//! Websocket integration. //! //! # Examples //! //! ```no_run //! use actix::{Actor, StreamHandler}; //! use actix_web::{get, web, App, Error, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpServer}; //! use actix_web_actors::ws; //! //! /// Define Websocket actor //! struct MyWs; //! //! impl Actor for MyWs { //! type Context = ws::WebsocketContext<Self>; //! } //! //! /// Handler for ws::Message message //! impl StreamHandler<Result<ws::Message, ws::ProtocolError>> for MyWs { //! fn handle(&mut self, msg: Result<ws::Message, ws::ProtocolError>, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { //! match msg { //! Ok(ws::Message::Ping(msg)) => ctx.pong(&msg), //! Ok(ws::Message::Text(text)) => ctx.text(text), //! Ok(ws::Message::Binary(bin)) => ctx.binary(bin), //! _ => (), //! } //! } //! } //! //! #[get("/ws")] //! async fn websocket(req: HttpRequest, stream: web::Payload) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> { //! ws::start(MyWs, &req, stream) //! } //! //! const MAX_FRAME_SIZE: usize = 16_384; // 16KiB //! //! #[get("/custom-ws")] //! async fn custom_websocket(req: HttpRequest, stream: web::Payload) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> { //! // Create a Websocket session with a specific max frame size, and protocols. //! ws::WsResponseBuilder::new(MyWs, &req, stream) //! .frame_size(MAX_FRAME_SIZE) //! .protocols(&["A", "B"]) //! .start() //! } //! //! #[actix_web::main] //! async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { //! HttpServer::new(|| { //! App::new() //! .service(websocket) //! .service(custom_websocket) //! }) //! .bind(("", 8080))? //! .run() //! .await //! } //! ``` //! use std::{ collections::VecDeque, future::Future, io, mem, pin::Pin, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use actix::{ dev::{ AsyncContextParts, ContextFut, ContextParts, Envelope, Mailbox, StreamHandler, ToEnvelope, }, fut::ActorFuture, Actor, ActorContext, ActorState, Addr, AsyncContext, Handler, Message as ActixMessage, SpawnHandle, }; use actix_http::ws::{hash_key, Codec}; pub use actix_http::ws::{CloseCode, CloseReason, Frame, HandshakeError, Message, ProtocolError}; use actix_web::{ error::{Error, PayloadError}, http::{ header::{self, HeaderValue}, Method, StatusCode, }, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpResponseBuilder, }; use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut}; use bytestring::ByteString; use futures_core::Stream; use pin_project_lite::pin_project; use tokio::sync::oneshot; use tokio_util::codec::{Decoder as _, Encoder as _}; /// Builder for Websocket session response. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// # use actix::{Actor, StreamHandler}; /// # use actix_web::{get, web, App, Error, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpServer}; /// # use actix_web_actors::ws; /// # /// # struct MyWs; /// # /// # impl Actor for MyWs { /// # type Context = ws::WebsocketContext<Self>; /// # } /// # /// # /// Handler for ws::Message message /// # impl StreamHandler<Result<ws::Message, ws::ProtocolError>> for MyWs { /// # fn handle(&mut self, msg: Result<ws::Message, ws::ProtocolError>, ctx: &mut Self::Context) {} /// # } /// # /// #[get("/ws")] /// async fn websocket(req: HttpRequest, stream: web::Payload) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> { /// ws::WsResponseBuilder::new(MyWs, &req, stream).start() /// } /// /// const MAX_FRAME_SIZE: usize = 16_384; // 16KiB /// /// #[get("/custom-ws")] /// async fn custom_websocket(req: HttpRequest, stream: web::Payload) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> { /// // Create a Websocket session with a specific max frame size, codec, and protocols. /// ws::WsResponseBuilder::new(MyWs, &req, stream) /// .codec(actix_http::ws::Codec::new()) /// // This will overwrite the codec's max frame-size /// .frame_size(MAX_FRAME_SIZE) /// .protocols(&["A", "B"]) /// .start() /// } /// # /// # #[actix_web::main] /// # async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// # HttpServer::new(|| { /// # App::new() /// # .service(websocket) /// # .service(custom_websocket) /// # }) /// # .bind(("", 8080))? /// # .run() /// # .await /// # } /// ``` pub struct WsResponseBuilder<'a, A, T> where A: Actor<Context = WebsocketContext<A>> + StreamHandler<Result<Message, ProtocolError>>, T: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, PayloadError>> + 'static, { actor: A, req: &'a HttpRequest, stream: T, codec: Option<Codec>, protocols: Option<&'a [&'a str]>, frame_size: Option<usize>, } impl<'a, A, T> WsResponseBuilder<'a, A, T> where A: Actor<Context = WebsocketContext<A>> + StreamHandler<Result<Message, ProtocolError>>, T: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, PayloadError>> + 'static, { /// Construct a new `WsResponseBuilder` with actor, request, and payload stream. /// /// For usage example, see docs on [`WsResponseBuilder`] struct. pub fn new(actor: A, req: &'a HttpRequest, stream: T) -> Self { WsResponseBuilder { actor, req, stream, codec: None, protocols: None, frame_size: None, } } /// Set the protocols for the session. pub fn protocols(mut self, protocols: &'a [&'a str]) -> Self { self.protocols = Some(protocols); self } /// Set the max frame size for each message (in bytes). /// /// **Note**: This will override any given [`Codec`]'s max frame size. pub fn frame_size(mut self, frame_size: usize) -> Self { self.frame_size = Some(frame_size); self } /// Set the [`Codec`] for the session. If [`Self::frame_size`] is also set, the given /// [`Codec`]'s max frame size will be overridden. pub fn codec(mut self, codec: Codec) -> Self { self.codec = Some(codec); self } fn handshake_resp(&self) -> Result<HttpResponseBuilder, HandshakeError> { match self.protocols { Some(protocols) => handshake_with_protocols(self.req, protocols), None => handshake(self.req), } } fn set_frame_size(&mut self) { if let Some(frame_size) = self.frame_size { match &mut self.codec { Some(codec) => { // modify existing codec's max frame size let orig_codec = mem::take(codec); *codec = orig_codec.max_size(frame_size); } None => { // create a new codec with the given size self.codec = Some(Codec::new().max_size(frame_size)); } } } } /// Create a new Websocket context from an actor, request stream, and codec. /// /// Returns a pair, where the first item is an addr for the created actor, and the second item /// is a stream intended to be set as part of the response /// via [`HttpResponseBuilder::streaming()`]. fn create_with_codec_addr<S>( actor: A, stream: S, codec: Codec, ) -> (Addr<A>, impl Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, Error>>) where A: StreamHandler<Result<Message, ProtocolError>>, S: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, PayloadError>> + 'static, { let mb = Mailbox::default(); let mut ctx = WebsocketContext { inner: ContextParts::new(mb.sender_producer()), messages: VecDeque::new(), }; ctx.add_stream(WsStream::new(stream, codec.clone())); let addr = ctx.address(); (addr, WebsocketContextFut::new(ctx, actor, mb, codec)) } /// Perform WebSocket handshake and start actor. /// /// `req` is an [`HttpRequest`] that should be requesting a websocket protocol change. /// `stream` should be a [`Bytes`] stream (such as `actix_web::web::Payload`) that contains a /// stream of the body request. /// /// If there is a problem with the handshake, an error is returned. /// /// If successful, consume the [`WsResponseBuilder`] and return a [`HttpResponse`] wrapped in /// a [`Result`]. pub fn start(mut self) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> { let mut res = self.handshake_resp()?; self.set_frame_size(); match self.codec { Some(codec) => { let out_stream = WebsocketContext::with_codec(self.actor, self.stream, codec); Ok(res.streaming(out_stream)) } None => { let out_stream = WebsocketContext::create(self.actor, self.stream); Ok(res.streaming(out_stream)) } } } /// Perform WebSocket handshake and start actor. /// /// `req` is an [`HttpRequest`] that should be requesting a websocket protocol change. /// `stream` should be a [`Bytes`] stream (such as `actix_web::web::Payload`) that contains a /// stream of the body request. /// /// If there is a problem with the handshake, an error is returned. /// /// If successful, returns a pair where the first item is an address for the created actor and /// the second item is the [`HttpResponse`] that should be returned from the websocket request. pub fn start_with_addr(mut self) -> Result<(Addr<A>, HttpResponse), Error> { let mut res = self.handshake_resp()?; self.set_frame_size(); match self.codec { Some(codec) => { let (addr, out_stream) = Self::create_with_codec_addr(self.actor, self.stream, codec); Ok((addr, res.streaming(out_stream))) } None => { let (addr, out_stream) = WebsocketContext::create_with_addr(self.actor, self.stream); Ok((addr, res.streaming(out_stream))) } } } } /// Perform WebSocket handshake and start actor. /// /// To customize options, see [`WsResponseBuilder`]. pub fn start<A, T>(actor: A, req: &HttpRequest, stream: T) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> where A: Actor<Context = WebsocketContext<A>> + StreamHandler<Result<Message, ProtocolError>>, T: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, PayloadError>> + 'static, { let mut res = handshake(req)?; Ok(res.streaming(WebsocketContext::create(actor, stream))) } /// Perform WebSocket handshake and start actor. /// /// `req` is an HTTP Request that should be requesting a websocket protocol change. `stream` should /// be a `Bytes` stream (such as `actix_web::web::Payload`) that contains a stream of the /// body request. /// /// If there is a problem with the handshake, an error is returned. /// /// If successful, returns a pair where the first item is an address for the created actor and the /// second item is the response that should be returned from the WebSocket request. #[deprecated(since = "4.0.0", note = "Prefer `WsResponseBuilder::start_with_addr`.")] pub fn start_with_addr<A, T>( actor: A, req: &HttpRequest, stream: T, ) -> Result<(Addr<A>, HttpResponse), Error> where A: Actor<Context = WebsocketContext<A>> + StreamHandler<Result<Message, ProtocolError>>, T: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, PayloadError>> + 'static, { let mut res = handshake(req)?; let (addr, out_stream) = WebsocketContext::create_with_addr(actor, stream); Ok((addr, res.streaming(out_stream))) } /// Do WebSocket handshake and start ws actor. /// /// `protocols` is a sequence of known protocols. #[deprecated( since = "4.0.0", note = "Prefer `WsResponseBuilder` for setting protocols." )] pub fn start_with_protocols<A, T>( actor: A, protocols: &[&str], req: &HttpRequest, stream: T, ) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> where A: Actor<Context = WebsocketContext<A>> + StreamHandler<Result<Message, ProtocolError>>, T: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, PayloadError>> + 'static, { let mut res = handshake_with_protocols(req, protocols)?; Ok(res.streaming(WebsocketContext::create(actor, stream))) } /// Prepare WebSocket handshake response. /// /// This function returns handshake `HttpResponse`, ready to send to peer. It does not perform /// any IO. pub fn handshake(req: &HttpRequest) -> Result<HttpResponseBuilder, HandshakeError> { handshake_with_protocols(req, &[]) } /// Prepare WebSocket handshake response. /// /// This function returns handshake `HttpResponse`, ready to send to peer. It does not perform /// any IO. /// /// `protocols` is a sequence of known protocols. On successful handshake, the returned response /// headers contain the first protocol in this list which the server also knows. pub fn handshake_with_protocols( req: &HttpRequest, protocols: &[&str], ) -> Result<HttpResponseBuilder, HandshakeError> { // WebSocket accepts only GET if *req.method() != Method::GET { return Err(HandshakeError::GetMethodRequired); } // check for "UPGRADE" to WebSocket header let has_hdr = if let Some(hdr) = req.headers().get(&header::UPGRADE) { if let Ok(s) = hdr.to_str() { s.to_ascii_lowercase().contains("websocket") } else { false } } else { false }; if !has_hdr { return Err(HandshakeError::NoWebsocketUpgrade); } // Upgrade connection if !req.head().upgrade() { return Err(HandshakeError::NoConnectionUpgrade); } // check supported version if !req.headers().contains_key(&header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION) { return Err(HandshakeError::NoVersionHeader); } let supported_ver = { if let Some(hdr) = req.headers().get(&header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION) { hdr == "13" || hdr == "8" || hdr == "7" } else { false } }; if !supported_ver { return Err(HandshakeError::UnsupportedVersion); } // check client handshake for validity if !req.headers().contains_key(&header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY) { return Err(HandshakeError::BadWebsocketKey); } let key = { let key = req.headers().get(&header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY).unwrap(); hash_key(key.as_ref()) }; // check requested protocols let protocol = req .headers() .get(&header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL) .and_then(|req_protocols| { let req_protocols = req_protocols.to_str().ok()?; req_protocols .split(',') .map(|req_p| req_p.trim()) .find(|req_p| protocols.iter().any(|p| p == req_p)) }); let mut response = HttpResponse::build(StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) .upgrade("websocket") .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_ACCEPT, // key is known to be header value safe ascii HeaderValue::from_bytes(&key).unwrap(), )) .take(); if let Some(protocol) = protocol { response.insert_header((header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL, protocol)); } Ok(response) } /// Execution context for `WebSockets` actors pub struct WebsocketContext<A> where A: Actor<Context = WebsocketContext<A>>, { inner: ContextParts<A>, messages: VecDeque<Option<Message>>, } impl<A> ActorContext for WebsocketContext<A> where A: Actor<Context = Self>, { fn stop(&mut self) { self.inner.stop(); } fn terminate(&mut self) { self.inner.terminate() } fn state(&self) -> ActorState { self.inner.state() } } impl<A> AsyncContext<A> for WebsocketContext<A> where A: Actor<Context = Self>, { fn spawn<F>(&mut self, fut: F) -> SpawnHandle where F: ActorFuture<A, Output = ()> + 'static, { self.inner.spawn(fut) } fn wait<F>(&mut self, fut: F) where F: ActorFuture<A, Output = ()> + 'static, { self.inner.wait(fut) } #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] fn waiting(&self) -> bool { self.inner.waiting() || self.inner.state() == ActorState::Stopping || self.inner.state() == ActorState::Stopped } fn cancel_future(&mut self, handle: SpawnHandle) -> bool { self.inner.cancel_future(handle) } #[inline] fn address(&self) -> Addr<A> { self.inner.address() } } impl<A> WebsocketContext<A> where A: Actor<Context = Self>, { /// Create a new Websocket context from a request and an actor. #[inline] pub fn create<S>(actor: A, stream: S) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, Error>> where A: StreamHandler<Result<Message, ProtocolError>>, S: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, PayloadError>> + 'static, { let (_, stream) = WebsocketContext::create_with_addr(actor, stream); stream } /// Create a new Websocket context from a request and an actor. /// /// Returns a pair, where the first item is an addr for the created actor, and the second item /// is a stream intended to be set as part of the response /// via [`HttpResponseBuilder::streaming()`]. pub fn create_with_addr<S>( actor: A, stream: S, ) -> (Addr<A>, impl Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, Error>>) where A: StreamHandler<Result<Message, ProtocolError>>, S: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, PayloadError>> + 'static, { let mb = Mailbox::default(); let mut ctx = WebsocketContext { inner: ContextParts::new(mb.sender_producer()), messages: VecDeque::new(), }; ctx.add_stream(WsStream::new(stream, Codec::new())); let addr = ctx.address(); (addr, WebsocketContextFut::new(ctx, actor, mb, Codec::new())) } /// Create a new Websocket context from a request, an actor, and a codec pub fn with_codec<S>( actor: A, stream: S, codec: Codec, ) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, Error>> where A: StreamHandler<Result<Message, ProtocolError>>, S: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, PayloadError>> + 'static, { let mb = Mailbox::default(); let mut ctx = WebsocketContext { inner: ContextParts::new(mb.sender_producer()), messages: VecDeque::new(), }; ctx.add_stream(WsStream::new(stream, codec.clone())); WebsocketContextFut::new(ctx, actor, mb, codec) } /// Create a new Websocket context pub fn with_factory<S, F>(stream: S, f: F) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, Error>> where F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> A + 'static, A: StreamHandler<Result<Message, ProtocolError>>, S: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, PayloadError>> + 'static, { let mb = Mailbox::default(); let mut ctx = WebsocketContext { inner: ContextParts::new(mb.sender_producer()), messages: VecDeque::new(), }; ctx.add_stream(WsStream::new(stream, Codec::new())); let act = f(&mut ctx); WebsocketContextFut::new(ctx, act, mb, Codec::new()) } } impl<A> WebsocketContext<A> where A: Actor<Context = Self>, { /// Write payload /// /// This is a low-level function that accepts framed messages that should /// be created using `Frame::message()`. If you want to send text or binary /// data you should prefer the `text()` or `binary()` convenience functions /// that handle the framing for you. #[inline] pub fn write_raw(&mut self, msg: Message) { self.messages.push_back(Some(msg)); } /// Send text frame #[inline] pub fn text(&mut self, text: impl Into<ByteString>) { self.write_raw(Message::Text(text.into())); } /// Send binary frame #[inline] pub fn binary(&mut self, data: impl Into<Bytes>) { self.write_raw(Message::Binary(data.into())); } /// Send ping frame #[inline] pub fn ping(&mut self, message: &[u8]) { self.write_raw(Message::Ping(Bytes::copy_from_slice(message))); } /// Send pong frame #[inline] pub fn pong(&mut self, message: &[u8]) { self.write_raw(Message::Pong(Bytes::copy_from_slice(message))); } /// Send close frame #[inline] pub fn close(&mut self, reason: Option<CloseReason>) { self.write_raw(Message::Close(reason)); } /// Handle of the running future /// /// SpawnHandle is the handle returned by `AsyncContext::spawn()` method. pub fn handle(&self) -> SpawnHandle { self.inner.curr_handle() } /// Set mailbox capacity /// /// By default mailbox capacity is 16 messages. pub fn set_mailbox_capacity(&mut self, cap: usize) { self.inner.set_mailbox_capacity(cap) } } impl<A> AsyncContextParts<A> for WebsocketContext<A> where A: Actor<Context = Self>, { fn parts(&mut self) -> &mut ContextParts<A> { &mut self.inner } } struct WebsocketContextFut<A> where A: Actor<Context = WebsocketContext<A>>, { fut: ContextFut<A, WebsocketContext<A>>, encoder: Codec, buf: BytesMut, closed: bool, } impl<A> WebsocketContextFut<A> where A: Actor<Context = WebsocketContext<A>>, { fn new(ctx: WebsocketContext<A>, act: A, mailbox: Mailbox<A>, codec: Codec) -> Self { let fut = ContextFut::new(ctx, act, mailbox); WebsocketContextFut { fut, encoder: codec, buf: BytesMut::new(), closed: false, } } } impl<A> Stream for WebsocketContextFut<A> where A: Actor<Context = WebsocketContext<A>>, { type Item = Result<Bytes, Error>; fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> { let this = self.get_mut(); if this.fut.alive() { let _ = Pin::new(&mut this.fut).poll(cx); } // encode messages while let Some(item) = this.fut.ctx().messages.pop_front() { if let Some(msg) = item { this.encoder.encode(msg, &mut this.buf)?; } else { this.closed = true; break; } } if !this.buf.is_empty() { Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(this.buf.split().freeze()))) } else if this.fut.alive() && !this.closed { Poll::Pending } else { Poll::Ready(None) } } } impl<A, M> ToEnvelope<A, M> for WebsocketContext<A> where A: Actor<Context = WebsocketContext<A>> + Handler<M>, M: ActixMessage + Send + 'static, M::Result: Send, { fn pack(msg: M, tx: Option<oneshot::Sender<M::Result>>) -> Envelope<A> { Envelope::new(msg, tx) } } pin_project! { #[derive(Debug)] struct WsStream<S> { #[pin] stream: S, decoder: Codec, buf: BytesMut, closed: bool, } } impl<S> WsStream<S> where S: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, PayloadError>>, { fn new(stream: S, codec: Codec) -> Self { Self { stream, decoder: codec, buf: BytesMut::new(), closed: false, } } } impl<S> Stream for WsStream<S> where S: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, PayloadError>>, { type Item = Result<Message, ProtocolError>; fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> { let mut this = self.as_mut().project(); if !*this.closed { loop { match Pin::new(&mut this.stream).poll_next(cx) { Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(chunk))) => { this.buf.extend_from_slice(&chunk[..]); } Poll::Ready(None) => { *this.closed = true; break; } Poll::Pending => break, Poll::Ready(Some(Err(e))) => { return Poll::Ready(Some(Err(ProtocolError::Io(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("{}", e), ))))); } } } } match this.decoder.decode(this.buf)? { None => { if *this.closed { Poll::Ready(None) } else { Poll::Pending } } Some(frm) => { let msg = match frm { Frame::Text(data) => { Message::Text(ByteString::try_from(data).map_err(|e| { ProtocolError::Io(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("{}", e), )) })?) } Frame::Binary(data) => Message::Binary(data), Frame::Ping(s) => Message::Ping(s), Frame::Pong(s) => Message::Pong(s), Frame::Close(reason) => Message::Close(reason), Frame::Continuation(item) => Message::Continuation(item), }; Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(msg))) } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use actix_web::{ http::{header, Method}, test::TestRequest, }; use super::*; #[test] fn test_handshake() { let req = TestRequest::default() .method(Method::POST) .to_http_request(); assert_eq!( HandshakeError::GetMethodRequired, handshake(&req).err().unwrap() ); let req = TestRequest::default().to_http_request(); assert_eq!( HandshakeError::NoWebsocketUpgrade, handshake(&req).err().unwrap() ); let req = TestRequest::default() .insert_header((header::UPGRADE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("test"))) .to_http_request(); assert_eq!( HandshakeError::NoWebsocketUpgrade, handshake(&req).err().unwrap() ); let req = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::UPGRADE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("websocket"), )) .to_http_request(); assert_eq!( HandshakeError::NoConnectionUpgrade, handshake(&req).err().unwrap() ); let req = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::UPGRADE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("websocket"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONNECTION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("upgrade"), )) .to_http_request(); assert_eq!( HandshakeError::NoVersionHeader, handshake(&req).err().unwrap() ); let req = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::UPGRADE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("websocket"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONNECTION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("upgrade"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("5"), )) .to_http_request(); assert_eq!( HandshakeError::UnsupportedVersion, handshake(&req).err().unwrap() ); let req = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::UPGRADE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("websocket"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONNECTION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("upgrade"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("13"), )) .to_http_request(); assert_eq!( HandshakeError::BadWebsocketKey, handshake(&req).err().unwrap() ); let req = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::UPGRADE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("websocket"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONNECTION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("upgrade"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("13"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY, header::HeaderValue::from_static("13"), )) .to_http_request(); let resp = handshake(&req).unwrap().finish(); assert_eq!(StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, resp.status()); assert_eq!(None, resp.headers().get(&header::CONTENT_LENGTH)); assert_eq!(None, resp.headers().get(&header::TRANSFER_ENCODING)); let req = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::UPGRADE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("websocket"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONNECTION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("upgrade"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("13"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY, header::HeaderValue::from_static("13"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL, header::HeaderValue::from_static("graphql"), )) .to_http_request(); let protocols = ["graphql"]; assert_eq!( StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, handshake_with_protocols(&req, &protocols) .unwrap() .finish() .status() ); assert_eq!( Some(&header::HeaderValue::from_static("graphql")), handshake_with_protocols(&req, &protocols) .unwrap() .finish() .headers() .get(&header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL) ); let req = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::UPGRADE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("websocket"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONNECTION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("upgrade"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("13"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY, header::HeaderValue::from_static("13"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL, header::HeaderValue::from_static("p1, p2, p3"), )) .to_http_request(); let protocols = vec!["p3", "p2"]; assert_eq!( StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, handshake_with_protocols(&req, &protocols) .unwrap() .finish() .status() ); assert_eq!( Some(&header::HeaderValue::from_static("p2")), handshake_with_protocols(&req, &protocols) .unwrap() .finish() .headers() .get(&header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL) ); let req = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::UPGRADE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("websocket"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONNECTION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("upgrade"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, header::HeaderValue::from_static("13"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY, header::HeaderValue::from_static("13"), )) .insert_header(( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL, header::HeaderValue::from_static("p1,p2,p3"), )) .to_http_request(); let protocols = vec!["p3", "p2"]; assert_eq!( StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, handshake_with_protocols(&req, &protocols) .unwrap() .finish() .status() ); assert_eq!( Some(&header::HeaderValue::from_static("p2")), handshake_with_protocols(&req, &protocols) .unwrap() .finish() .headers() .get(&header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL) ); } }