const *const *const keywords[] = {
nullptr /* INI */,
bool CharIsAlphaOrDigitOrUnderscore(char c) {
return EsCRTisalpha(c) || EsCRTisdigit(c) || c == '_';
Array<EsTextRun> TextApplySyntaxHighlighting(const EsTextStyle *baseStyle, int language, uint32_t *colors, Array<EsTextRun> runs, const char *string, size_t bytes) {
// TODO Make these colors customizable!
int lexState = 0;
bool inComment = false, inIdentifier = false, inChar = false, startedString = false;
bool seenEquals = false;
uint32_t last = 0;
for (uintptr_t index = 0; index < bytes; index++) {
char c = index >= bytes ? 0 : string[index];
char c1 = index >= bytes - 1 ? 0 : string[index + 1];
last <<= 8;
last |= c;
if (c == '\n') {
lexState = 0;
inComment = false, inIdentifier = false, inChar = false, startedString = false;
seenEquals = false;
last = 0;
if (lexState == 4) {
lexState = 0;
} else if (lexState == 1) {
if ((last & 0xFF0000) == ('*' << 16) && (last & 0xFF00) == ('/' << 8) && inComment) {
lexState = 0, inComment = false;
} else if (lexState == 3 || lexState == 6 || (lexState == 5 && language == ES_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTING_LANGUAGE_SCRIPT)) {
if (!CharIsAlphaOrDigitOrUnderscore(c)) {
lexState = 0;
} else if (lexState == 2) {
if (!startedString) {
if (!inChar && ((last >> 8) & 0xFF) == '"' && ((last >> 16) & 0xFF) != '\\') {
lexState = 0;
} else if (inChar && ((last >> 8) & 0xFF) == '\'' && ((last >> 16) & 0xFF) != '\\') {
lexState = 0;
startedString = false;
if (lexState == 0) {
if (c == '#') {
lexState = 5;
} else if (c == '/' && c1 == '/') {
lexState = 1;
} else if (c == '/' && c1 == '*') {
lexState = 1, inComment = true;
} else if (c == '"') {
lexState = 2;
inChar = false;
startedString = true;
} else if (c == '\'') {
lexState = 2;
inChar = true;
startedString = true;
} else if (EsCRTisdigit(c) && !inIdentifier) {
lexState = 3;
} else if (!CharIsAlphaOrDigitOrUnderscore(c)) {
lexState = 4;
inIdentifier = false;
} else {
inIdentifier = true;
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' && (!index || !CharIsAlphaOrDigitOrUnderscore(string[index - 1]))) {
const char *const *k = keywords[language - 1][c - 'a'];
for (int i = 0; k[i]; i++) {
int j = 0;
for (; k[i][j]; j++) {
if (index + j >= bytes || string[index + j] != k[i][j]) {
goto next;
if (index + j == bytes || !CharIsAlphaOrDigitOrUnderscore(string[index + j])) {
lexState = 6;
if (c == ';' && !index) {
lexState = 1;
} else if (c == '[' && !index) {
lexState = 6;
} else if ((c == ' ' || c == ']') && lexState == 5) {
lexState = 6;
} else if (c == '=' && !seenEquals) {
seenEquals = true;
lexState = 4;
} else if (c == '@' && lexState == 6) {
lexState = 5;
} else if (seenEquals && lexState == 4 && EsCRTisdigit(c)) {
lexState = 3;
} else if (seenEquals && lexState == 4) {
lexState = 2;
if (!runs.Length() || runs.Last().style.color != colors[lexState + 1]) {
EsTextRun run = {};
run.offset = index; = *baseStyle; = colors[lexState + 1];
EsTextRun run = {};
run.offset = bytes;
return runs;