mirror of https://github.com/fafhrd91/actix-web
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689 lines
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use std::{
cmp, fmt, io,
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use actix_http::{body::MessageBody, Extensions, HttpService, KeepAlive, Request, Response};
use actix_server::{Server, ServerBuilder};
use actix_service::{
map_config, IntoServiceFactory, Service, ServiceFactory, ServiceFactoryExt as _,
#[cfg(feature = "openssl")]
use actix_tls::accept::openssl::reexports::{AlpnError, SslAcceptor, SslAcceptorBuilder};
#[cfg(feature = "rustls")]
use actix_tls::accept::rustls::reexports::ServerConfig as RustlsServerConfig;
use crate::{config::AppConfig, Error};
struct Socket {
scheme: &'static str,
addr: net::SocketAddr,
struct Config {
host: Option<String>,
keep_alive: KeepAlive,
client_request_timeout: Duration,
client_disconnect_timeout: Duration,
/// An HTTP Server.
/// Create new HTTP server with application factory.
/// ```no_run
/// use actix_web::{web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer};
/// #[actix_rt::main]
/// async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
/// HttpServer::new(
/// || App::new()
/// .service(web::resource("/").to(|| HttpResponse::Ok())))
/// .bind("")?
/// .run()
/// .await
/// }
/// ```
pub struct HttpServer<F, I, S, B>
F: Fn() -> I + Send + Clone + 'static,
I: IntoServiceFactory<S, Request>,
S: ServiceFactory<Request, Config = AppConfig>,
S::Error: Into<Error>,
S::InitError: fmt::Debug,
S::Response: Into<Response<B>>,
B: MessageBody,
pub(super) factory: F,
config: Arc<Mutex<Config>>,
backlog: u32,
sockets: Vec<Socket>,
builder: ServerBuilder,
on_connect_fn: Option<Arc<dyn Fn(&dyn Any, &mut Extensions) + Send + Sync>>,
_phantom: PhantomData<(S, B)>,
impl<F, I, S, B> HttpServer<F, I, S, B>
F: Fn() -> I + Send + Clone + 'static,
I: IntoServiceFactory<S, Request>,
S: ServiceFactory<Request, Config = AppConfig> + 'static,
S::Error: Into<Error> + 'static,
S::InitError: fmt::Debug,
S::Response: Into<Response<B>> + 'static,
<S::Service as Service<Request>>::Future: 'static,
S::Service: 'static,
B: MessageBody + 'static,
/// Create new HTTP server with application factory
pub fn new(factory: F) -> Self {
HttpServer {
config: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Config {
host: None,
keep_alive: KeepAlive::default(),
client_request_timeout: Duration::from_secs(5),
client_disconnect_timeout: Duration::from_secs(1),
backlog: 1024,
sockets: Vec::new(),
builder: ServerBuilder::default(),
on_connect_fn: None,
_phantom: PhantomData,
/// Sets function that will be called once before each connection is handled.
/// It will receive a `&std::any::Any`, which contains underlying connection type and an
/// [Extensions] container so that connection data can be accessed in middleware and handlers.
/// # Connection Types
/// - `actix_tls::accept::openssl::TlsStream<actix_web::rt::net::TcpStream>` when using openssl.
/// - `actix_tls::accept::rustls::TlsStream<actix_web::rt::net::TcpStream>` when using rustls.
/// - `actix_web::rt::net::TcpStream` when no encryption is used.
/// See the `on_connect` example for additional details.
pub fn on_connect<CB>(self, f: CB) -> HttpServer<F, I, S, B>
CB: Fn(&dyn Any, &mut Extensions) + Send + Sync + 'static,
HttpServer {
factory: self.factory,
config: self.config,
backlog: self.backlog,
sockets: self.sockets,
builder: self.builder,
on_connect_fn: Some(Arc::new(f)),
_phantom: PhantomData,
/// Set number of workers to start.
/// By default, server uses number of available logical CPU as thread count.
pub fn workers(mut self, num: usize) -> Self {
self.builder = self.builder.workers(num);
/// Set the maximum number of pending connections.
/// This refers to the number of clients that can be waiting to be served.
/// Exceeding this number results in the client getting an error when
/// attempting to connect. It should only affect servers under significant
/// load.
/// Generally set in the 64-2048 range. Default value is 2048.
/// This method should be called before `bind()` method call.
pub fn backlog(mut self, backlog: u32) -> Self {
self.backlog = backlog;
self.builder = self.builder.backlog(backlog);
/// Sets the maximum per-worker number of concurrent connections.
/// All socket listeners will stop accepting connections when this limit is reached for
/// each worker.
/// By default max connections is set to a 25k.
pub fn max_connections(mut self, num: usize) -> Self {
self.builder = self.builder.max_concurrent_connections(num);
/// Sets the maximum per-worker concurrent connection establish process.
/// All listeners will stop accepting connections when this limit is reached. It can be used to
/// limit the global TLS CPU usage.
/// By default max connections is set to a 256.
pub fn max_connection_rate(self, num: usize) -> Self {
#[cfg(any(feature = "rustls", feature = "openssl"))]
/// Set max number of threads for each worker's blocking task thread pool.
/// One thread pool is set up **per worker**; not shared across workers.
/// By default set to 512 / workers.
pub fn worker_max_blocking_threads(mut self, num: usize) -> Self {
self.builder = self.builder.worker_max_blocking_threads(num);
/// Set server keep-alive setting.
/// By default keep alive is set to a 5 seconds.
pub fn keep_alive<T: Into<KeepAlive>>(self, val: T) -> Self {
self.config.lock().unwrap().keep_alive = val.into();
/// Set server client timeout in milliseconds for first request.
/// Defines a timeout for reading client request header. If a client does not transmit
/// the entire set headers within this time, the request is terminated with
/// the 408 (Request Time-out) error.
/// To disable timeout set value to 0.
/// By default client timeout is set to 5000 milliseconds.
pub fn client_request_timeout(self, dur: Duration) -> Self {
self.config.lock().unwrap().client_request_timeout = dur;
#[deprecated(since = "4.0.0", note = "Renamed to `client_request_timeout`.")]
pub fn client_timeout(self, dur: Duration) -> Self {
/// Set server connection shutdown timeout in milliseconds.
/// Defines a timeout for shutdown connection. If a shutdown procedure does not complete
/// within this time, the request is dropped.
/// To disable timeout set value to 0.
/// By default client timeout is set to 5000 milliseconds.
pub fn client_disconnect_timeout(self, dur: Duration) -> Self {
self.config.lock().unwrap().client_disconnect_timeout = dur;
#[deprecated(since = "4.0.0", note = "Renamed to `client_request_timeout`.")]
pub fn client_shutdown(self, dur: u64) -> Self {
/// Set server host name.
/// Host name is used by application router as a hostname for url generation.
/// Check [ConnectionInfo](super::dev::ConnectionInfo::host())
/// documentation for more information.
/// By default host name is set to a "localhost" value.
pub fn server_hostname<T: AsRef<str>>(self, val: T) -> Self {
self.config.lock().unwrap().host = Some(val.as_ref().to_owned());
/// Stop Actix `System` after server shutdown.
pub fn system_exit(mut self) -> Self {
self.builder = self.builder.system_exit();
/// Disable signal handling
pub fn disable_signals(mut self) -> Self {
self.builder = self.builder.disable_signals();
/// Timeout for graceful workers shutdown.
/// After receiving a stop signal, workers have this much time to finish
/// serving requests. Workers still alive after the timeout are force
/// dropped.
/// By default shutdown timeout sets to 30 seconds.
pub fn shutdown_timeout(mut self, sec: u64) -> Self {
self.builder = self.builder.shutdown_timeout(sec);
/// Get addresses of bound sockets.
pub fn addrs(&self) -> Vec<net::SocketAddr> {
self.sockets.iter().map(|s| s.addr).collect()
/// Get addresses of bound sockets and the scheme for it.
/// This is useful when the server is bound from different sources
/// with some sockets listening on HTTP and some listening on HTTPS
/// and the user should be presented with an enumeration of which
/// socket requires which protocol.
pub fn addrs_with_scheme(&self) -> Vec<(net::SocketAddr, &str)> {
self.sockets.iter().map(|s| (s.addr, s.scheme)).collect()
/// Use listener for accepting incoming connection requests
/// HttpServer does not change any configuration for TcpListener,
/// it needs to be configured before passing it to listen() method.
pub fn listen(mut self, lst: net::TcpListener) -> io::Result<Self> {
let cfg = self.config.clone();
let factory = self.factory.clone();
let addr = lst.local_addr().unwrap();
self.sockets.push(Socket {
scheme: "http",
let on_connect_fn = self.on_connect_fn.clone();
self.builder =
.listen(format!("actix-web-service-{}", addr), lst, move || {
let c = cfg.lock().unwrap();
let host = c.host.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{}", addr));
let mut svc = HttpService::build()
if let Some(handler) = on_connect_fn.clone() {
svc = svc.on_connect_ext(move |io: &_, ext: _| {
(handler)(io as &dyn Any, ext)
let fac = factory()
.map_err(|err| err.into().error_response());
svc.finish(map_config(fac, move |_| {
AppConfig::new(false, host.clone(), addr)
#[cfg(feature = "openssl")]
/// Use listener for accepting incoming tls connection requests
/// This method sets alpn protocols to "h2" and "http/1.1"
pub fn listen_openssl(
lst: net::TcpListener,
builder: SslAcceptorBuilder,
) -> io::Result<Self> {
self.listen_ssl_inner(lst, openssl_acceptor(builder)?)
#[cfg(feature = "openssl")]
fn listen_ssl_inner(
mut self,
lst: net::TcpListener,
acceptor: SslAcceptor,
) -> io::Result<Self> {
let factory = self.factory.clone();
let cfg = self.config.clone();
let addr = lst.local_addr().unwrap();
self.sockets.push(Socket {
scheme: "https",
let on_connect_fn = self.on_connect_fn.clone();
self.builder =
.listen(format!("actix-web-service-{}", addr), lst, move || {
let c = cfg.lock().unwrap();
let host = c.host.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{}", addr));
let svc = HttpService::build()
let svc = if let Some(handler) = on_connect_fn.clone() {
svc.on_connect_ext(move |io: &_, ext: _| {
(&*handler)(io as &dyn Any, ext)
} else {
let fac = factory()
.map_err(|err| err.into().error_response());
svc.finish(map_config(fac, move |_| {
AppConfig::new(true, host.clone(), addr)
#[cfg(feature = "rustls")]
/// Use listener for accepting incoming tls connection requests
/// This method prepends alpn protocols "h2" and "http/1.1" to configured ones
pub fn listen_rustls(
lst: net::TcpListener,
config: RustlsServerConfig,
) -> io::Result<Self> {
self.listen_rustls_inner(lst, config)
#[cfg(feature = "rustls")]
fn listen_rustls_inner(
mut self,
lst: net::TcpListener,
config: RustlsServerConfig,
) -> io::Result<Self> {
let factory = self.factory.clone();
let cfg = self.config.clone();
let addr = lst.local_addr().unwrap();
self.sockets.push(Socket {
scheme: "https",
let on_connect_fn = self.on_connect_fn.clone();
self.builder =
.listen(format!("actix-web-service-{}", addr), lst, move || {
let c = cfg.lock().unwrap();
let host = c.host.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{}", addr));
let svc = HttpService::build()
let svc = if let Some(handler) = on_connect_fn.clone() {
svc.on_connect_ext(move |io: &_, ext: _| (handler)(io as &dyn Any, ext))
} else {
let fac = factory()
.map_err(|err| err.into().error_response());
svc.finish(map_config(fac, move |_| {
AppConfig::new(true, host.clone(), addr)
/// The socket address to bind
/// To bind multiple addresses this method can be called multiple times.
pub fn bind<A: net::ToSocketAddrs>(mut self, addr: A) -> io::Result<Self> {
let sockets = self.bind2(addr)?;
for lst in sockets {
self = self.listen(lst)?;
fn bind2<A: net::ToSocketAddrs>(&self, addr: A) -> io::Result<Vec<net::TcpListener>> {
let mut err = None;
let mut success = false;
let mut sockets = Vec::new();
for addr in addr.to_socket_addrs()? {
match create_tcp_listener(addr, self.backlog) {
Ok(lst) => {
success = true;
Err(e) => err = Some(e),
if success {
} else if let Some(e) = err.take() {
} else {
"Can not bind to address.",
#[cfg(feature = "openssl")]
/// Start listening for incoming tls connections.
/// This method sets alpn protocols to "h2" and "http/1.1"
pub fn bind_openssl<A>(mut self, addr: A, builder: SslAcceptorBuilder) -> io::Result<Self>
A: net::ToSocketAddrs,
let sockets = self.bind2(addr)?;
let acceptor = openssl_acceptor(builder)?;
for lst in sockets {
self = self.listen_ssl_inner(lst, acceptor.clone())?;
#[cfg(feature = "rustls")]
/// Start listening for incoming tls connections.
/// This method prepends alpn protocols "h2" and "http/1.1" to configured ones
pub fn bind_rustls<A: net::ToSocketAddrs>(
mut self,
addr: A,
config: RustlsServerConfig,
) -> io::Result<Self> {
let sockets = self.bind2(addr)?;
for lst in sockets {
self = self.listen_rustls_inner(lst, config.clone())?;
/// Start listening for unix domain (UDS) connections on existing listener.
pub fn listen_uds(mut self, lst: std::os::unix::net::UnixListener) -> io::Result<Self> {
use actix_http::Protocol;
use actix_rt::net::UnixStream;
use actix_service::{fn_service, ServiceFactoryExt as _};
let cfg = self.config.clone();
let factory = self.factory.clone();
let socket_addr =
net::SocketAddr::new(net::IpAddr::V4(net::Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 8080);
self.sockets.push(Socket {
scheme: "http",
addr: socket_addr,
let addr = lst.local_addr()?;
let name = format!("actix-web-service-{:?}", addr);
let on_connect_fn = self.on_connect_fn.clone();
self.builder = self.builder.listen_uds(name, lst, move || {
let c = cfg.lock().unwrap();
let config = AppConfig::new(
c.host.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{}", socket_addr)),
fn_service(|io: UnixStream| async { Ok((io, Protocol::Http1, None)) }).and_then({
let mut svc = HttpService::build()
if let Some(handler) = on_connect_fn.clone() {
svc = svc
.on_connect_ext(move |io: &_, ext: _| (&*handler)(io as &dyn Any, ext));
let fac = factory()
.map_err(|err| err.into().error_response());
svc.finish(map_config(fac, move |_| config.clone()))
/// Start listening for incoming unix domain connections.
pub fn bind_uds<A>(mut self, addr: A) -> io::Result<Self>
A: AsRef<std::path::Path>,
use actix_http::Protocol;
use actix_rt::net::UnixStream;
use actix_service::{fn_service, ServiceFactoryExt as _};
let cfg = self.config.clone();
let factory = self.factory.clone();
let socket_addr =
net::SocketAddr::new(net::IpAddr::V4(net::Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 8080);
self.sockets.push(Socket {
scheme: "http",
addr: socket_addr,
self.builder = self.builder.bind_uds(
format!("actix-web-service-{:?}", addr.as_ref()),
move || {
let c = cfg.lock().unwrap();
let config = AppConfig::new(
c.host.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{}", socket_addr)),
let fac = factory()
.map_err(|err| err.into().error_response());
fn_service(|io: UnixStream| async { Ok((io, Protocol::Http1, None)) }).and_then(
.finish(map_config(fac, move |_| config.clone())),
impl<F, I, S, B> HttpServer<F, I, S, B>
F: Fn() -> I + Send + Clone + 'static,
I: IntoServiceFactory<S, Request>,
S: ServiceFactory<Request, Config = AppConfig>,
S::Error: Into<Error>,
S::InitError: fmt::Debug,
S::Response: Into<Response<B>>,
S::Service: 'static,
B: MessageBody,
/// Start listening for incoming connections.
/// This method starts number of HTTP workers in separate threads.
/// For each address this method starts separate thread which does
/// `accept()` in a loop.
/// This methods panics if no socket address can be bound or an `Actix` system is not yet
/// configured.
/// ```no_run
/// use std::io;
/// use actix_web::{web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer};
/// #[actix_rt::main]
/// async fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
/// HttpServer::new(|| App::new().service(web::resource("/").to(|| HttpResponse::Ok())))
/// .bind("")?
/// .run()
/// .await
/// }
/// ```
pub fn run(self) -> Server {
fn create_tcp_listener(addr: net::SocketAddr, backlog: u32) -> io::Result<net::TcpListener> {
use socket2::{Domain, Protocol, Socket, Type};
let domain = Domain::for_address(addr);
let socket = Socket::new(domain, Type::STREAM, Some(Protocol::TCP))?;
// clamp backlog to max u32 that fits in i32 range
let backlog = cmp::min(backlog, i32::MAX as u32) as i32;
/// Configure `SslAcceptorBuilder` with custom server flags.
#[cfg(feature = "openssl")]
fn openssl_acceptor(mut builder: SslAcceptorBuilder) -> io::Result<SslAcceptor> {
builder.set_alpn_select_callback(|_, protocols| {
const H2: &[u8] = b"\x02h2";
const H11: &[u8] = b"\x08http/1.1";
if protocols.windows(3).any(|window| window == H2) {
} else if protocols.windows(9).any(|window| window == H11) {
} else {