use std::fmt::{self, Write}; use std::str::FromStr; use http::header; use header::{Header, IntoHeaderValue, Writer}; use header::{from_comma_delimited, fmt_comma_delimited}; /// `Cache-Control` header, defined in [RFC7234]( /// /// The `Cache-Control` header field is used to specify directives for /// caches along the request/response chain. Such cache directives are /// unidirectional in that the presence of a directive in a request does /// not imply that the same directive is to be given in the response. /// /// # ABNF /// /// ```text /// Cache-Control = 1#cache-directive /// cache-directive = token [ "=" ( token / quoted-string ) ] /// ``` /// /// # Example values /// /// * `no-cache` /// * `private, community="UCI"` /// * `max-age=30` /// /// # Examples /// ```rust /// use actix_web::HttpResponse; /// use actix_web::http::header::{CacheControl, CacheDirective}; /// /// let mut builder = HttpResponse::Ok(); /// builder.set( /// CacheControl(vec![CacheDirective::MaxAge(86400u32)]) /// ); /// ``` /// /// ```rust /// use actix_web::HttpResponse; /// use actix_web::http::header::{CacheControl, CacheDirective}; /// /// let mut builder = HttpResponse::Ok(); /// builder.set( /// CacheControl(vec![ /// CacheDirective::NoCache, /// CacheDirective::Private, /// CacheDirective::MaxAge(360u32), /// CacheDirective::Extension("foo".to_owned(), /// Some("bar".to_owned())), /// ]) /// ); /// ``` #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)] pub struct CacheControl(pub Vec); __hyper__deref!(CacheControl => Vec); //TODO: this could just be the header! macro impl Header for CacheControl { fn name() -> header::HeaderName { header::CACHE_CONTROL } #[inline] fn parse(msg: &T) -> Result where T: ::HttpMessage { let directives = from_comma_delimited(msg.headers().get_all(Self::name()))?; if !directives.is_empty() { Ok(CacheControl(directives)) } else { Err(::error::ParseError::Header) } } } impl fmt::Display for CacheControl { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { fmt_comma_delimited(f, &self[..]) } } impl IntoHeaderValue for CacheControl { type Error = header::InvalidHeaderValueBytes; fn try_into(self) -> Result { let mut writer = Writer::new(); let _ = write!(&mut writer, "{}", self); header::HeaderValue::from_shared(writer.take()) } } /// `CacheControl` contains a list of these directives. #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)] pub enum CacheDirective { /// "no-cache" NoCache, /// "no-store" NoStore, /// "no-transform" NoTransform, /// "only-if-cached" OnlyIfCached, // request directives /// "max-age=delta" MaxAge(u32), /// "max-stale=delta" MaxStale(u32), /// "min-fresh=delta" MinFresh(u32), // response directives /// "must-revalidate" MustRevalidate, /// "public" Public, /// "private" Private, /// "proxy-revalidate" ProxyRevalidate, /// "s-maxage=delta" SMaxAge(u32), /// Extension directives. Optionally include an argument. Extension(String, Option) } impl fmt::Display for CacheDirective { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { use self::CacheDirective::*; fmt::Display::fmt(match *self { NoCache => "no-cache", NoStore => "no-store", NoTransform => "no-transform", OnlyIfCached => "only-if-cached", MaxAge(secs) => return write!(f, "max-age={}", secs), MaxStale(secs) => return write!(f, "max-stale={}", secs), MinFresh(secs) => return write!(f, "min-fresh={}", secs), MustRevalidate => "must-revalidate", Public => "public", Private => "private", ProxyRevalidate => "proxy-revalidate", SMaxAge(secs) => return write!(f, "s-maxage={}", secs), Extension(ref name, None) => &name[..], Extension(ref name, Some(ref arg)) => return write!(f, "{}={}", name, arg), }, f) } } impl FromStr for CacheDirective { type Err = Option<::Err>; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result::Err>> { use self::CacheDirective::*; match s { "no-cache" => Ok(NoCache), "no-store" => Ok(NoStore), "no-transform" => Ok(NoTransform), "only-if-cached" => Ok(OnlyIfCached), "must-revalidate" => Ok(MustRevalidate), "public" => Ok(Public), "private" => Ok(Private), "proxy-revalidate" => Ok(ProxyRevalidate), "" => Err(None), _ => match s.find('=') { Some(idx) if idx+1 < s.len() => match (&s[..idx], (&s[idx+1..]).trim_matches('"')) { ("max-age" , secs) => secs.parse().map(MaxAge).map_err(Some), ("max-stale", secs) => secs.parse().map(MaxStale).map_err(Some), ("min-fresh", secs) => secs.parse().map(MinFresh).map_err(Some), ("s-maxage", secs) => secs.parse().map(SMaxAge).map_err(Some), (left, right) => Ok(Extension(left.to_owned(), Some(right.to_owned()))) }, Some(_) => Err(None), None => Ok(Extension(s.to_owned(), None)) } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use header::Header; use test::TestRequest; #[test] fn test_parse_multiple_headers() { let req = TestRequest::with_header( header::CACHE_CONTROL, "no-cache, private").finish(); let cache = Header::parse(&req); assert_eq!(cache.ok(), Some(CacheControl(vec![CacheDirective::NoCache, CacheDirective::Private]))) } #[test] fn test_parse_argument() { let req = TestRequest::with_header( header::CACHE_CONTROL, "max-age=100, private").finish(); let cache = Header::parse(&req); assert_eq!(cache.ok(), Some(CacheControl(vec![CacheDirective::MaxAge(100), CacheDirective::Private]))) } #[test] fn test_parse_quote_form() { let req = TestRequest::with_header( header::CACHE_CONTROL, "max-age=\"200\"").finish(); let cache = Header::parse(&req); assert_eq!(cache.ok(), Some(CacheControl(vec![CacheDirective::MaxAge(200)]))) } #[test] fn test_parse_extension() { let req = TestRequest::with_header( header::CACHE_CONTROL, "foo, bar=baz").finish(); let cache = Header::parse(&req); assert_eq!(cache.ok(), Some(CacheControl(vec![ CacheDirective::Extension("foo".to_owned(), None), CacheDirective::Extension("bar".to_owned(), Some("baz".to_owned()))]))) } #[test] fn test_parse_bad_syntax() { let req = TestRequest::with_header(header::CACHE_CONTROL, "foo=").finish(); let cache: Result = Header::parse(&req); assert_eq!(cache.ok(), None) } }