mirror of https://gitlab.com/nakst/essence
scripting engine: command line evaluationn
This commit is contained in:
@ -7607,10 +7607,88 @@ CoroutineState *ExternalCoroutineWaitAny(ExecutionContext *context) {
return unblocked;
void PrintREPLResult(ExecutionContext *context, Node *type, Value value) {
if (type->type == T_INT) {
printf("%ld", value.i);
} else if (type->type == T_BOOL) {
printf("%s", value.i ? "true" : "false");
} else if (type->type == T_NULL) {
} else if (type->type == T_FLOAT) {
printf("%f", value.f);
} else if (type->type == T_STR) {
Assert(context->heapEntriesAllocated > (uint64_t) value.i);
HeapEntry *entry = &context->heap[value.i];
const char *valueText;
size_t valueBytes;
ScriptHeapEntryToString(context, entry, &valueText, &valueBytes);
printf("%.*s", (int) valueBytes, valueText);
} else if (type->type == T_ERR) {
if (value.i) {
Assert(context->heapEntriesAllocated > (uint64_t) value.i);
HeapEntry *entry = &context->heap[value.i];
if (entry->success) {
if (type->firstChild->type == T_VOID) {
} else {
PrintREPLResult(context, type->firstChild, entry->errorValue);
} else {
Assert(context->heapEntriesAllocated > (uint64_t) entry->errorValue.i);
const char *valueText;
size_t valueBytes;
ScriptHeapEntryToString(context, &context->heap[entry->errorValue.i], &valueText, &valueBytes);
printf("Error: %.*s.", (int) valueBytes, valueText);
} else {
printf("Error: UNKNOWN.");
} else if (type->type == T_LIST) {
Assert(context->heapEntriesAllocated > (uint64_t) value.i);
HeapEntry *entry = &context->heap[value.i];
Assert(entry->type == T_LIST);
if (!entry->length) {
printf("Empty list.\n");
} else {
printf("[ ");
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < entry->length; i++) {
if (i) printf(", ");
PrintREPLResult(context, type->firstChild, entry->list[i]);
printf(" ]");
} else if (type->type == T_STRUCT) {
Assert(context->heapEntriesAllocated > (uint64_t) value.i);
HeapEntry *entry = &context->heap[value.i];
Assert(entry->type == T_STRUCT);
uintptr_t i = 0;
printf("{ ");
Node *field = type->firstChild;
while (field) {
if (i) printf(", ");
Assert(i != entry->fieldCount);
PrintREPLResult(context, field->firstChild, entry->fields[i]);
field = field->sibling;
printf(" }");
} else if (type->type == T_FUNCPTR) {
printf("Function pointer.");
} else {
printf("The type of the result was not recognized.");
void ExternalPassREPLResult(ExecutionContext *context, Value value) {
(void) context;
(void) value;
PrintREPLResult(context, context->functionData->replResultType, value);
void *AllocateFixed(size_t bytes) {
@ -7784,10 +7862,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
sem_init(&externalCoroutineSemaphore, 0, 0);
char *scriptPath = NULL;
char *evaluateString = NULL;
bool evaluateMode = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (argv[i][0] != '-') {
scriptPath = argv[i];
if (evaluateMode) {
evaluateString = argv[i];
} else {
scriptPath = argv[i];
options = argv + i + 1;
optionCount = argc - i - 1;
optionsMatched = (bool *) calloc(argc, sizeof(bool));
@ -7797,27 +7882,42 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
startFunctionBytes = strlen(argv[i]) - 8;
} else if (0 == memcmp(argv[i], "--debug-bytecode=", 17)) {
debugBytecodeLevel = atoi(argv[i] + 17);
} else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "--evaluate") || 0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-e")) {
evaluateMode = true;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognised engine option: '%s'.\n", argv[i]);
return 1;
scriptSourceDirectory = (char *) malloc(strlen(scriptPath) + 2);
strcpy(scriptSourceDirectory, scriptPath);
char *lastSlash = strrchr(scriptSourceDirectory, '/');
if (lastSlash) *lastSlash = 0;
else strcpy(scriptSourceDirectory, ".");
if (!scriptPath && !evaluateString) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", evaluateMode ? "String to evaluate not specified." : "Path to script not specified.");
return 1;
size_t dataBytes;
void *data = FileLoad(scriptPath, &dataBytes);
if (scriptPath) {
scriptSourceDirectory = (char *) malloc(strlen(scriptPath) + 2);
strcpy(scriptSourceDirectory, scriptPath);
char *lastSlash = strrchr(scriptSourceDirectory, '/');
if (lastSlash) *lastSlash = 0;
else strcpy(scriptSourceDirectory, ".");
} else {
scriptSourceDirectory = (char *) malloc(2);
scriptSourceDirectory[0] = '.';
scriptSourceDirectory[1] = 0;
size_t dataBytes = evaluateMode ? strlen(evaluateString) : 0;
void *data = evaluateMode ? malloc(strlen(evaluateString)) : FileLoad(scriptPath, &dataBytes);
if (evaluateMode) memcpy(data, evaluateString, dataBytes);
if (!data) {
PrintDebug("Error: Could not load the input file '%s'.\n", scriptPath);
return 1;
int result = ScriptExecuteFromFile(scriptPath, strlen(scriptPath), data, dataBytes, false);
if (evaluateMode) scriptPath = "[input]";
int result = ScriptExecuteFromFile(scriptPath, strlen(scriptPath), data, dataBytes, evaluateMode);
while (fixedAllocationBlocks) {
void *block = fixedAllocationBlocks;
Reference in New Issue