creating gpt partition table

This commit is contained in:
nakst 2021-09-15 21:27:38 +01:00
parent 58dcd48a12
commit ebe7dc02f7
7 changed files with 472 additions and 120 deletions

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include <shared/strings.cpp>
#include <shared/partitions.cpp>
#include <shared/array.cpp>
#include <shared/fat.cpp>
#include <ports/lzma/LzmaDec.c>
#define Log(...)
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ EsListView *drivesList;
EsPanel *driveInformation;
EsObjectID selectedDriveID;
EsButton *installButton;
EsButton *useMBRCheckbox;
EsButton *finishButton;
EsPanel *switcher;
EsPanel *panelInstallOptions;
@ -78,10 +80,13 @@ EsTextbox *userNameTextbox;
EsTextDisplay *progressDisplay;
const char *cSelectedFont;
uint8_t progress;
bool onWaitScreen, startedInstallation;
bool onWaitScreen;
bool startedInstallation;
bool useMBR;
EsBlockDeviceInformation blockDeviceInformation;
EsHandle driveHandle;
EsFileOffset partitionOffset;
EsFileOffset partitionBytes;
EsUniqueIdentifier installationIdentifier;
EsMountPoint newFileSystemMountPoint;
EsHandle mountNewFileSystemEvent;
@ -312,6 +317,7 @@ void ConnectedDriveRemove(EsMessageDevice device) {
EsTextDisplayCreate(driveInformation, ES_CELL_H_FILL | ES_CELL_V_FILL, &styleDrivesSelectHint, INTERFACE_STRING(InstallerDriveRemoved));
selectedDriveID = 0;
EsElementSetDisabled(installButton, true);
EsElementSetDisabled(useMBRCheckbox, true);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < connectedDrives.Length(); i++) {
@ -343,30 +349,47 @@ void ConnectedDriveSelect(uintptr_t index) {
EsIconDisplay *statusIcon = EsIconDisplayCreate(messageRow, ES_CELL_V_TOP, ES_STYLE_ICON_DISPLAY_SMALL, ES_ICON_DIALOG_INFORMATION);
EsSpacerCreate(messageRow, ES_CELL_V_FILL, 0, 8, 0);
uint8_t *sectorBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(information.sectorSize, false);
EsFileOffset parameters[2] = { 0, information.sectorSize };
EsError readError = EsDeviceControl(device.handle, ES_DEVICE_CONTROL_BLOCK_READ, sectorBuffer, parameters);
uint8_t *signatureBlock = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(K_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_SIZE, false);
EsFileOffset parameters[2] = { 0, K_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_SIZE };
EsError readError = EsDeviceControl(device.handle, ES_DEVICE_CONTROL_BLOCK_READ, signatureBlock, parameters);
bool alreadyHasPartitions = false;
if (readError == ES_SUCCESS && information.sectorSize >= 0x200) {
// TODO Support GPT.
MBRPartition partitions[4];
MBRPartition partitions[4];
if (MBRGetPartitions(sectorBuffer, information.sectorCount, partitions)) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (partitions[i].present) {
alreadyHasPartitions = true;
if (MBRGetPartitions(signatureBlock, information.sectorCount, partitions)) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (partitions[i].present) {
alreadyHasPartitions = true;
GPTPartition partitions[GPT_PARTITION_COUNT];
if (GPTGetPartitions(signatureBlock, information.sectorCount, information.sectorSize, partitions)) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < GPT_PARTITION_COUNT; i++) {
if (partitions[i].present) {
alreadyHasPartitions = true;
bool showCapacity = false;
// Sector sizes up to 4KB should be possible on GPT, but this hasn't been tested yet.
#if 0
if (information.sectorSize < 0x200 || information.sectorSize > 0x1000) {
if (information.sectorSize != 0x200) {
// TODO Allow other sector sizes if a GPT is being used.
EsIconDisplaySetIcon(statusIcon, ES_ICON_DIALOG_ERROR);
EsTextDisplayCreate(messageRow, ES_CELL_H_FILL, ES_STYLE_TEXT_PARAGRAPH, INTERFACE_STRING(InstallerDriveUnsupported));
} else if (readError != ES_SUCCESS) {
@ -388,6 +411,8 @@ void ConnectedDriveSelect(uintptr_t index) {
showCapacity = true;
EsElementSetEnabled(useMBRCheckbox, information.sectorSize == 0x200);
if (showCapacity) {
// TODO Localization.
char buffer[128];
@ -401,47 +426,16 @@ void ConnectedDriveSelect(uintptr_t index) {
EsError Install() {
EsMessage m = { MSG_SET_PROGRESS };
EsError error;
size_t mbrBytes, stage1Bytes, stage2Bytes, kernelBytes;
void *mbr = EsFileReadAll(EsLiteral("0:/mbr.dat"), &mbrBytes);
void *stage1 = EsFileReadAll(EsLiteral("0:/stage1.dat"), &stage1Bytes);
void *stage2 = EsFileReadAll(EsLiteral("0:/stage2.dat"), &stage2Bytes);
EsMessageDevice drive = {};
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < connectedDrives.Length(); i++) {
if (connectedDrives[i].id == selectedDriveID) {
drive = connectedDrives[i];
EsBlockDeviceInformation driveInformation = ConnectedDriveGetInformation(drive.handle);
blockDeviceInformation = driveInformation;
driveHandle = drive.handle;
uint8_t *sectorBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(driveInformation.sectorSize, false);
if (!sectorBuffer) return ES_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;
size_t bootloaderSectors = (stage1Bytes + stage2Bytes + driveInformation.sectorSize - 1) / driveInformation.sectorSize;
uint8_t *bootloader = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(bootloaderSectors * driveInformation.sectorSize, true);
EsMemoryCopy(bootloader, stage1, stage1Bytes);
EsMemoryCopy(bootloader + stage1Bytes, stage2, stage2Bytes);
m.user.context1.u = 1;
EsMessagePost(nullptr, &m);
EsError InstallMBR(EsBlockDeviceInformation driveInformation, uint8_t *sectorBuffer, EsMessageDevice drive,
void *mbr, EsMessage m, uint8_t *bootloader, size_t bootloaderSectors) {
// Create the partition table.
// TODO Adding new entries to existing tables.
EsAssert(driveInformation.sectorSize == 0x200);
EsError error;
partitionOffset = 0x800;
EsFileOffset partitionBytes = driveInformation.sectorSize * (driveInformation.sectorCount - partitionOffset);
partitionBytes = driveInformation.sectorSize * (driveInformation.sectorCount - partitionOffset);
uint32_t partitions[16] = { 0x80 /* bootable */, 0x83 /* type */ };
uint16_t bootSignature = 0xAA55;
@ -473,17 +467,337 @@ EsError Install() {
m.user.context1.u = 4;
EsMessagePost(nullptr, &m);
// Format the partition.
return ES_SUCCESS;
void GenerateGUID(uint8_t *destination) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
destination[i] = EsRandomU8();
destination[7] = 0x40 | (destination[6] & 0x0F);
destination[8] = 0x80 | (destination[6] & 0x3F);
EsError FATAddFile(FATDirectoryEntry *directory, size_t directoryEntries, uint16_t *fat,
EsFileOffset totalSectors, EsFileOffset sectorOffset, bool isDirectory,
const char *name, void *file, size_t fileBytes, EsHandle driveHandle) {
// Allocate the sector extent.
EsFileOffset sectorFirst = 0;
size_t sectorCount = (fileBytes + blockDeviceInformation.sectorSize - 1) / blockDeviceInformation.sectorSize;
for (uintptr_t i = 2; i < totalSectors - sectorOffset + 2; i++) {
if (!fat[i]) {
sectorFirst = i;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < sectorCount; i++) {
fat[sectorFirst + i] = i == sectorCount - 1 ? 0xFFF8 : sectorFirst + i + 1;
// Write out the file contents.
uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(sectorCount * blockDeviceInformation.sectorSize, true);
EsMemoryCopy(buffer, file, fileBytes);
EsFileOffset parameters[2] = {};
parameters[0] = (sectorFirst + sectorOffset) * blockDeviceInformation.sectorSize;
parameters[1] = sectorCount * blockDeviceInformation.sectorSize;
EsError error = EsDeviceControl(driveHandle, ES_DEVICE_CONTROL_BLOCK_WRITE, buffer, parameters);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
// Create the directory entry.
FATDirectoryEntry *entry = nullptr;
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < directoryEntries; i++) {
if (!directory[i].name[0]) {
entry = directory + i;
EsMemoryCopy(entry->name, name, 11);
entry->firstClusterHigh = sectorFirst >> 16;
entry->firstClusterLow = sectorFirst & 0xFFFF;
entry->fileSizeBytes = isDirectory ? 0 : fileBytes;
entry->attributes = isDirectory ? 0x10 : 0x00;
entry->creationDate = 33;
entry->accessedDate = 33;
entry->modificationDate = 33;
return ES_SUCCESS;
EsError InstallGPT(EsBlockDeviceInformation driveInformation, EsMessageDevice drive, EsMessage m,
void *uefi1, size_t uefi1Bytes, void *uefi2, size_t uefi2Bytes) {
// Create the partition table.
// TODO Adding new entries to existing tables.
const uint8_t espGUID[] = { 0x28, 0x73, 0x2A, 0xC1, 0x1F, 0xF8, 0xD2, 0x11, 0xBA, 0x4B, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x3E, 0xC9, 0x3B };
const uint8_t dataGUID[] = { 0xAF, 0x3D, 0xC6, 0x0F, 0x83, 0x84, 0x72, 0x47, 0x8E, 0x79, 0x3D, 0x69, 0xD8, 0x47, 0x7D, 0xE4 };
EsError error;
EsFileOffset parameters[2] = {};
size_t partitionEntryCount = 0x80;
size_t tableSectors = (partitionEntryCount * sizeof(GPTEntry) + driveInformation.sectorSize - 1) / driveInformation.sectorSize;
ProtectiveMBR *mbr = (ProtectiveMBR *) EsHeapAllocate(driveInformation.sectorSize, true);
uint32_t mbrEntry[4];
mbrEntry[0] = 0x00020000;
mbrEntry[1] = 0xFFFFFFEE;
mbrEntry[2] = 0x00000001;
mbrEntry[3] = driveInformation.sectorCount > 0xFFFFFFFF ? 0xFFFFFFFF : driveInformation.sectorCount - 1;
mbr->signature = 0xAA55;
EsMemoryCopy(mbr->entry, mbrEntry, 16);
GPTHeader *header = (GPTHeader *) EsHeapAllocate(driveInformation.sectorSize, true);
EsMemoryCopy(header->signature, "EFI PART", 8);
header->revision = 0x00010000;
header->headerBytes = 0x5C;
header->headerSelfLBA = 1;
header->headerBackupLBA = driveInformation.sectorCount - 1;
header->firstUsableLBA = 2 + tableSectors;
header->lastUsableLBA = driveInformation.sectorCount - 2;
header->tableLBA = 2;
header->partitionEntryCount = partitionEntryCount;
header->partitionEntryBytes = sizeof(GPTEntry);
GPTEntry *partitionTable = (GPTEntry *) EsHeapAllocate(partitionEntryCount * sizeof(GPTEntry), true);
EsMemoryCopy(partitionTable[0].typeGUID, espGUID, 16);
partitionTable[0].firstLBA = header->firstUsableLBA;
partitionTable[0].lastLBA = partitionTable[0].firstLBA + 16777216 / driveInformation.sectorSize - 1;
EsMemoryCopy(partitionTable[1].typeGUID, dataGUID, 16);
partitionTable[1].firstLBA = partitionTable[0].lastLBA + 1;
partitionTable[1].lastLBA = header->lastUsableLBA;
header->tableCRC32 = CalculateCRC32(partitionTable, partitionEntryCount * sizeof(GPTEntry));
header->headerCRC32 = CalculateCRC32(header, header->headerBytes);
GPTHeader *backupHeader = (GPTHeader *) EsHeapAllocate(driveInformation.sectorSize, true);
EsMemoryCopy(backupHeader, header, driveInformation.sectorSize);
backupHeader->headerSelfLBA = header->headerBackupLBA;
backupHeader->headerBackupLBA = header->headerSelfLBA;
backupHeader->headerCRC32 = 0;
backupHeader->headerCRC32 = CalculateCRC32(backupHeader, header->headerBytes);
parameters[0] = 0;
parameters[1] = driveInformation.sectorSize;
error = EsDeviceControl(drive.handle, ES_DEVICE_CONTROL_BLOCK_WRITE, mbr, parameters);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
parameters[0] = header->headerSelfLBA * driveInformation.sectorSize;
parameters[1] = driveInformation.sectorSize;
error = EsDeviceControl(drive.handle, ES_DEVICE_CONTROL_BLOCK_WRITE, header, parameters);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
parameters[0] = header->tableLBA * driveInformation.sectorSize;
parameters[1] = driveInformation.sectorSize * tableSectors;
error = EsDeviceControl(drive.handle, ES_DEVICE_CONTROL_BLOCK_WRITE, partitionTable, parameters);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
parameters[0] = header->headerBackupLBA * driveInformation.sectorSize;
parameters[1] = driveInformation.sectorSize;
error = EsDeviceControl(drive.handle, ES_DEVICE_CONTROL_BLOCK_WRITE, backupHeader, parameters);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
partitionOffset = partitionTable[1].firstLBA;
partitionBytes = (partitionTable[1].lastLBA - partitionTable[1].firstLBA + 1) * driveInformation.sectorSize;
m.user.context1.u = 2;
EsMessagePost(nullptr, &m);
// Load the kernel.
size_t kernelBytes;
void *kernel = EsFileReadAll(EsLiteral(K_OS_FOLDER "/Kernel.esx"), &kernelBytes);
if (!kernel) return ES_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
m.user.context1.u = 3;
EsMessagePost(nullptr, &m);
// Format the ESP.
EsAssert(driveInformation.sectorSize >= 0x200 && driveInformation.sectorSize <= 0x1000); // We only support FAT16.
EsFileOffset espOffset = partitionTable[0].firstLBA;
EsFileOffset espSectors = partitionTable[0].lastLBA - partitionTable[0].firstLBA + 1;
EsAssert(espSectors * driveInformation.sectorSize == 16777216 && espSectors < 0x10000);
SuperBlock16 *superBlock = (SuperBlock16 *) EsHeapAllocate(driveInformation.sectorSize, true);
superBlock->jmp[0] = 0xEB;
superBlock->jmp[1] = 0x3C;
superBlock->jmp[2] = 0x90;
EsMemoryCopy(superBlock->oemName, "MSWIN4.1", 8);
superBlock->bytesPerSector = driveInformation.sectorSize;
superBlock->sectorsPerCluster = 1;
superBlock->reservedSectors = 1;
superBlock->fatCount = 2;
superBlock->rootDirectoryEntries = 512;
superBlock->totalSectors = espSectors;
superBlock->mediaDescriptor = 0xF8;
superBlock->sectorsPerFAT16 = (superBlock->totalSectors * 2 + driveInformation.sectorSize - 1) / driveInformation.sectorSize;
superBlock->sectorsPerTrack = 63;
superBlock->heads = 256;
superBlock->deviceID = 0x80;
superBlock->signature = 0x29;
superBlock->serial = (uint32_t) EsRandomU64();
EsMemoryCopy(superBlock->label, "EFI SYSTEM ", 11);
EsMemoryCopy(&superBlock->systemIdentifier, "FAT16 ", 8);
superBlock->_unused1[448] = 0x55;
superBlock->_unused1[449] = 0xAA;
uint32_t rootDirectoryOffset = superBlock->reservedSectors + superBlock->fatCount * superBlock->sectorsPerFAT16 + espOffset;
uint32_t rootDirectorySectors = (superBlock->rootDirectoryEntries * sizeof(FATDirectoryEntry) + (superBlock->bytesPerSector - 1)) / superBlock->bytesPerSector;
uint32_t sectorOffset = rootDirectoryOffset + rootDirectorySectors - 2 * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster;
size_t directoryEntriesPerSector = driveInformation.sectorSize / sizeof(FATDirectoryEntry);
uint16_t *fat = (uint16_t *) EsHeapAllocate(superBlock->sectorsPerFAT16 * driveInformation.sectorSize, true);
fat[0] = 0xFFF8;
fat[1] = 0xFFFF;
FATDirectoryEntry *bootDirectory = (FATDirectoryEntry *) EsHeapAllocate(driveInformation.sectorSize, true);
// TODO Add self and parent entries.
FATAddDotFiles(bootDirectory, directoryEntriesPerSector);
error = FATAddFile(bootDirectory, directoryEntriesPerSector, fat, superBlock->totalSectors, sectorOffset, false,
"BOOTX64 EFI", uefi1, uefi1Bytes, drive.handle);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
FATDirectoryEntry *efiDirectory = (FATDirectoryEntry *) EsHeapAllocate(driveInformation.sectorSize, true);
// TODO Add self and parent entries.
error = FATAddFile(efiDirectory, directoryEntriesPerSector, fat, superBlock->totalSectors, sectorOffset, true,
"BOOT ", bootDirectory, driveInformation.sectorSize, drive.handle);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
FATDirectoryEntry *rootDirectory = (FATDirectoryEntry *) EsHeapAllocate(rootDirectorySectors * driveInformation.sectorSize, true);
error = FATAddFile(rootDirectory, superBlock->rootDirectoryEntries, fat, superBlock->totalSectors, sectorOffset, false,
"ESLOADERBIN", uefi2, uefi2Bytes, drive.handle);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
error = FATAddFile(rootDirectory, superBlock->rootDirectoryEntries, fat, superBlock->totalSectors, sectorOffset, false,
"ESKERNELESX", kernel, kernelBytes, drive.handle);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
error = FATAddFile(rootDirectory, superBlock->rootDirectoryEntries, fat, superBlock->totalSectors, sectorOffset, false,
"ESIID DAT", &installationIdentifier, 16, drive.handle);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
error = FATAddFile(rootDirectory, superBlock->rootDirectoryEntries, fat, superBlock->totalSectors, sectorOffset, true,
"EFI ", efiDirectory, driveInformation.sectorSize, drive.handle);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
m.user.context1.u = 4;
EsMessagePost(nullptr, &m);
parameters[0] = espOffset * driveInformation.sectorSize;
parameters[1] = driveInformation.sectorSize;
error = EsDeviceControl(drive.handle, ES_DEVICE_CONTROL_BLOCK_WRITE, superBlock, parameters);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
parameters[0] = (espOffset + 1) * driveInformation.sectorSize;
parameters[1] = superBlock->sectorsPerFAT16 * driveInformation.sectorSize;
error = EsDeviceControl(drive.handle, ES_DEVICE_CONTROL_BLOCK_WRITE, fat, parameters);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
parameters[0] = (espOffset + 1 + superBlock->sectorsPerFAT16) * driveInformation.sectorSize;
parameters[1] = superBlock->sectorsPerFAT16 * driveInformation.sectorSize;
error = EsDeviceControl(drive.handle, ES_DEVICE_CONTROL_BLOCK_WRITE, fat, parameters);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
parameters[0] = rootDirectoryOffset * driveInformation.sectorSize;
parameters[1] = rootDirectorySectors * driveInformation.sectorSize;
error = EsDeviceControl(drive.handle, ES_DEVICE_CONTROL_BLOCK_WRITE, rootDirectory, parameters);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
// Cleanup.
m.user.context1.u = 6;
EsMessagePost(nullptr, &m);
return ES_SUCCESS;
EsError Install() {
EsMessage m = { MSG_SET_PROGRESS };
EsError error;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
installationIdentifier.d[i] = EsRandomU8();
size_t mbrBytes, stage1Bytes, stage2Bytes, uefi1Bytes, uefi2Bytes, kernelBytes;
void *mbr = EsFileReadAll(EsLiteral("0:/mbr.dat"), &mbrBytes);
void *stage1 = EsFileReadAll(EsLiteral("0:/stage1.dat"), &stage1Bytes);
void *stage2 = EsFileReadAll(EsLiteral("0:/stage2.dat"), &stage2Bytes);
void *uefi1 = EsFileReadAll(EsLiteral("0:/uefi1.dat"), &uefi1Bytes);
void *uefi2 = EsFileReadAll(EsLiteral("0:/uefi2.dat"), &uefi2Bytes);
if (!mbr || !stage1 || !stage2 || !uefi1 || !uefi2) {
EsMessageDevice drive = {};
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < connectedDrives.Length(); i++) {
if (connectedDrives[i].id == selectedDriveID) {
drive = connectedDrives[i];
EsBlockDeviceInformation driveInformation = ConnectedDriveGetInformation(drive.handle);
blockDeviceInformation = driveInformation;
driveHandle = drive.handle;
uint8_t *sectorBuffer = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(driveInformation.sectorSize, false);
if (!sectorBuffer) return ES_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;
size_t bootloaderSectors = (stage1Bytes + stage2Bytes + driveInformation.sectorSize - 1) / driveInformation.sectorSize;
uint8_t *bootloader = (uint8_t *) EsHeapAllocate(bootloaderSectors * driveInformation.sectorSize, true);
EsMemoryCopy(bootloader, stage1, stage1Bytes);
EsMemoryCopy(bootloader + stage1Bytes, stage2, stage2Bytes);
m.user.context1.u = 1;
EsMessagePost(nullptr, &m);
// Create the partitions and possibly install the bootloader.
if (useMBR) {
error = InstallMBR(driveInformation, sectorBuffer, drive, mbr, m, bootloader, bootloaderSectors);
} else {
error = InstallGPT(driveInformation, drive, m, uefi1, uefi1Bytes, uefi2, uefi2Bytes);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) {
return error;
// Format the partition.
void *kernel;
if (useMBR) {
kernel = EsFileReadAll(EsLiteral(K_OS_FOLDER "/Kernel.esx"), &kernelBytes);
if (!kernel) return ES_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
m.user.context1.u = 6;
EsMessagePost(nullptr, &m);
} else {
// The kernel is located on the ESP.
kernel = nullptr;
kernelBytes = 0;
Format(partitionBytes, interfaceString_InstallerVolumeLabel, installationIdentifier, kernel, kernelBytes);
@ -537,6 +851,7 @@ void ButtonRestart(EsInstance *, EsElement *, EsCommand *) {
void ButtonInstall(EsInstance *, EsElement *, EsCommand *) {
useMBR = EsButtonGetCheck(useMBRCheckbox) == ES_CHECK_CHECKED;
EsPanelSwitchTo(switcher, panelCustomizeOptions, ES_TRANSITION_FADE_IN);
startedInstallation = true;
@ -633,6 +948,8 @@ void _start() {
driveInformation = EsPanelCreate(drivesSplit, ES_CELL_H_FILL | ES_CELL_V_FILL);
EsTextDisplayCreate(driveInformation, ES_CELL_H_FILL | ES_CELL_V_FILL, &styleDrivesSelectHint, INTERFACE_STRING(InstallerDrivesSelectHint));
useMBRCheckbox = EsButtonCreate(panelInstallOptions, ES_CELL_H_FILL | ES_BUTTON_CHECKBOX | ES_ELEMENT_DISABLED, 0, INTERFACE_STRING(InstallerUseMBR));
EsPanel *buttonsRow = EsPanelCreate(panelInstallOptions, ES_CELL_H_FILL | ES_PANEL_HORIZONTAL, &styleButtonsRow);
EsButtonOnCommand(EsButtonCreate(buttonsRow, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT, 0, INTERFACE_STRING(InstallerViewLicenses)), ButtonViewLicenses);
EsButtonOnCommand(EsButtonCreate(buttonsRow, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT, 0, INTERFACE_STRING(DesktopShutdownAction)), ButtonShutdown);

View File

@ -3,67 +3,10 @@
// TODO Long file names.
#include <module.h>
#include <shared/fat.cpp>
#define SECTOR_SIZE (512)
struct SuperBlockCommon {
uint8_t _unused0[11];
uint16_t bytesPerSector;
uint8_t sectorsPerCluster;
uint16_t reservedSectors;
uint8_t fatCount;
uint16_t rootDirectoryEntries;
uint16_t totalSectors;
uint8_t mediaDescriptor;
uint16_t sectorsPerFAT16;
uint16_t sectorsPerTrack;
uint16_t heads;
uint32_t hiddenSectors;
uint32_t largeSectorCount;
struct SuperBlock16 : SuperBlockCommon {
uint8_t deviceID;
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t signature;
uint32_t serial;
uint8_t label[11];
uint64_t systemIdentifier;
uint8_t _unused1[450];
struct SuperBlock32 : SuperBlockCommon {
uint32_t sectorsPerFAT32;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t version;
uint32_t rootDirectoryCluster;
uint16_t fsInfoSector;
uint16_t backupBootSector;
uint8_t _unused0[12];
uint8_t deviceID;
uint8_t flags2;
uint8_t signature;
uint32_t serial;
uint8_t label[11];
uint64_t systemIdentifier;
uint8_t _unused1[422];
struct DirectoryEntry {
uint8_t name[11];
uint8_t attributes;
uint8_t _reserved0;
uint8_t creationTimeSeconds;
uint16_t creationTime;
uint16_t creationDate;
uint16_t accessedDate;
uint16_t firstClusterHigh;
uint16_t modificationTime;
uint16_t modificationDate;
uint16_t firstClusterLow;
uint32_t fileSizeBytes;
struct Volume : KFileSystem {
union {
char _unused0[SECTOR_SIZE];
@ -82,7 +25,7 @@ struct Volume : KFileSystem {
#define TYPE_FAT32 (32)
int type;
DirectoryEntry *rootDirectoryEntries;
FATDirectoryEntry *rootDirectoryEntries;
struct DirectoryEntryReference {
@ -91,11 +34,11 @@ struct DirectoryEntryReference {
struct FSNode {
Volume *volume;
DirectoryEntry entry;
FATDirectoryEntry entry;
// The root directory is loaded during fileSystem mount.
// If this is non-null, run directory data from here.
DirectoryEntry *rootDirectory;
FATDirectoryEntry *rootDirectory;
static uint32_t NextCluster(Volume *volume, uint32_t currentCluster) {
@ -149,14 +92,14 @@ static EsError Load(KNode *_directory, KNode *_node, KNodeMetadata *, const void
EsDefer(EsHeapFree(clusterBuffer, 0, K_FIXED));
DirectoryEntryReference reference = *(DirectoryEntryReference *) entryData;
DirectoryEntry entry;
FATDirectoryEntry entry;
if (!directory->rootDirectory) {
EsError error = volume->Access((reference.cluster * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster + volume->sectorOffset) * SECTOR_SIZE,
superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE, K_ACCESS_READ, (uint8_t *) clusterBuffer, ES_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) return error;
entry = *(DirectoryEntry *) (clusterBuffer + reference.offset);
entry = *(FATDirectoryEntry *) (clusterBuffer + reference.offset);
} else {
entry = directory->rootDirectory[reference.offset];
@ -244,8 +187,8 @@ static EsError Scan(const char *_name, size_t nameLength, KNode *node) {
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) SCAN_FAILURE("Could not read cluster.\n", error);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE / sizeof(DirectoryEntry); i++, directoryPosition++) {
DirectoryEntry *entry = directory->rootDirectory ? (directory->rootDirectory + directoryPosition) : ((DirectoryEntry *) clusterBuffer + i);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE / sizeof(FATDirectoryEntry); i++, directoryPosition++) {
FATDirectoryEntry *entry = directory->rootDirectory ? (directory->rootDirectory + directoryPosition) : ((FATDirectoryEntry *) clusterBuffer + i);
if (entry->name[0] == 0xE5 || entry->attributes == 0x0F || (entry->attributes & 8)) goto nextEntry;
if (!entry->name[0]) return ES_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
@ -268,7 +211,7 @@ static EsError Scan(const char *_name, size_t nameLength, KNode *node) {
while (currentCluster < volume->terminateCluster) {
currentCluster = NextCluster(volume, currentCluster);
metadata.directoryChildren += SECTOR_SIZE * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster / sizeof(DirectoryEntry);
metadata.directoryChildren += SECTOR_SIZE * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster / sizeof(FATDirectoryEntry);
@ -310,8 +253,8 @@ static EsError Enumerate(KNode *node) {
if (error != ES_SUCCESS) ENUMERATE_FAILURE("Could not read cluster.\n", error);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE / sizeof(DirectoryEntry); i++, directoryPosition++) {
DirectoryEntry *entry = directory->rootDirectory ? (directory->rootDirectory + directoryPosition) : ((DirectoryEntry *) clusterBuffer + i);
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < superBlock->sectorsPerCluster * SECTOR_SIZE / sizeof(FATDirectoryEntry); i++, directoryPosition++) {
FATDirectoryEntry *entry = directory->rootDirectory ? (directory->rootDirectory + directoryPosition) : ((FATDirectoryEntry *) clusterBuffer + i);
if (entry->name[0] == 0xE5 || entry->attributes == 0x0F || (entry->attributes & 8)) continue;
if (!entry->name[0]) {
@ -391,7 +334,7 @@ static bool Mount(Volume *volume) {
uint32_t rootDirectoryOffset = superBlock->reservedSectors + superBlock->fatCount * sectorsPerFAT;
uint32_t rootDirectorySectors = (superBlock->rootDirectoryEntries * sizeof(DirectoryEntry) + (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) / SECTOR_SIZE;
uint32_t rootDirectorySectors = (superBlock->rootDirectoryEntries * sizeof(FATDirectoryEntry) + (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) / SECTOR_SIZE;
volume->sectorOffset = rootDirectoryOffset + rootDirectorySectors - 2 * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster;
@ -417,10 +360,10 @@ static bool Mount(Volume *volume) {
while (currentCluster < volume->terminateCluster) {
currentCluster = NextCluster(volume, currentCluster);
volume->rootDirectoryInitialChildren += SECTOR_SIZE * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster / sizeof(DirectoryEntry);
volume->rootDirectoryInitialChildren += SECTOR_SIZE * superBlock->sectorsPerCluster / sizeof(FATDirectoryEntry);
} else {
root->rootDirectory = (DirectoryEntry *) EsHeapAllocate(rootDirectorySectors * SECTOR_SIZE, true, K_FIXED);
root->rootDirectory = (FATDirectoryEntry *) EsHeapAllocate(rootDirectorySectors * SECTOR_SIZE, true, K_FIXED);
volume->rootDirectoryEntries = root->rootDirectory;
error = volume->Access(rootDirectoryOffset * SECTOR_SIZE, rootDirectorySectors * SECTOR_SIZE,
@ -479,7 +422,7 @@ static void DeviceAttach(KDevice *parent) {
volume->nameBytes = sizeof(volume->sb32.label);
EsMemoryCopy(volume->name, volume->sb32.label, volume->nameBytes);
} else {
if (volume->rootDirectoryEntries[0].attributes & 8) {
if ((volume->rootDirectoryEntries[0].attributes & 8) && (volume->rootDirectoryEntries[0].attributes != 0x0F)) {
volume->nameBytes = sizeof(volume->rootDirectoryEntries[0].name);
EsMemoryCopy(volume->name, volume->rootDirectoryEntries[0].name, volume->nameBytes);
} else {

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

shared/fat.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
struct SuperBlockCommon {
uint8_t jmp[3];
uint8_t oemName[8];
uint16_t bytesPerSector;
uint8_t sectorsPerCluster;
uint16_t reservedSectors;
uint8_t fatCount;
uint16_t rootDirectoryEntries;
uint16_t totalSectors;
uint8_t mediaDescriptor;
uint16_t sectorsPerFAT16;
uint16_t sectorsPerTrack;
uint16_t heads;
uint32_t hiddenSectors;
uint32_t largeSectorCount;
struct SuperBlock16 : SuperBlockCommon {
uint8_t deviceID;
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t signature;
uint32_t serial;
uint8_t label[11];
uint64_t systemIdentifier;
uint8_t _unused1[450];
struct SuperBlock32 : SuperBlockCommon {
uint32_t sectorsPerFAT32;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t version;
uint32_t rootDirectoryCluster;
uint16_t fsInfoSector;
uint16_t backupBootSector;
uint8_t _unused0[12];
uint8_t deviceID;
uint8_t flags2;
uint8_t signature;
uint32_t serial;
uint8_t label[11];
uint64_t systemIdentifier;
uint8_t _unused1[422];
struct FATDirectoryEntry {
uint8_t name[11];
uint8_t attributes;
uint8_t _reserved0;
uint8_t creationTimeSeconds;
uint16_t creationTime;
uint16_t creationDate;
uint16_t accessedDate;
uint16_t firstClusterHigh;
uint16_t modificationTime;
uint16_t modificationDate;
uint16_t firstClusterLow;
uint32_t fileSizeBytes;

View File

@ -65,6 +65,39 @@ typedef struct GPTPartition {
bool present, isESP;
} GPTPartition;
typedef struct GPTHeader {
uint8_t signature[8];
uint32_t revision;
uint32_t headerBytes;
uint32_t headerCRC32;
uint32_t _reserved0;
uint64_t headerSelfLBA;
uint64_t headerBackupLBA;
uint64_t firstUsableLBA;
uint64_t lastUsableLBA;
uint8_t driveGUID[16];
uint64_t tableLBA;
uint32_t partitionEntryCount;
uint32_t partitionEntryBytes;
uint32_t tableCRC32;
} GPTHeader;
typedef struct GPTEntry {
uint8_t typeGUID[16];
uint8_t partitionGUID[16];
uint64_t firstLBA;
uint64_t lastLBA;
uint64_t attributes;
uint16_t name[36];
} GPTEntry;
typedef struct ProtectiveMBR {
uint8_t _unused0[446];
uint8_t entry[16];
uint8_t _unused1[48];
uint16_t signature;
} ProtectiveMBR;
bool GPTGetPartitions(uint8_t *block /* K_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_SIZE */, EsFileOffset sectorCount,
EsFileOffset sectorBytes, GPTPartition *partitions /* GPT_PARTITION_COUNT */) {
for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < GPT_PARTITION_COUNT; i++) {

View File

@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ DEFINE_INTERFACE_STRING(InstallerProgressMessage, "Installing, please wait" ELLI
DEFINE_INTERFACE_STRING(InstallerCompleteFromOther, "Installation has completed successfully. Remove the installation disk, and restart your computer.");
DEFINE_INTERFACE_STRING(InstallerCompleteFromUSB, "Installation has completed successfully. Disconnect the installation USB, and restart your computer.");
DEFINE_INTERFACE_STRING(InstallerVolumeLabel, "Essence HD");
DEFINE_INTERFACE_STRING(InstallerUseMBR, "Use legacy BIOS boot (select for older computers)");
// TODO System Monitor.