mirror of https://github.com/fafhrd91/actix-net
add custom framed dispatcher service
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ members = [
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Changes
## [0.1.0] - 2019-xx-xx
* Initial release
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
name = "actix-ioframe"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Nikolay Kim <fafhrd91@gmail.com>"]
description = "Actix framed service"
keywords = ["network", "framework", "async", "futures"]
homepage = "https://actix.rs"
repository = "https://github.com/actix/actix-net.git"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/actix-ioframed/"
categories = ["network-programming", "asynchronous"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
exclude = [".gitignore", ".travis.yml", ".cargo/config", "appveyor.yml"]
edition = "2018"
workspace = ".."
name = "actix_ioframe"
path = "src/lib.rs"
actix-service = "0.4.0"
actix-codec = "0.1.1"
bytes = "0.4"
either = "1.5.2"
futures = "0.1.25"
tokio-current-thread = "0.1.4"
log = "0.4"
actix-rt = "0.2.2"
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
//! Custom cell impl
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::fmt;
use std::rc::Rc;
pub(crate) struct Cell<T> {
inner: Rc<UnsafeCell<T>>,
impl<T> Clone for Cell<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
inner: self.inner.clone(),
impl<T: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Cell<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl<T> Cell<T> {
pub fn new(inner: T) -> Self {
Self {
inner: Rc::new(UnsafeCell::new(inner)),
pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &T {
unsafe { &*self.inner.as_ref().get() }
pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
unsafe { &mut *self.inner.as_ref().get() }
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
use actix_codec::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, Decoder, Encoder, Framed};
use futures::unsync::mpsc;
use crate::cell::Cell;
use crate::dispatcher::FramedMessage;
use crate::sink::Sink;
pub struct Connect<Io, St = (), Codec = ()> {
io: Io,
codec: Codec,
state: St,
// rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<FramedMessage<<Codec as Encoder>::Item>>,
// sink: Sink<<Codec as Encoder>::Item>,
impl<Io> Connect<Io> {
pub(crate) fn new(io: Io) -> Self {
Self {
codec: (),
state: (),
impl<Io, S, C> Connect<Io, S, C> {
pub fn codec<Codec>(self, codec: Codec) -> Connect<Io, S, Codec> {
Connect {
io: self.io,
state: self.state,
pub fn state<St>(self, state: St) -> Connect<Io, St, C> {
Connect {
io: self.io,
codec: self.codec,
pub fn state_fn<St, F>(self, f: F) -> Connect<Io, St, C>
F: FnOnce(&Connect<Io, S, C>) -> St,
Connect {
state: f(&self),
io: self.io,
codec: self.codec,
impl<Io, S, C> Connect<Io, S, C>
C: Encoder + Decoder,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
pub fn into_result(self) -> ConnectResult<Io, S, C> {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
let sink = Sink::new(tx);
ConnectResult {
state: Cell::new(self.state),
framed: Framed::new(self.io, self.codec),
pub struct ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec: Encoder + Decoder> {
pub(crate) state: Cell<St>,
pub(crate) framed: Framed<Io, Codec>,
pub(crate) rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<FramedMessage<<Codec as Encoder>::Item>>,
pub(crate) sink: Sink<<Codec as Encoder>::Item>,
impl<Io, St, Codec: Encoder + Decoder> ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec> {
pub fn sink(&self) -> &Sink<<Codec as Encoder>::Item> {
impl<Io, St, Codec> futures::Stream for ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
Codec: Encoder + Decoder,
type Item = <Codec as Decoder>::Item;
type Error = <Codec as Decoder>::Error;
fn poll(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
impl<Io, St, Codec> futures::Sink for ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
Codec: Encoder + Decoder,
type SinkItem = <Codec as Encoder>::Item;
type SinkError = <Codec as Encoder>::Error;
fn start_send(
&mut self,
item: Self::SinkItem,
) -> futures::StartSend<Self::SinkItem, Self::SinkError> {
fn poll_complete(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<(), Self::SinkError> {
fn close(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<(), Self::SinkError> {
@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
//! Framed dispatcher service and related utilities
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::mem;
use actix_codec::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, Decoder, Encoder, Framed};
use actix_service::{IntoService, Service};
use futures::task::AtomicTask;
use futures::unsync::{mpsc, oneshot};
use futures::{Async, Future, Poll, Sink as FutureSink, Stream};
use log::debug;
use crate::cell::Cell;
use crate::error::ServiceError;
use crate::item::Item;
use crate::sink::Sink;
type Request<S, U> = Item<S, U>;
type Response<U> = <U as Encoder>::Item;
pub(crate) enum FramedMessage<T> {
/// FramedTransport - is a future that reads frames from Framed object
/// and pass then to the service.
pub(crate) struct FramedDispatcher<St, S, T, U>
S: Service<Request = Request<St, U>, Response = Option<Response<U>>>,
S::Error: 'static,
S::Future: 'static,
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
U: Encoder + Decoder,
<U as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<U as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
service: S,
sink: Sink<<U as Encoder>::Item>,
state: Cell<St>,
dispatch_state: State<S, U>,
framed: Framed<T, U>,
rx: Option<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<FramedMessage<<U as Encoder>::Item>>>,
inner: Cell<FramedDispatcherInner<<U as Encoder>::Item, S::Error>>,
impl<St, S, T, U> FramedDispatcher<St, S, T, U>
S: Service<Request = Request<St, U>, Response = Option<Response<U>>>,
S::Error: 'static,
S::Future: 'static,
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
U: Decoder + Encoder,
<U as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<U as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
pub(crate) fn new<F: IntoService<S>>(
framed: Framed<T, U>,
state: Cell<St>,
service: F,
rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<FramedMessage<<U as Encoder>::Item>>,
sink: Sink<<U as Encoder>::Item>,
) -> Self {
FramedDispatcher {
rx: Some(rx),
service: service.into_service(),
dispatch_state: State::Processing,
inner: Cell::new(FramedDispatcherInner {
buf: VecDeque::new(),
task: AtomicTask::new(),
enum State<S: Service, U: Encoder + Decoder> {
Error(ServiceError<S::Error, U>),
FramedError(ServiceError<S::Error, U>),
impl<S: Service, U: Encoder + Decoder> State<S, U> {
fn stop(&mut self, tx: Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>) {
match self {
State::FlushAndStop(ref mut vec) => {
if let Some(tx) = tx {
State::Processing => {
*self = State::FlushAndStop(if let Some(tx) = tx {
} else {
State::Error(_) | State::FramedError(_) | State::Stopping => {
if let Some(tx) = tx {
let _ = tx.send(());
struct FramedDispatcherInner<I, E> {
buf: VecDeque<Result<I, E>>,
task: AtomicTask,
impl<St, S, T, U> FramedDispatcher<St, S, T, U>
S: Service<Request = Request<St, U>, Response = Option<Response<U>>>,
S::Error: 'static,
S::Future: 'static,
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
U: Decoder + Encoder,
<U as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<U as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
fn poll_read(&mut self) -> bool {
loop {
match self.service.poll_ready() {
Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => {
let item = match self.framed.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(el))) => el,
Err(err) => {
self.dispatch_state =
return true;
Ok(Async::NotReady) => return false,
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => {
self.dispatch_state = State::Stopping;
return true;
let mut cell = self.inner.clone();
.call(Item::new(self.state.clone(), self.sink.clone(), item))
.then(move |item| {
let item = match item {
Ok(Some(item)) => Ok(item),
Ok(None) => return Ok(()),
Err(err) => Err(err),
let inner = cell.get_mut();
Ok(Async::NotReady) => return false,
Err(err) => {
self.dispatch_state = State::Error(ServiceError::Service(err));
return true;
/// write to framed object
fn poll_write(&mut self) -> bool {
let inner = self.inner.get_mut();
let mut rx_done = self.rx.is_none();
let mut buf_empty = inner.buf.is_empty();
loop {
while !self.framed.is_write_buf_full() {
if !buf_empty {
match inner.buf.pop_front().unwrap() {
Ok(msg) => {
if let Err(err) = self.framed.force_send(msg) {
self.dispatch_state =
return true;
buf_empty = inner.buf.is_empty();
Err(err) => {
self.dispatch_state = State::Error(ServiceError::Service(err));
return true;
if !rx_done && self.rx.is_some() {
match self.rx.as_mut().unwrap().poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(FramedMessage::Message(msg)))) => {
if let Err(err) = self.framed.force_send(msg) {
self.dispatch_state =
return true;
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(FramedMessage::Close))) => {
return true;
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(FramedMessage::WaitClose(tx)))) => {
return true;
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => {
rx_done = true;
let _ = self.rx.take();
Ok(Async::NotReady) => rx_done = true,
Err(_e) => {
rx_done = true;
let _ = self.rx.take();
if rx_done && buf_empty {
if !self.framed.is_write_buf_empty() {
match self.framed.poll_complete() {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => break,
Err(err) => {
debug!("Error sending data: {:?}", err);
self.dispatch_state = State::FramedError(ServiceError::Encoder(err));
return true;
Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => (),
} else {
impl<St, S, T, U> Future for FramedDispatcher<St, S, T, U>
S: Service<Request = Request<St, U>, Response = Option<Response<U>>>,
S::Error: 'static,
S::Future: 'static,
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
U: Decoder + Encoder,
<U as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<U as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
type Item = ();
type Error = ServiceError<S::Error, U>;
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
match mem::replace(&mut self.dispatch_state, State::Processing) {
State::Processing => {
if self.poll_read() || self.poll_write() {
} else {
State::Error(err) => {
if self.framed.is_write_buf_empty()
|| (self.poll_write() || self.framed.is_write_buf_empty())
} else {
self.dispatch_state = State::Error(err);
State::FlushAndStop(mut vec) => {
if !self.framed.is_write_buf_empty() {
match self.framed.poll_complete() {
Err(err) => {
debug!("Error sending data: {:?}", err);
Ok(Async::NotReady) => {
self.dispatch_state = State::FlushAndStop(vec);
return Ok(Async::NotReady);
Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => (),
for tx in vec.drain(..) {
let _ = tx.send(());
State::FramedError(err) => Err(err),
State::Stopping => Ok(Async::Ready(())),
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
use std::fmt;
use actix_codec::{Decoder, Encoder};
/// Framed service errors
pub enum ServiceError<E, U: Encoder + Decoder> {
/// Inner service error
/// Encoder parse error
Encoder(<U as Encoder>::Error),
/// Decoder parse error
Decoder(<U as Decoder>::Error),
impl<E, U: Encoder + Decoder> From<E> for ServiceError<E, U> {
fn from(err: E) -> Self {
impl<E, U: Encoder + Decoder> fmt::Debug for ServiceError<E, U>
E: fmt::Debug,
<U as Encoder>::Error: fmt::Debug,
<U as Decoder>::Error: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
ServiceError::Service(ref e) => write!(fmt, "ServiceError::Service({:?})", e),
ServiceError::Encoder(ref e) => write!(fmt, "ServiceError::Encoder({:?})", e),
ServiceError::Decoder(ref e) => write!(fmt, "ServiceError::Encoder({:?})", e),
impl<E, U: Encoder + Decoder> fmt::Display for ServiceError<E, U>
E: fmt::Display,
<U as Encoder>::Error: fmt::Debug,
<U as Decoder>::Error: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
ServiceError::Service(ref e) => write!(fmt, "{}", e),
ServiceError::Encoder(ref e) => write!(fmt, "{:?}", e),
ServiceError::Decoder(ref e) => write!(fmt, "{:?}", e),
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
use std::fmt;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use actix_codec::{Decoder, Encoder};
use crate::cell::Cell;
use crate::sink::Sink;
pub struct Item<S, Codec: Encoder + Decoder> {
state: Cell<S>,
sink: Sink<<Codec as Encoder>::Item>,
item: <Codec as Decoder>::Item,
impl<St, Codec> Item<St, Codec>
Codec: Encoder + Decoder,
pub(crate) fn new(
state: Cell<St>,
sink: Sink<<Codec as Encoder>::Item>,
item: <Codec as Decoder>::Item,
) -> Self {
Item { state, sink, item }
pub fn state(&self) -> &St {
pub fn state_mut(&mut self) -> &mut St {
pub fn sink(&self) -> &Sink<<Codec as Encoder>::Item> {
pub fn into_inner(self) -> <Codec as Decoder>::Item {
impl<St, Codec> Deref for Item<St, Codec>
Codec: Encoder + Decoder,
type Target = <Codec as Decoder>::Item;
fn deref(&self) -> &<Codec as Decoder>::Item {
impl<St, Codec> DerefMut for Item<St, Codec>
Codec: Encoder + Decoder,
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut <Codec as Decoder>::Item {
&mut self.item
impl<St, Codec> fmt::Debug for Item<St, Codec>
Codec: Encoder + Decoder,
<Codec as Decoder>::Item: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
mod cell;
mod connect;
mod dispatcher;
mod error;
mod item;
mod service;
mod sink;
pub use self::connect::{Connect, ConnectResult};
pub use self::error::ServiceError;
pub use self::item::Item;
pub use self::service::{Builder, NewServiceBuilder, ServiceBuilder};
pub use self::sink::Sink;
@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::rc::Rc;
use actix_codec::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, Decoder, Encoder};
use actix_service::{IntoNewService, IntoService, NewService, Service};
use futures::{Async, Future, Poll};
use crate::connect::{Connect, ConnectResult};
use crate::dispatcher::FramedDispatcher;
use crate::error::ServiceError;
use crate::item::Item;
type RequestItem<S, U> = Item<S, U>;
type ResponseItem<U> = Option<<U as Encoder>::Item>;
/// Service builder - structure that follows the builder pattern
/// for building instances for framed services.
pub struct Builder<St, Codec>(PhantomData<(St, Codec)>);
impl<St, Codec> Builder<St, Codec> {
pub fn new() -> Builder<St, Codec> {
/// Construct framed handler service with specified connect service
pub fn service<Io, C, F>(self, connect: F) -> ServiceBuilder<St, C, Io, Codec>
F: IntoService<C>,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
Codec: Decoder + Encoder,
ServiceBuilder {
connect: connect.into_service(),
_t: PhantomData,
/// Construct framed handler new service with specified connect service
pub fn factory<Io, C, F>(self, connect: F) -> NewServiceBuilder<St, C, Io, Codec>
F: IntoNewService<C>,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
C: NewService<
Config = (),
Request = Connect<Io>,
Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>,
C::Error: 'static,
C::Future: 'static,
Codec: Decoder + Encoder,
NewServiceBuilder {
connect: connect.into_new_service(),
_t: PhantomData,
pub struct ServiceBuilder<St, C, Io, Codec> {
connect: C,
_t: PhantomData<(St, Io, Codec)>,
impl<St, C, Io, Codec> ServiceBuilder<St, C, Io, Codec>
St: 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Error: 'static,
Codec: Decoder + Encoder,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
pub fn finish<F, T>(
service: F,
) -> impl Service<Request = Io, Response = (), Error = ServiceError<C::Error, Codec>>
F: IntoNewService<T>,
T: NewService<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
> + 'static,
FramedServiceImpl {
connect: self.connect,
handler: Rc::new(service.into_new_service()),
_t: PhantomData,
pub struct NewServiceBuilder<St, C, Io, Codec> {
connect: C,
_t: PhantomData<(St, Io, Codec)>,
impl<St, C, Io, Codec> NewServiceBuilder<St, C, Io, Codec>
St: 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
C: NewService<Config = (), Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Error: 'static,
C::Future: 'static,
Codec: Decoder + Encoder,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
pub fn finish<F, T>(
service: F,
) -> impl NewService<
Config = (),
Request = Io,
Response = (),
Error = ServiceError<C::Error, Codec>,
F: IntoNewService<T>,
T: NewService<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
> + 'static,
FramedService {
connect: self.connect,
handler: Rc::new(service.into_new_service()),
_t: PhantomData,
pub(crate) struct FramedService<St, C, T, Io, Codec> {
connect: C,
handler: Rc<T>,
_t: PhantomData<(St, Io, Codec)>,
impl<St, C, T, Io, Codec> NewService for FramedService<St, C, T, Io, Codec>
St: 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
C: NewService<Config = (), Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Error: 'static,
C::Future: 'static,
T: NewService<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
> + 'static,
Codec: Decoder + Encoder,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
type Config = ();
type Request = Io;
type Response = ();
type Error = ServiceError<C::Error, Codec>;
type InitError = C::InitError;
type Service = FramedServiceImpl<St, C::Service, T, Io, Codec>;
type Future = Box<Future<Item = Self::Service, Error = Self::InitError>>;
fn new_service(&self, _: &()) -> Self::Future {
let handler = self.handler.clone();
// create connect service and then create service impl
.map(move |connect| FramedServiceImpl {
_t: PhantomData,
pub struct FramedServiceImpl<St, C, T, Io, Codec> {
connect: C,
handler: Rc<T>,
_t: PhantomData<(St, Io, Codec)>,
impl<St, C, T, Io, Codec> Service for FramedServiceImpl<St, C, T, Io, Codec>
// St: 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Error: 'static,
T: NewService<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
<<T as NewService>::Service as Service>::Future: 'static,
Codec: Decoder + Encoder,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
type Request = Io;
type Response = ();
type Error = ServiceError<C::Error, Codec>;
type Future = FramedServiceImplResponse<St, Io, Codec, C, T>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> {
self.connect.poll_ready().map_err(|e| e.into())
fn call(&mut self, req: Io) -> Self::Future {
FramedServiceImplResponse {
inner: FramedServiceImplResponseInner::Connect(
pub struct FramedServiceImplResponse<St, Io, Codec, C, T>
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Error: 'static,
T: NewService<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
<<T as NewService>::Service as Service>::Future: 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
Codec: Encoder + Decoder,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
inner: FramedServiceImplResponseInner<St, Io, Codec, C, T>,
enum FramedServiceImplResponseInner<St, Io, Codec, C, T>
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Error: 'static,
T: NewService<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
<<T as NewService>::Service as Service>::Future: 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
Codec: Encoder + Decoder,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
Connect(C::Future, Rc<T>),
Handler(T::Future, Option<ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>),
Dispatcher(FramedDispatcher<St, T::Service, Io, Codec>),
impl<St, Io, Codec, C, T> Future for FramedServiceImplResponse<St, Io, Codec, C, T>
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Error: 'static,
T: NewService<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
<<T as NewService>::Service as Service>::Future: 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
Codec: Encoder + Decoder,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
type Item = ();
type Error = ServiceError<C::Error, Codec>;
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
match self.inner {
FramedServiceImplResponseInner::Connect(ref mut fut, ref handler) => {
match fut.poll()? {
Async::Ready(res) => {
self.inner = FramedServiceImplResponseInner::Handler(
Async::NotReady => Ok(Async::NotReady),
FramedServiceImplResponseInner::Handler(ref mut fut, ref mut res) => {
match fut.poll()? {
Async::Ready(handler) => {
let res = res.take().unwrap();
self.inner =
res.framed, res.state, handler, res.rx, res.sink,
Async::NotReady => Ok(Async::NotReady),
FramedServiceImplResponseInner::Dispatcher(ref mut fut) => fut.poll(),
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
use std::fmt;
use futures::unsync::{mpsc, oneshot};
use futures::Future;
use crate::dispatcher::FramedMessage;
pub struct Sink<T>(mpsc::UnboundedSender<FramedMessage<T>>);
impl<T> Clone for Sink<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<T> Sink<T> {
pub(crate) fn new(tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<FramedMessage<T>>) -> Self {
/// Close connection
pub fn close(&self) {
let _ = self.0.unbounded_send(FramedMessage::Close);
/// Close connection
pub fn wait_close(&self) -> impl Future<Item = (), Error = ()> {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
let _ = self.0.unbounded_send(FramedMessage::WaitClose(tx));
rx.map_err(|_| ())
/// Send item
pub fn send(&self, item: T) {
let _ = self.0.unbounded_send(FramedMessage::Message(item));
impl<T> fmt::Debug for Sink<T> {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
Reference in New Issue