show glyph preview in font editor glyphs table

This commit is contained in:
nakst 2022-01-11 13:30:38 +00:00
parent 3acd4472aa
commit af7ed68c81
1 changed files with 35 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -236,7 +236,19 @@ void DeleteGlyph(void *cp) {
void DrawGlyph(UIPainter *painter, Glyph *g, int _x, int _y) {
for (int y = g->y0; y <= g->y1; y++) {
for (int x = g->x0; x <= g->x1; x++) {
if (g->bits[y][x]) {
UIDrawBlock(painter, UI_RECT_4(_x + x - g->xOrigin, _x + x + 1 - g->xOrigin, _y + y - g->yOrigin, _y + y + 1 - g->yOrigin), 0xFF000000);
int GlyphsTableMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
UITable *table = (UITable *) element;
if (message == UI_MSG_TABLE_GET_ITEM) {
UITableGetItem *m = (UITableGetItem *) dp;
m->isSelected = selectedGlyph == m->index;
@ -251,7 +263,7 @@ int GlyphsTableMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp)
return snprintf(m->buffer, m->bufferBytes, "U+%.4X", glyphsArray[m->index].number);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN || message == UI_MSG_MOUSE_DRAG) {
int index = UITableHitTest((UITable *) element, element->window->cursorX, element->window->cursorY);
int index = UITableHitTest(table, element->window->cursorX, element->window->cursorY);
if (index != -1) {
selectedGlyph = index;
@ -259,21 +271,33 @@ int GlyphsTableMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp)
UIElementMessage(&tabPane->e, UI_MSG_LAYOUT, 0, 0);
UIElementRepaint(&tabPane->e, NULL);
} else if (message == UI_MSG_PAINT) {
element->messageClass(element, message, di, dp);
UIPainter *painter = (UIPainter *) dp;
UIRectangle oldClip = painter->clip;
UIRectangle bounds = element->bounds;
bounds.t += UI_SIZE_TABLE_HEADER * element->window->scale;
bounds.r -= UI_SIZE_SCROLL_BAR * element->window->scale;
painter->clip = UIRectangleIntersection(painter->clip, bounds);
UIRectangle row = bounds;
int rowHeight = UI_SIZE_TABLE_ROW * element->window->scale;
row.t -= (int64_t) table->vScroll->position % rowHeight;
for (int i = table->vScroll->position / rowHeight; i < table->itemCount; i++) {
if (row.t > element->clip.b) break;
row.b = row.t + rowHeight;
DrawGlyph(painter, &glyphsArray[i], row.r - 50, row.b - 8);
row.t += rowHeight;
painter->clip = oldClip;
return 1;
return 0;
void DrawGlyph(UIPainter *painter, Glyph *g, int _x, int _y) {
for (int y = g->y0; y <= g->y1; y++) {
for (int x = g->x0; x <= g->x1; x++) {
if (g->bits[y][x]) {
UIDrawBlock(painter, UI_RECT_4(_x + x - g->xOrigin, _x + x + 1 - g->xOrigin, _y + y - g->yOrigin, _y + y + 1 - g->yOrigin), 0xFF000000);
void SetOrigin(void *cp) {
Glyph *g = &glyphsArray[selectedGlyph];
g->xOrigin = selectedPixelX;