use std::{ cell::{Ref, RefMut}, fmt, future::Future, mem, pin::Pin, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use actix_http::{ body::{AnyBody, Body, MessageBody}, http::{header::HeaderMap, StatusCode}, Extensions, Response, ResponseHead, }; #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] use { actix_http::http::{ header::{self, HeaderValue}, Error as HttpError, }, cookie::Cookie, }; use crate::{error::Error, HttpResponseBuilder}; /// An outgoing response. pub struct HttpResponse { res: Response, pub(crate) error: Option, } impl HttpResponse { /// Constructs a response. #[inline] pub fn new(status: StatusCode) -> Self { Self { res: Response::new(status), error: None, } } /// Constructs a response builder with specific HTTP status. #[inline] pub fn build(status: StatusCode) -> HttpResponseBuilder { HttpResponseBuilder::new(status) } /// Create an error response. #[inline] pub fn from_error(error: impl Into) -> Self { let error = error.into(); let mut response = error.as_response_error().error_response(); response.error = Some(error); response } } impl HttpResponse { /// Constructs a response with body #[inline] pub fn with_body(status: StatusCode, body: B) -> Self { Self { res: Response::with_body(status, body), error: None, } } /// Returns a reference to response head. #[inline] pub fn head(&self) -> &ResponseHead { self.res.head() } /// Returns a mutable reference to response head. #[inline] pub fn head_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ResponseHead { self.res.head_mut() } /// The source `error` for this response #[inline] pub fn error(&self) -> Option<&Error> { self.error.as_ref() } /// Get the response status code #[inline] pub fn status(&self) -> StatusCode { self.res.status() } /// Set the `StatusCode` for this response #[inline] pub fn status_mut(&mut self) -> &mut StatusCode { self.res.status_mut() } /// Get the headers from the response #[inline] pub fn headers(&self) -> &HeaderMap { self.res.headers() } /// Get a mutable reference to the headers #[inline] pub fn headers_mut(&mut self) -> &mut HeaderMap { self.res.headers_mut() } /// Get an iterator for the cookies set by this response. #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] pub fn cookies(&self) -> CookieIter<'_> { CookieIter { iter: self.headers().get_all(header::SET_COOKIE), } } /// Add a cookie to this response #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] pub fn add_cookie(&mut self, cookie: &Cookie<'_>) -> Result<(), HttpError> { HeaderValue::from_str(&cookie.to_string()) .map(|c| { self.headers_mut().append(header::SET_COOKIE, c); }) .map_err(|e| e.into()) } /// Remove all cookies with the given name from this response. Returns /// the number of cookies removed. #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] pub fn del_cookie(&mut self, name: &str) -> usize { let headers = self.headers_mut(); let vals: Vec = headers .get_all(header::SET_COOKIE) .map(|v| v.to_owned()) .collect(); headers.remove(header::SET_COOKIE); let mut count: usize = 0; for v in vals { if let Ok(s) = v.to_str() { if let Ok(c) = Cookie::parse_encoded(s) { if == name { count += 1; continue; } } } // put set-cookie header head back if it does not validate headers.append(header::SET_COOKIE, v); } count } /// Connection upgrade status #[inline] pub fn upgrade(&self) -> bool { self.res.upgrade() } /// Keep-alive status for this connection pub fn keep_alive(&self) -> bool { self.res.keep_alive() } /// Responses extensions #[inline] pub fn extensions(&self) -> Ref<'_, Extensions> { self.res.extensions() } /// Mutable reference to a the response's extensions #[inline] pub fn extensions_mut(&mut self) -> RefMut<'_, Extensions> { self.res.extensions_mut() } /// Get body of this response #[inline] pub fn body(&self) -> &B { self.res.body() } /// Set a body pub fn set_body(self, body: B2) -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse { res: self.res.set_body(body), error: None, // error: self.error, ?? } } /// Split response and body pub fn into_parts(self) -> (HttpResponse<()>, B) { let (head, body) = self.res.into_parts(); ( HttpResponse { res: head, error: None, }, body, ) } /// Drop request's body pub fn drop_body(self) -> HttpResponse<()> { HttpResponse { res: self.res.drop_body(), error: None, } } /// Set a body and return previous body value pub fn map_body(self, f: F) -> HttpResponse where F: FnOnce(&mut ResponseHead, B) -> B2, { HttpResponse { res: self.res.map_body(f), error: self.error, } } /// Extract response body pub fn into_body(self) -> B { self.res.into_body() } } impl fmt::Debug for HttpResponse where B: MessageBody, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("HttpResponse") .field("error", &self.error) .field("res", &self.res) .finish() } } impl From> for HttpResponse { fn from(res: Response) -> Self { HttpResponse { res, error: None } } } impl From for HttpResponse { fn from(err: Error) -> Self { HttpResponse::from_error(err) } } impl From> for Response { fn from(res: HttpResponse) -> Self { // this impl will always be called as part of dispatcher // TODO: expose cause somewhere? // if let Some(err) = res.error { // return Response::from_error(err); // } res.res } } // Future is only implemented for Body payload type because it's the most useful for making simple // handlers without async blocks. Making it generic over all MessageBody types requires a future // impl on Response which would cause it's body field to be, undesirably, Option. // // This impl is not particularly efficient due to the Response construction and should probably // not be invoked if performance is important. Prefer an async fn/block in such cases. impl Future for HttpResponse { type Output = Result, Error>; fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { if let Some(err) = self.error.take() { return Poll::Ready(Err(err)); } Poll::Ready(Ok(mem::replace( &mut self.res, Response::new(StatusCode::default()), ))) } } #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] pub struct CookieIter<'a> { iter: header::GetAll<'a>, } #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] impl<'a> Iterator for CookieIter<'a> { type Item = Cookie<'a>; #[inline] fn next(&mut self) -> Option> { for v in self.iter.by_ref() { if let Ok(c) = Cookie::parse_encoded(v.to_str().ok()?) { return Some(c); } } None } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::http::header::{HeaderValue, COOKIE}; #[test] fn test_debug() { let resp = HttpResponse::Ok() .append_header((COOKIE, HeaderValue::from_static("cookie1=value1; "))) .append_header((COOKIE, HeaderValue::from_static("cookie2=value2; "))) .finish(); let dbg = format!("{:?}", resp); assert!(dbg.contains("HttpResponse")); } }