//! For JSON helper documentation, see [`Json`]. use std::{ fmt, future::Future, marker::PhantomData, ops, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use bytes::BytesMut; use futures_util::{ready, stream::Stream}; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; use actix_http::Payload; #[cfg(feature = "compress")] use crate::dev::Decompress; use crate::{ error::{Error, JsonPayloadError}, extract::FromRequest, http::header::CONTENT_LENGTH, request::HttpRequest, web, HttpMessage, HttpResponse, Responder, }; /// JSON extractor and responder. /// /// `Json` has two uses: JSON responses, and extracting typed data from JSON request payloads. /// /// # Extractor /// To extract typed data from a request body, the inner type `T` must implement the /// [`serde::Deserialize`] trait. /// /// Use [`JsonConfig`] to configure extraction process. /// /// ``` /// use actix_web::{post, web, App}; /// use serde::Deserialize; /// /// #[derive(Deserialize)] /// struct Info { /// username: String, /// } /// /// /// deserialize `Info` from request's body /// #[post("/")] /// async fn index(info: web::Json) -> String { /// format!("Welcome {}!", info.username) /// } /// ``` /// /// # Responder /// The `Json` type JSON formatted responses. A handler may return a value of type /// `Json` where `T` is the type of a structure to serialize into JSON. The type `T` must /// implement [`serde::Serialize`]. /// /// ``` /// use actix_web::{post, web, HttpRequest}; /// use serde::Serialize; /// /// #[derive(Serialize)] /// struct Info { /// name: String, /// } /// /// #[post("/{name}")] /// async fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> web::Json { /// web::Json(Info { /// name: req.match_info().get("name").unwrap().to_owned(), /// }) /// } /// ``` pub struct Json(pub T); impl Json { /// Unwrap into inner `T` value. pub fn into_inner(self) -> T { self.0 } } impl ops::Deref for Json { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &T { &self.0 } } impl ops::DerefMut for Json { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { &mut self.0 } } impl fmt::Debug for Json where T: fmt::Debug, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "Json: {:?}", self.0) } } impl fmt::Display for Json where T: fmt::Display, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f) } } /// Creates response with OK status code, correct content type header, and serialized JSON payload. /// /// If serialization failed impl Responder for Json { fn respond_to(self, _: &HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { match serde_json::to_string(&self.0) { Ok(body) => HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type(mime::APPLICATION_JSON) .body(body), Err(err) => HttpResponse::from_error(err.into()), } } } /// See [here](#extractor) for example of usage as an extractor. impl FromRequest for Json where T: DeserializeOwned + 'static, { type Error = Error; type Future = JsonExtractFut; type Config = JsonConfig; #[inline] fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future { let config = JsonConfig::from_req(req); let limit = config.limit; let ctype = config.content_type.as_deref(); let err_handler = config.err_handler.clone(); JsonExtractFut { req: Some(req.clone()), fut: JsonBody::new(req, payload, ctype).limit(limit), err_handler, } } } type JsonErrorHandler = Option Error + Send + Sync>>; pub struct JsonExtractFut { req: Option, fut: JsonBody, err_handler: JsonErrorHandler, } impl Future for JsonExtractFut where T: DeserializeOwned + 'static, { type Output = Result, Error>; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { let this = self.get_mut(); let res = ready!(Pin::new(&mut this.fut).poll(cx)); let res = match res { Err(err) => { let req = this.req.take().unwrap(); log::debug!( "Failed to deserialize Json from payload. \ Request path: {}", req.path() ); if let Some(err_handler) = this.err_handler.as_ref() { Err((*err_handler)(err, &req)) } else { Err(err.into()) } } Ok(data) => Ok(Json(data)), }; Poll::Ready(res) } } /// `Json` extractor configuration. /// /// # Examples /// ``` /// use actix_web::{error, post, web, App, FromRequest, HttpResponse}; /// use serde::Deserialize; /// /// #[derive(Deserialize)] /// struct Info { /// name: String, /// } /// /// // `Json` extraction is bound by custom `JsonConfig` applied to App. /// #[post("/")] /// async fn index(info: web::Json) -> String { /// format!("Welcome {}!", info.name) /// } /// /// // custom `Json` extractor configuration /// let json_cfg = web::JsonConfig::default() /// // limit request payload size /// .limit(4096) /// // only accept text/plain content type /// .content_type(|mime| mime == mime::TEXT_PLAIN) /// // use custom error handler /// .error_handler(|err, req| { /// error::InternalError::from_response(err, HttpResponse::Conflict().finish()).into() /// }); /// /// App::new() /// .app_data(json_cfg) /// .service(index); /// ``` #[derive(Clone)] pub struct JsonConfig { limit: usize, err_handler: JsonErrorHandler, content_type: Option bool + Send + Sync>>, } impl JsonConfig { /// Set maximum accepted payload size. By default this limit is 32kB. pub fn limit(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { self.limit = limit; self } /// Set custom error handler. pub fn error_handler(mut self, f: F) -> Self where F: Fn(JsonPayloadError, &HttpRequest) -> Error + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.err_handler = Some(Arc::new(f)); self } /// Set predicate for allowed content types. pub fn content_type(mut self, predicate: F) -> Self where F: Fn(mime::Mime) -> bool + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.content_type = Some(Arc::new(predicate)); self } /// Extract payload config from app data. Check both `T` and `Data`, in that order, and fall /// back to the default payload config. fn from_req(req: &HttpRequest) -> &Self { req.app_data::() .or_else(|| req.app_data::>().map(|d| d.as_ref())) .unwrap_or(&DEFAULT_CONFIG) } } /// Allow shared refs used as default. const DEFAULT_CONFIG: JsonConfig = JsonConfig { limit: 32_768, // 2^15 bytes, (~32kB) err_handler: None, content_type: None, }; impl Default for JsonConfig { fn default() -> Self { DEFAULT_CONFIG.clone() } } /// Future that resolves to some `T` when parsed from a JSON payload. /// /// Form can be deserialized from any type `T` that implements [`serde::Deserialize`]. /// /// Returns error if: /// - content type is not `application/json` /// - content length is greater than [limit](JsonBody::limit()) pub enum JsonBody { Error(Option), Body { limit: usize, length: Option, #[cfg(feature = "compress")] payload: Decompress, #[cfg(not(feature = "compress"))] payload: Payload, buf: BytesMut, _res: PhantomData, }, } impl Unpin for JsonBody {} impl JsonBody where T: DeserializeOwned + 'static, { /// Create a new future to decode a JSON request payload. #[allow(clippy::borrow_interior_mutable_const)] pub fn new( req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut Payload, ctype: Option<&(dyn Fn(mime::Mime) -> bool + Send + Sync)>, ) -> Self { // check content-type let json = if let Ok(Some(mime)) = req.mime_type() { mime.subtype() == mime::JSON || mime.suffix() == Some(mime::JSON) || ctype.map_or(false, |predicate| predicate(mime)) } else { false }; if !json { return JsonBody::Error(Some(JsonPayloadError::ContentType)); } let length = req .headers() .get(&CONTENT_LENGTH) .and_then(|l| l.to_str().ok()) .and_then(|s| s.parse::().ok()); // Notice the content_length is not checked against limit of json config here. // As the internal usage always call JsonBody::limit after JsonBody::new. // And limit check to return an error variant of JsonBody happens there. #[cfg(feature = "compress")] let payload = Decompress::from_headers(payload.take(), req.headers()); #[cfg(not(feature = "compress"))] let payload = payload.take(); JsonBody::Body { limit: 262_144, length, payload, buf: BytesMut::with_capacity(8192), _res: PhantomData, } } /// Set maximum accepted payload size. The default limit is 256kB. pub fn limit(self, limit: usize) -> Self { match self { JsonBody::Body { length, payload, buf, .. } => { if let Some(len) = length { if len > limit { return JsonBody::Error(Some(JsonPayloadError::Overflow)); } } JsonBody::Body { limit, length, payload, buf, _res: PhantomData, } } JsonBody::Error(e) => JsonBody::Error(e), } } } impl Future for JsonBody where T: DeserializeOwned + 'static, { type Output = Result; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { let this = self.get_mut(); match this { JsonBody::Body { limit, buf, payload, .. } => loop { let res = ready!(Pin::new(&mut *payload).poll_next(cx)); match res { Some(chunk) => { let chunk = chunk?; if (buf.len() + chunk.len()) > *limit { return Poll::Ready(Err(JsonPayloadError::Overflow)); } else { buf.extend_from_slice(&chunk); } } None => { let json = serde_json::from_slice::(&buf)?; return Poll::Ready(Ok(json)); } } }, JsonBody::Error(e) => Poll::Ready(Err(e.take().unwrap())), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use bytes::Bytes; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use super::*; use crate::{ error::InternalError, http::{ header::{self, CONTENT_LENGTH, CONTENT_TYPE}, StatusCode, }, test::{load_stream, TestRequest}, }; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct MyObject { name: String, } fn json_eq(err: JsonPayloadError, other: JsonPayloadError) -> bool { match err { JsonPayloadError::Overflow => matches!(other, JsonPayloadError::Overflow), JsonPayloadError::ContentType => { matches!(other, JsonPayloadError::ContentType) } _ => false, } } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_responder() { let req = TestRequest::default().to_http_request(); let j = Json(MyObject { name: "test".to_string(), }); let resp = j.respond_to(&req); assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::OK); assert_eq!( resp.headers().get(header::CONTENT_TYPE).unwrap(), header::HeaderValue::from_static("application/json") ); use crate::responder::tests::BodyTest; assert_eq!(resp.body().bin_ref(), b"{\"name\":\"test\"}"); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_custom_error_responder() { let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_TYPE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("application/json"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_LENGTH, header::HeaderValue::from_static("16"), )) .set_payload(Bytes::from_static(b"{\"name\": \"test\"}")) .app_data(JsonConfig::default().limit(10).error_handler(|err, _| { let msg = MyObject { name: "invalid request".to_string(), }; let resp = HttpResponse::BadRequest().body(serde_json::to_string(&msg).unwrap()); InternalError::from_response(err, resp).into() })) .to_http_parts(); let s = Json::::from_request(&req, &mut pl).await; let mut resp = HttpResponse::from_error(s.err().unwrap()); assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); let body = load_stream(resp.take_body()).await.unwrap(); let msg: MyObject = serde_json::from_slice(&body).unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg.name, "invalid request"); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_extract() { let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_TYPE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("application/json"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_LENGTH, header::HeaderValue::from_static("16"), )) .set_payload(Bytes::from_static(b"{\"name\": \"test\"}")) .to_http_parts(); let s = Json::::from_request(&req, &mut pl).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(s.name, "test"); assert_eq!( s.into_inner(), MyObject { name: "test".to_string() } ); let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_TYPE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("application/json"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_LENGTH, header::HeaderValue::from_static("16"), )) .set_payload(Bytes::from_static(b"{\"name\": \"test\"}")) .app_data(JsonConfig::default().limit(10)) .to_http_parts(); let s = Json::::from_request(&req, &mut pl).await; assert!(format!("{}", s.err().unwrap()) .contains("Json payload size is bigger than allowed")); let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_TYPE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("application/json"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_LENGTH, header::HeaderValue::from_static("16"), )) .set_payload(Bytes::from_static(b"{\"name\": \"test\"}")) .app_data( JsonConfig::default() .limit(10) .error_handler(|_, _| JsonPayloadError::ContentType.into()), ) .to_http_parts(); let s = Json::::from_request(&req, &mut pl).await; assert!(format!("{}", s.err().unwrap()).contains("Content type error")); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_json_body() { let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default().to_http_parts(); let json = JsonBody::::new(&req, &mut pl, None).await; assert!(json_eq(json.err().unwrap(), JsonPayloadError::ContentType)); let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_TYPE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("application/text"), )) .to_http_parts(); let json = JsonBody::::new(&req, &mut pl, None).await; assert!(json_eq(json.err().unwrap(), JsonPayloadError::ContentType)); let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_TYPE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("application/json"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_LENGTH, header::HeaderValue::from_static("10000"), )) .to_http_parts(); let json = JsonBody::::new(&req, &mut pl, None) .limit(100) .await; assert!(json_eq(json.err().unwrap(), JsonPayloadError::Overflow)); let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_TYPE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("application/json"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_LENGTH, header::HeaderValue::from_static("16"), )) .set_payload(Bytes::from_static(b"{\"name\": \"test\"}")) .to_http_parts(); let json = JsonBody::::new(&req, &mut pl, None).await; assert_eq!( json.ok().unwrap(), MyObject { name: "test".to_owned() } ); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_with_json_and_bad_content_type() { let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_TYPE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("text/plain"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_LENGTH, header::HeaderValue::from_static("16"), )) .set_payload(Bytes::from_static(b"{\"name\": \"test\"}")) .app_data(JsonConfig::default().limit(4096)) .to_http_parts(); let s = Json::::from_request(&req, &mut pl).await; assert!(s.is_err()) } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_with_json_and_good_custom_content_type() { let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_TYPE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("text/plain"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_LENGTH, header::HeaderValue::from_static("16"), )) .set_payload(Bytes::from_static(b"{\"name\": \"test\"}")) .app_data(JsonConfig::default().content_type(|mime: mime::Mime| { mime.type_() == mime::TEXT && mime.subtype() == mime::PLAIN })) .to_http_parts(); let s = Json::::from_request(&req, &mut pl).await; assert!(s.is_ok()) } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_with_json_and_bad_custom_content_type() { let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_TYPE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("text/html"), )) .insert_header(( header::CONTENT_LENGTH, header::HeaderValue::from_static("16"), )) .set_payload(Bytes::from_static(b"{\"name\": \"test\"}")) .app_data(JsonConfig::default().content_type(|mime: mime::Mime| { mime.type_() == mime::TEXT && mime.subtype() == mime::PLAIN })) .to_http_parts(); let s = Json::::from_request(&req, &mut pl).await; assert!(s.is_err()) } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_with_config_in_data_wrapper() { let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default() .insert_header((CONTENT_TYPE, mime::APPLICATION_JSON)) .insert_header((CONTENT_LENGTH, 16)) .set_payload(Bytes::from_static(b"{\"name\": \"test\"}")) .app_data(web::Data::new(JsonConfig::default().limit(10))) .to_http_parts(); let s = Json::::from_request(&req, &mut pl).await; assert!(s.is_err()); let err_str = s.err().unwrap().to_string(); assert!(err_str.contains("Json payload size is bigger than allowed")); } }